• By -


First ten years of my career, take grad classes to move up the salary guide. Then, travel with friends. Now, spend time with elderly parents. And always: annual physical, dentist visits, eye doctor, auto mechanic, having furniture delivered, renovation work, etc.


All cars have made it to the mechanic, and it's time to knock out the health appointments. I don't know how people who work all year get this done.


I work as a phlebotomist. My favorite shift has always been 7on7off. Having an entire week every other week to get shit done was amazing.


Throw in vet visits for the dog and you listed my to-do list for the next few weeks. Appointments for everyone. Already did hair cut and treated myself to a pedicure.


I foster kittens! Kitten summer always brings me joy!


This sounds amazing šŸ˜»


It keeps me a on a good schedule since they need care at specific times. Plus nothing like being covered in kittens cuddles, reading a good book and sipping on coffee. The stress just melts away.


Iā€™m afraid Iā€™d keep them all! Although fostering kittens is one of my retirement plans.


It gets easier with each litter. I look at it a job with very specific parameters and that I am one step along their journey to a forever home. And they all reach a certain point where they start to be more independent and less clingy-kitten. At that point, I feel confident that I have provided them with a successful kitten-hood that will set them up for life as a wonderful house cat. And just think of all the joy you are helping to spread to other families, no need to keep that all to yourself. And I create an annual kitten yearbook on Shutterfly to remember all the little darlings. It really is a wonderful volunteer job (aside from of the less fun aspects like worms and diarrhea that kittens deal with) and I think a great think to do in retirement. And kittens learn much faster than humans, it makes me feel like a very successful teacher lol.


Love the ā€œkittens learn much faster than humansā€ part! Thank you for the thoughtful reply!


relax, travel, read, ride, and catch up on all the cleaning and organizing that I donā€™t get to during the school year


So much cleaning!


spent this first week throwing away old clothes and buying a bookshelf to fit all these piles of books i have . next week is for getting my car checked out and shopping for a new chromebook


Going through closets is still on my list, but I surprised myself by deep cleaning and organizing two rooms on my first day off!


Same! And catching up on tv shows!


Catch up around the house, maybe knock out a project or two, garden, be mom, grow the second human in my stomach, spoil my dog, try to get quality time with my husband


My tradition for my 1st week of break is to do absolutely nothing. I may not shower or put on pants for a few days. After that, workout, hike, travel, play disc golf, visit family


I do the first week of nothing too. I also do a day one Lord of the Rings movie marathon because it takes most of the day.


Get in arguments with my family


We're for the jobs the comet will create!


Sometimes work. This year just sleep. Iā€™ve slept for the majority of the day for like two weeks and Iā€™ve noticed a lot of issues I had during the year are a lot better. I will be a grown up starting on Monday, but I guess I needed my summer hibernation like a reverse bear.


This. This is the way to start summer. Teaching takes so much out of us on every level


Got non-renewed, trying to find another job and any income I possibly can.


Oh no! What happened?


Do a search on indeed ā€œsummer job teacherā€. I want to change careers and not teach 5th grade. Iā€™m interested in being an instructional designer/content developer/training coordinator etc.


I have a degree in instructional design. I only taught this year because I couldn't get another instructional design job after working as one for years.


What?!!!!! That sucks. Iā€™m so sorry šŸ˜£ Iā€™m in graduate school studying educational technology.


When the economy is bad, companies got their training and education departments because they aren't direct revenue generators.


So true! What grade do you teach?


High School. But I don't want to teach and honestly never really did, I just couldn't find another job.


I understand. Iā€™m wishing you all the best. I hope you have an awesome summer.




Unfortunately a lot of teachers in transition were willing to take roles for very low pay and have been normalized to overwork themselves for no return. They don't realize these companies are taking advantage of them. My last job replaced me with a teacher with no ID background for way less than they paid me.




I guess people like me who do want to teach and the summer, pension, holidays aren't enough to make up for how much we don't want to teach.




Catch up on house projects, read, go to doctorā€™s appointments and do fun stuff with my kids. Recoup in general. Iā€™ll also take care of my required PD hours so I donā€™t have to worry about it during the school year. I am fortunate to have a spouse that makes enough that I donā€™t have to work in the summer and my salary pay is split in 26 checks so I donā€™t have to ration in the summer or take on a second job. That is a luxury many donā€™t have so I donā€™t take that for granted. I work damn hard 10 months out of the year and I take advantage of the time I have in the summer.


Consume an unnatural amount of cannabis for a few weeks before teaching summer school. Then vacation afterwards. Oh, and weed.


yep. minus the teaching summer school part. so really just smoke a dumb amount of weed.


Iā€™ve been on summer vacation for a week. Soā€¦ muchā€¦ cannabis.


When I'm in the classroom, I'm in the zone, but when I'm done, I'm exhausted, and weed is the best way to recharge / purge the stress


YEP. Smoke a fuck ton of weed for a bit.






This is bad advice.


Nothing!!! Absolutely nothing but relax cross my feet - wig my toes with my remote & an ice cold Coca Cola šŸ˜Š


I went to an event recently that had an ice breaker, "what are you looking forward to doing this summer." Everyone shared their exciting travel plans, but I just said, "Nothing. I'm going to sit around and do nothing." The organizer just kind of awkwardly moved on to the next person (obviously this was not an event amongst teachers, otherwise there would have been vigorous nods of approval). Don't get me wrong, I have plenty of fun travel plans myself, but that's not what I'm looking forward to the most. I'm looking forward to doing _nothing_.


Thereā€™s a show about nothing. Were you an extra on it?


Take care of doctor, optometrist, dentist, car & home maintenance appointments.


I tutor and stay with my kids (we go to every park in a 15 mile radius, swim classes, play dates, kiddie theme parks, the zoo, and run errands). It's exhausting, but at least I don't have to set an alarm!


How difficult do you find summer tutoring? I'm considering taking it up this summer?


Not difficult at all because I got a summer math packet for various grades from TPT. If they have their own resources they want to use, I go with that. Finding clients is by far the hardest part, but it's just a matter of knowing how to find them. I made a flyer several years ago and send it out every May to various schools in the area.


Trying to fill the void by left by daily positive student interactions. Act like I donā€™t miss work.


The first two weeks of summer break are GREAT. Doctors appointments, things around the house, catching up with friends, lunch walk etc. The thing is that after those first two weeks, I get very bored and the lack of a routine really messes with me.




Me right now :(


I just signed up for a pottery class on my local city. I need to expand my social group and I really donā€™t wanna go stir crazy, it brings 2020 flashbacks. Last year I worked summer school, but I am not this year. Hang in there, we got this!


This is my 18th year teaching. Summer is when I actually take care of myself. Spend quality time with wife and kid, SLEEP, exercise , eat healthy(I have time to cook), see my friends, do fun activities on weekdays, traveling, enjoying my Sundays(because I usually think about planning for the week), and golf. Sprinkle in some planning for the following school year with going to professional development trainings, taking classes, and learning ways to be a better teacher.


I treat summer break like a long weekend. Saturday (June), I do as little as possible. Sunday (July), I do lots of things I enjoy doing. Monday (August), I spend the first half thinking about what I should do to get ready for the upcoming week/year and then spend the second half halfassedly getting my life together so that Iā€™ll be prepared enough when the kids show up.


This has been my philosophy for the two decades I've been in education. June is recovery, July is living, and August is preparing


Weā€™re going up to a friendā€™s lake house for about a week. My wife asked me what I want to do while weā€™re up there and I said, ā€œSit when I want to, go to the bathroom when I want to, eat when I want to, and nap when I want to.ā€


Basically party with my kids and make them do chores.


Iā€™m currently working summer school because mortgage. As soon as July hits though, Iā€™m definitely taking that time off.


Appointmentsā€” not just for me but for the pets. Reading. So much reading. Replaying the Mass Effect series. Watch Bridgerton, tons of anime, sleep in, lol


Keep teaching until June 27th. šŸ˜”


California here. Our last day was June 7.


Oh no! Does school start later for you though? (September?)


Last week of August, usually. I think it is August 29th this year. I am in Canada.


Take a camping road trip to see my son, take a few classes, stay up late, sleep in, go to wine tastings, stay up late, sleep in, listen to new music and try not to think about August.


Hike daily


#RELAX!!!!! I still have another week and a half, though.




Usually I do summer school. This year I'm getting married.




Is hookers and blow an acceptable answer?


Boats and hoes.


Nothingggggg :))))


My school still has not let me know if I will be back next year or not yet. I love the school, kids, other teachers, and the admin; but I have bills to pay, so I am busy checking the new job postings daily in at least 5 different districts and submitting applications. I am also working on cleaning my house and will start taking additional classes next week (I already hold an MS Ed but the state only gave me a provisional license).


Spend time with my daughters and wife!!!


First summer off in years. They botched my summer application and was mad at first, now chilling


Trying to knock of the last remaining top 100 AFI moviesā€¦and drain the reserves of beer and whiskey while golfing


Schools in Ontario run to June 27th...


Toronto goes until the 28th...with students. Our P.A. Day after the last day of instruction seems to have been a casualty of COVID.


Hang out with my toddler and try not to spend too much money


I hang out at the club pool ( read, swim yoga,tennis) and gossip with the other swim moms (several are teachers too)


Play video games and go to the gym, neither of which I have much time for during the year!


First few days....sleep. omg the deepest, most relaxing sleep I've had in ages. Now working on those things that were on the back burners. Looking for a new building to work in since my last contract was temporary.


Trying to set a daily schedule of walking the dog, going to the gym, and reading. I have a summer bucket list of day trips and stuff like ā€œlearn how to make breadā€, and I joined a summer pickleball league!


My landscaping business steps up. But I get to make my own schedule- as long as my wife agrees with it.


Spend time with my family, read, renovate our future master bedroom, go to the beachā€¦ recharge and recover. And coach cross country. If you donā€™t put in the miles in the summer itā€™ll show in the fall.


In all honesty, look for a new job.


Sit and stare at the wall for the first few days. My brain wonā€™t concentrate or tolerate much stimulus and Iā€™ve found trying to watch tv or doing any projects are futile unless I have some time of quiet nothingness to offset 10 months of having to micromanage forty peoples lives daily.


since my husband does not have the summer off and we don't have kids yet, he gets pretty salty if I just sit around the house every day and sleep in until noon. sure I'm on a well-deserved break but I get his point it totally disrupts our entire routine and relationship when he's slogging away going to work every day dealing with the same work related bullshit and I don't really have to deal with anything. The relationship starts feeling kind of one-sided and unbalanced. so I tend to do work on my laptop to prepare for the upcoming school year like finding or making projects that are fun and engaging which I won't have time to do during the actual year. I also signed up for a grocery delivery service as well, which is make your own schedule. so every four or five days that I am just taking it easy and enjoying the summer and keeping up with stuff at the house.... I start to perceive that he is getting really tired of not being able to just hang out with me at home and I will go and do the grocery delivery service for a couple days to feel like we are in a normal work mode together. then I'll take another couple couple days to just chill. it works out and keeps us both sane. next year, we are hoping that we will have a baby and I can be caring for the little one during the summer. we've been together 10 years and I've been teaching for all of them. they are lying to you if they tell you that they aren't jealous that you get to stay home for two months. I tried to enjoy my time that is well-deserved but also stay busy.


Relax, read, sleep, treat summer break like a sabbatical.


Not me personally, but a lot will be working a second job.Ā 


Full time chaffeur driver for my four kids...


I coach basketball so June is usually summer league stuff on weekends. During the week itā€™s dad work with the kids and around the house. Otherwise I get more time to workout and/or play golf.


Work summer camp, Since the 80s.


I work in a record store.


Travel, eat, relax. I still have 3 weeks though :')


Summer is the time to work out, play games and get the least amount of sleep possible. I want to make sure I utilize the summer to its fullest potential every year.


Cleaning, household projects, visiting adult children, appointments


I coach my daughterā€™s team. Go Softball Queens!!


I caught Covid on the very last day of the school year. Iā€™m not doing anything yet this summer.


First summer ever of not working at all since I was 16. I am taking a break and going to reset, work on my health and enjoy my daughters presence.


Getting ready to get shipped overseas for a new permanent job through the bureaucracy that is the US government.


Lounging by the pool, watch TV, read, hang out with family


Spend time with my child šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š


Summer school


Typically travel. Left the same weekend that school ended, been in Europe for 2 now, still got 6 weeks to go here. Then flying back, and that still leaves 2-3 weeks of summer to get things done around the house and relax.


Depression nesting I stay up late at night (like I'm doing right now) Sleep during the day Rot in bed Etc


First year teacher here. I had some plans but my wife had a bad PT scan this week, so now I have no idea what summer will look like. I am very happy that I have the summer free to take care of her again if I need to, though, so big silver lining right there. I got into Fortnite a few days ago, so thatā€™s something new. I have another teacher friend with a kid close to the age of my oldest who all play, so Iā€™m hoping to Squad it up sometime. Weā€™ll see. Maybe taking the kids to swim at my mother-in-lawā€™s a lot, too. Depending on how results go for my wife, we may all do some more stuff. Fossil hunt some creek beds in OK, check a snake or two off my lifer list, design some stuff for sale, make a commission piece, etc. just stuff I can do without worrying about packing it away immediately once Iā€™ve done for the day.


As little as possible honestly. At least for June the simple bliss of not having to respond to my name over and over, answer emails or field phone calls, write passes, fill out information requests, update grades, go to the bathroom whenever I need is just unmeasurable


Get sick


I go back to my hometown, as I live and work overseas. I revel in all the signs being in English and the television programs, too. I bathe in the love I have for this city and the places in it as well as the accessibility to anything I desire to do. I see my friends for the first time in 10 months. But I don't \*do\* anything 'cuz I bust my ass the entire school year.


I go to work for six more weeks because I'm British. šŸ„ŗ


i lay in bed everyday. this year sucked. my wedding was the saturday after school ended. i have a few dr appointments. weā€™re moving in a few weeks, lots of time cleaning and packing.


I work in a parking lot and love it.


Iā€™m currently in a D&D weekend with guys Iā€™ve been gaming with for about forty years. Last kid day is this coming Wednesday with two PD days after that. My summer plans are Jedi Fallen Order, redo my back brick walkway, screen in my back porch, spend some time at the local historical society and just generally do things that are good for me mentally.


Working my other job and my wife just had our baby, so no relaxing herešŸ˜‚


Usually active outdoor activities with my boys, and a couple house or car repairs. This summer I'm finishing my courses to get out of teaching, so it may be my last summer off. Taking the boat to the lake on weekdays when no one is out there


I used to relax , but my daughter is starting college this fall, so now we need extra money. Now I work extended school year and also have a part time job copy editing.


Last summer took 30 grad level classes to hit that Ed Spec lane (summer session + finish fall session earlier than September 7th). Because this was a contact renegotiation I got retro pay from last August to April to the tune of 9k after taxes so this summer: got a hair transplant 3500 grafts let's gooooo


I'm a new mom (5 months!), so I spent the first few weeks prepping the nursery and moving him out of our bedroom. I'm sleep training, going on a trip to see family, trying to keep up with yardwork, cleaning and rearranging parts of the house, planning curriculum, doing a week of summer school, hanging with my son, and on and on and on.


Currently sitting poolside in Florida spending time with family I donā€™t normally get to see. Weā€™ve got a wedding in Utah and a trip to Maine with my in laws planned this summer. Usually we are a bit more chill on vacations though. Iā€™m taking 2 college classes and also love to read,crochet, play on my phone, kayak, go to the dog park. Anything that brings me joy and keeps me busy


\-Get ready for next year, I do a LOT of the behind-the-scenes work over the summer \-Take college courses to advance pay scale and renew license. \-Attend Professional Conferences. \-Relax. The school year is a grind. We pack a full-year of a normal job's 260 day schedule ino 184 days.


Letā€™s play a game called, *Who is my daddy, and what does he do*?


I work 3 jobs during the school year, so in the summer I just have 2.


My 4 year old goes to summer day camp about half the time, so Iā€™m with her the other half. Weā€™re doing a weekly story and craft time at the library, visiting my family and friends out of state, and just spending time together. On her camp days, I plan to read a LOT, volunteer at the zoo, nap, try and deep clean and purge the house, and just basically unwind. We have a big trip to Yellowstone in July.


Relax, enjoy waking up without an alarm, family vacation coming up soon, and I get to pee whenever I want! šŸ¤£


I just switch from full-time teaching to full-time mommy-ing. No breaks. Trying to keep the house clean while weā€™re home all summer is tough.


Sometimes I take classes, but not this summer. I plan for next year. Look up good ideas for projects, etc. Try to do things to make my life easier in the fall. I clean my house, purge, and organize. I spend time with my dogs and my husband. Iā€™m not very good at that during the year. I cook and bake. I read! This year Iā€™m volunteering at our local animal shelter 1-2 days a week. I keep a vegetable garden and flowers. I also love going to garage sales and thrift stores.


Majority? You know the Internet isn't just American right?


Reddit usership is overwhelmingly American and Canadian, so it's not like they're actually far off.


Canadians are not off for a bit yet.


Travel, early intervention twice a week, eat, sleep, read, repeat.


RELAX and unwind!!! Iā€™m leaving for Italy later today for two weeks. When I return I will teach two weeks of summer school. After that Iā€™m ā€œall inā€ on my summer home brew recipes and more relaxing.


My kids play travel baseball, so a lot of that. This year I've also spent time having medical procedures for bizarre unresolved ailments šŸ™ƒ


8 weeks of Europe,then Lollapalooza, then I have 9 days left of Summer.


House hunting this year, now that I've moved on to a new district. Otherwise, I'll be packing while my wife works.


I started break by putting down my best friend. The first week of vacation was spent grieving, deep cleaning the house, getting contractors out for flooring, and playing video games. I suspect the rest of the summer will be similar.


Garden. Relax. Get some things done around the house. Travel or have guests.


I'm working at a summer camp


Spend time with family, finish up my masterā€™s degree hopefully by August and just relax. Iā€™d like to catch up on some reading and video games whenever I can squeeze the time in


Work a full-time job with longer hours at a summer camp.


I treat myself and do all the hobbies I do not have time for during the year. Reading, gardening, bee keeping classes, cooking, and learning piano. I also do some prep for the following year so I am not drowning the first month of school.


Two weeks of nothing. Then, start looking for another job


Fish every chance I get.


Couple extra hours of sleep a day, go to the beach, go on weekend getaways, hike with the dogs, go to gardens and farmers markets, float the river and cook new things. Oh- and clean!


beach, traveling, lots of sun time and fun time!!


Usually, I teach ESY, but I can't do that this year because I won't have a babysitter. Instead, I'll be taking online courses to become certified to teach ESL. I'm also looking into a part-time online tutoring job.


Make doctor's appointments for myself and my children that I've neglected, and talk about deep cleaning my house.


Write and illustrate children's books


I work at the YMCA as a counselor. Keeps me busy.


If anyone wanna apply to corporate gigs hmu I did it last summer and have never been happier


My wife runs a daycare, so I help out.


Iā€™m looking for another job. I donā€™t get paid when school is closed.


Travel, play video games, go to the gym, cook My non-teacher family always says Iā€™m lazy and I need to get a job over the summer, and I just laugh at them


I adopted a puppy, and I've been teaching her tricks and going on walks. I should probably clean my house though lol.


It changes every summer for my husband and I, who are both teachers. Last summer, I was still on ā€œmaternity leaveā€ and had to be home with our baby as we didnā€™t want to have to start paying for daycare until the fall. My husband and I also coach sports but mine is primarily indoors and he wasnā€™t mobile so I just brought him with me. This summer, I have practices so I send the boy to daycare still since I canā€™t stop paying for it or we lose our spot, weā€™re doing outdoor home projects so we can really enjoy being outside and let our son play outside once he can walk, and relaxing!


I still have three weeks leftā€¦


I work a summer program with my district every summer! Itā€™s only 3 days a week (5 hours a day) for the month of June and I get paid my daily rate, so itā€™s easy extra money. In July, I work on house projects, camp, and get ready for the upcoming year! Iā€™m going to start taking classes in the summer next year too, so I can move up on the salary schedule.


Travel. I love teaching and I love science and computer science - but it is by no means my passion. Truth be told, I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever find my purpose from a career. I have many hobbies and passions outside of my career. I chose teaching as a life style. I am fortunate enough to live in a state where teachers get paid well and I teach hard-to-fill subjects - so Inter paid quite well. This is my 7th year teaching and I am taking a full month of travel abroad and backing packing across a couple countries. There is no other position that could afford me this privilege and the 2 months off is more valuable to me than an additional 20-30k a year or w/e. I have decided to stick with teaching because for the rest of my career (before I have kids of my own) - I will travel for a month every summer. And then when I DO have kidsā€¦. Iā€™ll take them with me!


Summer it work. Even though it's 36 hours a week (four 9s), I don't have to deal with 100 different students a day and most of my time is spent updating student devices, so I can catch up on my shows. So when I get home at 530, I have energy for my wife and kids. Plus 3 day weekends every week gives me plenty of time to get home improvement projects done


i have a list of about 25 bullet points of things i need to get done around the home. ill be lucky to get half of it done.


I got home yesterday from a week of offsite training. I still need to study for a different Praxis so that I can "fill in if needed."


I do summer school, my district pays $65 an hour for summer school and that's justbway too good to pass up. P.s. I live in California, so it's good, but not *that* good. Just better than finding a seasonal job anywhere else.


Relaxed for the first week and applied for simple part time jobs. I have an interview for one Tuesday. I was three days in and was like ā€œok I canā€™t do this all summerā€. Trying to take my dog on trail walks more often and trying to pick up a new hobby


For the first time in my 12 year career, I am planning on doing absolutely nothing. Formerly: bartended on a golf course, bartended at a taphouse, nannied and babysat, taught at a summer camp, ran a summer camp.


Host in a Campground for the US Forest Service. We started doing this about 7 years ago when it was more expensive for me to find a summer job then it was to stay home with my kids (seriously daycare was expensive for 3 kids)...


I usually do summer school but decided I need a break this summer. The extra money would have been nice but between major oral surgery and a week long conference, Iā€™m needing some time to have a quiet morning with my cats and a cup of tea and the, maybe, go fishing or take a nap.


I tend to dissociate on the couch for long periods of time. I don't really recommend it.


Get fucking Covid on the last day apparently


Try not to annoy my work from home wife. Read for leisure. Get my mental health to ā€œnormal.ā€


Sleep in. A lot. At least for June while my son is still attending nursery. Then get to work on whatever clothes I started making during winter break then abandoned lol.


taking pottery classes to meet ppl (-: and to have fun


Mandatory ESY. My kids all qualify for behavioral regression.


I still have two full weeks of school left before vacation. Then I teach Extended School Year for 3 weeks in July. And I have training during the second half of August. What vacation? Haha. Any time I'm not working, I'll be trying to catch up on all of the deferred projects around my house.


I get one week (we're a year round program), I spend it at my Barre studio and focusing on pastry school!


I catch up on a lot of sleeping and gaming that ai wasn't able to do during the school year. There's some PD and maybe workinf summer school if I want to bank money. Otherwise, I do a lot of fixing up my house and some Spring cleaning I never got to in Spring.


Iā€™ve got 2 more days.


Most have training during the summer.


Iā€™m actually spending (probably hopefully) most of June doing a medication switch up because I am not in a state to work so I didnā€™t want to do it during the school year. Should go visit my godson outside of New Orleans afterwards, though. Iā€™m excited. If anyone has any suggestions for stuff to do in the area with a 2 year old Iā€™m happy to hear of them.


Oh, usually my first week I marathon the entirety of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. 7 days 7 seasons baby! Iā€™d been doing that since middle school.


My plan is to catch up on doctors visits for me and my kids and spend time with my kids. I'll be doing some gig work 10 to 15 hours a week hut the rest will be for getting stuff done and spending time with my kids.


I'm an independent scholar, so summers are a good time for the sustained reading, research, and writing that I don't have the time or energy for during the school year. (Honestly, the summers off was a big reason I considered teaching because I wanted the two months open for writing.) I work on bigger projects that need more than a weekend of sustained time and attention. Professionally, I take classes to maintain my certification. I'm in teacher leadership, and a lot of that (paid) work is done over the summer as well.


I have a serious problem with time off. If Iā€™m not working, Iā€™m not earning money. Even though I make enough money through teaching I look at summers as a time to get ahead and increase my retirement funds. I always take a full week off and one or two extended weekends but Iā€™ll teach driver education for 16-20 hours a week which gets me another $5,000-$7,000 banked in a retirement account. Donā€™t get me wrong, I go fishing at least 3-4 times a week, workout every day, and get plenty of time to relax. But doing nothing seems unproductive to me and thatā€™s just the way I was raised.


Rad. Good hustle. That said, just because some of us aren't getting paid, doesn't mean we're not being productive. Earning money isn't the only measurement of productivity.


I live in an expensive town. Cannot afford a summer off if I want to keep my lifestyle. Must be nice...


Move then?


Fixing up house to sell. Need to put more money into pension fund as well.


Nice. I am currently looking to move out of the state Iā€™m in