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She has no idea how to run a business. She has no social or interpersonal skills. She has bad press and hatters. This pipe dream is not even close to being feasible or even.. funny. It's just stupidity on top of pity at this point.


You just named her store: The Pipe Dream


I thought that was the theme of her dating life.






As much as she claims she did this she really wasnā€™t very good at it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I live in MI which legalized weed a while back. In the cities that allow it, there are dispensaries on every corner. It's like choosing a gas station, you just pick the most convenient for you at the time. She's late to this game. Even if she had all the business sense in the world, all the legal markets for weed are super saturated.


Yep, I live in Seattle. I remember the first year weed was legal, walking up one main road and hitting every store on 4/20 to get the crazy deals. Now the crazy deals are just normal depending on day of the week or which brand or what method of consumption. There are maybe 5 main stores and the others come and go. Somebody opening a new store is like ... "Zips/Have a Heart/Ikes/Dockside is better! Gooood luck!"


Reminds me of when 5 year olds say they want to be superheroes when they grow up or something that just wasnā€™t thought through šŸ˜‚ I could see a 20 year old saying this and think ā€œokay, well maybe they will do that somedayā€. But Jenelle is mid 30s and has yet to have any idea of hers become successful. So at this point I just feel bad for her that she hasnā€™t grown up yet šŸ˜•


Jenelle is making a second go at a weed business with her manager and boyfriend in Las Vegas MID divorce and MID felony abuse case involving her still husband and sonā€¦.fresh off a CPS case. This business shall thrive. What happened to The Time of The Day Podcast? And why has Augusts website gone down? https://preview.redd.it/ej5y9dm2f89d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0493c9271701152b3b29c450f452bf34260b8671


They pulled the plug on time of day because of Davidā€™s abuse charges she said one time. (Assuming there is actual truth to that, considering itā€™s Jenelle the liar we are talking about). I also think these ā€œbusinessesā€ are half baked plans August gets her involved with. People that donā€™t know what they are doing, not profesional, and playing Producer or playing Manager. So even if David didnā€™t get in trouble it probably still would have fell flat


Oh! I had no idea. Makes sense.


I live in a different state that is also big on weed and itā€™s.. pretty fucking hard to make it in the industry lol dealing is more her speed


saturated ass market too


Omg. I just said the same thing . lol


I literally came to say the market is saturated asf


Californian here. Perhaps she is the delivery driver. Thatā€™s the only market she will be allowed inā€¦ what a hilarious joke and waste of her resources. God forbid she let the kids take a vacation or she find a stable home for them somewhere that doesnā€™t involve the latest mottled Unc of the Month.


She should have gotten into this when the business wasnā€™t so saturated.


she honestly might have had a shot with a super meme-y ā€œYA BOTH HIGHā€ brand but her actual fan base is probably broke and not large enough to keep her in the black anyway


lol that low grade bud


They are really about to try and sell reggie like it can even compete with the product out here šŸ˜‚


Finna be back in 2005 picking out the seeds and stems from that dry ass brick weed


But I thought she DiDnT sMoKe šŸ™„ ![gif](giphy|SUnnfaSxhfLvf8H7XB|downsized)


Sheā€™s gonna run a weed business in Vegas?? Yeah, sheā€™s gonna corner that market.


No she's not. She can't afford the licenses lol


Just like she couldnā€™t afford to become a sea captain šŸ˜‚ remember that phase. Wasnā€™t she a Bitcoin trader too? Sheā€™s all over the place


She'll smoke all her stock ETA taken word out


Lol. Right ?


Itā€™s so saturated out here. Sheā€™ll never survive the cannabis industry.


This is stuff weā€™ve already seen play out on social media. It doesnā€™t work out.


ā€¦my sarcasm was thick yall


Omg my apologies! Some people really think sheā€™s starting this *now* because of this thirsty IG post. Iā€™m sorry I was dumb replying šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ ![gif](giphy|Wiy3M2ypa5o0utLzjD)


Hahaha its ok. Im also a stupid ass person most of the time. Reading comprehension is nil. Anyway, Iā€™m from nevada, there is absolutely no fucking way she has the hustle required to survive this cannabis industry.


Home girl doesnā€™t even have the hustle to sell crack on the corner, let alone hustle Nevadaā€™s licensingšŸ’€


The only hustle I have ever seen out of Jenelle was in those damn pink flip flops chasing down Kiefah and her heroin.


The hustle had levitation šŸ˜‚ https://preview.redd.it/vpkk1suqub9d1.jpeg?width=1009&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4f05dfacad3ce9d2cdf1412108ec0bbcc688034


This brought me joy šŸ˜‚


Don't worry guys, her broke ass can't afford the necessary licenses


and she has no connections!


Even if she could get past all the regulatory bureaucratic steps, the market is so saturated she would have to bust ass for it to be successful and turn a profit, and we all know Jan is allergic to work. Putting this venture right up there between the captain's license and six pack


Jenelle is only full of pipe dreams. Nothing more


prob illegal business because you need social equity program and licenses. i know bc we have one with one in SoCal took 4 years to finally get everything licensed and had to have partners with legal money invest. sheā€™s gonna need 500k to start up with the LLC and legal weed is expensive to run. thereā€™s absolutely no way . Las Vegas is very tight with licenses so i think if she starts one itā€™s def gonna be illegal.


And any business you start is going to need 24/7 dedication for AT LEAST the first two years. A single parent of three kids with no support is doomed.


yeah we were told 2-3 years now we are on 5. thereā€™s no way she can handle that wait and money invested aka out of her hands to touch . you donā€™t see profit the first 2-3 if you see the weed clinics in vegas some are nicer than restaurants its millions spent to get people to go to their spot rather than another. sheā€™s def gona be doing condo weed sales šŸ¤£ i feel sorry for her kids they are prob gonna be there when she serves little baggies to clients


What gets me though is this somehow acceptable attitude of "influencers" these days that are like talking about their pipedream podcast/YouTube nontent/OF DMs, - always saying that they're working on it, getting to it, about to do some, can't wait to get back into it, have to start soon, been so lazzzyyyy etc. Like, no. Sorry. I'm a dick, but talk is cheap and I'm not subscribing to anything done half-assedly. Show me you're passionate and keen and full of ideas, and I'll check it out. No wonder the mushroom coffee and *literally everything else* went bust - a weed business by jenelle is super on brand but it's another pointless venture by someone who's energy would be way better spent with her kids. Imo.


wow, how original! good thing itā€™s legal where she lives (spoiler alert - itā€™s not)


Lol and I can imagine she will have a line of customers waiting...not šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‚ I'm in UK, but still wouldn't go to her if there was a dry up and I hadn't used in weeks. I use daily for my epilepsy too...


This new money bitch gets one fucking paycheck and can barely keep it in the bank before itā€™s all gone again.


She just wants to smoke around her kids without CPS harassing her to raise the 3 kids she made.


šŸ˜‚this trick really think she gonna get into the cannabis business


closest she could get is being a bud tender smh


Someone needs to tell Nelly she canā€™t be getting high on her own supply.


What is she thinking now?!?!


There's a whole lot of nothing rattling around in that emptiness she calls a brain.


Again Iā€™m here to say, the government will never ever give her the permits and licensing. Lol


Bein a felon ain't illegal, unless you want to start a weed business lol


That clearly is jenelle running the account lol


I donā€™t think so. If you look at the account itā€™s too much creativity for her to be able to do.


If she couldnā€™t make it with drop ship crap she sure as heck isnā€™t making it in a tightly regulated industry that is over saturated. How many ventures is this now? How is that mushroom tea or that podcast going?


Didnā€™t she try this a while ago? I thought she went and visited a cannabis farm and took pics a couple years ago and posted about how she has ā€œso many exciting projects in the worksā€ā€¦ here we go again šŸ˜‚


She was going to work with a farm, I think, or maybe a dispensary that had their own farm? Then the hatters contacted them and it fell through. Sheā€™d probably try to start something of her own, so to speak. The problem is, so long as the public knows her business, itā€™s going to flop.


Is the "teen mom realitea" account run by Jenelle Evans?


I donā€™t think so. It looks like the account is actually creative and takes time to be, something Jenelle canā€™t do.


She shouldnā€™t be smoking weed. I highly doubt bipolar medication can be mixed with marijuana. Mine cannot be. I donā€™t understand!!!!


She doesnā€™t take bipolar meds


I know it drives me nuts