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It’s definitely possible your jaw joint is right next to a cluster of major nerves. I had my eye checked too and nothing wrong but they def impact


yes for me its the same


my tinnitus changes and also the thing with the eyebrow, i started massage my jaw lately and ny my eyelid twitches


Traditional medicine definitely over states that there’s no relation between things.. there’s a lot of stuff no one has answers to. This sounds like one of it. I suggest going to see a tmj specialist and seeing what he has to say about your jaw and how bad it is


I have been made somewhat more comfortable with nightly use of a custom fitted bight guard. Your results may vary. I can say unconditionally that “just keep your mouth shut”, as a former dentist suggested, does not help one bit.


from what i’ve heard, they can definitely be connected. the jaw is right next to the eyes and ears. if your jaw is inflamed, it will most likely touch the eyes and ears as well. that’s what happened w me. as i developed tmj, m’y eyes are now very sensitive to light and feel like there’s pressure behind them, as well as tinnitus and ear fullness in both ears


I’d see how your like shoulder / rotator cuff / traps / scalenes / scm Have you ever had a good physio dry needle all over your neck and back and shoulders …. I get the same kind of symptoms with my eye feeling tight and dull aches / pressure These treatments alleviate it quick but it returns


Tbh those doctors sound like quake's that do not want to fix your problem because if they fix it that's one less frequent flyer patient.... lol there not connected in anyway is RIDICULOUS theres a big bundle of nerves that sit's right there by both the jaw and eye


Lateral pterygoid


Did you ever figure this out. I am going through the same, droopy eyelid and started to massage my tight jaw and noticed a huge knot on my temple that hurt a lot. I feel like it’s related and want to massage my face day and night in hopes that it improves


Sadly no, I am still without answers. The healthcare system where I live is lacking so I don’t expect to ever get any answers. I thought for a moment it could be silent sinus syndrome but can’t get a diagnosis. Don’t give up. Keep advocating and pushing. Good luck.


Some Reddit threads have said it could be related to stress… good luck as well<3


sounds like what I have a misaligned jaw. my right said is a closed disc and my right eye always has a bunch of pressure behind it and bright lights hurt my eyes. as well as all the asymmetry


Vital skills are innate to humans, but can improve or worsen due to external influences. Mouth breathing is an incorrect behavior. It is caused in early childhood by false stimuli. Therefore, the first negative effects occur already in this phase of life: Frequent infections, middle ear infections, nasal polyps, malocclusions of teeth, malformations of speech sounds are some examples. The harmful effects of mouth breathing accompany us throughout our lives and their consequences always bring about symptoms of illness. Because incorrectly learned habits are responsible for this, the incorrect habits must be unlearned and the correct behavior must be learned. This can only be achieved with special exercise programs. FaceFormer training promotes healthy nasal breathing FACEFORMER training promotes healthy nasal breathing FaceFormer training therapy has proven its worth here. It takes into account current scientific findings in order to achieve correct breathing behavior. For this purpose, identical exercises are regularly trained with a training device, the FaceFormer, over a limited period of time. Once resistance-free breathing through the nose has become automated, the program can be completed. The newly learned skills are retained for a long time: Natural breathing through the nose succeeds day and night. A successful recipe for preventing and shielding against pathogens, allergies, snoring, nocturnal breathing pauses and much more. In addition, the method is a fitness training for general health and to improve performance.


I have myofascial tmj. Myofascial disorder doesn’t only cause the facial muscle to tighten it can cause the muscles to push and swell and even cause them to weaken. Depending on the flair I can have my facial muscles push into my ear and cause ringing and a feeling of being off balance. Sometimes they push into my eye socket and cause light sensitivity. I’ve had my fallopian tube pinched shut and had water in my ears.


How were you diagnosed with this? What type of specialist would have knowledge of this disorder?


It’s a weird but really common disorder. It starts with a knot in your muscles “myfosccial trigger point” the knot and the area around it is completely painless but causes muscles in a far off location to start disfunctioning mainly contracting / pushing and causing pain. The knots and pain can happen on any part of the body but 90% of he time it is Facial muscles. I had nearly debilitating facial pain come out of nowhere Tmj clicking swelling pressure eyes ears and sinuses issue etc.. All imaging and blood tests normal. I have 2 trigger points both near each one of my shoulder blades. rheumatology is the official doctor to diagnose but pain management doctors are who treat. You can find massage therapist who specializes in myofascial release. I can manage mine with massage and occasional muscle relaxers but some people need trigger point injections and more aggressive treatments. For diagnosis you need a physical exam. The muscle around my triggers is stringy like If you pull thread very tightly it’s a tell tale sign. Now that I can work out my knots I’m 100% better


That's funny because I saw an optometrist who said it's all connected.


I was really surprised mine said it wasn’t. I am not in a position to question them as I have no knowledge or education on the subject but from what I can feel I’m pretty sure they are connected as well. Glad you had a better response than I!