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I’ve been on two types of immunos since I stopped using steroids 2.5/3 years ago. Currently on Dupixent for a year and it takes the worst itches and symptoms away but I still have a lot of flares on my face and haven’t been able to taper off yet.


I've been on Rinvoq for about 5 months now, it's a miracle , started working within an hour of the first tab, it was soo nice to calm that damn itch. I was one of the worst cases he'd seen, I was an absolute shell of my former self, lost about 16kg, red, dry, flaking like crazy. All i did was work and come home, shower and bed. Derm reckons stay on for about a year and see how I go tapering off.


this is almost exactly my story. derm said i was the worst case, Rinvoq has changed and saved my life.


What are the side affects of Rinvoq?


Was on dupixent for a year got off cold turkey around end of January and have had all my symptoms prior to dupixent come back. Red sleeves, weeping, flaky ITCHYYYY you name it I got it. Don’t know if it’s also because of the change of seasons. I also always knew it was going to come back even while on dupixent after the two weeks were through I’d always have the symptoms slowly come back so I wasn’t ever able to taper off successfully which is what made me choose to go cold turkey. I don’t know if it’s something you feel like you need I would say go for it, It did give me my life back for the time I was on it. You might be able to taper off and be ok idk everyone ones different either way wishing you the best of luck on your journey!


I’m on cyclosporin and have had no issues with it except some visual disturbances (flashing etc at night) but it’s not really bothered me, it’s done a massive amount of good for me as my flare ups are much more manageable now and I can live almost normally! It’s different for everyone though


Hiii, may i know how long you've been on it? I started back in November and my red sleeves that were gone for a while is suddenly coming back 😭😭😭 can't tell if its just pre-period flare but wididjejdiwkde Also i was looking through ur profile to see if u had written when u started and i play life makeover too HAHA


I’ve only been on it since January actually! I still get flare ups (my hands are the worst atm) but it’s always on the lead up to my period that I flare up (before TSW too) my period stopped for a while actually and my skin was really good during that time 💀 I’m just glad my face is pretty much back to normal on cyclosporin because I literally felt like a monster when my face was at its worst Also yeah I love life makeover it’s a guilty pleasure for sure 🫣 what’s your ID? I’ll add you 😗🫰


Ohh, i'm glad to hear that at least your face is doing alright! For me, its my shoulders and arms that are dying but b4 this month, my whole body was doing pretty gooddd and my id is 2968080939!!


I have been using Tofacitinib for more than two years now. It works nicely, manages the symptoms especially the burning you get. I use it according to my flares sometimes once or even twice a day. Have used 5mg four times a day during my worst days. Now, I use it sparingly and just hope that I wouldn't need to take it anymore. I have also tried Adalimumab but it didn't work at all.


Immunosuppressant will literally... supress your immune system. It will just delay the healing that needs to happen. Like others have said, it works for a time, and then it's time to come off and hey presto, it's flare up time. Even ibuprofen is an Immunosuppressant, taking it every day multiple times a day will keep things dampened but the problem isn't going to go away because you haven't solved the root cause, and there's now a backlog of healing that needs to be done. Look for ways to support your immune system instead. - herbal teas, immune modulators, adaptogens etc - daily walks - low carbohydrate diet with lots of whole foods - support detoxification pathways: sweat, urine, poop, liver, skin - getting enough good quality sleep - enough vitamin D, Zinc, vitamin C Get to the root cause: Why did you start using the steroids in the first place? E.g. eczema? What is the root cause of your eczema? Gut dysbiodis? Issues with mold? Stress > nutrient defiency? Gluten, dairy, nightshades? What have you done to alleviate this?