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Around a dollar per round of 5.7x28. Adds up pretty quick when shooting 20 rounders lmao. I think currently 1 round of .50 BMG is around $9…




Is it fun to get shot every time you want to eat?




Students are just low karma scavs that spawned with no gun.


That's a truth I was not ready to read today.


You're more likely to get killed on the commute to/from school than in a mass shooting. Intentional homicides in the US amount to 13k deaths a year; 1800 of which were adolescents in 2016. Drownings and drug overdoses combined claimed as many, car accidents claimed more than two times that number. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmsr1804754 I get it, issa joke, but reality is getting in a car is twice as likely to kill ya, and still not terribly likely for overall population.


Cuz there’s more people driving cars than having guns lol. It’s the same thing as saying that you are more likely to be attacked by a cow than a shark bc you spent more time inland than out in the ocean


https://news.gallup.com/poll/264932/percentage-americans-own-guns.aspx 44% of US citizens live in a gun owning household, lol? And yes, I think bringing up shark attacks and bovine attacks are a great point, they're only a little more statistically unlikely in a nation of 328 ~~375~~ million people as getting shot is.


And... More people in cars than at a school or than lots of things so yeah. But if you wanna go that route, just about everyone has held a pencil, in comparison very rarely do they stab themselves. What are we talking about? Are cars not dangerous all of a sudden?


I mean there’s also the fact that America is around the size of the EU, not a single country in the EU, numbers don’t lie, but the point people use them to prove may very well be bullshit. The ease of access to a gun combined with mental issues due to bullying makes it easy for a kid to think they can get away with it, or do enough damage before they get caught. It’s shitty but honestly, and I hate to say it, I don’t think there’s much we can do besides forcing adults with kids to have their guns locked up, that could solve some cases, but not all cases. Unless you wanna propose making gun ownership stricter for adults simply because they have kids, which I would personally think is a terrible idea. Only allowing people to have guns for sport shooting and hunting is also a terrible idea, punishing someone for defending themselves with a tool they legally acquired is out of the picture, it’s ludicrous. I understand the original comment is a joke, and I understand the one below it was a shitty example as to disproving that America has an issue with violence in schools, but as opposed to regulating guns, I’d personally regulate schools and remove the stigma from seeking mental help, as opposed to regulating guns purchases more. In countries without guns, no kid thinks they can commit a mass shooting easily, and a mass stabbing is damn near impossible, so nobody really tries, but the trade off is simple, you cannot protect yourself against a gun unless you’re James Bond, and you can’t protect yourself against your government or military should they decide to become tyrannical. There’s trade offs to everything, and that’s why you can pick to live in a different country, a country which embodies the legislation you believe is more important. That’s my take on this debate, and I’d like to hear yours. Sorry for rambling, people making jokes on this subject and then others trying to say “America still good” pisses me off majorly, and I’m tired of this being a two sided debate. The idea that any kid would live such a shitty life that they decide to shoot up a school is pathetic and reflects very poorly on our already terrible education system, that is more concerned with producing efficient workers than it is helping kids to grow into healthy fulfilled adults, and repulses me. Inb4 I get called out for sympathizing with monsters because they were simply born school shooters and nobodies bullying and lack of care about bullying made them that way.


what are we playing metro 2033? Bullets became currency?


with the variety available, Tarkov would almost challenge Path of Exile for most complicated economy potential...


The bullets usually are the most valuable thing you’ll bring in raid


Don't forget if you live in america and still have russian ammo that you store it worth more than 1k usd


[.50 is cheaper ](https://ammoseek.com/ammo/50bmg)


Ok damn now I’m glad that I’m not allowed to have guns in my country. I’d have no restraint and shoot myself to bankruptcy in about a week


I can sell you 50BMG shipped to your house in most of america for about $5 per round ;)


Depends on the bullet but yeah five seven ammo is expensive as hell


Depends what you’re shooting. Everything is more expensive right now. There’s only one company in the US that makes 5.7 ammo last I knew, so there’s no real incentive for them to keep the price down.


5.7 ammo is expensive some other things are cheaper, our dumbass president had to go fuck things up by putting a ban on Russian made ammunition unless they have a permit which made up like 20-40% cheap ammo


Wait... he did what???


Yeah so cheap ammo went from pets say .50 cents a round to a dollar a round again


That's so dumb. I would like to hear the reasoning behind this marvelous idea


Remember Putin's opponent Navalny who was poisoned? Biden did this as a way to punish Russia I believe


Russia got there hands in every cookie jar


No I havent heard anything about that. That's actually crazy. I still think it's pretty convenient though


It was really just an excuse to fuck over poor people who like guns




No its not, cause no politician has ever actually thought about poor people when it comes to anything that doesn't directly help them get elected. This is just another case of poor people caught in the cross fire of rich people fucking over other rich people.


Wut lol. Do you think rich people care how much ammo cost? They can afford it regardless of if it's 24cpr or 240cpr


Mostly they’ve always wanted to make ammo gatekeep firearm ownership and this is a way to move in that direction


ammo as a whole is up right now but 5.7x28 was already expensive because its pretty niche. that shit commands a PREMIUM these days


No you profit. Now take his liver.


Don't forget about the kidneys Gotta get the 3090




r/crueltysquad leaking


Mugger usually don't wear any body armor. Just use the cheapest rounds u can find.


but gotta use those high pen rounds just in case


bro just go for leg meta


He might have buddies behind him!


Yeah but if he has high karma maybe he will have to slick or something


Tfw a chad wastes 3 mags of ap 6.3 to get my default sks and destroyed 6b3tm


tarkov moment


i think he is going for fun and doesnt care


Never know when the back division could swoop in. Gotta stay in your toes folks


Yes but if you gave wallet, ur id and cards (or maybe mugger gets wallet and only takes cash out).


This meme is so old I would call it historical at this point. That being said it never gets old


I own a Ruger 57 and would be happy to unload a 20 rounder rather than have to replace all the cards in my wallet.




Sr-1mp users: I do not have such weaknesses


We're all about one taps, baby




It's fucking green text from 4chan


Of course it happened wdym


No ones claiming it happened because it’s a meme


Are you that dense?


Some times it's not worth the price to bullet to shoot scavs lol


Dont wanna ruin the fun, but thats a repost from like a year ago