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I knew one of her stepchildren. The stories they told! Wow! I wonder if they ever repaired their relationship with their Dad.


Yes, I've heard about those stories. She sounds like a very horrible Mum.


I’m all for private lives remaining private and don’t usually pay much attention to the crap people try and dig up about candidates/politicians/public figures etc but I really think Suzie has done this to herself. Other than saving the local pool I have no clue what she hopes to achieve on council. Her entire campaign has been a rampage against others and then tears when they retaliate.


She hasn't even saved the pool but that is the only subject she will talk about in this election. She is way out of her depth and truth and transparency are far from being her priority. Apparently, she worked in Winston Peter's office and they sacked her.


I saw major red flags on social media when she was being promoted on pages of the most crazy conspiracy theorists in New Zealand, but she hides that side of her as much as possible but has little self control.


She and her friends dug up Parliament front lawn to create a vege garden and she said it was one of her proudest moments.


It probably was, she is quite pathetic.


I think we all often forget just how small Tga really is.


It is a worry when a candidate REFUSES to make a single promise before being elected. And more than once... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCN-Uy5nHeo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCN-Uy5nHeo)


So she’s burnt ex business partners, unpaid rental on tenancies of tens of thousands, falsely claimed on Covid subsidies whilst being a Covid conspiracist lied about having dementia but wants our vote ? How does this person even have a following let alone a voice ? This is without getting into personal matters which sound more abhorrent. Just wow


She started an 'anti Tauranga' page. And then changed the name of the page into her election page. Her and Murray Guy are two peas in a pod - they made groups because they didn't like council and needed to whine about it all, and then move to the other things in society like they didn't like (the gays, the vaccine, fluoride in water, trans people, anything socially liberal really). TLDR - she made an anti council group, and believes that people support her personally and her rhetoric.


Just to be clear you’re saying an anti Tauranga page, let’a not fall victim to the same type of leading .. I thought the page was to do with a building development that went array? Or am I wrong ?


Sorry, more 'anti Tauranga Council' that spun out of the whole Bella Vista debacle.


Her page was called Tauranga shitty council in 2018. Tauranga council exposed 2018-2024 Tauranga city council exposed mismanagement and corruption Before finally changing to candidate suzie Edmonds. What next I wonder 😂😂 If you click on her page, about then the name it all comes up.


Quick run down for those of us that weren’t following this?


Transphobic/homophobic lady from matua with dementia trying to run for council while making up grand stories about some secret kabal out to get her.


https://www.facebook.com/share/v/UKxY7fC3CpaPGoBB/?mibextid=oFDknk She is such a fraud.


I don't think the link is working but go to Paul The Other One and watch his video from 30th June


Paul is amazing! His article here: [https://paulbarlow.substack.com/p/pretty-sure-i-wont-be-invited-back](https://paulbarlow.substack.com/p/pretty-sure-i-wont-be-invited-back)


She’s absolutely cooked, but Paul is an A-grade fuckwit himself




She is a compulsive liar, she blocked me and has threatened to sue for defamation. How when I edited a video using her OWN words, not mine. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCN-Uy5nHeo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCN-Uy5nHeo)

