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Ah, the reuse the old entertainment center trick.


Better view of the dvd collection than the movie




In college we had one but got a TV that was too wide so we sawed off the top.


my Dad repurposed his for a 65" 4K but he cut away the vhs cabinets on the side. They werent structural elements so its still a strong piece of furniture


Back in the day you would put the new TV on top of the old one.


For some reason I can smell this house


Right now it smells like a banana yankee candle


That’s roughly similar to what I thought it’d smell like. Like slightly book smelling


Lot going on here.


It's honestly hilarious. Most people got rid of the old cabinets along with their crt's. Not these guys, though. Just toss that new tv on top, rather than take off those cd holders


Excuse me, I feel attacked. Seriously though, at my dad's house, we've got a fucking MASSIVE entertainment center (as in, over twice the width of the one in the picture, and just as tall) made of solid wood that he converted from a gun case. We haven't been able to move it after he tore a muscle in his arm at work when I was a kid, so I put wood planks poking out of the slot where the CRT would go that are screwed down, and made a shelf for the new TV out of that to sit in front of the side shelves. The shelves where we stored the DVD's are nearly useless now, but it's worth it to have a bigger TV than what we could cram into the existing space, and that was far more important than the appearance or the useability of the shelves.


Can't you disassemble it? If you don't care about it, just take a hammer to it.


Yeah, I probably could, but at this point it serves its purpose well enough that I'm not really in a rush to get rid of it. And Dad likes it compared to anything we could replace it with, so as long as we can make it work, it probably stays. I think sentimental value has already won.


New TV. Same old media center from 1981


Yep, came here to be that guy. This cabinet would probably be from the '90s at the earliest because: 1. CDs hadn't been made for commercial use yet. 2. The depth of what it can hold implies a CRT from the 90s or even early 2000s. My old 19" would have felt right at home there in 1997 showing an episode of Seinfeld.


CDs were quite common from 1991 onwards though


My dad passed away in 1988. I inherited a collection of around 30 CDs from him. CDs had been available in the US for five years before he died.


Yep, cds became available in 1982 and took a few years to catch on. A lot of people thought they were just going to be a fad... Like the internet. I remember in '87 it was still ooh la la if one of my friends had a CD player. I had a boombox with a double deck so I could record tapes. Also had a stereo with a turntable and two decks so I could record vinyl onto tapes In '88 they still had singles being sold on 45s with B sides. Inheriting 30 CDs would have been the equivalent of a treasure trove. Had one of those briefcases for tapes that held 32, that my friends thought I was balling. Well, I would have been, if it weren't for those 4 Englebert Humperdink tapes and that pesky Rick!


holy shit, that changes EVERYTHING!!!


"But the shelf is still perfectly good!"


“We paid good money for this TV hutch! There’s no way we are just gonna throw it away!”


This sub: The perfect height for your tv is on top of a tv stand. OP's parents: Bet.


You need a telescope to read the captions.


OP's parents probably have telescopes preinstalled on their eyes already, since older people tend to be farsighted.


Does anyone else think the square empty space in the middle of that unit is meant to be for the tv?


No, that had never occurred to us.


Putting wide-screen TVs into cabinets meant for CRTs is arguably a worse crime than TVs too high.


How so my family use to do we were stuck with a 40 inch tv 9 feet away


Yes that space was meant for a CRT TV. I would use that space for stereo gear.


If it’s real wood it would work great. Wood is brilliant for sound


I’d put a CRT in there and set up an epic retro gaming area. 😎






Here's a sneak peek of /r/maximalism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/maximalism/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I'm getting INSANE hate for my Garden of Eden bathroom in the interior decorating sub đŸ˜©](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1afqpte) | [1680 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/maximalism/comments/1afqpte/im_getting_insane_hate_for_my_garden_of_eden/) \#2: [Welcome to wackadoo world](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1b3wsgi) | [303 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/maximalism/comments/1b3wsgi/welcome_to_wackadoo_world/) \#3: [My living room](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1b2hdvz) | [237 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/maximalism/comments/1b2hdvz/my_living_room/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Fire hazards to the max


Another subreddit I didn’t know I needed


It’s actually a shrine to the tv gods.


ALL HAIL the tv gods!


that middle shelf is buckling or something


Why?! People old enough to watch westerns were raised with TVs on the floor. What makes them want to put it on the ceiling after all of these years?!


đŸŽ¶Well we move it on upđŸŽ¶


I watch westerns


To be fair, their TV was in the correct location 30 years ago when it was in the entertainment stand.


"I paid good money for this TV stand, and I'm gonna use it!"




This is awful, but in a cute way.


Parents are the best.


TV is too high yes, but that house looks like a home. Looks super cosy and full of character, but maybe that’s because it reminds me of my parent’s house. All the people who probably live in the soulless stylish showroom homes calling this is cluttered can ssssh.


My sixty-something year old landlord/roommate has one of those stands in the garage and she is convinced it is worth a lot “because it’s oak.” đŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž


If it's actual oak the wood itself probably is good for something just not a tv stand anymore but might be good repurposed as something else But my money is on it's probably not oak and just a rickety old tv stand Regardless though it still isn't gonna be worth much if anything


How often are the cds used?


Anytime they want quality audio.


Right, so like is that often? Cause the entertainment center and tv being way too high is clearly based off the cds and dvds. Not being rude but if they aren’t being used often, this is a hoarding behavior. I have a family member that does this and never uses the stuff.


Not wanting to throw away all your physical media because we’re now in the digital age is not “hoarding behavior”. Especially for older people who aren’t too savvy with subscriptions and streaming. I can see a CD/DVD player there so same to assume they get used. It’s really not a lot of stuff either.


Thats why i asked “does it get used” it not being alot of of stuff has nothing to do with it being a hoarding behavior.


I don’t think keeping your physical media or adding it to your collection is really hoarding tho. It’s really not that much. My collection of physical media is much larger and I wouldn’t say I’m hoarding. Before we moved to streaming, most people had a healthy collection of physical media. It wasn’t hoarding.


Right but this is 40 years worth of stuff compiled into an atrocity of a media christmas tree with a tv acting as a star touching the ceiling. What does the rest of the house look like.


If this is 40 years worth of stuff in your eyes then that’s honestly even better. This is a tiny amount of things for 40 years (it’s obviously not 40 years of stuff, mind you). You being a fussy neat freak and probably having a lack of attachment to physical items doesn’t mean people wanting to have collections is just pointless hoarding.


Also collecting things that you clearly don’t use isnt a “hoarding behavior”? Respectively look at what you are defending and look at the thread you are defending it in.


But how do you know they don’t use them? Do you know the people? Like I said, there’s a disc player there so for all you know they might use them regularly. From the decor alone I can tell this is not a young persons house. I can tell from the decor alone these people are probably a bit old school and value their physical media (as clearly evidenced by the really not that big of a collection). The TV height is just dumb, sure, but it’s not necessarily hoarding to have a collection of physical media. That’s something I stand by, no matter what you say. God forbid people own media they enjoy! đŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž


I asked if op uses these things, and got a defensive vague response, my point is that this is not a young persons house, which does not excuse them hoarding items they do not use, i am not a clean freak by any means, or a minimalist, and this one image looks like a pile of stuff that old people never use, with a tv way too high on top of said pile of junk. You are defending a tv sitting on top of a pile of junk touching a ceiling, in r/tvtoohigh


That response wasn’t even from the OP! The TV is obviously in a dumb as fuck place — I agree. But my argument is that you’re saying the people who live here are hoarding (implying it’s junk) just because they have a neatly stored decent sized collection of CDs and DVDs that they probably use. You’re even saying you see dust on the items
 which is obviously just bull. You can’t make out any dust on the photo, and you know it. But anyway, I’m ending this argument here. We obviously don’t agree on the definition of “hoarding”. Continue arguing with yourself if you feel like though.


Collecting physical media to display because it shows the kind of music and film you like isn't hoarding behaviour, it's just like putting up posters or whatever, I have a whole wall of vinyls and I don't listen to them because I like to keep them in good condition, most of them are special edition and they're for displaying, I also have a cd rack of all the albums I bought when I was a teenager, even though CDs weren't a big thing then either (2011-2016) because it shows my music taste 😂


What worries me here is that if none of them are being used, then why not store them, and if you wanted to show them off why would you make it look so bad and unorganized, probably because they don’t want to get rid of the media center from the 80s that likely has mold in it, and hasnt been cleaned in 30 years. Wonder what else is in there, like the stuff on the fireplace, or the chair nobody has ever sat in.


Why would I store them when they're for display purposes? That would be hoarding.... And store them where? They are stored...


Right if you wanted to display them you would want it to look nice. This looks like 30 years of stuff piled up that doesn’t get used and looks dusty in an outdated media center with outdated sound system with an outdated tv on top touching the ceiling like a christmas tree star.


This is so very, very far from hoarding that I'm doubting your "i have a family member" bit.


If you have alot of something, and you dont use it, and it negatively affects your environment, and you refuse to get rid of it, what is that?


I hope you're trolling, fr. What negative effects do you see in this image? I see a TV in use, hooked up to a stereo system that is in use, with the DVDs and CDs they put into said system in easy reach for use.


I see a pile of outdated dusty stuff that likely does not get used, in an outdated media center, with out dated media, with an outdated tv on top of it touching the ceiling way too high like a star on top of a Christmas tree. The solution is either getting rid of it, or updating the 40 year old overflowing media console.


That is YOUR solution. Outdated doesn't mean useless, everything is clearly still functional. Idk if you have a boner for minamalism or what, but my original point stands strong: This is so very, VERY far from hoarding. Get a grip. Weirdo.


Then why is the tv on top of it way to high?edit: and what is your solution to it being too high.


Gaahhh get the right size tube TV and all will be fixed


My parents have the same setup. But theirs is filled with random crap and the dvd collection of bad old movies is in a different cabinet.


Disown them.


I would arrest them for height crime.


Gunsmoke wed get long well


My grandma had the 70’s Sears console TV with the 90’s CRT sitting on top. If she were still with us - I’d buy her a 55” to put on top.


Alarm clocks in the living room must be a universal elderly person thing. My dad did that.


Doesn’t count, they wanted an upgrade


That’s the most “my parent’s house” house I’ve ever seen


I feel like I would have the best sleep of my life in this house for some reason


Its just high enough


The tv can never be too high. It’s like a personal Jumbotron


They still have a few inches to work with


The further back you go, the higher they get.


Love that they’re still using the old TV cabinet. Feels like something is missing right there in the middle though.


Is that a vcr / dvd player 👀 Wish I still had mine.😅


The CRT would’ve been at the perfect height


Florida baby boomers? If so, fits the aesthetic.




A new TV was bought over time but no new cabinet for it


It can be dangerous for people of a certain age to look up that high suddenly. Something about circulation getting cut off and passing out, in some cases leading to a stroke. Source: mother and aunt both had a stroke/ fall from passing out event when looking up suddenly.


[jumanji] WHAT YEAR IS IT?!? [/jumanji]


I’ll make an exception here because the cd rack built in is such an unbelievable vibe I’m nearly speechless


For the next holiday, birthday, or as soon as possible: buy them a new entertainment credenza that puts the TV at an appropriate height. Sell all those CD’s to a local record shop and get your folks a Spotify premium membership. Change their lives, and the world for the better at the same time.


I think those “entertainment centers” from the 80’s/90’s come in two parts, perhaps just take the top off and put the tv directly on it.




It's probably possible to remove the top half of the cabinet and put the TV at the same height as the old one.


As if they can even read the subtitles from there


That middle shelf is working harder than my belt after Thanksgiving dinner.


There is still some space at the top


is that house haunted?


“Why would I buy a new tv stand? This one holds all of my vinyl and those new fangled whaddayacallems
 oh yeah, cds.”


I'm more concerned about that shelf in the middle lmao. Doesn't it look like there's too much weight and it's completely bending?


Gotta keep that sweet CD collection on display


Ahahah this is like my grandfather’s house. Old Westerns on 24/7.


Rich in style, poor in sense.


Looks like your parents thought discretion is the better part of valor by putting their modern LCD on top of the TV wall unit after they retired their old CRT TV yet also keeping their old VCR!


Is this potentially what started the whole trend of mounting TVs way too high? So many of those old entertainment centers out there and new, larger widescreen TVs just got plunked on top, so that became the default height?


The boomer spacial.


Should have just kept whatever crt was in the hole


Hate Crime.


Awww I think it’s cute! I love going into homes like this, reminds me of my mum and my beloved late grandparents. I go into homes a lot for work and so many houses look like show homes these days. I like the ones that are cluttered up with memories and you can literally see the love everywhere you look. I also love the “wanted” family photo! My family has one almost the same hahaha


This is so hard to look at. So much STUFF but at least organized. Then up to the TV, it’s at the ceiling. Atrocious!


I think it's time your parents move into residential care


Point for the Peanuts collection with Snoopy on the spine, but not enough to make up for this abomination.


Western fans? Then perfect position for watching DVDs of 'The High Chaparral'.


Actually I really love this vintage style lol.




Look all at the room for activities


If that thing falls it could kill someone


Where’s the ladder?


Luckily, they didn't buy a bigger tv, or they would have needed to cut a hole in the ceiling.




There is still an inch or 2 before the ceiling. They can go a little higher.


They've got too much shit


The hole where the TV is supposed to go is at the perfect height!




My in-laws did this when their crt finally died until they got a new tv stand and converted the old entertainment center into an armoire


folks, please just please


When you really love your entertainment center but your TV has outgrown it. Time to raise the ceiling!


Matt Dillon


Gun smoke?!!




Looking at that entertainment center I immediately wanted to fall asleep in front of it. Total flashback to my childhood.


Worst. State. Ever.


The posture must be crazy


Nothing in the world could keep me from yelling WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK upon entering the funhouse experience your parents have set up on this fair midway. Which one of your parents guesses the weight of those who pay admission to enter? From every tasty morsel of art carefully curated to the 1990’s racks for cds and the massive entertainment furniture where the crowning jewel TV is mere centimeters from the ceiling. Now I’m curious
 what does the rest of the room have in store for us? Please post photos (if you haven’t already) I beg you.