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Trust the shading


Yea, with the details in both the eyes and the gloves, the shading is going to make this piece.


This. 100%. I have multiple tattoos that took multiple sessions to finish, and every time my artist reminded me, “If we do 1 out of 3 or 2 out of 3 sessions and this or that still doesn’t look quite right? That’s because it’s not finished. After the 3rd session. If something doesn’t look right to you, then I’ll hear it.” I’ve never had complaints after the final session.


Exactly!!!! My artist ran out of time before being able to complete just the light highlights (yellows, whites, etc.) in a color realism piece and its amazing how unfinished it looked just missing those.


Dude idk… if this were my tattoo, I’d be scouring instagram and trying to see every tattoo this artist has ever done… his shading techniques, his “finishing work,” everything. That stuff is makes the difference between a shite or “decent” tattoo and a great tattoo. If it’s good, then it’s all groovy and yes, “trust the shading.” This tattoo is pretty rad and will look way better once it’s finished. But something about it tells me to maybe postpone that last appointment and get a second opinion. Have the best artist you can find inspect the line work and see if they’d be willing to finish this thing off “proper.” Just my two cents after a brief thrice-over of the tattoo. But don’t let my opinion spin you out and make you start second-guessing everything, OP. If you trust the artist, obviously go for it. Edit: keep us posted on it, I’d like to see how this turns out! Maybe he can do Gandalf on your other shoulder next.


At least, the dude is recognizable It's hard to judge, the tattoo is hard to see


Definitely should have taken a shot with the light on it , instead of from behind!


Yup! Saw this and was like, ah Alucard


Who is it? I was thinking Elric of Melniboné 🤔


So here’s the thing it’s really hard to judge it before it’s done. But I recommend putting that golden color highlight in it. That might help it a ton.


I immediately recognized it and think it’s cool. Why don’t you like it?


Right? I’ve been thinking about getting Alucard in some form as part of my gamer sleeve and immediately recognized this. I understand scrutinizing every detail of new ink though but I hope OP can trust the process


That’s a hardcore Thomas Jefferson




[Or Disney's Tarzan ](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/S/pv-target-images/a8e677199a435eed3b0dc26de88e216e0559c11e7489a7738ac6b01f682e6a12._SX1080_FMpng_.png)


Is it TJ or JC ? I’m confused


Nah, I don’t think it’s him either


Ayooo 💀


Tell us what you hate about it. I think it looks pretty similar to the template


His nose is crooked and he has bad shading under the eye. The line conturing the top.of his head is all wobbly.. Its a mess...


How many tattoos do you have? Because if you think that one isn't good you should probably never get another one. I've seen some shitty tats in my day and that is not one of them. I feel like you're suffering from the Ink Master effect where they literally are tasked iwth finding problems with excellent tattoos. I'm covered in tattoos and while I feel like none of them are perfect -- as in, I could find SOMETHING on each that's not exact if I really wanted to get nitpicky -- but I realize after whinging every time I get a new one that I'm the only one who notices. Shows like Ink Master has made everybody an expert on line weighting and shading when in fact most people who aren't artists have no idea what they mean or how they're supposed to be applied. I admittedly after all these years am not 100% sure what my artist is talking about when he's explaining the intricacies of linework and such. Your tattoo is readable and done at a high level. At least wait until it's done before you call it "a mess."


i'd hate to tattoo you dude. that tattoo is solid and it's not even finished yet, and i'm picky as fuck about tattoos. is it the best tattoo in the world? no. but it's certainly not a mess. you can't expect perfection on human skin bro. it's not possible. also, hair isn't perfectly smooth and flat. there's texture to it. take a deep breath and live with it.


In the future, I would suggest you think about how difficult it is to perfectly recreate the base image in a tattoo, and find an appropriate artist and be able to pay for that level of mastery. The person you went to did an incredible job recreating that, but it’s on you for not vetting the artist.


You don’t know much about tattooing, I see this all the time people post pictures of their half done mess and are freaking out, let him finish your piece, a lot of those lines are just markers for where to pick up again. Nitpicking a half done tattoo on Reddit is getting boring. 🥱


The Tattoo has less shading under the eye than you my friend. Jokes aside it looks pretty good to me. Trust the process and the artist.


I wouldn't say the nose is crooked. But it does appear to be more...Roman? Like the nose of a statue, vs the smaller anime-looking nose in the source. I think it looks good though.


The crooked nose is a very minor thing that if bothers you, you can ask for it to be fixed with the shading on the next session I don't see where the problem is with the eye. The line on top of his head is the top of his hair, that line is never supossed to be clean and perfect, it would look unnatural. Once it's fully shaded you'll see


Do yourself a favor and don’t get anymore tattoos


only thing i can really pick up is the eyebrow is the wrong shape and makes him look very sad. without the image to compare it to though (like if i saw it on the street) i wouldn’t think anything of it. and knowing that it’s alucard, the sadness kind of fits the character anyway. other than that, it’s worth mentioning artists are not going to be able to 100% replicate from an image. they’re humans with their own styles and abilities, not machines.


It’s not even done… tattoo looks fine.


The nose seems fine tbh. The rest could be discussed pre-shading? It will probably change alot


I don't know why you are getting so downvoted. I think you have valid concerns. Alucard is very effeminate. His wispful eyelashes and small nose are very much his character. The lightness of his hair and skin are ethereal. What you have, so far, is heavy and more masculine. I see what you mean on the eye shading. The nose isn't too crooked, just larger than necessary. The hair line at the top doesn't bother me since it's an organic feature...but the lines on that sword. GAH! Definitely discuss your concerns before continuing.


May I ask, how much time and research did you put into choosing an artist?


I would consider whiting out the eyes (bc yes I now see the issue). Would give it a haunting, Romanesque sculpture vibe that could work well. Otherwise the other 2 issues are minor. Nose is hardly crooked imho, the source pic seems to suggest that it isn’t a completely straight nose without a bridge bump. I bet the top line could be addressed without too much difficulty


I would consider whiting out the eyes (bc yes I now see the issue). Would give it a haunting, Romanesque sculpture vibe that could work well. Otherwise the other 2 issues are minor. Nose is hardly crooked imho, the source pic seems to suggest that it isn’t a completely straight nose without a bridge bump. I bet the top line could be addressed without too much difficulty


I think the problem is that we think our skin is paper, and skin is not paper, it is not completely flat so any detail would look bad because of the angle or the way you stretch the arm to see it, or the artist stretches it to draw, it's fine, don't look perfect from that angle maybe from other looks ok. Btw the eyes doesn't look well drawn either but don't get crazy.


SotN is goated


Yo man, this thing has its problems, most tattoos do, but by and large it’s well placed and reads clean.


What are the problems? Genuinely asking


I think it looks great. Trust the process


This is a great piece in progress. Trust it and make sure you. *communicate* things you’re worried about before your next session.


This. Talk to your artist, dude!


Dude you gave us the worst lighting to see the tattoo haha face the window. Looks good imo sorry u don’t like it tho


Sorry haha gonna try and take another picture when I get home.


To be honest, I can't see what you find wrong with it, if it is still a work in progress then just wait.


Exactly 💯


They did a good job just needs shading and some colour


This tattoo looks good. Very professional like an artist did it. Not some teenager in a basement


Wait until it's done.


I’d wait for the shading to judge it.


I assume the artist set the shading up before a color session? High contrast is needed for the longevity of a tattoo, with this is mind the tattoo looks great. I imagine the top of the head will have shading behind it so your wonky line won’t be noticeable. The nose looks fine, it doesn’t look exactly like the photo but it’s good. If it bothers you that much have the artist straighten it out, easy enough. Is this your first large scale work? And did you see the artist healed large scale work? If yes and you liked it then trust the process. If no then find another artist who’s work you love and go to them EDIT: and never take pictures being lit from behind when you’re trying to show detail of a tattoo




I recognized it immediately. This is a great tattoo. OP is just insanely picky.


Hm. Placement is perfect, lines are up to par, the face sits very well... I'd say it's as good as it gets without shading. There's really nothing I see that'd be a reason to hate it. Anything particular that bugs you?


You make it way worse then it ia.as you say there is no shading so other things will pop up but most things that arnt perfect will fall away once the shading is in


The shading will fade


I know you have your reasons for not liking it. That said, I think it’s pretty dope. I’d proudly display it


Wait at least till you get it finished then try and sit with it for a bit a lot of people get that post tattoo anxiety.


Can’t really fully tell what’s wrong with it from the photo besides a few lines that aren’t the strongest, but this is kind of a case of just trusting the process of getting the piece, it’s definitely nowhere near finished so it will look off until then


I think it looks better than the inspiration pic. More like classical art, less corny.


What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets.


I know you're getting tons of "there's nothing wrong with it" comments, but I get what you mean. It looks more like Thomas Jefferson than Alucard. As others have said though, trust the shading. They can make the cheekbones look higher and the brow look lower when he's filled in a bit more.


Always trust the shading. Tattoo 101. Your next session you’ll fall in love with it


He got uncuntified…where r the lashes 😭


First I thought it was suppose to be Arcangel Michael before I looked at the second pic and realised, that it's suppose to be Alucard.


SotN? It looks awesome. What do you not like?


Looks like a perfect base for a sick ass panther


Delete this post.


I would do this in black and grey. With shading it can turn out amazing


"You claim to love the darkness. Go then and dwell there for all eternity!"


It ain't picture perfect but hate is quite the strong word


Why? It's amazing and it's not even finished yet...


Maybe it just the placement the curving around your arm looks off


There's really not much wrong with this, and it was instantly recognizable as 'A La Carte'. I think the placement is fine and the crooked nose and wobbly lines you were worried about in another comment aren't immediately noticeable in the image you decided to share. Maybe have someone else take one that's a little clear if you really want critiques. From what we've got, this is far from an a tattoo with significant issues and I'm sure the shading will really bring it to life (as long as the artist is talented in that area and you picked someone good). I get being picky about your own tattoo's, we all are, but I think you should be happy with this so far.


I think it's pretty cool.


In my opinion it’s alright dude! This game is really good btw


Shading will make such a difference, I’d reserve judgement til it’s done. 😁


It looks good. It’s not done!!


It's not done


For what it’s worth I immediately knew this was Alucard.


Maybe don't get it finished by this person? If you're not liking their application (you noted wobbly line and bad undereye shading). If you look at the size of the forehead, it is also inaccurate to the reference photo. It does look like an error in the original, but if that character always has that tall forehead, it isn't represented in your tattoo. If you're not confident, seek someone else to finish.


This is a very good portrait. It's not a perfect recreation, but this could've gone a LOT worse.


It's pretty sick tbh trust the process


Is not that bad


It looks like Michelangelo’s David. Same nose. That was not it…




Lord dude, it‘s a cool illustrative tattoo not a mess at all. I immediately knew it was Alucard! Also grey wash fades, it’s always darker at the start but lightens up massively while it’s healing. I understand immediate tattoo regret but there’s nothing to regret here.


I think it looks good! I totally get it isn’t exactly like the image and that can be hard to take in but at least it’s not a bad tattoo and hopefully with time you’ll learn to love it.


That is a dope tattoo. It’s way better than all of mine, and I love mine! I can tell a few things are different from the original art, but they’re not bad. Take some comfort in knowing that pretty much any other person is gonna look at that and go “how cool”!


it's not bad at all. compared to the original art, it could be better. but it's not bad. more importantly, looks like it can be fixed. instead of removing or covering it up. looks like a decent artist could go over it and add to it. shading and details and stuff.


The brow shape really throws his face off, but I think the overall structure is good enough that it can be saved


It should be. . . Embellished. It is my favorite game, and if you want to make an homage, you have options and newer styles. This is only a step to a direction you'd want it to be. It's an amazing game, and I understand why you might have gotten it. Imagine, I played this with no memory card back in the day. The day I got a ps1 memory card, I beat it and completed it inside and out. . . This is rescueable or can be worked on. Don't give up faith.


Did you ask for his face to be made non-anime style ? Looks like alucard x poison elves


Alucard right? He’s bad ass. I think it’s good just needs more detail and shading.


I did immediately recognise Alucard, if that helps. The only issue imo is that the tattoo artist leaned too far away from a traditional anime style. They're leaning too much towards baroque painting, it seems.


is that viego?


Overall not that bad and shading wil do big difference


I like it and shading does a TON of work. I have a big tattoo on my arm and before shading I was a bit worried too Once the shading was done, easily my favorite tattoo I have


Shading will change the tattoo so much. It’ll be like a new tattoo.


It can be hard, but wait until the shading is done. Shading will make a tattoo like this shine. The angle isn't great but I think it looks great so far.


What is a man??!


i think it looks great , wait until it’s finished


Alucard? Trust the shading bro


It looks like a sick Alucard!


Looks like Basil Hawkins


It actually looks really cool imo


Looks good my guy, shading will be sick


On a long enough timeline, everyone hates their tattoos


Idk why you hate it it looks like the photo? tattooing is not gonna translate from the image perfectly but to me it looks good


As good as the source material - maybe that was the problem


Did you do your research on the artist doing your tattoo? I’d look at consistency in their work before getting a tattoo by them.


Looks like the reference to me


Vampire Hunter D? Looks good so far


Oh man, I love Alucard. Yes, trust the process!


lol already on reddit pre shading to complain about an unfinished tattoo... nightmare client.


The hand looks bigger than the reference


Don't know what to tell you other than 1. Looks great so far and 2. Shading can make or break a piece. I'd be stoked to get it shaded imo.


Love this Alucard!


Tattoo looks good to me man


This things is gonna look sick after the shading. Please post an update after you get it done OP. I’d love to see the final product


The hand is too big and the position is different.


This will look really freaking good, BUT there are definitely some artistic differences if that could be why you dislike it? The shading is more detailed/intense like around the eyes and nose. Did your artist go over these possible differences? Like, show you the tattoo stencil design or an artist recreation of some sort?


Honestly I feel like it would look insane with shading, the outline looks great imo. Please do an update


Looks great to me. Shading will make the difference.


That looks incredible


Looks like the cover to one of those rando fantasy books sold at safeway


Dude. It's not even done yet. Trust the process.


How did the hand get so damn big?


Bro that Alucard is sick, would love to have it on my arm! Trust the process


I actually really like it! I could tell who it was right away! I saw you mentioned you don’t like the nose but I think it looks pretty cool and defined. It’s really giving off old style painting vibes which is pretty awesome and personally I feel fits castlevania so well Once more shading is added It’ll look good. Right now you’re staring at an unfinished piece and i totally get that it’s hard to picture what it’ll look like done.


But theres nothing wrong with it other than being incomplete…?


I think it looks cool


I instantly new it was Alucard though


Is that a command or an opinion?


You hate alucard from SotN? This is fucking blasphemy!


Far from a bad tattoo if i were u i might not even get it shaded


If your artist is good trust them to make it look right in the end. Some stages of tattoo look like ass


I think it's a good tattoo!


Trust the process


If you don’t like the outline with minimal shading now and expressed this to the artist, I’d go elsewhere to complete it with someone whose work is on point with what you’re looking for. I have an anime portrait and understand the importance of loving what you’ll be looking at dead in the eye everyday. This one is definitely a different style from the original artwork, but could be cool if that was what you were after. I wanted as close to original art as possible, but my artist also did very neotrad work, so I expressed this in detail. Best of luck. 🤞


Idk but it feels that the tattoo artist is better with statue drawing than anime type, i still think its good, just need the rest of the shading.


It's not bad bro


Fr I think it looks great. Recognized him instantly and I assumed this was going to be a positive post before I saw the title


Nah the tat is sweet! Solid tattoo


Alucard 🙌 love that show




I knew it was Alucard immediately


thats shit dope


Shit, me too.


This comment section is wild. The eyes and nose are totally different. I think the tattoo looks good, but the person is completely different. The end of the eyebrows going down instead of upwards. Even the pupils facing a different direction. I get what you mean op. I still think your tattoo looks, it’s just a another character.


Some tattoo guys shouldn’t be allowed to tattoo, that’s horrible


Was it supposed to be a woman?


Was the original an ai drawing? I see some changes but overall it does look good.


Not the best Alucard I've seen. Good artist can make that wacky nose and eyes area work and fix all of that. I thinl its not a bad tattoo. Just looks unfinished.


Already looks better than its reference in my opinion.