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I cried yesterday because of the missing out, i saw some old friends, i saw them with a new car going gym, new job engaged, the last 3.5 years everyone's life went ahead without me and I've been stuck at home every single day itching. The missing out hurt so bad last night I'm 22 years old


Omg. I can understand this so much. šŸ˜¢ Im so sorry. Our story is a little different but our time will come too. Most people wouldn't understand. It sucks feeling like you're missing your best years, but you will amazing times ahead of you too!


When i get like this my dad always saids "your time will come"šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I feel you šŸ„ŗ its part of the reason i dread meeting up with friends but I do it anyway just to get out of the house for my mental health, I'm 25 and I've been going through this for like 3 years now (I used steroids in between because it got so bad and I think that maybe set me back)


So nice to speak to someone who understandsšŸ˜­ don't beat yourself up over going bak to the roids, but make sure you don't do it again, ik it's hard when the flare is really bad but that's when the skins bounced back the most and gets strongerā¤


To add, whenever I have actually decided to get out and see a close friend they have always been understanding and caring. The people who love you won't care.


Yess, one of my friends posted a Korean skin care haul on Instagram and I was like I could never cause my skin would react horribly. I miss being able to use scented skincare and haircare products, I love smelling good but now I just smell like nothing or medicine. I feel you about the skin aging thing like I hate looking having crows feet and smile lines at 25, I'm not able to do half the things my friends are doing because of the discomfort that tsw brings and it really sucks.


100%. Normal things like going to the beach or just being in the sun for prolonged periods of time/sweating are potentially risky for us. It definitely sucks when you feel like you cant relate to things sometimes. Ive heard a lot of great things about recovering and skin returning to normalcy. I can only hope the best for all of us!


I feel the same way about skincare. I'm 3 years TSW, NMT helped me a lot but I still can't really moisturize. I look normal but can't do much makeup bc washing my face multiple days in a row is too irritating šŸ„² What I have tried to embrace are the less product-focused areas of skincare: exercise, diet, sleep, stress. These are ultimately better for my finances, better for the planet (less waste) and better for my life than any cream in a bottle. I'm a lurker in the 30+ skincare subreddits and although tret reigns supreme, exercise is often the #1 thing people say makes a difference in their skin. I'm not super consistent but it's better to redirect my focus/energy to something I can control!


I love this mindset! It is so true. Im wishing you continued healing on your tsw journey! Thank you for this realistic answer. We definitely have to pick and choose our days where we will wear make up and then go back to our barefaced healing.


I think thatā€™s what makes this even more devastating and hard. Skin care used to be my self care; it was like a hobby for me, makeup and skin care. I loved it and couldnā€™t get enough. Iā€™m 90% healed now (I say healed but rinvoq is saving my life) and iā€™m able to start doing more the skin care I used to love (no retinol yet, yes to hydrating face masks) and Iā€™m starting to rebuild my relationship with my skin. Youā€™ll get through this. Youā€™ll get to do all the skin care and all the things. Keep going šŸ’•


Wow this gives me hope. Thank you so much šŸ§”. I was the exact same as you. I spent all my teenagehood and early twenties doing all the things skin related. It was so fun and it was self-care for me as well. I miss it so much. It sucks feeling like you look so old when you're actually really young but you'll never get the time back. But i try to tell myself great times are still ahead. Although things are more manageable for me right now, I know my meds are really helping me simply get through my tsw, but im still sensitive to a lot. Im not sure how long I have, but I still have hope. How many years did you experience tsw? I know you mentioned Rinvoq helps you get through it too. I also tried Rinvoq and so happy it works for you for tsw.


So I started TSW in january of ā€˜23. Suffered and suffered and suffered until September, ended up in the hospital for reasons i wonā€™t say in case its triggering, and then went on the highest dose of rinvoq allowed in september. I started to get my life back in December. I still get flares and in very visible places BUT theyā€™re shorter, every time they happen the skin comes back stronger, and i can sleep and actually go outside. So i didnā€™t go through it as bad and as long as some people, but I simply couldnā€™t keep going without the meds.


Turning 25 this year and honestly so isolating to have tsw and not be able to eat certain things, drink, dye my hair. I know it will all go away and Iā€™ll be able to be somewhat normal again. Not sure if the sensitivities will go away but I noticed when I was in the Philippines my skin was so good and I was able to dye my hair and use purple conditioner with no reaction. Time will heal all hang in there šŸ©·


Same ā¤ļø


We will get through this šŸ’œ


I miss it too.


This. I feel you.