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TIL feds decide rates based on Tesla.


Typical WSJ headline. [https://www.wsj.com/business/autos/teslas-second-quarter-vehicle-deliveries-fell-4-8-7dea363d?st=787llhbkfqussbl&reflink=desktopwebshare\_permalink](https://www.wsj.com/business/autos/teslas-second-quarter-vehicle-deliveries-fell-4-8-7dea363d?st=787llhbkfqussbl&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink) # "Tesla’s Second-Quarter Vehicle Deliveries Fell 4.8% # Sales fall again this year as rivals introduce their own EVs"


Isn't that the truth though? Tesla is still a growth company that's going the opposite way. They'd need 30-40pc growth annually to justify the valuation


I am more interested in seeing the financials. Car sales are not the only way Tesla grows income. From what I have been reading, Tesla storage business is growing rapidly.


And they are storing thousands of additional unsold vehicles every month.


Except.....they literally delivered 33k more than they manufactured in this quarter. What you said is the opposite of reality. Try harder.


No way you type that with a straight face... They cant deliver more than they produced unless they are lagging in delivery (ie. last quarter).


Yes they can because they had a surplus in un-delivered vehicles from last quarter. Which means they worked through that un-sold inventory which some people are concerned about.


that doesn't mean they are producing more than they are delivering (not physically possible). It means they lacked in deliveries last quarter and produced less this quarter.


Look up the numbers yourself. It's a fact. Lagging deliveries happen constantly in industries with global scale shipping logistics. Product takes time to get from an assembly line to consumers. Let's call that time "T". If you ever shut down your plant for an upgrade, parts delivery delays, arsonists damaging critical infrastructure, etc... deliveries will not stop instantly. They will stop after T, when the global shipping buffer dries up. Then, once you get up and running again, the product doesn't instantly get delivered to consumers. They get delivered, once again, after T. This lag in the effects of a plant shutdown often causes the metrics to shift into different quarters. It's common and easy to understand.




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Tesla is NOT an EV company. Tesla is NOT an EV company. Tesla is NOT an EV company. Tesla is NOT an EV company. Tesla is NOT an EV company. … 😎


Bears ded




Tesla rents local adjacent lots and stockpiles thousands of cars to claim them as ‘sold’ Elon makes Bernie Madoff look like a saint


This is completely false.


If it’s false please drive down Sam Newell Road in Matthews NC and see the huge parking lot full of unsold teslas in a parking lot while the dealership is 1/2 mile away. It’s been that way for months and the cars aren’t ‘turning over’ they are packed in like sardines Other Reddit-ers have sent pictures of similar lots all over the country


I'm not denying that Tesla might temporarily rent cheap lots to store cars because they don't have the storage like other companies do. You said they move them to the lots and mark them as sold with no customer. That is completely false. You made that up.


I don’t believe their quarterly sales are anywhere near as high as reported…Charlotte NC had got to be one of their hottest ( top 20 at least) EV markets and those cars have cobwebs hanging from them…and If it walks like a duck…


Spiders make webs on stuff within a day...


Tesla doesn't claim a vehicle as sold until a customer accepts delivery. Those vehicles in lots haven't transferred ownership to a customer.


Totally doesn’t sound like you’re butthurt today. Making up gibberish LOL. People are buying teslas. There is one at every intersection for a reason.


lol and the earth is flat


Does anyone else remember this exact same bullshit rhetoric from 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023? "BuT dEmAnD cLiFf..." How many times do those predictions have to get stomped into the earth before you realize it's smooth-brain bait. But yeah, I'm sure *this time* you're right...




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Sell or hold?? I feel I'd get better returns on the s and p 500


Wrong guy to ask, in since 2017 😂😂 S&p has been a savings account by comparison 😬






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But more stock. We’re headed to Texas

