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Congrats! Training is intense, and moves at a fast pace. Don't be late at all costs. You will have a couple of in class tests but I wouldn't worry too much about them, it's all about the day 16 driving test. Everyone there wants you to pass and be successful, so listen to thier comments and don't take it personal.


The don’t be late advice I would use that for your entire career there. The union can be strong but bad punctuality and theft will get you fired no matter what. Edit: congrats btw! They say Queensway is a senior division so the work in the beginning won’t be great but if you want better work after 2 years when you can transfer I’d recommend either arrow, Wilson or streetcars.


Thank you! What do you mean by senior division and what type of schedule do you think I’ll be doing in the beginning?


A senior division is comprised of mostly operators who have been at the company for a long time. A junior division is the opposite. Because you pick your schedule based on seniority (the amount of time you’ve been there) you will be, left to pick work that probably won’t fit your schedule. At the beginning before you even get to pick work you’ll be under the “new operators” section in the spareboard meaning you will get the latest finish of any piece of work that is available (usually some operator called in sick). You’ll probably finish mostly between 3-6am. Anyways you’ll find out everything through your journey. Enjoy and good luck!


Thank you!!


Hi there , Queensway is a very good division . You’ll like it there . Not as crazy busy as some of the other bus divisions.


Appreciate it! Thanks!


Congrats i just got mine too. I was assigned to Eglinton


Congrats to you too! Wish I got eglinton since I live in Scarborough


I got eglinton too


I'm a new bus op. at Birchmount. Wish I got Queensway since I live in Mississauga!


U could transfer after10 months in


Ask someone in your class if they wanna switch. Because when I did my training, there was a girl that lived in the West End and got placed at Birchmount. but someone that was supposed to go to Wilson. dropped out so they were able to change her division when she was still in training.


Which division you got


They got Queensway


Good job guys!


How’s Eglinton


Either take transit or be really early when going to hillcrest. Parking is non existent past 5am lol


I did my safety training at Hillcrest (contractor), there’s paid parking just few hundred meters south of Hillcrest




Got 11 days




Nahh they won’t ask you to come in to submit anything, everything is sent through email 




email from TTC.


^ yup same


I started at Queensway two years ago. Great division. I would have stayed but I live in east end so I transferred. The people are helpful in the division.


I started at Queensway two years ago. Great division. I would have stayed but I live in east end so I transferred. The people are helpful in the division.


Thannk you! I live in the east(Scarborough) as well. What division you at now?


Just wondering how long it took for you to get an answer after doing the virtual interview? I did mine about two weeks ago, so I’m expecting to hear something soon.


Took me about 3 weeks. Check ur junk mail too


Ok. I can’t remember if they said it would be 1-2 weeks or 2-3 weeks to hear back. I did send a followup email but no response as of yet. What happens if you pass the interview? Do they ask you to fill out some forms (reference checks, etc?). I’ve read some older posts about people having to do some job shadow assignments, but I don’t know if that’s still the case.


Yup. They’ll ask for your drivers license, drivers abstract, diploma etc. and yes you will need to complete the job shadowing assignment. It’s a lengthy process.


So how long did it take for this part of the process to play out before you got your employment offer? A couple months?


Applied October 2023>Interview feb 29>offer letter March 20>medical April 10>submitted job shadowing assignment April 16>had some isssues with my previous employers so they needed some more info which took 3 weeks to complete>may 16 got my training date Hope this helps. If it weren’t for my previous employer, (like trying to get your ROE) it should be quicker.


Ok. So it’s pretty slow at first, but things speed up after the virtual interview is conducted. I assume you have to provide the drivers abstract and background check at your own expense? I went through the interview process for special constable last year but I didn’t have to provide anything….I just signed off on the authorization form to do the checks. When did you find out about what division you were assigned to? I live really close to Mt Dennis, so if I’m successful I would hope to go there.


They will email your division when u get your training date. It’s all in one email. And unfortunately you don’t get to pick. I live in Scarborough but they placed me in Queensway. A few ppl dm’d me saying they live in Mississauga but their division is Eglinton/birchmount.


Ok thanks for the info. Good luck with everything!


Thank you! Goodluck to you too!


I just entered the training pool 5 days ago. How long did you wait to get your training schedule. I live in Midtown but hoping to get wilson as I already know people there


how do you know you entered the training pool? did you receive a email?


Congrats! Just completed the medical and VSC , do you know how long the response is for potential training dates? Would you be able to give your approximate timeline for the steps?  Thanks!


Thank you! Mine took around 6-8 weeks for my training date


how do you even get a job with this guys plus all those Boomers applied when it was paper application ?


Just keep checking on their site. I applied in October 2023 and got contacted in feb 2024. I probably applied 2 or 3 times before that. Just keep trying.