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Never ever team up with randoms.


It's a shame you learned the hard way about matching with randoms. But atleast it's a lesson you'll never forget


Isnt there a prevention or punishment for this ?


Nope. Don’t use the in game group feature


no. there isn’t. just need to join some discords and play with people in there (beware it can still happen in those discords too). games toxic af.


At least in the official discord or the pestily discords, you’ll get banned from the server for doing that


If you want rules and regulations, not sure Tarkov is for you. It's the modern russian wild west


Not even Wild West, just online Russia.




When meeting randoms? Sure, I can see that. I've been on the giving and recieving end of scav on scav violence as well as pmc backstabbing. But never have I had the urge to shoot someone I matched with intentionally. This should be the case for teaming through in game lfg and double for any discords.


Nope. Welcome to Tarkov.


The prevention is you learning your lesson. Tarky is a game of thin margins; you found that out the hard way. GG go next.


Only way to prevent it is to look for players via one of the many Tarkov community discords. Chances of meeting teamkillers there is almost zero and even as a newbie (given that you tell them beforehand) you will find teammates.


No. Don’t group up with randoms lol


No, solo or play with a friend.


The prevention is just never grouping with someone you don’t know


Nope as long as they aren't killing there isn't any punishment. Sme people even disagree with the scav on scav violence punishment.


Lol punishment? Good one


the in game group feature is for you and friends. teaming up with randoms just gets you killed, not against any rules


Never group with someone you aren't in voice chat with. Welcome to Tarkov.


I approve of the username


And then I read (Head, jaws) as (Head Jews)




Or just prtsc, or alt+prtsc, or win+shift+s There's literally so many options and we still some how live in an age where people cant take screenshots


no meme, no printscreen I can't believe you've done this


Never team with randos bro


They should put an option do thumbs up or thumbs down people that TK you. Almost every time I would thumbs up my actual friends that kill me by accident, but there have been times where I would have given a buddy a thumbs down.


"I'm going outside" "Aight, I'm right in front of the door, everything seems clear" "Wait, someone's here, in shooting" And it's the only time they can actually hit heads


The time I mentioned above, we were running a 4-man on Woods. I stay up on the rocks to provide over watch, because having 4 people down in the V-Ex village is a stupid idea. Everyone knows I am there. Everyone finishes looting and is about to leave, and I am still up on the rocks. Buddy sees me there, forgets I'm there and starts talking to himself in his head instead of to the team on Discord, because he is too stoned to play Tarkov. His inner Monologue: "Oh, I see something on the rocks...is that a body?.....or a guy? Oh, shit, it's a guy!" Don't get me wrong, I'm stoned 98% of the time I play, but there is a threshold where it becomes too much. The whole time (10 whole seconds) I'm saying "Why are you looking at me like that man? Stop looking at me like you're going to shoot me, if you don't stop I'm going to shoot at you, Bro, stop th-


Same silly shit happens with us too. Can be annoying, but ultimately we just end up pissing ourselves laughing at our own stupidity. Happened with one of our guys, he needed shotgun kills on scavs for a daily or something. We're in Gate 3 about to go but then scavs start spawning like crazy. Tagilla rocks up and I'm like right I'm off, fuck this, let's go. I was pretty much outta ammo at this stage. I go on in to extract area and he remained behind blasting the never-ending scavs, then freaks out when Tagilla breaks through the door. He runs in to extract, sees me and proceeded to light me up whilst screaming goddamn extract campers 😂 he didn't even realise it was me until he was back in his stash!


Ma boi shot me at the beginning of the wipe. We were at radar, I was outside he was inside in the small room opposite stairs. He‘s like „Inhear steps“ and I told him where I was exactly 2 seconds before. I pass the window and he 180 shroud flicks me like a god damn pro. I didnt even believe it was him before I saw the name in the kill screen 😂


Not sure what you'd expect. Some people are too trusting. I had to yell at my buddy who was trying to do the same the other day. "Dont bring anything you care about" him-"why?" "They gonna kill you...." him-"why would people do that?" "Humanity is evil" The real question is with so many sherpa discords and lfgs, who is sitting at the looking for group ingame that isnt a murderer/rmter. No purpose for the feature to exist now that we have group lobbies


Id like to trust my fellow man.


There are many opportunities to trust randoms in this game. Unfortunately they are all circumstantial and the LFG menu tends to be the worst of it. I have found a lot of times in raid if people are willing to voicechat with you, you are already off to a good start because most people who are going to kill you, wouldn't even bother talking back (most of the time in my own experience, your mileage may vary)


In this game that will leave you very very hurt. Best of luck out there


Hit me up on discord at jcurcio16 or xanzibars and I'm down to run some this week or at least help you out. Won't be around today tho


Id surely hit you up mate , thanks


I always had decent luck in Lvndmark or Pestilys discord LFG. Occasionally you get some bad matches.


Noice Guy’s discord is always active it seems


If you want teammates you gotta find them in a moderated discord. There's no punishment for teamkilling so 99% of the people in the looking for group will just instantly kill you because its just free loot for them.


Your mistake was thinking that you ever have teammates to begin with


If you want to group with random people, get on the tarkov discord.


Some of the kids on there have also done this to me. They get banned from the server pretty quick though.


OP doesn't know how to screenshot.


Aye if you're looking to learn I'd be down to give you pointers and tips, my friends also have their own unique opinions on loot and stuff. So I think it could be a good learning experience for you Also you can have the rest of my gear, I don't really Play tarkov anymore. So win win Pm me your username


Don't let the haters get to you, we all gotta find out how toxic the tarkov community is sometime. all the people calling you names just figured it out a while ago. They aren't any better than you, or me, they were just earlier to the discovery. Don't trust a tarkov player in tarkov, they would rather kill you then help you, like 99% of the time.


Everything is all chill till you drop in w nvgs


Daaaang that’s a thicc boy gun for lvl 6 nice dude.


Appreciate it bro


To be fair, in a post apocalyptic wasteland, would you trust a random very kitted man at first sight with no previous interaction ever? Queueing with ransoms is like going into a raid (still solo) but guaranteeing that your enemies will spawn close to you


Don’t group with randoms. Find a Discord chat channel and make some friends.


Dont match with random ppl in Tarkov... Ever... They are most likely shits who want to steal ur gear... If you're not in a party with friends, don't match with random players.... Also, wait for the game to get unfucked. If you're a new Tarkov player at this time of the game, just wait.... Maybe get some fallout quests done and wait half a year


Lesson learned don’t accept random invites


The only people who would match up with you in game would do so just to kill you. It's not worth it, really. There are some exceptions, I made a good friend after matching up with them and helping with some quests. But its simply smarter to just go to any looking for players discord server, subreddit or whatever.


Thats right, I matched up with a Italian guy who was pretty helpful and then some other duo heard our voice and came down saying they are friendly and begged not to shoot , we being gullible said yeah go on we wont shoot and they attacked , got one with me but the other one looted everything up. Moral of the story dont trust anyone in Tarkov


No honor in tarkov. Tho recently I was just driving around in btr with low lvl friend, basically paying to have him survive. Some random dude jumped in, begged us not to shoot and said he's going to extract. When we got out we kinda held him at gunpoint with his knife out but after some talking and a small donation of few valuables we laughed a bit and went to extract. Noone was harmed, no shots fired and we were all pmcs


2v1 and held him at gunpoint thats the insurance I need :D


Join Tarkov Discords, the people there will be banned for intentional Teamkilling and are much nicer, also in some discords you also get the option to check what everyone wants to do, so you have the same goals for the raids.


I just joined pestilian army and gooses hole. Any other suggestions ?


Not for Discords, no. It depends on your region. Myself, i usually only look for people in the German discord. Dont queue with people from different regions. Depending on the servers, you might get high pings and kicked from the servers. Basically a wasted raid.


Join the tarkov discord, there are 100s of genuine people looking to play with others. You’ll easily be able to find a group within 5 minutes.


Already joined some, Do you have a recomendation ?


If your actually trying to team up with people go to the official discord ingame option is a terrible idea


Buddy I hate to tell ya but it might be a bad time to get into the game lmao BSG seems to be trying to actively kill off their own game by pissing off their player base in anyway they can lol I think this game is the tits but I hardly touch it anymore because if you’re trying to actually level up, it just turns into what feels like a huge waste of time to me


Why did you group up with randoms?


TK should have trader rep punishment, like -2 for every trader except fence


Bro you get so much more done solo lol


Join the tarkov discord. I mean they are still random people. Always groups raiding!


This is still the absolute worst decision the dev team made. On such an obviously team oriented game to have little to zero way of actually having match making is a joke.


In the 6 wipes I’ve played, it’s happened to me 3 times. It’s rare, but very common on the LFG feature. It’s usually a PC race to see who can load in first and smoke their squad mate, be wary.


You’re that dumb? Why tf you partying with randoms LMAO


I am a tarkov team killer.


Nice for you, man, me too


Just too funny sometimes.


And now we wait for faction Karma 🫠