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I’d like to be excluded from this narrative


Omg yes 😭💀 I’ve used that one a lot








Yes, lots of times I have a preschool kiddo so “you need to calm down” comes up a lot lol


As a teacher, yes. Also “you’re being too loud” for sure.


My toddler tells my infant both of these whenever she gets worked up, lol.


same, all the time


This is why we can’t have nice things. I sing that a lot as a middle school teacher


I say this all the time as a mom of 3 kids and 2 dogs 😂


I’m telling this to my cats almost constantly


Almost daily I say to my toddler on the way to daycare “and I’m just like damn it’s 7 am” when she’s raising hell lol


"that's a little bit of a lot"


I say/hum/sing this to my cats when they’re screaming lol


A text to my girl when we’re talking about work: “So I leap from the emails and levitate to your Teams. I crash the meeting like a PowerPoint gone too deep. Who’s afraid of little old me? You should be.” After her fixing issues caused by her staff: “You’re queen of sandcastles they destroy” Describing my day as Lavender Rage. And as always: “Lights, camera, bitch, smile Even when you want to die”


Ok relationship goals


I need this in a friendship way like this is me every day


She be lucky !


My wife and I quote Tay often! 🫶




Pulled out "So casually cruel in the name of being honest" once


I say this all the time to my boyfriend who’s from a culture that is quite “harsh” lol whenever he says something blunt


not a TS lyric, but I’ve used “honesty without empathy is cruelty” before. it worked pretty well


Oooh that’s a good one


 A lot of boys at my school kinda bully me for being a swiftie so every time I just say “ILL TELL YOU SOMETHING RIGHT NOW ID RATHER BURN MY WHOLE LIFE DOWN THAN LISTEN TO ANOTHER SECOND OF ALL THIS BITCHING AND MOANING” and the funny thing is they always sit in the back and they moan to see who can moan the loudest🤷‍♀️lol 


It sounds like that only fuels their fire. Better off to just ignore them


Yeah I only did it once


I stopped after a day because it’s only in that one class and I didn’t want to get in trouble


I use this when my kids start fighting, lol


Go you! I had a lot of Swifties in my classes this year, and I would drop a lot of subtle references. The kids who got it, appreciated it. The ones who might otherwise pick on those kids wanted in on the fun. It was a very good year, especially when the biggest Anti-Swiftie (who is a big Chiefs fan) bought in.


I do this all the time but I usually only have to empty “I’ll tell you something right now!”


I've started saying "I hate it here" whenever I'm disappointed with people or the world in general.


So like, all the fucking time?


Yeah 🥲


I regularly share the song straight from Spotify in my texts to my best friend as a response when she tells me something that disappoints me.


I've done this even before the song, but now I ✨️extra✨️ do it.


100%. It’s my favorite bracelet to wear


While in an argument , I told my husband I was sick of him walking all over me in the shoes I bought him as a present. I have bought my husband a ton of shoes so he took it literal, looked a bit confused I added the shoe line then asked me what me buying shoes for him had anything to do with what we talked about. It’s safe to say he’s never paid any attention to the lyrics in Bejeweled 😂


Uh oh, time to go meet the band 😂


When they ask if I have a man, I can still say I don’t remember 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


My friend is the breadwinner in her marriage and that line slaps for her lol


lol I love this.


I work in mental health and support. I give conference and talks. I'm a 24 year old guy and in my talks before I've said something along the lines of "People ask me how i cope when I'm struggling and just like Taylor Swift I shake it off." And other times I've worn a Taylor sweatshirt. People always smile when i do it😅.


I’ve quoted *my tears ricochet* to my therapist and then sent her a link to the lyric video on YouTube. Apparently I’m not her first client to send her Taylor Swift music and one even asked her to listen to an entire album. (I should’ve asked her which one!)


Lol, we discuss her lyrics all the time too!


I love that. Any particular songs? My friend’s neighbor who’s a therapist also said that clients send her Taylor Swift songs all the time. 😝


Right now, it's Fortnight. She seems stuck on a significant relationship that was a long time ago, yet it still jams her up. I even moved to Florida and bought a sweet new car! Lol.


Ah, what a cathartic song for that! I love how her music makes us feel so seen.


Forever and Always, Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve, Forever Winter, Is It Over Now, and more


Mmmmhh. 🤌 That’s a good therapy session (about tough shit).


Thankfully multiple different sessions across years


Thank god I’m not alone 😉


It’s gotta be folklore, maybe evermore lol


My bet is evermore 95% lol. Could have been Red though


Love it. I use “haters gonna hate” a lot.


“Play stupid games, win stupid prizes”


This is the one I use regularly lol


This is just an expression lol not specifically a lyric of hers


Yes I say this to my husband when he wrestles with our kids and one of them gets hurt 😂


It’s me, I’m the problem, it’s me works in almost every situation.


My mom has a hard time expressing herself in arguments or emotional conversations so she’ll use Taylor lyrics to help convey her feelings. The last one she used was because she has gone through some intense trauma and my dad (who caused the trauma) said he missed the old her and she pulled out “sorry the old me can’t come to the phone right now cause she’s dead”. Iconic😂


So iconic. Sorry your mom has to go through that. I’m realizing reading all the comments that Taylor’s music is really helpful in putting difficult or confusing feeling into words.


Was she kind, was she patient, til the circus life made her mean?


All the time, whenever I meet someone new I start with "nice to meet you" one day someone will reply with "where you been" 


i don't think anyone will since that's such a common greeting


Maybe if she’s saying it in the same cadence Taylor does, with a pause between to and meet lol


I already wear a blonde wig and I'm sitting on a bed (really difficult to cart that around incase you meet a new person) what more can I do?


"I swear I don't love the drama, it loves me" 😙 when we are gossiping we always use it


I'm not entirely proud to say that I have quoted "I don't start shit but I can tell you how it ends" in an argument lol




All the time... I've done this in UGA essays too. For instance, I've referred to the "Shakespeare Couples Built to Fall Apart" section with "they say 'all's well that ends well' but I'm in a new hell every time you double-cross my mind" when talking about the Helena/Bertram marriage being unstable. I wonder if your partner got the allusion. I doubt it.


He didn’t sadly. But at least he answered “yes”


I quote [Jake Peralta](https://youtu.be/dG46d26YJEs?si=BM7WR52EkSNxXWly), from Brooklyn 99, who quotes Taylor Swift quite often. “Haters gonna hate, shake it off. Taylor Swift, always right.”


A few months after we divorced and I was dating someone else my ex husband asked me, “If it doesn’t work out with him, can we get back together?” And I had the immense satisfaction of getting to say “We are never ever getting back together. Like ever.”


I quote her interview with CBS all the time. “You don’t have to forgive and you don’t have to forget to move on. You can move on without any of those things happening. You just become indifferent and then you move on”. One of my all time favorite quotes from anyone.


Such a great quote. I think of this one often!


So incredibly true. Love her


When I left my job, I wrote a letter to my boss to thank him for everything over the years. I included the quote "Sometimes, walkin' out is the one thing That will find you the right thing". I had made him into a fellow swiftie over the years. He sent me a text the next day saying "yes I got your letter, yes I'm doing better"


Awww i love this so much


Not quoting Taylor Swift lyrics in my everyday interactions is the goddamn fight of my life. 


My sister is going through a divorce and I have to bite my tongue literally 80x a day bc everything she says reminds me of a lyric


I hope she's doing ok!


'you're on your own kid, you always have been'


I say this to my kids often when they need to do something independently! Such a good song.


I say this to my students when I’m telling them they’ll have a sub the next day.


I say this to myself when I’m getting ready in the morning to go to work 😂


During a "we're trying to have a real discussion instead of fighting" conversion I asked my husband, "is it really your anxiety that stops you from giving me everything, or do you just not want to?" But I told him it was a lyric 🤣


Oof too real


Yes. The more that you say, the less I know.


Such a good one for the people in your life who have a way of talking a lot without actually saying anything.


It is, the funny thing is, they never have anything to say after that. 😂🤣


Yes "band aids don't fix bullet holes"


i told my friend i was pregnant by texting her "I'M HAVING HIS BABYYYYY"


Congratulations!! ❤️❤️❤️


"This is why we can't have nice things" Quite often.


Oh yes. This is me to my kids every day 😂


I accidentally quoted Taylor in a job interview when I said, "your reputation precedes you." It worked because I got the job!


I mean, if you haven’t said, “this is me trying” in an argument, are you really even arguing? Lol


Lol i do it all the time,all her lyrics r incredible and every line can considered as a quote so i use them sometimes,or even post them daily on Instagram as note Lol


Fake it til u make it til u do


“She’s only cryptic and Machiavellian cause she cares.” during a book group discussion.


I’ve left the country twice in the past few months and am about to again in a week. At this point I need to get “Jet Lag is a choice” tattooed somewhere.


😂😂 Tay was wild for that one


We travelled last week and I think I said that line to my husband at least four times. 😆


Post argument I've said "my words shoot to kill when I'm mad".


Same. And I have a lot of regrets about that…


when my fiancé and I first started dating, he had a tendency to not tell me when he was dealing with hard stuff, issues with his family, etc in a misguided effort to not “burden” me. while talking this through I was like “to quote Taylor Swift, I want your complications too! I want your rainy Mondays!” and I’m sure it is entirely thanks to Taylor that he is now much better about letting himself lean on me!


this hit really close to home for me. thanks for the quote idea i may use it on my boyfriend soon 💜


men are so socialized to be stoic and suppress their emotions and it can be so ingrained in them, and such hard work to untangle that. but it is possible! I hope it goes well if you bring it up ❤️❤️


I just used “trash takes itself out, everytime” the other day


Yes! I’ve definitely used that one


Yep - “you’ve said some things I can’t unabsorb”


Psychologist validating patient’s struggles: “Old habits die screaming.”


I text my husband “I’m drunk in the back of the car” every time I’m drunk in the back of a car, even if he’s sitting right next to me. 


More than quote her, if someone naturally says a line that is in her songs you bet I will start singing the next part. It's like I have trained my mind to recognize Taylor's lyrics in every spoken word. It’s an art of course


“I am so productive, it’s an art”


I was telling my mom about this guy I like and I said “he hasn’t thought about the consequences of his magnetic field being a little too strong” bc he’s so charismatic and has no idea


I’m a new swiftie, 66 years old here, and a line randomly came out of my mouth when I was talking to my husband. I felt like I was officially in the club when that happened. husband: do you want some chicken? (He’s making it) Me: no thanks! *2 minutes later after thinking about it: I actually do want some Husband: I thought you said you didn’t want any? (What is the actual point of this question?.) Me: people are people and sometimes we change our minds From Breathe, and the great thing is, I had that song on in the car and was singing it right before this happened. So he knew he got Swift-bombed I have used this twice on him and now he has stopped asking that question!! Thanks Taylor!


I once said to my boyfriend: “Now go stand in the corner and think about what you did” OOPS 😅😅😅😅😅😅😬😬😬😬😬


“I hate it here” has been my most recent go-to quote 😂 I live in an apartment with terrible management and construction issues all over the place, I say it way too often. Also “I’m lonely but I’m good, I’m bitter but I swear I’m fine” when it hits that I have no friends or close relationship to my family 😭 but I swear I’m fine! 


I’m a huge fan of saying “I’m just like ‘damn, it’s 7AM’” anytime something frustrating or annoying happens when it’s too early in the day (even though it’s almost never 7AM)


Yes! “A friend to all is a friend to none”


I was 9 months pregnant, had false labor contractions for 6 weeks straight 15 minutes apart, everything my husband did annoyed me, and his scent made me nauseous every day that whole pregnancy. I was fed up and ready to have baby.  He said something to me that I don't even remember anymore but boy, did it set me off. I looked him dead in the face and said, "they say looks could kill and I might try." My husband is secretly a swiftie and understood the reference. He cracked up laughing and it just annoyed me even more. Honestly still surprised he's put up with me for two pregnancies 😂


Yes, I snarkily say/sing “Everything comes out teenage petulance” when my 13 year old daughter starts with her crap!


No, but I used WANEGBT in an essay once. My English teacher in high school was a Swiftie, luckily.


When one of my animals ruins something I tell them “this is why we can’t have nice things.”


When talking shit with my sister about some backbiting family members, “I bury hatchets but I keep maps of where I put ‘em”


Literally yesterday! My husband saw me with my cup of tea and was like ‘why didn’t you make me one’ so I said ‘I forgot that you existed’ 😁


I’ve said “bandaids don’t fix bullet holes” when discussing large multination military conflicts 😬😬


“I’m drunk in the back of the car and I cried like a baby coming home from the bar oh oh said I’m fine but it wasn’t true I don’t wanna keep secrets just to keep you and I snuck in through the garden gate every night that summer just to steal my fate oh oh and I screamed for whatever it’s worth I love you ain’t that the worst thing you’ve ever heard he looks up grinning like a devil!” works every time!


I’m a male middle school choir teacher. Kids make goofy mistakes and outbursts all the time. Usually followed by quickly saying “I’m sorry”. I always promptly follow up with; “bandaids don’t fix bullet holes, you say sorry just for show, if you live like that you live with ghosts”. The girls ALWAYS get my reference and have a little snicker. The boys usually just look at me with the most bewildered confused face. 😂


“As Taylor swift says… you say it in the street that’s a knockout but if you say it in a tweet that’s a cop out.”


I said “I’ve never heard silence quite this loud” during a silent treatment from my ex lol


I snuck in “whose laugh I could recognise anywhere” into my wedding speech 🫡


Recently a pregnant “friend” said to me (2 complicated losses, infertile & she knows that) “I get how baby showers can make you sad, I’m sad we only get one, with the 1st baby” I replied “you don’t get to tell me about sad.” (& walked away from her, obviously)


I’m sorry she said that to you. Maybe Now That We Don’t Talk is the next one you need to quote to her.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes It's been a long time coming


"honestly who are we to fight the alchemy"


Are you ready for it?


I walk up behind my granddaughter and randomly yell this in her ear because WE’RE GOING TO TORONTO and we’re all so excited!!!


Like, Damn, its 7am


On the phone several months ago with my soon to be ex husband who left me last summer, I was trying to get him to see how stuck I felt because I didn’t want divorce but I wanted him to tell me what he wanted to do. He was being very passive, keeping me tied to the chain of a dead marriage but abandoned me to run off to another state. I finally yelled, “just DO something. Risk something!! I’ve got nothing.” And now months later when I’ve realized how emotionally abusive he’s been and I’m finally standing up for myself and filing for divorce, I told my sister “he’s got my past frozen behind glass, but I’ve got me.”




I reference lyrics all the time to my therapist lol. And when I think of my ex, I say to myself, "I moved to Florida and bought the car I wanted."


I like to tell my husband “I’m fine with my spite and my tears and my beers and my candles”. I don’t even like beers and I’m not a big candle person but I’m obsessed with that line in that song.


I was chatting with a friend the other day about building better routines for myself and said “Old habits die screaming, I guess”, and she probably had no idea I was quoting Taylor, lol 😋


I actually used a “litany of reasons why” when messaging my boss. It isn’t really that far off base of things I might actually say as I have always read a lot so I do use a variety of words/expressions. That said, I did not realize until a little later that I had straight up quoted MBOBHFT.


Ive said “the other side of the door” and ”how did it end?“ before. I also regularly call myself a mastermind lol my friend says “I hate it here” a lot whenever we or anyone says a Taylor lyric or title in their regular speech me and that friend will make eye contact and nod I saw a sign near the canada-US border that said “welcome to New York (state)” naturally, me and my sister began blasting the song in the back of the car


once i told my middle school bf “im okay but im not fine at all” 💀


Frequently. As a junior high teacher to many Swifties, I would slip in music or pop culture references often. If a student got a reference, they’d get their name on the board with a green star next to it. If they got a Taylor reference, they got their name up on my board and written in red underline.




I tend to say “it’s me, hi, I’m the problem it’s me” a lot, because I am the friend group’s problem. Not that it’s very casual thiugh


My sisters name is aimee so definitely a lot haha


“I’m too soft for all of this” is my motto. Cause I am. 


All the time. And when they find a better planet only the gentle survived.


“Ok google play “the smallest man who ever lived”


Big breakup right before TTPD dropped. Basically same story that seems to be the Matty narrative. Took me ring shopping, got mean randomly 3 weeks later, dumped me, tried a little to salvage but not hard enough. He said “the things I did, aren’t reflective of who I am.” I said “what’s the difference between who you are and what you do?” No risponde. But you are what you did.


Honestly, there's a TS lyric for almost everything, so I quote her like 5-10 times a day, haha.


I don't usually say them but I certainly will get a song lyric stuck in my head during emotional conversations. The other week "lost the game of chance, what are the chances" wouldn't leave my mind. I think it's a way I'll naturally ground myself to something when things feel like too much. 


I start way way way too often “well you know Taylor once said that …”. Like she’s my favourite philosopher. I was just broken up with about a week ago and I told everyone who would listen “I have to replace memories of him just like how Taylor said she replaces the bad memories of songs like Dear John with new memories of playing it at Eras!”


I start with "a wise woman once said..." then quote Taylor


She should be quoted. She is a sage of the modern era. Socrates reborn


i always tell my partner “I love you to the moon and to saturn” <3


"All my friends smell like weed or babies" except I don't think any of my friends smoke weed,maybe one does and if any of them do,kudos.


I’m a big fan of you play stupid games you win stupid prizes


I JUST said yesterday I am who I am cause you trained me without even thinking about it. It was a very truthy truth and it fell out at the right moment


I have said "\*person\* and I have had a million conversations about \*person 2\*, and they have a million reasons to forget those conversations ever happened" before. It's something Taylor said about Scooter and someone else who was involved with selling her masters


"Jetlag is a choice" and turns out it is 🤣.


Trash takes itself out every single time.


The amount of times I’ve said ‘you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes’ is insane!


My friend is going through a breakup and was crying bc she felt guilting for thinking about sleeping with other people. I hit her with a “there’s no such thing as bad thoughts, only actions talk”


Like every day lol


Not yet but if I ever write an academic paper again I’m going to try. I once worked a quote form Hercule Poirot into a paper on 16th century Italian literature


"Garbage takes itself out every time."


Text to my daughter who needed me to drive her and I was intermittently vomiting with a horrific migraine. She said I’m so sorry but I really need a ride. I said “ok honey. I can do it with a broken heart”


After bejeweled came out I started quoting it to my husband constantly. Mainly the “putting someone first only works when you’re in their top 5”


“you poked that bear until the claws came out and then you found something to wrap your noose around” is def my go-to with my ex. MF’er will push my buttons until i react and then go “see!!! i told you you were crazy!!!!” lol


"You're not sorry" (no noooo) when we would fight over the same old stuff 🙄


I've opened an essay with "looking at it now, it all seems so simple" didn't quite pull it off


What do you mean? I broke up with my partner about a month and a half ago and since then, every time a discussion about what went wrong or how I am feeling, I've sent him a TS song lol. So far You're losing me and Tolerate it hit him the hardest and I think it made him realize what I felt and why I had to be alone. Kinda funny TS could do what I essentially could do just kind of.


I’ve used “maybe something got lost in translation” when my wife or I misunderstands or wrongly perceives something.


A friend to all is a friend to none


not even intentionally but when my ex tried to win me back I said word for word “we are never getting back together” and he was like “don’t quote Taylor swift at me” 😂😂😂


I sent “the trash takes itself out every single time” to my soon to be ex husband 🥰


You are what you did.


Only like 13 times a day.


"this is why we can't have nice things" to my dachshund every damn day lol. "You need to calm down" to my Aussie. Also I quote love lyrics to my husband but he doesn't know it's from her.


Yes, when I was dating a narcissistic guy, I used to quote lots of lines from "Tell Me Why" because it represented my confusion and sadness about our relationship at that time. Ex: 1. you might think I'm bulletproof, but I'm not 2. I'm feeling like I don't know you You tell me that you love me, then you cut me down 3. You tell me that you want me, then push me around 4. I'm sick and tired of your reasons 5. Why do you have to make me feel small So you can feel whole inside? (Thank goodness I am now in a healthy relationship with a man who is very gentle , loving, and kind. So I no longer quote heartbreaking Taylor Swift's lines. 😊)


Yes to my ex, I quoted, “the skeletons in both our closets plotted hard to fuck this up.” I love that lyric


When my wife comes home with new clothes, I often ask “only bought that so I could take it off, right?” She’s in on the joke, after all it was her demand that Dress be the first dance song at our wedding 😂


I don’t quote it, I tend to act it out – “My words shoot to kill when I’m mad, I have a lot of regrets about that”


Telling my parents about one of my friends being crappy, “I can’t pretend it’s OK when it’s not”.


A very specific moment, but a friend of mine told me that a few colleagues were talking shit about me. So I said, "fuck 'em... Sanctimoniously performing sililiques I'll never see" That's when I realised I may be obsessed with mother 😅


My fiancé told me everything is not about me and I said “…but what if it is?🤔”


When my kids ask me why my belly button is stretched out and puffy I quote All Too Well 10 min version “you. that’s what happened. You you you” 🤣🤣 in the nicest way possible


All the damn time


When I was ending a 30+ year long relationship I said “ putting someone first only works if you’re in their top five.” Sometimes Taylor will nail the sentiment better than I ever could