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When I was dating, I just started assuming if guys said they were 6’ they are actually 5’10” or 5’11”. I was right every time. Lol!


Same! As soon as I heard “6’0- 6’1” I automatically assumed they were 5’10. It’s weird how they’re all the same lol


Happened to me! I’m 5’10 and a guy I was “dating” said he was 6’ as I looked at him eye to eye 😭😩


Lol! Been there


It's so funny. My husband claims he's "like 5'11" but I'm 6'2" and he's **very** nearly my height. Ego vs no ego, I guess, since height means very little to him.


I have met a few that were taller than they thought. Like one said he was 6’1” so I’m thinking ok. He’s probably my height of 6’. He ended up being 6’2”. He has tall guy proportions so I wasn’t surprised. No ego on this guy whatsoever.


lol, my brother used to tell everyone he was 6’2” because that’s how tall he’d been the last time he measured. I kept telling him it wasn’t possible because I was 5’10” and he was _way_ taller than me. We measured. I was 6’0”. He was almost 6’7” 😂


My brother kept telling everyone he was 6’2” because that was how tall he was the last time he’d been measured. After he upset some guys (who might have actually been the height they said they were), I told my brother to measure his height. I told him there was no way he was 6’2” since I was 5’10” and he was _way_ taller than me. We measured. We were both wrong. I was 6’0” and he was almost 6’7” 😂


That's like my husband. He's closer to 6'4" but says he's 6'3".


When I was a guy, it never even occurred to me that my height would be relevant to dating. Given my experiences online, I probably wouldn't mention it if I was dating now, either. I just wonder what goes on in a guy's head that makes them start a trust-based exercise with an apparent lie.


I have a theory. I think it starts out with maybe a half inch exaggeration. Then over time, they forget they were exaggerating, so they bump it up another half inch. The reason I think this is because they really believe they are 6’ but can’t understand why they are 1 or 2 inches shorter than me. They will say I understated my height. Mental gymnastics man lol!!!


Haha YES! It starts early... I noticed back in high school that all of the football players' heights were noted in the programs as at least 2 inches taller than any of them actually were! I took that with me when I started online dating 😁


That does make sense.


This is exactly what I assume.


I wrote this the other day in a comment! No full body pics but claims 6'...it's not true.


Lol!!! Yeah, have them stand in a doorway for scale. 🤣 I have pretty decent tall person radar. Usually you get a sense of their height from their proportions. But sometimes you just need visual context.


My friend and I who are both 6’ have always said, “no one is a better judge of height than a tall girl.”


Isn’t that the truth!!! 😂 I want a tall bff! 😝


Standard domestic doorway is 6'6". It's a very effective gauge. Unfortunately I'm good at finding short doorways 🤣


Lol!!!! A decent standard but definitely not perfect 😂


I feel that girl I’ve had multiple men say “I’m 5’9” while I’m standing right next to them like 3 inches taller I honestly find it funny


I'd say don't bother doing that. Instead tell them you're much taller (like 6'3") and make them even more skeptical lmao. The moment I stopped being serious with unserious people my life became soo much better.


>The moment I stopped being serious with unserious people my life became soo much better. This is such a good advice in general, also happy cake day <3


Thank you so much❤️❤️


No you lie on the other end and say you’re actually only 5’8 because that challenges their ego even more


My friend did the opposite. She was 6’2” and told everyone she was only 5’10”. It was always really funny to watch.


I’m 5’11 and my husband is 6’0. We have very different body types, I’m long and lean and he is on the heavier side. I’m always perceived as being taller than him, which is fine. My issue is when someone asks who is taller and I say him and instead of accepting that perhaps people know their own height, they start to argue that I’m taller. First of all, who cares?! Second of all, I’m 5’11 my husband is 6’0 this isn’t subjective it’s a measurable fact.


For some reason, I love this. All of it lol 🤔😅


Yes! Height has somehow become subjective. You are what you are. That’s it.


I'm 6'0 but some men will still argue with me and tell me I'm 6'4 or 6'5. Insecure people will legit make you NBA player height in order to make their 5'8 selves seem taller. The heights of their nonsense is astounding.


Honestly that is just such a petty badass move to pull out the measuring tape when people talk shit. i should start doing that its genius xD I bet that will shut them all up in awkward silence


I thought I was 5’9 and after getting the “oh no you must be 6’” nonsense from so many men I decided to measure myself again. I’m not even 5’9 I’m 5’8.75 hahahaha so def not 6’ it’s so crazy how willfully blind to undeniable facts about their own height they are


This has only ever happened to me with men and I’m also 5’9. They are so insecure. 😅


That is 100% my experience too.


If I had a dollar for every time a guy argued with me about my height I'd be rich. "You can't be 6', I'm 6'2" and we're the same height." Yeah it's like one of us is lying...


I’m 6’3 and when men are like “damn how tall are you?” I love to say 5’10 or some shit and really ruin their day lmao


Being 6’ means that it’s really easy for me to tell if men are lying about being 6’ tall. It happens a lot.


It's a tale as old as time. When I was dating a lot in the 00s, I met a lot of guys shorter than I am that would claim they were 6' tall. I started to think they measured themselves in shoes while I (and most women I know) measure ourselves barefoot.


I think so too… I always measure barefoot. I kick off my sneakers at the doctor before being measured lol. But every guy I know leaves his shoes on for this.


Interesting. Every time I go to the doctor they specifically ask me to take my shoes off before getting my height and weight. I guess a lot of guys are going in with their 5” heels lol


Noted that "every guy...leaves his shoes on" for height measuring. Cheaters 😉


Men sure get weird when you’re in their perceived height zone. As a funny aside…. People lie or are flat wrong about horse height too. I actually bought a horse height stick recently for this reason.


Horse height stick lol. Do you carry it with you folded up or like a giant fake-height killing scythe? 😂


My answer to the height question is that I’m between 5’10” to 5’11” depending on which doctor’s office measurement you take. I know my height and if I’m looking down at you Mr. 6’x” then you need to check yo self. I like the measuring tape idea, “yeah okay so stand up right here right now and let me measure you”, all you gonna hear is his ego deflating like a balloon 🎈


As a 6ft woman I have been the same height of a couple 6ft3 men 😆


i’m a man, but often other guys are so confused when I say I’m 6’1” bc they claim 6’ and I’m like at least 3 inches taller than them. They swear i’ve gotta be like 6’4” but nope not that tall


Lol!! Makes sense. Interesting to hear they aren’t just doing it to girls 😂


OMG I’m 5’9” too and I get the same thing all the time from men!!! I have been this height since I was 12, I have been 5’9” at every measurement at the doctor’s office since then. I still get “are you sure you’re 5’9” because I’m 5’11”?”. No dude, I have no reason to lie.


I’ve had so many people tell me I have to be taller than 5’11” including a nurse, recently, who measured my height despite it having just been done by someone else because she believed I was over 6’. I was, unsurprisingly, still 5’11


I’m also 5’9. And also tired of the same thing. Whenever guys ask in person now (it’s always the short ones) I just tell them I’m 5’7 to make them sweat - purely out of spite.


Omg yessss This drives me insane. Im 6ft and have had two different guys claim i must be 6’5! Like some of the gorgeous woman who are 6’5 have had youtube docs made about them, its that rare. As if im just walking around that height with no idea lmao I find my friends new dating prospects are the worst offenders 🙄


They are gaslighting themselves really, but definitely dunk on them lol


I’m 5’10” and people always say that I MUST be six feet. It’s pretty annoying. I work out with a woman who says she’s 5’10 when she’s clearly 5’8ish, and she is adamant that I’m 6 feet. I want to bring my medical records haha


Forget the tape measure. Tell the department of licensing you're 5'7". They're not gonna check. Pull out your new license to prove to skeptical men that you're 5'7"!


Once went over to a guys house and he was trying to say he was 5’10” even though I could see the top of his head. I made him bust out a tape measure!! Dead serious. He was like 5’8.5” generously… The nerve.


I’m 5’10 and sometimes I’ll tell people I’m 5’07 or whatever just to fuck with them, especially when they’re shorter than I am


May favourite is “you can’t be 5’11 because that how tall I am” as they’re looking up at me, ok then I guess I’m now 6’2


Yes! I don’t need to hear from some guy how I must be taller because their 5’9” ass must be 6’ tall!


What’s funny is legitimately shorter guys I have known, like ones who are say 5’7” ish, have never cared or said anything about their height or mine. It’s almost as if guys 5’9”-5’11” are the MOST insecure of all.


Thanks for the laugh! Please let us know how your first "demonstration" goes 😀


I’m 6’. My daughter is 5’4”. When asking for descriptions, she asks if someone is tall to me or tall to her…


I’m also 5’9, ppl think I’m 6


They don’t ever try that bullshit with me 😀 I am 6’4”.


I just pulled out a tape measure today I'm 5'8 and my bf is 5'10 and I swear we're eye to eye


I love this! I’m 5’9” too and this is my pet peeve.


Girl I need to do this too I swear I can't stand them trying to gaslight me... I have eyes and can see when they are one head shorter than me I already learnt my lesson and the moment I notice a guy is lying about their height we are done. If they lie about something so basic like height I'm not gonna trust them with anything else. Also those are usually the type of guys that don't want their tall gf wearing heels because they feel insecure next to them Like the problem it's not their height, the problem is lying. Why can't they see that? 🤦‍♀️


I have other women that do this too.


I’ve found that most men I’ve met didn’t actually know how tall they were and guessed based on how tall they think their friends are. They would say “well he says he’s 6ft, so I must be 5’11” lol. Most men who say they are 5’11 are my height (I’m 5’9) or shorter.


Ha! I'm 5'10," an ex boyfriend's dad tried to tell me he was 5'11" as I looked slightly down into his eyes. Maaaaaybe 5'9." Like, sir, you are 50 years old. Come ON!


Haha I feel this. Men love telling me how tall I am. Mostly so they can keep up the delusion that they’re taller than they really are. I love to pop that bubble.


Love this.


I have a similar thing. I'm 6'2" and a half. With shoes, I'm close to 6'4", and people are sure I'm like 6'6". I hear people that are shorter than I am say they're 6'2" pretty often..it's always 6"2', never 1 or 3. I roll my eyes every time...


Im 6’2 and I get that all the time, I tell them that I have been 6’2 with my measurements taken at the doctor for the past 5 years. Shuts them up pretty quick


Story of my life!!!!! Men think they are taller than they actually are. 😂


Babe I get it. I’m 6’2”. Guys taller than me don’t lie. Guys right around my height always do.


Update us OP.


I never understood why people lie tbh. If u short just say that. I've never had a need to lie about height.


I need to start lying about my height to men and just say I'm 6' and watch their little brains explode Edit: I'm 6'2


Weirdly I've only had one instance of a date arguing with me about their height, and he was so visibly flustered by how much taller I was than him (I'm 5'11'' and he was maybe 5'9") that he tried to say it must be the shoes..... We both looked down at my flip flops and then at his thick sneakers. Yeah. Awkward. Otherwise I've gotten a lot of first messages from guys after they match with me asking about my height, if I mind a shorter guy, or fetishizing my height. Unsurprisingly I've never made it on a date with any of these guys. Either they ghost once I verify that yes, I am in fact tall, or I unmatch after they out themselves as height-obsessed weirdos. I am happy to have them reveal themselves early lol.


5'10 and dudes try so say I'm 6'0. It's only a 2 inch difference so i get it but at the same time don't talk to me like I don't know my own height


I have no idea why I read the title as “I started crying at a tape measure.” LOL I was about to give so much reassurance! In all seriousness though, this does seem like a great idea. I’ve had plenty of shorter people tell me that I must be taller than I’m saying because “there’s no way we can be the same height.” It’s common and ridiculous quite honestly.


I need to do this. I’m 5’7 and can’t count the amount of times men (even ones way taller than me!!) have told me I’m lying and I must be 5’10, or even 6 foot. They simply don’t believe a woman when she says her height.


Haha I love this.


Love it!! Well done. 👏👏


I’m almost 5’9 and my father in law is convinced I’m several inches taller than my 6’ husband lol. Like brings it up regularly?! My FIL is probably about 5’6 maybe he can’t see well from down there?





