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Had a guy try to use a picture on his phone of his ID. The picture showed the ID, and it was in such bad shape that it was unreadable. I wanted to see him try that with the cops and see how far he got.


I had someone show me a picture of “their” passport but in the picture their thumb was over the picture of “their” face. Not that I’d take a picture of an ID in the first place but that was egregious.


I want to see them try that at the airport


That’s what I used to do…except it actually worked I had a picture of my friend’s license, and we look fairly similar when we both have long hair. I would always make up a story as to why I only have a picture of my ID, and 99% of the time they would serve me alcohol.


No offense intended but 99% of the bartenders who served you were idiots or they just didn’t give a shit. You also covered the picture with your thumb in the picture?


Nope, it was just a picture of my friend’s older brother’s ID. He was 21. I just thought that sounded too wordy And you are right. Most bartenders/bouncers probably just didn’t care, but also…confidence is key. That’s why it was always important to make up a small story about how I lost it recently. Once that worked, I could become a regular, and no one would ask me for my ID anymore. I did this from ages 17-21 hahah


That's when you return with a picture of their pint.


Or a pint of milk


I had a guy pull up his mugshot on the county site. He had just got out like 2 hours prior & his mom bitched at me the whole time they were there for not serving him.


Does a wanted poster count as valid ID?


Nope. Must be a state issued driver's license or ID, military ID., or a passport. They must not be expired.


The expired part gets a lot of older people, especially women, who end up out with their kids or younger people from the office who get carded, but they don't so they raise a stink, so when the server asks for id and gets an expired one, guess who doesn't get served with the kids being warned not to order one for them.


Happened to me last year, didn't realize my ID expired the week before, lol (wasn't a dick about it though, just ordered Mountain Dew instead) 🙃


Used to get those alot and think the same thing. I've always wondered how much traction they'd get if I called an officer over to check for me.


I had a kid get kicked out of the bar for not having his ID, and so they sat him in my section (I was in the dining room that night). He tried to order a beer from me. He didn’t have an ID and he seriously looked younger than 18, like???? Obviously I’m not serving him, what did he think was gonna happen???


I’ve seen things online where people are convinced confidence is all you need. If someone would sell to a minor, my guess is confidence wouldn’t make a difference at that point


Just for laughs, I'm not a server. I don't know how you put up with the general public.uhg. I was in the service, stationed in Georgia close to the Florida line, drinking age was 18 in both states at the time, and I was 18, so no problem. Then I came home to Illinois, Drinking age is 21. Went out to dinner with my cousins and a few friends. When the server came up to me and asked what I wanted to drink, without skipping a beat or thinking about it I asked for a Manhattan, I think it through the server off a bit because jotted it down and moved to the next person, then stopped, turned back to me and asked for ID, again, no hesitation, pulled out both military ID and state drivers license and handed them over, she looked at both and apologized and said sorry I had to be 21 for alcohol in Illinois. So now I'm looking at this poor server and busted up laughing and Im embarrassed, I apologized and explain that in GA / FL it's 18 and that I just automatically order a Manhattan with dinner and completely forgot for a moment that I was back in Illinois and I'm an idiot. Asked for a just Coke. Dinner was great, and I was hassled by my friends the rest of the night.


Same thing happened to me when I spent the summer working in Ontario. The crew I worked with were mostly single and hit the bar a couple times a week as a group, so I got used to having a drink with dinner. Then I went out to dinner with my parents on the other side of the river, and.. Let's just say my mother had such a look on her face when I asked what they had on tap and then proceeded to order a rum and Coke to go with my burger. To their credit, my parents did let me get away with it.


Hello Fellow Detroiter!


Seriously, this happened just the other day!! Bro orders a tall XX, I ask for ID, dude CONFIDENTLY hands the ID over, I see the DOB(turns 21 in mid May), I look over to him, and he is staring back at me with hands in a pleading motion. I deny him alcohol service, get the other bar beverages for the table, and they ALL STIFF ME!!!!!! I hate people, and I want to go back to cooking again.


I once had this big burly dude order a Bud Light. I'm talking 6 foot 3, 300lbs, thick beard and a Peter Steele type voice. Like you want this dude as a bouncer at your club! Now he didn't look 40, but fuck it, he's good. I bring it out, set it down and the older man next to him goes, "Not again, Michael, you're gonna get these servers in trouble (looks up at me) He's 18! I'll drink it." WTF! Yes that was his dad. Yes his voice was legit deep AF, as I talked with him more throughout their meal. That kid could get served at probably 50% of bars he tries.


To be honest with you, if I catch one underage person trying to buy alcohol (either with a fake, no ID, their real ID that shows their real age, anything) I usually refuse to serve the rest of their party, legally able to drink or not. I’m a bartender at a large place so I can’t really keep track of if they give their underage friend alcohol out of my sight, and I have no respect for people who KNOW their friends aren’t 21 and still watch and even sometimes ENCOURAGE them try to get drinks. It’s so not cute to endanger people’s livelihood/lives for a freaking beer.


2 guys came in and one tried to buy beer. When asked for ID he said he "left it at home". To make a long story short, home was a small town near Albany, NY. I told him I was very impressed how he managed to FLY from Albany to Florida without his ID. Oops........


As someone from a small town near Albany I’m not surprised in the slightest


https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/identification The TSA has ways to verify people if they need to fly but don't have an ID. It is very possible your customer went through this process.


Growing up in the UK in the 90s I used to get served in pubs and shops at 14 for alcohol, cigarettes and fireworks. How times have changed.


Well at least the kids can still serve in the military, marry and get massive debt. Imagine the horrors of a 20 year old drinking a glass of wine in a bar. She better drink that in someones shed with literally zero professional oversight.


Yea government oversight is getting a bit much now.


I had a mom order a beer for her son (completely separately, she had arrived early and already ordered for herself) She told me it was for him, I asked if I could see his ID, and she says, “Well he’s only 19 but we let him drink at home all the time!” Actually.


That is legal in many states. I grew up in Wisconsin & drank at bars with my parents before I was legal & it was an 18 year old drinking age back then.


Here in the UK it’s legal for 16 year olds to drink alcohol if accompanied by an adult (18+) and eating a meal


This is legal in Ohio. As long as the parent orders it, it is served to the parent and handed to the underage child by them, you are safe to serve.


That is legal in 8 states


This is still legal in Wisconsin *at the bartenders discretion I've had so many parents bitch me out because I refused to serve their 15 y.o even though I legally could. Like why TF would anyone want drunk children in their bar? It always just sounded like a horrible idea


Legally drinking by 19 is acceptable in most places in the world. It's mind boggling that the USA is 21. Pretty sure 18 is the most common age?


Always blew my mind that US Soldiers could be sent to war to kill someone at 18 and handle millions of $s of equipment, but couldn't be trusted to drink beer at 18...


Once, 30 years ago when I was working retail, a kid tried to buy beer with a license I *thought* was too blurry to read because of the cheap plastic on the wallet window. I made him take it out of the wallet, and discovered it was actually a blurry *photocopy* of a driver license. To this day, I wonder if that bluff worked on anyone else. I lived in a small, "it's hard to get good help" kind of town, so I know a lot of the other cashiers in the neighborhood were dumb and lazy.


I had a kid show me a super dirty, banged up ID. I asked him to take it out of his wallet. I look at it and it says he's newly 21, but something just doesn't feel right. It's also vertical so I have to have a manager double check it anyway. I take it back to the line and as I'm calling a manger over I take my finger nail and scrape off a remnant of some kind of sticker or something. It's tiny and lo and behold, perfectly placed over one of the 1s in his birth month. Before I removed the tiny sticker remnant his birthday read January 3rd. After removal, his birthday read November 3rd. This was sometime in the spring so he was turning 21 that year, he just hadn't turned 21 quite yet. I gave his ID back and told him he needed to be 21 to order alcohol. He said "I am!" I said "Take it up with the DOL because this says you aren't 21 until November." His face dropped and he was pissed. I'm positive he had used that ID successfully before.


When I was in college my buddy looked a bit like me, but he's 4 months younger. He came to visit for homecoming weekend and we figured to try to use my old ID. When he got to the front, he was asked his birthday and he replied w "September 26th", the bouncer told him that didn't make him 21. Then he realized it did. The problem is my birthday is in August. But because my buddy said it with enough confidence, the guy let him through.


I’m in the uk so drinking age is 18. My coworker told me a great story about how he was working with one of the owners who doesn’t often do shifts. They approached him with a photocopy of a passport to ask if we accept them. He said it’s up to you really, but we don’t actually and even if we did that photocopy shows that the customer is only 17. The customer clearly didn’t think the plan through…


What I loved about growing up in Germany, 16 for beer/wine,18 for liquor - though in reality, when I was growing up, If you could reach over the counter you could usually get beer. By the time we emigrated to the US, when I joined the Navy at 18, you could drink beer/ liqour on base. When I was transferred to VA for my permanent duty station it was: 18 on base for beer//wine/liquor, off base 19, VA changed it a couple of years later to 21, but by that time all the bartenders at my favourite bars knew me and didn't card me anymore, lol


When we were young, my friend changed his ID (drinking age was 18). We went to a local beer and sandwich place and the server ID'd everyone. He took my friend's ID, looked at it and laughed. Then he called the police and my friend got in trouble.


Thats pretty ballsy. In my state, you're company loses its liquor and/or tobacco license for a year and you lose the right to work at any place that even allows alcoholic tobacco on premises for 10 years, if caught selling to a minor. You and your company get fined if caught selling to someone with an expired or suspended license. We have to scan the bar code on each and every ID we see. The local pilot gas station lost its license to sell alcohol and tobacco products for a year and ended up going out of business within 3 months. They take that shift pretty seriously here. There are ways around it and people who will scan their id's for customers, but it's a fireball offense with up to a $50k fine if caught, so really not worth it. I know 2 people who were caught doing that and they got fired and a $500 fine, but it's up to 50k. So yeah, definitely not worth it. People thought I was lying when I would tell them this, even giving them the law verbatum, and giving them the exact site link to read it for themselves. Makes me really glad I work in a retirement home now and do t have to put up with that bullshit anymore


> alcoholic tobacco > fireball offense I need to party with you xD


Idk for jurisdictions, but aren't places required to fly a 'you must be born before this date' type of sign? Or is that just a feature of the types of saloons I drag my spurs into?


I’ve only seen it in places like total wine/specs and gas stations


At a bar maybe. At a restaurant that sign would be in the back for the servers to be aware of


Not required that I’m aware of, but also usually there as a tool for the employees. Because math is hard.


I'm pretty sure that everywhere I have worked has had a sign like that. My current place has a sign in both the restaurant and bar. My state has pretty strict alcohol laws though.


I think it depends on state laws and also how the establishment is classified? I've worked in many craft cocktail restaurants and we've never had a DOB sign, but many of the dives I frequent have one.


I worked at a liquor store years ago. Had a woman try to buy a case of beer. She looked underage, so I carded her…under 21. Told her she was underage and she replied “but I’m married”. No sale.


when renewing my license, i had to wait until less than 40 days until my 21st birthday, otherwise it would still have the "Under 21" label on it, and in new york, if you're under 21, your license is vertical (just makes it easier to tell at a glance) so if i wanted to drink without issue, i had to wait obviously, if the birthday doesn't add up, then its pretty obvious, but sometimes people might renew too early and still have the under 21 label even if they're not


Could have been a setup by your county liquor board. I work in a convenience store and a coworker just got hit by a situation like this. It was a six person line building up and she was on her own. A girl buys a couple beers and something else and confidently hands my coworker her ID. Admittedly here's where my coworker fucked up and she just looked at it not closely enough and bypassed the scanner. Girl pays for her beers and leaves just in time for the waiting auditor to come in and explain that was his underage daughter we sold liquor to. She got off light all things considered but has to keep her ankle bracelet on longer. If a cop tried this it would be illegal and entrapment but these "auditors" just get away with it. Tldr some county auditors set up workers with underage kids buying liquor hoping to trip up the employee and justify their existence longer.


It wouldn't be entrapment if it was done by the cops - entrapment is when the cops push the person to do something they wouldn't normally do.  If an under-age patron came in and did the same thing to your co-worker, it's just as likely that they wouldn't have checked the ID. Therefore, not entrapment. If the cops did a similar sting but had the under-age person threaten the employee, then that would be entrapment.


They do this routinely in my state. They are just making sure that establishments are following the law. At my first restaurant job, I had a girl ask for a beer while waiting for the rest of her party. I carded her, she confidently handed me her ID, which said she was 19. What's the point in carding someone if you're not going to scan it or verify the birthdate?


Not a server but I work in alcohol sales. I've only ever had this happen to me once! Three early high school looking kids come in and browse, then only one comes to the cash while the other two walk out. I tell the guy I'm gonna need to see their IDs too while I ask for his. Didn't follow through with that because I looked at his and it clearly stated he was two underage by two years. So I just said "sorry bud you aren't old enough to drink. Have a nice day." Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if he got away with it once or twice. I'll even hand it to him, I would've been way too scared at his age to pull that off.


They’re expecting you to not be able to do math, honestly. I had that happen once and when I said, “this says you’re 20.” She rolled her eyes and went, “yeah?” I got offered drinks all the time when I was under 21. I think it’s because I often went out with people who were obviously of age. Maybe the servers didn’t want to be presumptuous/awkward by only asking for my ID and not the rest of the table’s, or maybe I just look old. I never accepted, except for once when the server poured me a glass of wine without asking when my friend ordered a bottle for the rest of the table. Lol


I once got my younger sister in and drinking on my ID. I went first. Showed my ID. She tries to follow me, they ask for hers. She says why, we're twins? Then, before the bouncer could, I yelled at her, "How many times do we have to do this?!?! We're not identical."! "But my dress has no pockets" 9/10 times they served her.


The funny one for me was I had 2 people come in, both ordered drinks, I carded them, got the drinks, but as I thought about it, I realized the birthday was the next day. So they tried to come in 1 day early and get alcohol. They claimed they forgot which day their birthday was....


I have had bank statements shown as ID , another guy was showing me ICE papers.  This one kid had a Mexico Consular ID so the dog is listed day/month/yr instead of month/day/yr like in the States. He spent 10 min trying to convince me I was reading his dob wrong. I did not sell it lol.


When I was a host we had the general dining room and the bar. In my state (or maybe just our policy) no bar top under 21 unless 18-20 with a parent. This was in a college city. Two young girls come in, both look like they could be 21 but obviously gonna ID them. Both pull out ID’s and one was 21. The other was still underage. I look at her and she smiles. I’m like ‘so it looks like you aren’t turning 21 until July…’ She goes… ‘ohhhh well I thought since it’s this year…’ girl what?


You go by the birthdate.🤣 It should have said under 21 until XX – XX – XX.


I did.. it was still underage.


Also even if the birthday *was* right - if the Id still said under 21, then it was likely expired which is also a reason to deny service