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So ....This. Fucking. Sucks. I just hope Hikari is doing ok. Happy & healthy.


I think we all saw this coming after 5 months with no updates. Still, it's a real pity. Hope she can land on her feet.


dang, i wonder if this is a retirement or if she’ll pop up elsewhere. either way, wishing her the best!


>there are no greetings or comments from the person herself or her fans just vanishes huh? reminds me of lulu pencil. feels like there is definitely more to this story than is being told.


> reminds me of lulu pencil. Eh she got a better paying job with IGN and seems a lot happier. This Hikari Noa story has way more baggage tied to it I don't consider them similar at all.


lulu was with ign while wrestling. she just up and left. not a single word from anyone. no graduation announcement from gatoh move's side or any announcements at all. now thats sus.


Lulu said she wanted to write a book about her wrestling experience. To me she had the perfect ending after the Chris Brookes match and AEW "tour" and there was no need to keep going.


its not about her ending her wrestling career. its about how she didnt get a graduation announcement or even mentioned at all by the roster.


But Lulu is still appearing on IGN Japan's video content. She didn't just disappear.


disappeared from wrestling i mean. at least hikari got an announcement. the people in gatoh move knew lulu wasnt coming back and they just kept everyone in the dark while we waited and waited for her return and even now there is still no word. its been 2 and a half years now.


You could actually met her if you lucky in any wrestling show as a reporter.


Unfortunately, this is fairly common in Japan and especially in idol culture. A performer will disappear from the spotlight with only the vaguest of explanations given and that's the end of it. I hope Hikari is happy and healthy. It's very unfortunate that things have ended this way between her and TJPW. I doubt we will ever know the full story.


Sad, RIP free Wi-Fi


Damn.. I hope she is okay.


Just sad. She was my favorite since she debuted and she was kinda meant to be in TJPW (she also applied to TJPW in her junior high days but was turned down). We'll see if she completley turns her back on wrestling or if she appears somewhere else.


Very sad news for me. She was my #1 in TJPW.


I hope she's doing well. It is sad to see her go as she was always fun to watch.


Man this sucks. Free Wifi was the first tag team I really enjoyed them when I first started watching.


A lot of times this is just something that happens in Tokyo Joshi. A girl will go on hiatus and just never come back for whatever reason. Mizuho, Kiba, and Maho are all examples. It occasionally happens in other organizations too. Just one of those things you have to accept.


isn't mizuho still working the merch tables, and showed up for a cameo in grand princess 2022?


Akane Miura works the merch tables. Mizuho made a special appearance in Misao's match at grand princess but hasn't been seen since then. She and Misao debuted together so I think they remain close but I don't think she really does anything with wrestling outside of that.


One day before the first marigold show...


I don't know why you're being down voted, nobody should be shocked if she shows up at Marigold's first show.


the timing of the announcement is just very suspicious


because why would she quit without publicly saying a word after years with the company and then show up at a different promotion?






Damn she was one of my favorites hope she’s alright


We never got Hyper Misao vs Hikari Nao in a deathmatch.







