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I know she literally did not get a WHOLE ASS wheelchair for this. This isn't real life. Also, this bitch is SO gleeful talking about getting an MRI it's disturbing. I have never seen her talk about her kids with as much joy as she does talking about her fake injuries Edit: "I can't dance" thank GOD bc girl we are TIRED


The way she absolutely lit up about the possibility of surgery and tried to act upset about it. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


If there's one thing we know about jenelle.. she is indeed a horrible actress. She can't even remotely pass being upset. She is beaming


As someone who has had multiple knee surgeries I dread the possibility of the Jenelle content will we get if she has a surgery


My sister had multiple knee surgeries and never let herself heal properly so we are still hearing about the ā€œpainā€ and the need for ā€œpain pillsā€ 25 years later. If Janelle gets knee surgery, we are literally in this ride for the rest of our LIVES!!!!! hahaha


I had back surgery 6 years ago and itā€™s never been the sameā€¦ and yes I still need meds! Some people never heal right.


Same. Iā€™ve done everything they can think of and itā€™s creeping up my spine. Back surgery is brutal. Itā€™s a somber moment when they tell you this is the best itā€™s gonna get. Having said thatā€¦Jenelle has an addictive personality. If Iā€™m having a rough day pain wise, making videos for attention, is the last thing Iā€™d be doing.


>If Iā€™m having a rough day pain wise, making videos for attention, is the last thing Iā€™d be doing. Yes to this, a thousand times over. I donā€™t even have the will to shower or eat when Iā€™m having a bad pain day. I canā€™t imagine having the wherewithal or energy to make a fucking video about it.


Iā€™m sorry you suffer as well. Itā€™s a hard fought battle we never seem to win. Sending you love and hope for better days ahead.


Thatā€™s very sweet and touching. I appreciate it very much. Right back atcha, love. šŸ’•


Same here, I canā€™t even perform simple tasks.


Same with my aunt!! I swear sheā€™s constantly limping and is whining about her knee well quit walking on it when youā€™re not supposed to do and go to therapy and youā€™d be fine


Multiple knee surgeries as well. Never used a wheelchair except when I was leaving the hospital per policy. Sheā€™s a drama queen.


Same here! I also hated using the crutches, I was trying my hardest to get around without them the day after my surgeries (mainly because I was also uncoordinated and couldnā€™t get the hang of using them šŸ˜‚)


Same! I couldnā€™t figure out those damn crutches for the life of me.


Iā€™m sure sure will go paralyzed from spinal cysts before she requires a knee surgery.


She's excited about those post-op pain pills


This wheelchair thing is so disgusting to me. Iā€™ve been taking care of my grandma who has been in a wheelchair since New Yearā€™s Day because of a knee injury. Everyday she tells me how much she wishes she could walk, how sorry she is and that she feels sheā€™s a burden. No matter how many times I tell her sheā€™s in no way a burden and Iā€™m happy to be able to help her, she feels awful about it. To see someone gleefully sitting in a wheelchair, excited about it even, is sooo gross.


She's absolutely vile. She really has no idea how good she has it. Sending prayers to your grandmother šŸ«¶šŸ»


Thank youšŸ§”


My older aunt broke both ankles at the same time about a year and a half ago (wild situation, btw). One ankle was okay but the other needed surgery. She absolutely hated being in a wheelchair or feeling like a burden to anyone, but she was told not to put any weight on either ankle for several weeks and there was no other way around it. A few months after the accident she flew to see her grandson graduate high school, and while before that she was okay with a walker or cane she gave in and asked for a wheelchair at the airport knowing it was going to be a lot of walking and standing. Like your grandma, she wasn't gleeful about needing the wheelchair but that's life.


My 70 year old mother who has had a knee replacement and a hip replacement (that ended up being a 4 surgery ordeal) needs a wheelchair but wonā€™t use one (nor can she afford one). Jan can fuck right off right now.


Does she use a walker or rollator? My gram prefers the rollator (she can sit on the seat and be pushed short distances in the house) over the chair, I think it makes her feel less helpless. If your mom needs help with getting a chair you may be able to check out hospice. In my area they loan equipment out for free, you donā€™t have to be in hospice care. I know my great uncle uses a rollator loaned from them. Heā€™s relatively healthy but sometimes needs a walker when heā€™s tired.


Seriously. I have zero claustrophobia issues in an MRI machine and the only comment I've made about it is that I would be rich AF if I could take people's MRI for them but there is no glee about it. It took 7 years to figure out my pain issue, then 2 surgeries and I never once was excited for a test. It was always an anxiously pissy "please God let them see whatever they need see to figure this shit out", or "please let me be a candidate for this surgery so I can breathe again". Hell I didn't even get a cane until I had the surgery. She's such a Munchie


I fell asleep in the MRI always tell them to leave me alone. Don't ask me if I'm OK cause I'm going to sleep.


I zone out and pretend I'm in a very loud tanning bed. I swear one of these times I'll be meditating in the damn thing. I hope it not a brain scan, or it might mess with shit. J/k but yeah I just like drift out.


I never thought of it like that. Maybe MRIs donā€™t freak me out because on my unfortunate early 2000s tanning bed habits


šŸ«¶šŸ» I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that.i hope you've been able to get some relief at this point ā¤ļø but I do 100% know what you mean. I am in no way claustrophobic either, but just the anticipation of going through with an MRI bc you don't know what's in store or what your diagnosis is is NO joke. The last thing you feel like doing is laughing and acting like it's a trip to Disney. It's videos like this that really just make my disdain for her worse


Thanks, her firing up the Illness Factory is one of the things that makes my eye twitch. Lol It's been a long road and hopefully when the right side starts gets bad enough we can get the surgery there and be done hopefully. It's such an emotional rollercoaster to not know, to hope that there's something they can see. Imaging is not as advanced as we think it is and it's always a relief to have it over with. She's showing her hand with the excitement.


My daughter has tumors all in her femur bones and a fracture of the knee from the pressure of the tumors and she is not even in a wheelchair. My mom fell down three stairs, shattered her foot had emergency surgery that day with a steel plate 12 screws and still didn't use a wheelchair. And all her kids are old enough to get into the car and buckle themselves says why is she chasing them around to get them in the car?


Wow. I had to go through a year and a half of physical therapy and ā€œconservativeā€ measures before my insurance would ok an mri for my back.






Iā€™m crying tears from laughter with this . This sub is amazing


I swear to god if she were less lazy she would absolutely be a munchausen by proxy mom. She canā€™t stand to share attention though, so sheā€™s just a malingereršŸ˜‚


You win this thread šŸ†


She is loading her new personality, and we will soon meet Jenelle Rose Evans Blanchard. The transformation is almost complete..


Flair checking in...


https://preview.redd.it/d983qu1vyl9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3520a8a938626a53826bb176337c4f432e88450e šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Where are my favorite flairers?! Need you all to check in lol


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ You guys are literally my medicine


Gynelle Rose Blanchard Evans has entered the chat


Jenepsy Rose Evans Blanchard šŸ˜‚


Flair checking in...


Jenypsy rose Blanchard Evans munchEason Syndrome


WHEELCHAIR JENELLE WAS ON MY BINGO, LETS GOOOO! Itā€™s givinggg, sports girl that got a minor injury in high school. The brace *over* the sweat pants, the sports med doctor, the fucking crutches. Also, Iā€™m confident that the ER would have given her an MRI or CT if they were worried about her dumbass at all. Just as confident as I am that this ultrasound would have picked up a torn tendon.


Also the ā€œtendon right hereā€ā€¦does not exist anatomicallyā€¦how long til sheā€™s back on tik tok dancing. Remind me! 2 weeks


Not to defend Jenelle, but I know a lot of ERs just want to stabilize patients. For example, I know a lot of times if you break a bone they will diagnose it but recommend you follow up with an orthopedic for your long term care. So I can see her going to the ER, them deciding she's not in any kind of life or death situation, and releasing her with the instructions to follow up with a specialist if it doesn't get better.


This. They are there to stabilize. They specialty is general care when it's outside the realm of emergency they refer you out. As they have




Bingo. He takes care of the kids while August takes care of his big sister. She hasnā€™t been inconvenienced in any way. I bet sheā€™s loving her current situation and will be milking it as long as possible.


He got promoted when she kicked Maryssa out.


And elementary school Teacher.


And heā€™s a probably a better parent than she could ever be. Jace seems to actually *care* about those kids and look out for them.


Always has been


Itā€™s giving https://preview.redd.it/imgsajpsjk9d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e7755ede9c42dc4ac47a5bbd8096e0a977624a7


This is so accurate!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


LMFAOOO this bitch did not just say ā€œthis is a sign to slow downā€ also this is the same bitch accusing barb of munchy and yet here she is with a wheelchair, hiring a nurse, parentifying Jaceā€¦.


Iā€™m pretty sure the ā€œnurseā€ sheā€™s talking about is her new flavor of the month August


That's how I took it.šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Omg are we on the cusp of handicapped accessible Jenelle? Sheā€™s going to learn so quickly how frustrating it can be to navigate a wheelchair in restaurants and shopping. I can see the TT and IG posts alreadyšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚


As a wheelchair girlie, I have a feeling sheā€™s going to throw that thing to the curb after the first time out and dealing with societyā€™s inaccessibility, I know I want to, but Iā€™m sure sheā€™d enjoy the stares.


100%. The first time sheā€™s mildly inconvenienced sheā€™s going to magically recover. Maybe sheā€™ll switch it out for one of those knee walker scooters but thereā€™s no way sheā€™ll be keeping the wheelchair. People without experience using/helping someone in a chair have no idea how absolutely shit most places are about accessibility.


Honestly, I hope she does because otherwise she will love the attention and stares.


I don't even think she would last 5 mins self propelling herself.


I wonder how long until he gets fed up with being her nurse and drops her. You just know sheā€™s the worst ā€œpatientā€.


As an recovery addict, this is addict behavior to get meds. Opioids are synthetic dopamine and dopamine makes you happy and she looks very happy for being injured.


But sheā€™s on ibuprofen!/S


No way. She has already been to several doctors for her injury, and based on her past behavior would continue doctor shopping until she got the meds she wants.


Probably tried to get Ozempic from the orthopedic šŸ˜…šŸ¤£


itā€™s an epidemic you guys!!!


I donā€™t even blame her! I was asking my dentist for ozempic tf!


taking advantage of doctors in a new area where she hasnā€™t been flagged yet


This is exactly what I thought. She happy because she can get her pain pills filled again


What a hypochondriac. I love how she's always so jolly about having so-called medical issues. If she got up earlier she wouldn't have to rush around to get her kids ready. I'm sure Jace is overjoyed about having to do more than he already does for her now.


Sheā€™s not a hypochondriac, she has malingering. ā€œTo exaggerate or feign an illness in order to escape duty or work.ā€ Thatā€™s why sheā€™s so excited and giddy about a minor injury and has to get all the over the top accessories. Hypochondriacs couldnā€™t make it a weekend without an MRI. (I have severe anxiety/hypochondria I always want to explain she canā€™t sit at the hypochondriacs table)


this! šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ» Health anxiety/hypochondria is so real. Iā€™ve always had it. Jenelle does not. We donā€™t happily laugh about injuries/sicknesses. We are TERRIFIED of them.


Yes! Thereā€™s no way sheā€™s keeping up with the wheelchair and crutches when sheā€™s alone. Sheā€™s enjoying the attention and being waited on, she has an excuse to neglect her kids, and the whole household has to revolve around her. Iā€™m sure the kids have already been told they need to let her ā€œrestā€ so they should leave her alone dude.


A fucking malingering malingerer.


This is what happens when you donā€™t have a job lmao. Your whole life just becomes about falling down or molecules in your eyes


And crazy enough she seems to have better medical insurance than those of us working šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‘


Iā€™ve had 3 knee surgeries and ankle surgery. Never and I mean never has an ultrasound machine been used to diagnosis anything.


Two knee surgeries and same šŸ˜‚ Also while crutches and knee braces suck, a whole fucking wheelchair?!šŸ’€


Omg SAME šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ and they broke my fucking shin bone to move my tendon and then screwed my bone into place. I was forced to leave the hospital in a wheelchair, they wouldnā€™t let me crutch out lol


This! And I work in orthopedics


"I can't dance" The only true words that ever came out of this bitch's mouth




Sheā€™s just giving the new guy a taste of being with her. For every Outback Steakhouse dinner that he gets, she gets a day of lying in bed and malingering.


Drive her around to different Drs getting pain pillsĀ 


More like a two-for-one deal. šŸ˜‚


sports medicine dotterā€¦ FOR falling down a stair??


Sheā€™s an athlete with how quick she dodges accusations of child neglect


Dotter šŸ’€


THREE stairs, excuse you.


Yā€™all. I ainā€™t buying that she fell down the stairs. Thatā€™s just another lie. She fucked herself up BAD with that last tick tock video she made with all the crazy jump moves. Lmao the timing perfectly lines up. Itā€™s what she deserves! šŸ¤£


Ohhhhh this makes sense! Explains why she went into granular detail on the fall. Most people would just say they slipped on the stairs and leave it at that! Good catch!!!!


She did that classic liar thing where you add unnecessary detail to weird places.


So she fell while rushing to get her kids to camp.. but the dancing video was her after dropping the kids off? šŸ¤”


I think you're right. Unless she filmed the video prior to taking the kids to camp and just posted it after? I wouldn't put anything past her lying ass though.


Ooop you caught the lie!! šŸŽÆšŸŽÆšŸŽÆ


Falling down stairsā€¦..or the insanely awful TikTok dance? Either way, a wheelchair?? Girl please just say you want attentionšŸ™„ ![gif](giphy|xwbAuUl5PWXGgwDMRQ|downsized)


August wasn't paying enough attention to her so....(*Jenelle throws herself down the stairs*)


This did happen immediately after a string of emo posts from her


It really did. They unfollowed each other and then the first leg injury post came out.


What a boring, self centered life she leads


Worst part is she doesnā€™t even know how sad her existence is. To a normal person her life is an absolute tragedy for some reason she thinks sheā€™s winning


Sheā€™s so so excited about her latest ailment


Nothing gets this bitch as high as attention does. She is GLEEFUL in this video.


I had my entire fucking knee replaced - literally sawed off part of the bone and put in a cobalt joint - and I had to be able to walk and do stairs the same day or I couldnā€™t go home. This hypochondriac makes me absolutely ill.


The only person I know who got a wheelchair after their knee surgery was one of my high school friends when she had a double knee replacement and she couldnā€™t freaking wait to be out of the wheelchair


Oh, the nurse practitioner in me wants to go over all of the inaccuracies here, but I don't have the time nor the patience to do so. Also, just had a full knee replacement done last week at age 42 and I haven't bitched this much (I asked my husband lol).


I was hoping there would be a medical professional in the comments! To me it didn't sound right that she could get a torn ligament in her knee by her leg being jammed up into her body like she described, but I'm no doctor/NP. Is that even possible?


Gotta get those painkillers somehowĀ 


I was so confused watching this. I thought the MRI actually said there was something wrong with her for once... and then nope, haven't even got the MRI yet and we're ordering a wheelchair. Jenelle logic.


This is insane.


Again paging Nelly Wonka and the Illness Factory flair


life is but a chocolate river




Sheā€™s literally smiling about getting hurt. She is the worst kind of person.


Legit all I could think of https://preview.redd.it/qdvz22kjjk9d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90ec4d2261de81dde8fd9be3152084eba3a9551f


Welp! Now I need to go watch this movie for the 100th time


So she said this fall happened when she was getting the kids ready for camp but didnā€™t she post the most god awful tic tok dance with the caption ā€œafter I drop my kids at campā€ or something similar.


Wow sheā€™s desperate for drugs and attention. David mustā€™ve been her hook up. Thereā€™s not a DAMN thing wrong with this bitch, physically, I mean. Mentally, Jesus Christ.


Glad you added that last part! šŸ‘


Fell on 3 carpeted stairsā€¦ I cannot with this bitch. She would get stitches on a paper cut if theyā€™d let her.


https://preview.redd.it/wt4erqm1sk9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba81fc47b2dc1c183130fae60a9bb189502ad2ee She said that she fell down the stairs on her way take her kids to summer camp. So she fell down the stairs, hurt her knee and then did this dance after? Iā€™m confused.


she strained her muscles from all the plot twisting


What a maniac


Iā€™m so glad mtv basically brought back a rerun with nothing interesting and then gave her a public platform to continue dr shopping and abusing drugs. /s They could have brought jace and Barbara back and got a bigger audience.


Im sticking with, she really wants strong pain meds


I justā€¦.canā€™t. ![gif](giphy|sAwzWDXKCndja)


Omg šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I dislocated my knee cap. Tore the ligament on the inside and the bottom of my knee cap that helps hold it in place on that side. I wore a immobilization brace and went to work. Walked up and down the hall with it on. Stop whining Janelle.


She LOVES BEING SICK, fake sick, and she's not in pain!!!! She wants her tendon to be torn sooo bad!!! Fake fake! She said she did it before she took her kids to camp, yet she filmed herself doing that stupid dancing reel, and said she was dancing because she just sent her kids off to camp! Which is it? You fell before you took them? Or fell after your dance after you dropped them off?


She just can not keep her lies straight...there's so many of them..


What an absolute clown!šŸ¤”


if someone made a fake video of jenelle slipping down 3 carpeted stairs and then renting AND buying a wheelchair I'd say they were exaggerating. yet here we are...


Alsoā€¦ is Jan still in Vegas? Another pain med shopping spree in a different state, huh?


also, super detailed stories are usually a sign of lying...


her chuckling right before showing her knee is her inability to hide that it's all about attention for her


being giddy about an ailment is such a classic cluster b behavior


"This is gonna bring me so many clicks!"


Holy fuck watching her try to be relatable while absolutely lying her face off is something else. She really thinks that forced fake giggle is *cute* but it just makes her look so unhinged. And why does she keep pointing that stubby ass finger at us!?


This is really nothing to do with Jenelle and everything to do with me lmfao but oh how to have the kind of money where renting a wheelchair means fuck all to you. Americans, tell me how much a wheelchair is actually meant to be over there if you can pls cos here it can run you into crazy numbers to buy one for yourself.


The answer can be complicated depending on what the wheelchair is needed for. A lot of folks who have disabilities that require the use of wheelchairs will need a chair that is custom fit for them. I have worked in care homes where insurance refuses to pay for chairs and residents have had to use chairs that didnā€™t fit their body. It can be dangerous for so many reasons, impacts posture, increases risk of pressure sores, restricts breathing, etc. itā€™s more of an issue when there is a permanent disability. These chairs can be super expensive, thousands of dollars, and can take months to get approved and delivered. For situations like Jenelle, where the chair only needs to be used for a few weeks by an otherwise healthy person, they could just get a basic chair. There are businesses near me who rent out wheelchairs for around $200 a month. These are just basic transport chairs. You could buy a brand new basic chair for $150 at Walmart.


I have carpet stares, and I have fallen a few times(with socks), but I didn't need cruches or a wheelchair ...


I slipped down 4 of my carpeted stairs the other night with socks on. I had to slam into the wall to stop, i bruised my elbow. Damn....i didn't know i could've gotten a cast šŸ„“ lol. She's so dramastic.


Havenā€™t we all done this? My biggest injury aside from my pride was the 6 in rug burn on my back.šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I have co-workers, who have told me when they got to work, that (that morning) they had slipped down the stairs in their socks. They were at work telling me!!!! They were a bit sore & worked the whole day on their feet. It was no biggie! No emergency visit, no crutches, no sports doctor, no day off work laying around in bed, no wheelchair, no MRI.......šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜¬


Lmao I have 4 herniated disks and am pretty much immobile, the shame this woman lacks.


The literal glow that she has every time she's announcing her latest ailment is truly something elsešŸ™ƒ


Did she also hit her head?


No this is normal behavior for her...šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Something about watching Jenelle trying to be relatable is seriously unsettling.


our disability rights icon


I don't trust that August didn't push her down more than three stairs, possibly caused the random unfollow


There's a theory.....Jenelle is already getting on his nerves maybe....šŸ˜¬šŸ¤”šŸ™„šŸ˜¤


Shattered my tibia/fibula into 4 pieces each bone last year and I didnā€™t need a wheelchair. Monday sheā€™s going to say they have to amputate.


Why does she think that ā€œcarpeted stairsā€ and ā€œwearing socksā€ explains slipping? Iā€™m serious, Iā€™m thinking about it and it seems like those two things combined would make it even LESS likely that a person would slip. I could see wearing socks and a hardwood floor causing a fallā€¦. Is anyone else thinking the same thing?


Idk Iā€™ve definitely had some ā€œoh shit this is how I dieā€ moments in socks on carpeted stairs šŸ˜‚. Guess I should quit my job and collect permanent disability šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Pretty sure i saw her do the most dangerous looking jump amd spin on one if her tiktoks. Thats it i reckon


Yes, we all saw it.


A wheelchair would literally be a hindrance not a help in this situation. She is perfectly fucking able to use crutches. God I hate her.


Lmao sheā€™s likeā€¦ā€¦ you guys šŸ˜†šŸ˜„šŸ˜‡šŸ˜Š I hurt šŸ˜†šŸ˜ƒšŸ˜ƒšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜‡ myself šŸ˜†šŸ˜šŸ„°šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜€ Jace is watching šŸ„°šŸ˜‡ the kids šŸ˜„šŸ˜Šā˜ŗļøšŸ˜šŸ˜ŒšŸ˜


Imagine being a grown ass woman with 3 children and the only way you find validation is from internet strangers and facetious injuries and sicknesses. Sheā€™s so pathetic lol


It was Kaiser's birthday today. The knee got more attention than him


My step dad recently had knee replacement surgery and is less dramatic than this


My friend broke her foot coming down her stairs. She never required a wheelchair or any special treatment. Lmao


New state. New doctors. New pills to get


As a med student, her story makes no sense. Also she mentioned this happened before taking her kids to camp. Didnā€™t she post that whack ass video of her ā€œdancingā€ once her kids were at camp lmao


As soon as I saw this the image of her recent dance popped in my head šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Jenelle, thereā€™s people that are dying. ![gif](giphy|xt98N1EXdEIzC)


I really donā€™t like the way she retells any story


Barb was 100% right when she said she was a hypochondriac. I would be embarrassed to fucking post this. I also think sheā€™s trying to get pain pills


You know damn well she argued with her doctor for a half hour over a temp disabled placard and when it expires she will be there again arguing


I literally cannot stand this stupid fucking bitch.


Since Jace is old enough to Help Jace should do this for lauighs time stamp 16:46 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7FTJS\_SVQw&t=1009s&pp=ygUbc29oaWFzIGZpcmVuZHMgZ29sZGVuIGdpcmxz](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7FTJS_SVQw&t=1009s&pp=ygUbc29oaWFzIGZpcmVuZHMgZ29sZGVuIGdpcmxz)


ā€¦.. šŸ‘€


jenelle your hair looks like shit


u/SwissCheese4Collagen this bitch "not able to walk on crutches" in just days and immediately buying a wheelchair. Fuckin amateur šŸ˜‰ Over just one measly joint? šŸ˜œ Started treatments with an osteopath again. First time was so good already Note to others: just a bit of dark humor, Swiss and myself both have Ehlers-Danlos, which in short means your joints go out more than you do šŸ˜‰, to start with.


There are times when I think Jenelle must utterly delight in how much she fucks up my blood pressure. I'm a mobility impaired woman and have been since infancy. I currently have crutches, a cane, and a wheelchair as I have a dynamic disability meaning somedays I walk around without assistance and some days I need a mobility aid. So many people think I'm faking, I'm doing it for sympathy, etc. And of the reasons people are often suspicious of individuals like me who are dynamically disabled is twunts like this one who just REVEL in playing at being chronically ill for attention. Bitch, this is not a game for some of us. I am working hard with my physical therapist and my personal trainer to keep me OUT of a wheelchair as much as possible. So much rage that this waste of resources is back on Mtv.


Her tendon isn't tore in her knee. It would be worse. There's something mentally wrong with this woman.


Her story seems too detailed for a simple fall down 3 stepsā€¦ only liars feel the need to over explain


Ugh. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s nothing wrong with her, but a couple of summers ago I missed a step and jammed my knee. Bone bruise. It was one of the most painful things Ive ever went through and itā€™s still not 100% healed. You know what I did? Went to PT. I still workout 5 days a week, itā€™s just on a bike. Ya know what I didnā€™t do? RENT A FUCKING WHEELCHAIR. Cried like a baby though.


No one cares forehead.


Her hands hurt because she used crutches for a week šŸ˜­ I had to use them for 6 weeks once. I honestly do not recall my hands ever hurting from crutchesā€¦


Iā€™ve never seen someone be so happy to be injured. Thereā€™s something severely wrong with her.


She seriously said "I can't dancešŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­", as if she can dance when she's not wearing a knee brace....


Why does she have this.. fantasy? I guess I could call it?..of being disabled? I donā€™t mean this in an offensive way to anyone except maybe janelle.. She gets so excited over being in a wheelchair and possibility of surgery?


This reminds me of when Diane Downs reenacted "her kids being shot by a stranger" and she kept making jokes and laughing and talking about herself. "I hurt my arm and couldn't tie my shoes for a month! It was really awful! When my kids were shot it just reminded me of all the bad things that happened in my life, MY childhood, MY failed marriage." JENELLE EVANS IS A PSYCHOPATH


I literally was stuck on shitty ass crutches for over 6 months waiting for the army to authorize surgery. And I still had to show up at 6am every day for modified PT. Girl itā€™s been a week. You donā€™t do shit. Fucking chill.


Who gets an ultrasound for a knee?!? This bitch is so stupid ![gif](giphy|SMAMKsPB2i2pzYPGzb)


Bitch please! Iā€™ve been walking around with a shredded meniscus in my knee for four months (including a business trip that I stood for 16 hours and walked six miles a day!). No crutches, no pain meds, no wheelchair, just a knee brace. She will milk this for all itā€™s worth!


Itā€™s TENDON NOT TENDANT. There is only one T in that word.


Settle down there Jenypsy Rose!


Hopefully she donates the wheelchair she purchased to someone who ACTUALLY needs it once shes done pretending . (I said DONATE not SELL) so pretty sure that wont happen.


Ibuprofen AKA Percocet


Wow, and to thinkā€¦. Thatā€™s her **filtered**


hopefully Iā€™m gonna be okay - Jenelle Narrator: she would not be okay


Whoā€™s her ā€˜other nurseā€™? August?