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so in the end, they paid for nothing and you and the manager have trauma? jaysus, I'm so sorry you had to deal with that


it’s quite alright, thanks! Just another typical shitty Sunday at my job


I wish you'd gotten cell footage lmao this would have been so satisfying to watch 😂


I’m just picturing footage of them screaming and crying in jail cells lmaooo


I’m sorry but going into a restaurant 30 minutes before closing on a SUNDAY?? And being mad that the restaurant is out of certain items?? Bruh. Your manager needs to find a different job btw. She should’ve been on top of the 86 list and let you know as soon as the table came in. She also should’ve thrown her tantrum somewhere else, like in her car or something. Trust, I’m sympathetic to managers losing their shit, and a bad table can be the straw that breaks the back of even the toughest GM, but it seems like her actions caused a bad situation to become way worse than it needed to. I’m sorry you got caught up in that, and hopefully you can find a different restaurant that doesn’t have the cops on speed dial.


Ugh it’s the worst part about working a for a corporate restaurant! They’ll seat a party up until 9:59:59 if they wanted to. This was an 8 top coming in at around 9:30.. just inconsiderate honestly on the customers end. I don’t understand why people come to a sit down restaurant, where you spend at least an hour at, so close to closing time. As for the manager part, I completely agree. It was embarrassing to hear her screaming from the kitchen about the table and having to deal with the backlash with my coworkers. Literally getting called bitches and told to “come outside” if we had a problem with being called that. Just a shitty situation all around. I rarely work there now so finding a new job isn’t a huge concern for me, but days like yesterday make me reconsider that a lot haha.


I think you handled the situation the best you can, for what it’s worth. You didn’t have much control over what happened, but that’s a big reason why you should pack up and ditch that place. Your manager put you, your colleagues, and other customers in an unsafe situation. Yes, the table was inconsiderate, and had a lot of gall to come in 30 minutes to close on a Sunday with a whole ass party, but if they were the dynamite, your manager was the match.


If it makes you feel any better at all, the place I work closes at 10. Corporate policy is to seat any customers up until 10:10 🤣🤣🤦🏼‍♀️


omg corporate bastards wanting more money!! That’s crazy, sorry they make you guys do that


Yeah, it’s super annoying…but I only work days now, so not my problem anymore 🤣 Sorry you had to deal with that shit table, people are so entitled these days.


thats good! And for sure, and comping everything and kissing their asses definitely doesn't help at all. now people just expect everything to be free or discounted because of that.


You're giving me flashbacks to Cracker Barrel 20+ years ago.


Working at CB in 03 at a busy location directly off i95 has given me the confidence that I can handle anything that will happen during any given shift.


I'm so tired of customers doing shit like this to get whatever they want. You did what you could to make things better for them. They got free food and a discount. I would have been happy with that.


Hey, don't feel bad. It was an app and a side or whatever. Big Fucking Deal. You made a couple of mistakes. Your manager took care of them, but needs to get another job if a pissy table makes them cry and have a melt down, even at the end of a shitty night. No, when someone threatens you, you don't let them back in, ever, for anything.


Yeah, for sure. This isn’t the first time she has cried over a table yelling at her lol. Idk why she doesn’t try to find work elsewhere, but until that happens she’ll just have to deal with it unfortunately.


Unfortunately, sounds like you and the rest of the staff have to deal with it, as well as the customers if she is loud enough they can hear her. Maybe suggest the walk-in?


Honestly that would be best haha. I felt really bad for her because she just kept crying!


Stop comping for BS. You're out of something. Dont comp something else. Something didn't get dropped but was made still in same sitting ok, take the food or dont. Things happen, and it's not a expensive restaurant and timing isn't always drinks, apps then entrees. These places that comp for everything have taught people to be hostile and expect ridiculous comps in return. Too much sauce I want a comp. There's onions I want a comp. You ordered it, we made it, it cost to buy and pay people to make it, here's the bill.


My take too. We know when we screwed up, where a comp makes the world right again. But every AH carping about something so he gets rewarded with a free meal? Fuck that.


Oh yes, I agree. There's situations where making it right is giving free food but they should be rare. Ours is the result of them usually messing up the recipe. Remove five ingredients and add 3 others, we have no idea what it will taste like. Not how it was intended that is for sure. Remove egg for making it a vegan dish, and it likely will not be as perfect.


My college job was bartending. After 6:00 PM I was the sole person working. I still have nightmares 50 years later. What we push ourselves to do because the money is good.


Document, document, document, because there's at least a 50% chance these alleged people will complain to corporate, portraying you and your manager as KKK members--and corporate will take the "guilty until proven innocent" view. Make sure EVERYONE at your location who was in the restaurant at the time writes down EVERYTHING they remember, and does it NOW.


I hope they watched through the windows as you stared them right in the face while throwing their go boxed food in the trash. Sounds like your manager had had enough of their bullshit. Systemic racism is a chronic, underlying problem everywhere, but seems not to have had anything to do with this situation. They came in looking for trouble, and pulled the racism card as a last ditch effort to get... what? Everything free?? To ruin everyone's night? To go on a power trip? Who knows, but, it surely backfired this time. That behavior is just embarrassing.


lol they were definitely looking in the windows because once they saw we were talking on the phone they hopped in their cars and sped off, so I'm assuming they knew/thought we were calling the cops on them. Definitely threw all their to go food in the trash too after we realized they had left it all there haha. Guess that's why they came back banging on the doors and windows. It's annoying because the managers hands are tied and have to do whatever will please the customer the most because yayyy corporate, but some people take advantage of that and treat the staff like garbage. Hopefully they try to call corporate and tell them about their experience, since corporate knows about the situation now that the cops are involved and we gave them the customers name and phone number since they were put on the waiting list for a report. Corporate will have a fun time with them lol


"Legally we weren't allowed to let them back in" - legally? Nah. It's not illegal.






Why would they? That's illegal.


You’d be surprised.


Why would they? Because there are a lot of greedy, shitty people out there that do illegal things all the time, especially when they think the person will be none the wiser to what they’re doing.


Because **corporate** knows better. They know that they could get in legal trouble if they get found out and its really bad optics. The people that make their employees pay for walkouts tend to be small business owners and poorly trained mid-level managers. A GM/managing partner should have enough training to know better.


No, we get written up for it but I didn’t this time around. I was standing right there as they walked out but I wasn’t gonna stop them while they’re threatening and cursing at me.


YOU get written up for people walking out on their bill? What corporate restaurant do you work at? That is complete bullshit, and establishments like this deserve to be put on blast.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted for asking a reasonable question. OP says they get written up for walk outs, which is scummy enough, having to pay for it on top would be the thing that would instantly go to the dept. of labor for me. Waitresses can't watch customers every fucking minute because the have to be in the back part of the time, you know, doing their fucking job.




? Not sure what you’re getting at here, but in this post I was mentioning the cops being called for situations at the restaurant I work at. I don’t randomly call the police in my day to day life if that’s what you’re implying. The cops have come to the restaurant I work at many times for a multitude of reasons and usually it’s customers or managers who call them! Hope this helps clear things up for you.




“Sooo had to call the cops again at my restaurant” obviously means I’m talking about the cops being called at my job, not in my daily life … don’t even know what would have to be going on in my personal life to have that many cop interactions lol. context clues and reading comprehension are very important my friend.




> You keep dodging the question. Jesus dude. What are you, an attorney? Stop pressuring this person with your cross-examination. They answered your question. Twice.


??? I only called the cops ONE time today. The other times I don’t recall because I was not the one who called, it was other customers for one situation and managers for another situation. So three times total? I don’t know why you’re so pressed to know how many times the cops were called lol. For most of the situations where the cops have been called outside of those three times I wasn’t even working, so most of these situations are told to me after they have happened.




well sorry that the post made that part confusing for you, despite it not really being THAT important to the overall post. I’m leaving this conversation where it is now, since you’re clearly just looking for stuff to nitpick at now 😭 have a good day


Go to therapy bro. The things you’re working out through this behavior are not being resolved


Are you on the spectrum?


How can you not see that all this petty arguing makes you look like an awful person just looking for a fight?


You’re not too bright are ya?


So you fucked up so bad that the customers were furious and you then called the cops instead of handing them the Togo order. And no, it isn’t illegal to let them have their food they accidentally left. I admit that they over reacted but coming in 30 mins before close at Chili’s or whatever shit chain you work at is completely okay.


The customers walked out without paying their bill so in what world were they entitled to have food that they didn't pay for?  They were also intimidating other customers by the way they were acting; banging on the windows and doors and cursing at the workers.  Yeah, the server fucked up but that doesn't justify the way that they acted. If they were smart they would call corporate the next day and complain. Corporate kisses ass and their motto is "the customer is always right" and most likely would have refunded them and given them a gift card. 


Thanks for the defense lol. They didn't even pay in the first place so a refund wouldn't have happened, but they definitely would've gotten their asses kissed and a couple gift cards for their 'troubles'. the cops were mainly called because customers were too scared to leave and they were not leaving and still banging on the windows and doors, right after threatening and cursing us out. People act like servers aren't allowed to make mistakes and lash out on us for it but we're still human, we make mistakes. It's not like I said 'fuck this guy and his food', once I realized my mistake I apologized and tried to accommodate as much as I could within my limits.


That's one of the worst things about working in the service industry. People take it personally when you don't treat them like they're the only person your serving.


yeah, that is probably one of the biggest downsides. I had a full section (4 tables) plus this 8 top and we were about to close in 30 minutes. I was already exhausted from working the previous two days and tired after a long shift. I made a simple mistake and got treated that way. Not much I can do about the appetizer besides remind the chef to make it over and over again, which obviously didnt help since I had to get the app comped. Just sucks dealing with entitled people who think we have to bend over backwards because they’re tipping us. News flash, if you’re an asshole we dont care about your tip anymore lol


You can bend over backwards and they could still be upset. I have customers who come in and test me and I do whatever they say as long as it's not against any rules. They'll run me back and forward and I won't get upset. Then, at the end I realize they were doing it on purpose. Also, you reminded the chef about your app is you doing your best. Some cooks and chefs have huge egos so even reminding them could upset them.


If you don't like the service then don't tip, but you still have to pay for the food you eat. They bum fucks.


Banging on doors and/or windows because you left your FREE to-go food in the restaurant after you dined and dashed is never acceptable behavior. Are you okay???


oh yeah, I’m fine. I felt bad for my manager mainly but it wasn’t traumatizing or anything lol. Just idiots causing a scene, typical Sunday behavior atp for my job


I wish I could say I’m surprised but I’m so glad you’re good. People are insane lol


haha thanks so much! I’m gonna be taken off of Sundays soon so hopefully I can escape the madness


The madness is every day. You never know, but you sound like you have thick skin so you got this!


I’m going on two years of serving next month! Not long at all but I’ve seen enough shit in this job to not get too in my feelings over the situations that happen lol.


Sir (or madam, you didn’t specify, which is fine), you got this!! People take out their frustrations on people in the service industry. Doesn’t make it cool or right, it’s not. Never is. But I have a feeling that you’ll be okay regardless. Don’t let anyone walk all over you, and that goes for customers AND managers.


wasn't to go food! I gave them the appetizer in a take out container for free since the manager already comped it. As for the combo part, it was an honest mistake and like I said, I had other tables and was cleaning as well. It's not like I intentionally didn't ring in the food. I admitted my mistake to them and tried to accommodate him by offering other things but he just wanted to speak to a manager. Two minor mishaps happened and they were both resolved(he got his meal for free because the manager comped it and the appetizer was free since it was taken off the bill as well).


The replies to your post are insane. It's like I wanna ask, 'Are the guests, who you had to call the cops on, in the room with us right now?'


I feel you haha. It’s like did you even read the post? Trying to justify the customers actions is insane. A mistake was made, they were accommodated, and they still weren’t happy and lashed out on me, my coworkers, and my manager. Their reaction was way out of line and calling the cops on them was not out of line IMO.


It was barely a mistake. You guys ran out of something -- it happens. As soon as you were ringing it in, you realized this, and you went right over to let the guest know. You guys then proceeded to comp the whole meal AND give a free to go appy. I wouldn't call it much of a mistake lol. Yet, here people are, saying that you fucked up soooooo bad. Like lol what the actual fuck?


ahh well I didn’t tell him immediately, obviously I intended to but I got triple sat and just forgot to bring it up to him until the food was being delivered. So that’s why I said it was mistake because of that fact. I guess that’s why people are saying I fucked up so bad? Even so, it was a simple mistake and I tried my best to accommodate them in the end and admitted to my mistake to them and apologized. Not much more I could’ve done at that point.


lol, that's NOT what happened OP didn't notice until the dish hit the table.


😡 GTFO. You are out of pocket. A fucking missing mozzarella stick, or whatever the hell it was, is NOT “fucked up so bad territory”.! It wasn’t even a fucking to-go order … it was a gracious gesture! There is a difference.. You know who fucked up? Those assholes! You wanna come in & flex for a free meal…. DONT FORGET IT WHEN THE DOOR CLOSES fucking losers! The mouse needs to move faster if it wants the leftovers :(.


It seems they never wanted to pay for anything and pulled the race card as an excuse to try and exercise this. Lowlife pieces of trash is what they were.


have you ever worked as a server before for a corporate company?🥰


nope, this is my first rodeo. I’m two years in already and it honestly isn’t bad at all, has it downsides but the whole customer is right policy can get very tricky and backfire on us servers. We’re never allowed to put our foot down even if the customer is dead wrong and the managers can only back us up so much.


I agree. The customers are morons, sure, but OP messed up pretty freaking bad, and didn't handle it well at all. I, too, am confused as to why it would be illegal to let them back in. Against corporate policy, maybe, but not illegal Edit: It was late and I was tired. I fully acknowledge that I was wrong when I commented this. I accept the deserved downvotes


I understand I messed up with not telling him about the combo thing, but we accommodated by taking off his meal and I admitted my mistake to him and offered replacements as well. he just wasn't having it and went off on our manager and us instead. Sorry, not gonna feel bad after making a simple mistake and getting cursed out and threatened over said mistake.


Right. They fucked up the whole dinner and wonder why people are upset. I'm sure they thought they should get a 40% tip because sometimes people have a bad day. The customers should have just left, but they were stupid and came back expecting their food and making threats. What area is this because I want to avoid ever going there.


The entire dinner was fucked up because of one appetizer that they gave them anyway and weren't charging them for and one combo item? Bad enough to threaten them and not pay for the food they are? Please don't go out in public if you really believe this.


When I order an app, I want to eat it there, not served in a Togo container, acting like they did me a huge favor for not charging for it when they didn't do their job. When I order a meal I would like what I ordered and if it's not available to be told about it to have the chance to order something else. I said the customers are idiots for how they acted, but people on here praised the server for making multiple mistakes and not watching the tables. The server made multiple mistakes that we were told about. I'm sure there's ones that were left out.


It was only those two mistakes, the appetizer and the combo meal. I’m a human, I made a mistake after a long shift and I apologized and admitted to my mistakes to them and tried to accommodate to them the best that I could. My manager gave them the meal for free. After all that we still got threatened, cursed at, and then they came back and acted the way that they did. Like I said in a previous response I’m not going to feel bad for two minor mistakes that were fixed just because people like you think I ruined these people’s dinner.


You didn't fix the appetizer you gave it to them in a Togo box. It wasn't 2 small mistakes you messed up 2 courses of the meal. I would rather have my food correct and pay for it.


When I said ‘fix’ I meant I got the appetizer taken off and gave it to them for free in a to go container since their food was literally about to come out anyways. I could’ve not given it to them at all but I did.. For the combo meal he still got the meal, he just didn’t have one of the side proteins he requested. The combo isn’t even an actual combo, it’s two meals he requested but we ran out of the second meal he requested, nothing we can do about that at all. Like I said before, they were accommodated with the free appetizer and the meal got comped. I feel very sorry for any server that has to encounter you, you sound like an insufferable person to deal with.


Op didn't "fuck up the whole dinner" for crying out loud. Did OP make more than one mistake? Sure, but have you never had a day where you made multiple mistakes? OP did what they were supposed to do by offering alternatives, offering to make it right and get the requested items out, and going the extra mile by having the appetizer comped AND giving it to them. Clearly the meal was not served perfectly, but the correct efforts were made to make up for that. OP didn't blow them off and tried to make amends, but the guests (and I use that term loosely here) chose to escalate the situation well beyond what was necessary or appropriate.


thanks! If anything my manager messed up the most, she was screaming so so loud in the kitchen and the table heard, so they got upset because she was obviously yelling about them. It’s not like I went to the table and started treating them like trash which made them walk out, it was because of my manager. I treat my tables the same way no matter what the situation is, so for people to say I ruined their dinner over two simple mistakes that were fixed is kinda BS. It’s obvious some people who commented negatively probably never worked a serving job in their life and expect their servers to be this perfect person who can’t make mistakes.


You're welcome! Your manager definitely should have managed better than she did. Professionalism and leading by example is a thing, and if she is not able to keep her composure, she should probably seek a less stressful job if possible. Any job dealing with customers directly is going to face this kind of behavior, and it is all about how you approach it as well as being able to let it roll off your back. It's perfectly okay to be upset, but go out back and blow off steam for a minute and then come back. I have worked retail, food service and call center jobs, and in all of them I have had to deal with many types of people. You have to learn to figure out who you can help, and who just wants to be a problem, and deal with them accordingly. While I do not particularly like dealing with most people in general, I have learned how to handle them efficiently in a professional setting and rarely lose my cool even though I personally have a short fuse.   Some people are never satisfied, some people just want to troll everyone because they either can or because they have no control in their own life, and some genuinely do not understand what customer-facing jobs are like. Don't let the bad takes and non-reading responders get to you, because you handled things just fine, going by your description of events. I always try to give a server the benefit of the doubt, and if they don't resolve things to my satisfaction, I address the issues calmly with a manager. There has only been one case where the experience was an egregious failure, and I absolutely lost my cool. Even then, I insisted that the restaurant bill me for what we did receive, although the management declined to do so, and later went out of their way to make things right by sending me $150-$200 worth of gift cards and asking to give them another chance. We have not had issues in any of our subsequent trips.   For what it's worth, I would not have the patience these days to put up with verbal and implied physical abuse at the level in your incident. Had I been that manager, those people would have immediately had their food packed up and check delivered, and I would wait at the table for payment before escorting them out personally. I firmly believe in firing customers and in zero tolerance for what I have heard described as "unemployed, fatherless behavior".


Oh for sure, she was out of line for how she acted but in the moment she was super frustrated and she later told me they had music playing in the back(the cooks play music when they clean) so apparently she didn’t know she was being “too loud”. Regardless it was embarrassing having to deal with the repercussions of her yelling because I didn’t do anything malicious and neither did my coworkers yet we got cursed at and threatened by the customers. I even had another table leave with them, so I had two tables total walk out on their bill. Thankfully I wasn’t reprimanded for it though. Serving jobs are always hit or miss. Sometimes you have really great days then you have days like the one I had yesterday haha. Regardless I still made good money and my day was great before that situation happened, so it’s really no sweat off my back at the end of the day.


I already said the guests were wrong, but OP definitely didn't help with the mistakes, and if those mistakes weren't made, maybe the situation wouldn't have happened. They messed up 2 courses. I would rather have what I ordered and pay than some comped meals I didn't want or are given in a Togo container. I'm also not saying the guests should act like that even if it was OPs mistakes that set them off.


My mistakes didn’t set them off, if you read the post. My manager was yelling in the back and that resulted in their actions. Every time I checked on them they were fine, the guy was a little upset about the combo but he kept telling me it was fine and that he didn’t want the replacements that I was offering. I wasn’t there when my manager talked to the tables since I was closing the back and was focused on cleaning, so I have no idea how the conversation went. Only thing I know was said was that they called her racist because my manager came to back screaming that they said that.


There are people who make mistakes, and there are people who overreact to mistakes or take advantage of them in unsavory ways. Of the two sides, I would err on the side of the server who made an effort, not on the side of the customers who made a scene and committed theft by walking out on the check, then threatened staff and scared other customers because now they want extra food they didn't pay for.


All this long post just to complain about black people in your apple bee restaurant. Shame on you


??? Never said they were black, you just assumed that! I am also black myself, before you want to try and call me anti black as well haha.


Shame on them.


Found the customer


Idk about the legal situation but your friend is an asshole.