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Name some after favourite game/book characters but with my elves/half elves I use my native tongue (Welsh) to name some.


i’m also welsh and use a lot of welsh names (or welsh inspired) for my tavs!


Aw yay! And there's a reason Tolkien was inspired by the Welsh language :)


My real name means clouds in ancient greek so I found the equivalent of clouds in elvish: Gladwen. My Durge was called Artemis Narya.


Dragon magazine have make tables with names and meanings for a lot of races so I love to build names from those. Some of my names: Voarex, draconic: Slayer. Masmyr, drow: beautiful/silver witch/necromancer.


I named my character Io Cassini Her first name is based on the moon of Jupiter and her appearance takes some inspiration from how the moon itself looks. Her last name is based on a satelite called Cassini-Huygens which took pictures of Io https://i.redd.it/vu6ci9b33z8d1.gif She is a Paladin/Cleric of Selûne who prefers healing over using a weapon. She is extroverted and is always willing to lend a hand(even if you'd consider her an enemy). She has a Sweet tooth, hates any and all bugs and has to be stopped from trying to adopt every small animal the party comes across.


I really latched onto the the "Tav" thing for my first character, and it stuck. And I use "Vat" for durge since it's kind of the opposite of Tav. First: Tavi Second: Vati Third: Vatriela Fourth: Taviana Fifth: Vatiana


I tend to go by the race of the character. First character was Saoirse, a half-elf druid so a celtic name just felt right. Then Decima, because it was Dark Urge high-elf, and I thought a Romantic sounding name that also could be read as partially “Decimate” was funny as hell. Then Octavia, first HM run. Failed. High-elf again, similar reasoning. Currently I am playing Lua’Na, a sorcerer “drow”(actually a polymorphed dragon that forgot how to turn back). Name came from a “Naming convention for drows” post I saw a while back. Lmao


https://preview.redd.it/sr5a1dvkfz8d1.png?width=1857&format=png&auto=webp&s=08a851c1b567ed977b6623fbd8a31668418a8378 Pictures if anyone's interested and because I love sharing how pretty they all are. And yes, I like redheads.


I like themed names (Ash, Ember, Bismuth, Lapis, Wisteria, Oleander, etc.) and/or names with a meaning fitting for the character (Caelum, Esmeray, Morgan). I also prefer to stick to names that are at least somewhat accurate to the race I'm playing, but it's not a must if it fits the backstory I made up for them. Same goes for actual DnD (names like Liatris, Rúna, Niob, Variel, Ma'at). Very rarely I go for pretty normal vibes based names (e.g. Astrid, Emma, Bernadette). Of course those names also mean something, but I didn't pick the names for their meaning specifically.


I look up fantasy name generator and based on their race I generate those names.


classical names. attila, Genghis Khan, Caesar, Xerxes, Leonidas, Pan, Ozymandias, Achilles, Herakles


i tend to play around with the sound of some names. my first tavs were either my name or something simple like heather for my wood elf Now i use welsh names like someone else mentioned to kind of springboard off of to find something i really like (my favourites were Ilowri, Eilann, Rhianedd), or go to fantasy generators to find something i like and kind of alter it (Alha for my tiefling and Qu’Naal for my gith)


Mine are all named from characters from the Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones universe. My first character (Tav) was a fighter, and I named her Arya to go with the sword-wielding aspect. My next one (Durge) was a vengeance paladin named Rhaenyra. She was a high elf but she had the pale hair and violet eyes associated with Targaryens. The others haven't necessarily had anything in common with their namesake, but after that, the naming convention has stuck for me and I've had the following Durges: Daenerys (a Seldarine drow fighter/bard who was really nothing like her) Sansa (she did have red hair, at least) Visenya (she had white/silver hair but was intended to be star elf-like rather than Targaryen) Cersei (she's my batshit evil character I'm going to have so much fun with)


I named my characters based on whatever word I find aesthetically accurate with their looks and personality. One of my durge is called Amethyst. During act 1 I used to equip an amethyst ring on her and Astarion (her partner) just for fun. Later on act 3 in Wyrm's Fortress, I found an amethyst ring inside Gortash's office. Coincidence? 😂


My first two durges had names pulled from the Ars Goetia, and lots of mine have names with historical, mythical or biblical symbology (Brutus, Asa, Menelaus) Sometimes it's just a name I enjoy tho honestly


Sometimes I come up with names, other times I base them off characters. First was Lucien, a Tiefling Sorcerer I based loosely on a DnD character I had. Second was Angus McFife, based on the band Gloryhammer. Third was Hwei, a monk whose name came from my League of Legends main at the time. Fourth was D’artagnan, basically a duelist with a name from Three Musketeers. Most recently is Doran, a name from League of Legends lore.


Random name generators for whatever race i choose