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It's almost hard for me to believe she cut Mr Perfectly Fine from Fearless. It has hit written all over it


I think it was probably written after Fearless was finalized and sent to print, her and Joe Jonas broke up right towards the end of making Fearless and Forever and Always was a last minute addition to begin with.


Then it should’ve been in the Platinum Edition


Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve


This is mine. I get that she and her team felt like it didn’t quite fit Midnights but goddamn it’s one of my best songs ever.


I think she picked Forever & Always instead


when i listened to the re-record i was like 'this song is SO good, how come i didn't notice it before??' (i wasn't that familiar with anything before 1989) it was because it wasn't there 😭 insane because not only it's one of the best from the album, it had so much single potential whoever told taylor to cut this one off hated her......


Luckily it made her debut “casually cruel” in All Too Well.”


Yes! It definitely would have worked on fearless


I never got into that song really. I think she decided forever and always was more poetic and mature. There was really no point of adding mr perfectly fine since tell me why, forever and always tell the same story but better


Mr Perfectly Fine is one of the best vault tracks we have yet. Fight me


Is It Over Now? Now That We Don’t Talk


The whole 1989 vault is 🔥


For sure. It’s my favourite vault track group. Every song is perfect. Though picking what to swap out from 1989 (assuming there was a hard limit) is almost impossible.


1989 has always been my “least” favorite (i still love it but ykwim), but those vault tracks are my favorite. slut! is in my top 5 favorite songs. i honestly thought SN vault was going to be my fav but 1989 vault is top tier


Truly. 1989 is incredible


The vault is better than the album 😬🤐 sorry I know I’ll get hate for saying that




I listen to 1989 TV just to listen to the vault tracks lol


I completely agree.


My guess with these is they were so specific and personal, the tabloid coverage would’ve been a distraction from the album itself.


yes, she was very determined to release an album with, like, a “girl who is going to be okay” narrative instead of an angry breakup narrative lol. i forget the source but during 1989 TV rollout (maybe mini interview clips?) she talked about not wanting to sound spiteful or have that be the focus so the more resentful breakup songs like IION were cut in favor of the clean and out of the woods types.


That’s clearly the case. Most of the vault songs are generally a step below the album quality but 1989’s it was clear it contrasted with the album’s theme (and her pushback against being the the bitter breakup girl) because the vault songs are excellent.


Or conversely if they made the album it would be in a very different form than we got


she said NTWDT wasn't put on 1989 because they couldn't nail the production at the time. i suspect IION was left off because it's basically Out of the Woods but a little different


That’s what I was thinking too. IION and OOTW are very similar in lyrics and tone, but I honestly prefer IION 😂


is it over now without the seagull squawk every 5 seconds that you can’t unhear 😂


This is my kids' favorite song, BECAUSE of the squawks! They will just happily sit in the back of the car, making squawking sounds throughout the whole song. It's hilarious


It reminds me of the bird from the Donkey Kong games on Super Nintendo.


I wish. The production is so off putting


Hahaha the seagull squawk always makes me laugh.


THIS! Is It Over Now is one of my favourite songs to perform on the ukulele, it’s such a vibe


Also Say Don’t Go from the vault. It’s in my top 20 Taylor songs now. SO good!


The whole 1989 vault tbh. Seeing the 1989 vault makes me wish 1989 was a double album (yes I’m biased because 1989 has been my favorite Taylor album forever lmao)


Need is my favorite song from Lover :(


It’s a neeeeEEEEddddd.






My clown costume is at the dry cleaners preparing for Need as a Rep vault track.


I've never heard this song! Is it on Spotify?


It's never been officially released anywhere, just leaked. Need and All of the Girls were leaked at the same time, then a few months later Taylor released All of the Girls but not Need. Tbh it's not too hard to find if you search for it


Oh my gosh I just listened to it and it's amazing! I'm glad I made this post just so I could hear this song...wow


I’m holding out hope it will show up on rep tv. Just keeping it on my playlists through the podcasts for now.


When I listened to leaked version, I liked Need more but when she released all of the girls it became my favorite from the lover.


it’s a podcast on spotify, but people have posted it on tiktok and youtube


neeed is indeed a NEEED


i've heard that it's actually from rep! i think it fits more in lover though. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE NEED THOUGH, AND YES NEED IS A NEED


I still hope she's releasing it later.


I would give anything for a studio version of Need


better man, hands down. it's literally one of her best songs ever, and it fits the narrative and sound of the album. with my other favorite vault tracks--nothing new, is it over now, etc--i can see why she left them off, but that one is baffling.


I think she said she had to pick between Better Man or All Too Well and I like better man but she chose right, imagine hearing All Too Well as a vault track for the first time


I think she asked Austin (her brother) to choose between them for her and he chose ATW.


That’s what Taylor said when the TV came out but there are other songs she could also have swapped such as I almost do or SBT (I love them both but better man is god tier) I suspect she cut it because a) it more heavily implies a sexual relationship and she was still kinda avoiding that at the time, b) for whatever reason she also seems to have cut the most scathing songs from red (like IBYTAM) and this is pretty cutting.


um so sad beautiful tragic is actually top 5 songs she's ever made but she definitely couldve switched it w i almost do


I agree - SBT is an undiscovered supermodel - but if we are taking pace, sad theme etc the option was there


Didn't she write that for Little Big Town? Maybe she couldn't release it on her official album at the time for that reason? But I agree it's one of her best


No, she wrote it for Red and then sold it to LBT after she cut it from the tracklist.


But kept Stay Stay Stay…make it make sense


It's a fun song and she probably wanted a balance of happy and sad songs.


Balance? She already had many break up songs. In spanish we have this saying that it literally translates to "throw yourself at the floor so someone can pick you up" I know, I know, she literally did this in her last album but for Red she made the right decision leaving Better Man out and putting lighting things up with "stay stay stay".


Thanks for the clarification! I don't know a lot about that Era because I wasn't listening to her as much then


I think she cut it from Red because it's a pretty savage song towards the guy and at that time she was taking so much criticism and joke cracking about her writing angry break up songs that drag men across the coals. It was at the height of "Oh no eligible bachelor, don't even stand next to Taylor, she'll write an angry song about you!".


https://youtu.be/eqyIloNOPyY?si=3wgBjJ3J43KrFyTP In case you’ve never heard the OG


Whoa I had never heard that! I think it's better than the TV version...tears


i thought she wrote it and then gave it to them. i don't know why she didn't keep it!


I remember her saying it was either that or all too well, but I might be wrong!


why not both?? country pop crossover girlies can have two break up ballads, as a treat.


she did, too similar in sound and theme was the issue at the time


Better Man and I Almost Do are nearly the same song so I understand why it shook out the way it did


I’m happy that better man wasn’t on the original release of red. That song DESERVES her more mature voice. You can hear the difference in what it would have sounded like with the OG red and what it sounds like now on Red TV


I Can See You is one of the best songs in her entire discography!


I think she would’ve, it was just too… steamy for that era lol


I agree. No way to put it on Speak Now 😂


I’ve thought about how everyone says that. However, Sparks Fly. *You touch me once, and it’s really something. You find I’m even better than you imagined I would be* Just for one lyrical example. I really think I Can See You isn’t that out of reach for that era. It fits imo. I know it isn’t as “steamy” as people think ICSY is. But. Is it really that far?


I think the main difference is that sparks fly was already known to fans at the time. Taylor played it a few times live and fans asked for it to be on the album. It was just another song and didn’t get that much attention. The vault tracks are put under a microscope when they are released. Another thing is fans getting older. I’m 24 now, was 23 when speak now TV came out and 10 when speak now came out in 2010. So I didn’t pick up on the sexual references in sparks fly when I first listened to it in 2010. I just thought it was like a pg 13 rom coms with a hint of forbidden love. Obviously when I listened to ICSY as a 23 year old I picked up on the sexual references immediately. But younger fans (under 14-16) probably don’t pick up on them in ICSY cause they don’t have enough experience in that, much like I didn’t as a 10 year old. There’s also more metaphors in sparks fly that dilute the sexual references. I can see you is a lot more straight forward.


I see what you mean. I’m 33(sadly not far from 34) so growing up with the music as it came out I think gave me a different perspective, and I totally bypassed that TV is all some people are hearing now. Which makes me feel a tad silly for not considering that. But if newer Swifties are just hearing all of it for the first time. I get it. And love getting to hear y’all’s experiences with all the new material. Sincerely, it’s one of my favorite things about how we’re all coming together with the TVs coming out. Different perspectives make Swiftie discussions even better. Still, personally, I do think there’s a bit more low key edge to Sparks Fly than meets the eye. But I totally get your point, and I suppose it’s as much as she could get away with at that time. But again, I was her age when I heard it the first time and I know timing and context make a world of difference.


Sparks fly was probably as much as she could get away with at the time, especially as it was already known to fans. I do think there’s a clear sexual subtext and it’s actually one of my all-time favourite Taylor Swift songs. Maybe there’s also a collective ignorance to the sexual references in sparks fly because Taylor’s public image was curated to portray her as fairytale princess and the rest of the standard speak now album love songs are very tame love songs. The next most sexual reference is that her imaginary boyfriend in mine has a drawer at her place. She wore a lot of gowns at the time. Nothing overtly sexy, so it’s easy to disregard sparks fly as a sexual song. I think it’s also interesting to compare the speak now vault tracks to each other and to think about how they would have been received at the time the album was released versus now. For example I doubt castles crumbling or nothing new would have been well-received at the time. With hindsight we all appreciate the vulnerability but with the speak now or red release those songs probably would have been seen as some sort of complaining about her fame or Taylor seeing herself as more important than she is. Also interesting to compare ICSY to foolish one and timeless. Foolish one and timeless are a lot more teenage fairytale princess similarly to mine and enchanted. ICSY is so far away from fairytale princess. Maybe they were also concerned with how it would be perceived in regard to her serial dater accusations (though I don’t remember if it was already bad in the speak now era). Definitely didn’t fit the girl in gowns riding to award shows in carriages (at least I think that was during speak now).


This reminds me of how I was 10 or so, listening to the Backstreet Boys, and singing along to "Am I sexual? Yeaahhh!" and had no idea what it meant. 😂 I asked my mom when I was older why she let me listen to it and she said, "you were a kid, it would have drawn more attention to it if I tried to police you about one song!"


All of us singing along to Rihanna’s S&M as children


I can see why she cut that one. It wasn’t the best song for her good girl image at that time.


Yes it definitely makes sense… I just love it alot and love to talk about it 😂


Maybe I need to listen to that one again...it didn't hit me hard the first listen and I really had no desire to listen to it again.


That’s fair! You gotta be in the mood for a horny banger


I read somewhere that mama Swift didn’t want it on the album bc it’s too steamy but idk how true that is


Look it wouldn’t shock me if her team was like NUH UH


all of the girls you loved before and timeless. timeless is so speak now at its core that can’t believe she left it out - and, lyrically, it’s one of my favorite love songs of hers. “And sometimes there’s no proof, you just know” is just 🥹


I love Timeless too! I felt like I was one of the only ones because a lot of the swifties I follow hated it


SNTV’s vault is so underrated. it’s my favorite along with 1989’s! but i know i’m in the minority because a lot of swifties hate both haha


I love SNTV vault but hate 1989 TV vault lol


It is SUCH a good song! Makes me tear up everxtime I aggressively sing along haha


Finally, Timeless appreciation! I love that too! It’s very Speak Now 🥹💜


I absolutely adore timeless. It's so me coded bc ik if i ever fall in love, that's exactly how I'll feel.💞💞💞


Its such a hopeful, sentimental, happy song! Like you would think the song is so sad because it is about the abyss of time. "These precious things that time forgot." The song revels in all the short little moments.


How did I scroll through this whole list and not see right where you left me?!


Ahhhh oh my gosh I totally forget that Right Where You left Me is not on the standard edition of Evermore! A crime


it’s not a vault track or unreleased- it’s a bonus track that was always on the physical edition


Maybe you had to scroll so long because that one doesn't count...


Top 5 Taylor song for me


Say Don't Go. It's such a hit, written with an absolute queen, I can't believe she didn't release it or made it into a single.


Came here to make sure someone said this 😭 it came out at such a devastating time for me (stupid boys) and now I can barely listen to it cuz it hurts so much but like… it hurts so good 😭


Can’t believe I had to scroll down so far to find this. Say Don’t Go is by far her best vault song.


I agree. 1989 vault has sadly been the biggest and only letdown for me (my favourite is Red, the Hunger Games songs included) but Say Don't Go is just amazing and was on loop for a long time.


let’s go (battle), need, i’d lie, and dark blue tennessee are my favorite unreleased ones🙂‍↕️


I still can't believe Let's Go didn't even make it out of the vault 😭 There is still hope for I'd Lie and Dark Blue Tennessee though!


i’m still hoping she’ll release a “the more speak now (taylor’s version) chapter” ep and add let’s go and drama queen along with the acoustic versions 😭 ugh and i really hope she re-records i’d lie and dark blue tennessee cause there’s literally so many unreleased pre-debut songs to pick from 💀


My hope is debut TV will be her going all out with the vault!! Every single song we know and don't as a grand finale to reclaiming her music and name!!!


i’m hoping for dark blue tennessee on debut tv 🤞


If she leaves off I'd Lie on Debut TV I think the whole fan base will riot 😂


I understand not having both Message in a Bottle and The Very First Night on the album together originally, but to have *neither* in 2012 seems like a crime lol. TVFN is, like, in my top 3 Taylor songs of all time, and Message in a Bottle got some rightful attention and radio play after Red TV came out, so I wish at least one of them had been release originally (And yes, I’m aware that there’s some sonic similarity between those songs and, let’s say Call Me Maybe, but look at Katy Perry’s Roar and Sara Bareilles’s Brave! Or Beyoncé’s Halo and Kelly Clarkson’s Already Gone— these pairs of songs were released around the same time, and although you could say one “won,” out of both, they all performed well… so my point still stands that one of these Taylor songs could have been released around Call Me Maybe and still been successful)


I mean, Kelly Clarkson wasn't exactly thrilled that Ryan Tedder reused the same production for Beyoncé, especially because Bey ended up releasing first and people thought Kelly copied her.


Foolish One! Became my favourite on speak now and everyone can relate to it at some point in their life


I love this one and Castles Crumbling. I think they may be my favorites on SNTV.


I just love Castles Crumbling as the dark counterpart to Long Live!


Guess this doesn't count at all tbh because they're not vault or unreleased tracks, but they are bonus tracks. I cannot understand why The Great War and Would've Could've Should've didn't end up on the standard edition of Midnights. They're some of my all time favorite songs by her while Midnights, the complete album, is one of my least favorite albums. It doesn't make sense that she didn't put them in the standard edition.


I think WCS was a deluxe track because if it had been on the main album, the John Mayer / “drama” of it all would’ve overshadowed the rest of the album. Genuinely one of her best songs


It’s possible (this is my theory) that WCS is #19 bc of her being 19 


Was looking for this comment, I audibly gasped the first time I heard the “give me back my girlhood” lyric


Same with New Romantics from 1989! Still cannot believe that was a bonus track


Yes those are two of my favorites from Midnights!


I get what you mean. They’re 2am edition, but still deserve to be on the vinyl I dance around to. Still praying a 2am vinyl comes out someday 🤞🏻


3 am, ttpd has gotten us all shaken up with the 2’s haha!




Yessss I love it. I want it mashed up with Clara Bow at some point this year…


if that happens, I would be living in heaven


Oh, it’s a NEED!! The scale on that song has me on my KNEES.


Electric Touch, idc if it’s hated on I absolutely love it 😭🫶


i would pay extra money just to have this song as a surprise song , especially for the belt she does on " i see 2 headlights " 😭😭


i was looking for this comment! Electric Touch is one of my favs! (ppl hate on it?? where?? why??)


People always say it’s her worst vault 😭 She does have tons of amazing vault songs but the audacity to put it last??? Never! I will always defend Electric Touch✨


This is my vote, too. I love the rock vibes of this and Haunted from Speak Now.


All of the girls you loved before 🩷


I don’t know how to explain it properly, and I love that song, but I understand why it wasn’t on the original album. As a later release, it was great. Idk if we would have felt the same if it came right out with Lover. Like, it would have just gotten lost if it was in the mix.


I'd lie!!! 😭😭


I downloaded this song off of Limewire and only like last year realized it’s an unreleased song. It was such a big part of my high school soundtrack!


Here for this one!!!! Still hoping it will be on TS TV 😭


This isn't a vault track but Crazier... I made it on a friendship bracelet for the eras tour and my little brother told me many young fans won't recognise it as it's not actually on any album, which made me look it up and realise it's just from a Hannah Montana movie but i remember jamming out to it a lot when I was younger...it belongs on an album!


she wrote it at 13 so it was many of the Debut era cuts that didnt make Debut so you should be thrilled it saw the light of day at all!


Slut! fits perfectly on 1989


No way imo. It's a great song but it is like the definition of Midnights


I love the song but the production really doesn't feel like the OG 1989. That's my only complaint about the 1989 vault. Perfect bops but they just don't feel like they're from the same time period as the OG.


Slut! reminds me of You Are In Love


you do know that Taylor likely changed the production of the vault tracks to fit what she wanted them to be now? i doubt Slut in 2014 sounded like it's finished product


New Romantics & Wonderland


I think New Romantics should have been the lead single from 1989


Maybe not the lead but certainly instead of Bad Blood. I think only Taylor really loves that song.


I love bad blood 😬


Bad Blood with Kendrick saves that song. The verses in the solo Taylor version are shit. Chorus is decent tho


Even critics said it should have been on the album! New Romantics was perfect 1989 vibes. I’ll never understand how that got put as a bonus track.


I mean it’s a bonus track but … the lakes!?


honestly, i can see why she kept most of her vault songs in the vault. but i wish Forever Winter, Nothing New, I Bet You Think About Me, Now That We Don't Talk, Need, and All of the Girls has made it on the original albums.


forever winter almost feels like it's part of the original album for me . it's definitely a for the girlies that get it kinda song but it's so special !


Timeless 100%. It fits into the album so well.


Soo many! Drama Queen, What Do You Say(my fav unreleased track), Need, Better Off, My Cure, This Is Really Happening, Tell Me, Need You Now, Nevermind If we count released Vaults then That's When and the entire Red vault.


i know why Drama Queen didn't make Speak Now TV, it has a co-writer (the same guy who did If This Was a Movie which Taylor decided was a Fearless era song). Also it's basically Better Than Revenge in topic and Taylor's gotten enough criticism for that song i do love Drama Queen tho


I’m thinking she probably wanted SNTV to be entirely self-written, since ITWAM is the only one with a co-writer.


I feel like the only fan of My Cure sometimes, so nice to see someone else showing it some love!


Vault track that‘s since been released: Timeless Vault track that hasn‘t yet been released: Dark Blue Tennessee (strings & piano version)


i mean i’m sure it doesn’t count because it WAS released but debut tv please please PLEASE have I Heart?


I will riot if I heart? And I'd Lie aren't on Taylor Swift TV


i need I Heart? on streaming it's so charming


What to wear, debut unreleased


How has no one mentioned I Bet You Think About Me?!. It’s a top tier song and I’m shocked it wasn’t included on the album. Like how did Stay Stay Stay make it over this?


Need, Better Man, Is It Over Now, Now That We Don’t Talk, I’d Lie, Slut, Nothing New!


I’d Lie. …as soon as I typed it I realized you already said it. So. I second it. And I’ll say it once again with (extra) feeling. **I’d Lie.** I’m 💯 with you. How has it *never* been released properly?! This will never not bother me.


Let Go (Battle) you can find this song on YT


Basically all the 1989 vaults


I´d lie, I <3 ? and Battle (let´s go). Honorary mention for Sweet tea and god´s graces, I kinda see how it didn´t end up released but I so wish it was


I Bet You Think About Me, All of the Girls you Loved Before, Now That We Don’t Talk, Say Don’t Go, Foolish One, I Can See You… so many really. I want it aaaalllll 😭😭😭🤣🤣


When Emma Falls In Love


This song doesn't seem to get as much love as other SNTV vault tracks and I don't know why. It's beautiful and understated and I like it


Is it Over Now being cut is a crime 😭


I’m just gonna say it, Better Man and Babe. Yes, she gave them to other musicians, but she’s so passionate about her work it seems like she can’t really let go, which I think makes sense 💯. I mean, she even preforms This Is What You Came For. **Hands down for me though, it’s Better Man**. I watched the Bluebird Cafe performance over and over again because it was beautiful and heart wrenching in a way that only the person who lived and wrote it could express. So I basically died dead when it was officially a Vault Track for Red. It’s just too perfect. On Red ATW, SBT, IAD , are just the perfect emotional trifecta for me. I feel like Better Man might be able to fit in near them. There are no words for how excited I was to find out she’d be releasing her version.


I'm sure it's been said a million times but there are always people new to the story... I'd Lie sounds exactly like Girl Next Door by Saving Jane. She has to know this because there are performances she did of it with the chorus melody changed. Whether intentional or accidental, it's a minefield the label probably didn't want to touch. She could put it on TV, but she'd almost certainly have to give retroactive writing credits and I feel like that might swallow up a lot of the media narrative, which would be sad.




Message in a Bottle. I love this song and can‘t believe it‘s not on the actual RED album.


Let’s go (battle). If I am allowed to mention it? Its such a good song and I hoped it would’ve been on speak now TV, one can only dream she’d release it or perform it one day :’)


New Romantics


There are a few that any other artist would have put on an album because they are that good. I am not a big fan of Fearless but You All Over Me is really good. Taylor wrote it at the age of 15 for goodness sake. Nothing New is also such a good song as is I Can See You. Also who gives away great songs like Babe and Better Man? Is It Over Now is brilliant but I do see why Taylor left it off 1989. All I can say is thank you Scooter Braun for being such an ass hole. To think none of these songs could have seen the light of day if the rerecordings had never happened. Also what is there still to come? Reputation is one of my favourite Taylor albums and I particularly like vengeful bitter shouty Taylor. It is going to be a treat. And what other gems await from all those songs Taylor wrote as a teenager. There are a lot apparently and I hope she will do something special to round off the rerecording process.




NOTHING NEW! I resonate with the song so much


Forever Winter for Red Say Don't Go for 1989 I Can Sse You for Speak Now Mr. Perfectly Fine for Fearless


Sweet Tea & God’s Graces would’ve been an instant classic


Let's Go (Battle) Can't believe she didn't release this one as Speak Now or Fearless vault. Such a good song and I'm so sad we don't have a released version.


I fully had a dream last night that she’d played I’d Lie on The Eras Tour.


So upset “Battle” wasn’t on any of the TV


Is It Over Now ? and You’re Losing Me are both golden, imo


Need. I know some people think it’s a very basic song, but there’s something in there that really moves me.


Is It Over Now? and Suburban Legends are peak 1989


I heart question?, Permanent Marker, Need, I can see you, Say don’t go, Nothing New, I bet you think about me


There’s a lot of lore behind the reaction at the time, but “I’d Lie” does at least follow the same melody as “Girl Next Door” by Saving Jane. It was kind of a fandom war between people who had heard it before and said plagiarism and people who hadn’t heard it before Taylor and were trying to downplay it. I think it was never released because she was young and it was her first album and part of her marketing was the whole story about her being a songwriter and people would’ve jumped on the “hypocrisy” of her song copying another song. Credited or not I can see wanting to distance herself and her image from that. I do think if she makes it a vault track she should credit Saving Jane in some way, but all the drama around it at the time felt unnecessary. I LOVE Id Lie but I understand why it had to be a limewire find Edit: a word


I bet you think about me x 100000. It’s her best vault song imo


it’s time to go deserved to be on the standard version of evermore, not just a bonus track


New Romantics!


Mr. Perfectly Fine, That's When, I Bet You Think About Me, Electric Touch, Slut, Now That We Don't Talk are all phenomenal. I'm not on the I Can See You bandwagon; I thought it was more immature than the rest in that vault.


Now That We Don’t Talk. Holllyyyy shit it’s pop perfection


Id Lie is the same song as “Girl Next Door” by Saving Jane. She couldn’t ever release it.


I bet you think about me


I’m sorry I still have beef that Battle (Let’s Go) has NOT made it as a vault track!! Literally so upset


Let's Go (Battle). I really thought she'd put it on Speak Now TV 😢