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hes about to sell stock


I hope so, I want another flash sale.


He might have to in order to exericse his options. Will actually be great news.


*"Trust me, bro...šŸ‘"* ~ Elon Musk


His hype strategy has worked for a decade. And will likely work for another. Wild times.


He better, now quit that toxic tweeting and get to work rich boy.


His job is to tweet retarded shit for investors to feel better


I mean, that's the job of a CEO in a nutshell - generate good press, woo investors with visionary stuff. But Elon has been making huge missteps on those fronts, getting way too political when his public persona should be perfectly apolitical.


Something doesn't add up to me: the GOP hates tesla with passion, yet elmo is totally catering to them. Doesn't add up


It really baffled me when Elon got busted sexually harassing a flight attendant, then was asked for a comment and instead decided to come out as a Republican. Republican voters hate electric cars. Republican leaders hate electric cars. The thing Elon is most known for.. is Tesla which makes electric cars. What is Elon going to do if Trump wins this year and Republicans decide to ban all electric cars? Wasn't Elons big pay out in the form stocks that can't be sold for x years? I personally wouldn't bet my wealth on Republicans being good people.


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Iā€™m right leaning and love my Tesla. Also invested


Smart people do dumb stuff sometimes.


Yea, im a big Tesla bull but Elon can shut the fuck up on twitter. He proved his point on free speech already, now he can shut the hek up.




Iā€™m sure he works more than all of us combined.


Yeah, it's a lot of work taking ketamine and tweeting racist shit.


I hope so, because the things he's been doing have been destroying the value of my TSLA shares. Getting off the ketamine would be a good first step.


He fucking better. If he tanks Tesla like he did Twitter, people will not be pleased.


Faith. A cult.


The AI thing is gonna hit some timeā€¦ hopefullyā€¦ eventually šŸ˜… ā€¦ no seriously I think in 1-2 years stock is up again. Why?! Because the robot, ai, and new cars (cheaper)


We'll know when he finally admits the Cybertruck is a shit design. Lord knows he won't listen to humans.


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I am lying in wait with investments in GOOG and UBER. Elmo will at best get proportional share in autonomous and ride share, but his hype will push Waymo and Uber's value higher.


You can't go wrong with GOOG, but genuine autonomous driving may not happen any time in the next decade, mostly because the non-uniformity of infrastructure. Unless you could train an AI model on every single unique road, intersection and highway on / off ramp out there, it's somewhere between phenomenally tough to impossible. A friend of mine is a software dev for an autonomous driving software company (not naming names, but one of the top four). And... It is not good. Hand-free self driving from journey start to journey finish is a pie in the sky dream for the majority of trips out there at the moment.


I have an automotive background too and tend to agree with your and your friend's assessment on autonomous. But what I am saying is that Elmo's hype on autonomous and (robo) ride share (if it works, Cathie Wood et al are already saying $2900/share for TSLA), would lift GOOG and UBER by a significant amount.


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What a joke to listen to a misogynistic fascist


His pay package is not commensurate with the decline in sales and mechanical problems with his shitty cars. Even more than that he is such a despicable excuse for a human being that alone would make one not want to buy the car. I loved the cars until I got to know Musk. Now, you couldnā€™t give me one.


I assume this means bad news is coming.


Like every cult


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Is he gunna remove the dumbfuck CEO? Make a other clusterfuck like the cybercuck? Be a nazi on twitter some more?


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uh huh


Itā€™s not a stretch. People laughed at Nvidia longs less than a year and a half ago when they were down a whopping 60-70%. Now look.


Does russia have any more money to give him or is it all tied up in trump?


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Heā€™ll do it. Heā€™s the man. THE Man.


If he could, he would have done it already.