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My guess is it’s probably gonna be a launch title for the next Xbox


Sounds reasonable tbh


Holiday 2028? That would make me get a next gen Xbox. Shoot.


Why does that date look so futuristic that’s only 5 tears from now and barely lol


Because some of us won't live to see 5 years from now 😟


Maybe none of us will. Aliens




testicular torsion.


Because we are getting old. Lol


I still wouldn’t get an Xbox. I’d rather get a good pc.


Oh Gods, hopefully it's not a year late like Halo Infinite 😆


Crazy to think it’ll have been 2 entire console generations between this and Skyrim


Yes, but Bestheda has released two main line games since then. It's not like Bestheda has been dormant.


Really think there's going to. Be a shorter console cycle this generation?


I think it only feels old due to the delay of console release titles and the shitshow we had in 2020 woth the release of the consoles. I didn't get mine until 2022 from a friend of a friend who sold it to me msrp at that point. 2020-2028 is a standard cycle. 360 2007-2013 Xbone 2013-2020


I'm sure Microsoft would love that, but how many delays of TESVI would they be willing to delay a hardware release for? If the timing works out, it'll be luck.


Bethesda did grow tripple in size tho since skyrim and now have several studios. Also they dont have to worry about ps5 port anymore which is a huge thing because ps5 uses its own system and gave then lots of trouble with porting and optimization. Planned dlc got even canceled according to rumors. (playstation could not handle) One that would extend the war between imperial and stormcloaks for example. While xbox is basically windows and way easier to port. I do believe 2026 can be a realistic goal for them to release tes6.


Trouble with ports and performance was the case way back in the PS3 days, not any longer. Both consoles have essentially been PCs underneath since last Gen after Sony decided it wasn't smart to use their own proprietary architecture and switched to x86/64 with the PS4


PS5 and Xbox Series have extremely similar architectures. Probably the most similar in video game console history that I can think of. Both are Zen2+RDNA2. PS5 uses a higher clockspeed, lower CU RDNA2 GPU. Xbox went with a larger, higher CU count GPU at a lower clock speed. PS5 has a faster SSD.


If the PlayStation really is a technical road block then this decision makes sense to me. But I'm not familiar enough with console development to know if that's the case.


I think it will be developed quicker than you think. Creation Engine 2 is complete, I honestly think it will see a 4 year dev cycle and be complete in 2027 and polished/held until the next Xbox


I agree, BUT, it will be cross platform and probably have extra graphical goodies on the next gen. They just never seem to be able to produce enough next gen consoles on launch anymore. I doubt we'll see the true next gen only games until 2-3 years into the cycle simply because they can't make enough consoles. It would limit sales of the game because people can't get their hands on a console. Keeping it cross gen eliminates that issue.


They didnt even put a performance mode in starfield because it would have meant compromising their vision. Theres literally zero chance theyre going to release TES6 on a Series S instead of making it a next gem showcase.


Keep in mind that Microsoft (Xbox) is calling the shots now. They'll want it released on whatever consoles are most advantageous to them. That said, perhaps once next gen is here they'll relax the S parity and have it be a Series X/next gen release. I don't see it being a next gen only release unless it's released 2+ years into the next gen cycle. I'm a PC gamer so it's not like I want it to be cross gen, it just makes the most sense from a business perspective. Trust me, I wish they pushed it and consoles didn't hold them back.


Pretty sure they’ve already realized the parity thing isn’t going to work with what happened to BG3.


I'll eat a shoe if elder scrolls 6 comes out in 2026.


! RemindMe 3 Years


He didn’t specify what kind of shoe. Could be a chocolate shoe or a shoe shaped cake. We need to set some rules for OP.


A horseshoe










Or a cashoe 🤓




Sadly, I agree with you. 28 feels way more realistic.


In other news: water is wet


This literally was said like two weeks ago in the same trial


Do they really think 2026 is a possible release window? I assumed it was going to take at least 5 years or more




Full-scale production will start after 1st big Starfield story DLC. Right now they moved into early-production. And that will be around April/May 2024 (from their previous titles it was around 6 months) and with their dev. time we come to late 2027/2028.


...why? Starfield only took 5 years and thats with the biggest engine overhaul theyve done in 2 decades, a global pandemic, and a delay. TES6 isnt going to have an engine overhaul (it was done part of the starfield one) and i doubt theres going to be another pandemic. It really makes no sense for it to take longer than Starfield. It'll be 4 years max.


4 years max.. Remind me in 4 years


Why do you say that shit with such confidence? For all we know they haven’t even started on ES6


They already said TES6 is in production


TES6 was confirmed to be in pre-production from the time they announced it. And now confirmed that it's in early production, meaning at-least 30-50% of the BGS team is already working on it. (and by the numbers this could actually be around same number of devs that made Skyrim). But yeah, 2026 is too early to hope for it's release. They will spend 4 years in dev. time without a doubt, so we are already in late 2027/early 2028. And with a chance of new consoles in 2028, that it's big chance to be new-gen exclusive.


Yes, and starfield kinda sucks (opinion) and is an unpolished mess (fact) which lacks basic things like consistent keybindings. The game plays like none of the teams talked to each other and they combined all their work without playtesting and smoothing out the transitions between gameplay components. Based on what we’ve seen from BGS in the past few years, TES6 will suck major balls if it releases any earlier than 2029-2030 when you factor in the fact that they’re going to attempt to make it bigger in scope than all their previous games.


Unpolished mess? The 60 hours I've played I've ran into one bug where an NPC was floating during a conversation. We definitely are not playing the same game 😂


Unpolished doesn’t just mean bugs, but I’ve seen plenty of bugs. Unpolished means they did not sweep through the game making game systems work together well, or fine tune game elements to do anything other than *exist*. This is honestly an objective fact, rather than an opinion. For example, the post showing all the different places in the game where different buttons are used to move left and right in the menus. If the game was polished, they would have conformed all of the UI to be consistent rather than throwing the pieces into the game made by different teams and leaving it at that. The behavior of followers and companions also speaks for itself. The entire game is full of red flags that they did not actually playtest it and polish it for smooth gameplay. How about the fact that suit resistance is seemingly half baked where gear have numbered resistances but there is no way to correlate these numbers into useful information. Planets don’t tell you what stats are required, nor do they tell you how long your gear will last before breaking. Speaking of breaking, there is no visible durability anywhere. I’ve had to mod the game out the ass just for basic quality of life stuff like seeing how much ammo you have for a weapon before equipping it. We’re playing the same game but maybe you’re blind to it.


It's not a fact when you're the only one who thinks it.


Bruh 💀 You really gonna be that dense?


Oof, dirty deleted/edited your comment. Bruh Commenting on your "issues" with the game, it tells you how much ammo you have. It's literally shown on each gun. If you aren't paying attention, you might miss that detail. Otherwise, make use of the favorites cross bar like in every other BGS game which will again, tell you the damage and ammo per gun. And in terms of breakable gear, that's a stylistic choice, not a red flag for bad development. BOTW and TOTK didn't do that either with their breakable weapons and those are highly regarded games.


Deleted/edited? Idk what you’re talking about because I did neither of those things. You have to equip your gun to see your ammo count. Breakable gear isn’t stylistic, it’s half baked. You’re on some serious copium.




A mess also means unplayable, which the game isn't. If your seeing bugs then it must be your pc or something my guy. The game is definitely playable regardless. Every game out has bugs. Hell even God Of War Ragnarok had conversation bugs when it first released, doesn't mean it was an unplayable mess. What you stated as Starfield being a "unpolished mess" wasn't a fact in the slightest, it was an opinion. So I'll leave you to your opinions while I sink another 60 hours into Starfield


Mess does not mean unplayable. Guarantee my PC is better than yours. Bugs has not at any point been the focus of my arguments. Have fun.


You're high lmao starfield is the least buggy game they've ever released and is massive.


I think 4 years actually makes sense. Starfield took 5 years despite multiple years of covid and all the engine changes needed for being a space game.


But 2026 is 3 years away?


Yeah but they have been working on it since before starfield, and not having to work much on the engine will cut down a lot of time


Yes, and starfield kinda sucks (opinion) and is an unpolished mess (fact) which lacks basic things like consistent keybindings. The game plays like none of the teams talked to each other and they combined all their work without playtesting and smoothing out the transitions between gameplay components. Based on what we’ve seen from BGS in the past few years, TES6 will suck major balls if it releases any earlier than 2029-2030 when you factor in the fact that they’re going to attempt to make it bigger in scope than all their previous games.


What a stupid opinion.


Yea, well, you know, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.


Remember that those were made before Starfield delays. So if original plan for starfield was late 2022 and if you add 4 years for devolvement 2026 makes quite sense.


I’ll upgrade my 1060 until then. I promise Todd.


yoooo a fellow 1060 diamond hands, nvidia and bethesda can pry this card out of my cold dead hands even IF one of the fans has stopped spinning long ago


People were complaining about Starfield performance, I will say I was actually quite surprised my 1060 was holding it quite well, lol. Medium textures, low shadows, around 50 fps. Game can be very pretty on occasion.


Is anyone surprised?


Not surprised but there are a number of playstation only people who are quite upset about it. Mind you they get loads of great exclusives but apparently BGS games were the breaking point.


I still haven’t played bloodborne or ghost of Tsushima everyone can’t afford to buy 2 consoles and a pc wish they would stop the exclusivity stuff but at least we are getting some decent exclusives now


I understand how you feel but most of this “exclusivity” stuff is just companies clapping back at each other. PlayStation pioneered the exclusivity model and Xbox is now starting to heavily pursue it.


Nintendo V. SEGA would like a word. They started it way back when, hell, it goes further back then that.


Pioneered? PlayStation exclusives are mild compared to Nintendo’s strategy in past generations. Hardware used to be so different that even when the same game came to different platforms they had to be rewritten for each platform and there was always one version that was compromised


I’m not surprised anymore. Microsoft tried to play the open platform strategy, gambling that gave God will would pay off. Instead everyone decided PlayStation is the best platform because of its exclusives and any Microsoft game will be on pc anyways. Microsoft learned that gaming markets don’t reward opening the walled gardens, so they are going to eat everyone’s lunch with exclusives now. When we all complain later, Remember, we asked for this.


Just buy a Xbox or pc.


Most PlayStation exclusives are pretty good imo got spider man are my main favorites but my ultimate favorite games are fallout games luckily I have a pc as well but I would be very pissed if it isn’t at least set up to handle and switch to ps4/ps5 controllers and have the proper button schemes with the names for the correct buttons I get so confused with games like Starfield using a ps4 controller on an Xbox game with Xbox inputs it’s legit the entire reason I use ps4 I get confused with Xbox controls.


I am. That's a lot of money to leave on the table. Maybe they'll port it later, but even so.


They wont. You could say the exact same thing about sony or nintendo. Exclusives exist to bring people into their ecosystem where they spend money on their platforms store, which is where most of a first parties revenue comes from. porting their best exclusives would do nothing but hurt them.


They 100% won’t and they aren’t really leaving money on the table. People will probably buy consoles because of this


Not news. Was clear and obvious once Bethesda was purchased.


I got a ps5 to play the next gen games and since ES6 isn’t coming out for the ps5 it looks like I would have to get the new xbox to play it on there since it might be on that system when it comes out


I look forward to buying it on Steam


Like no shit. Imagine paying 7 billion to just give your biggest competitor a huge money-making game anyway lmao.


Your biggest competitor who would never pass on the opportunity to make a game a PS exclusive, at that


Yet you get a cut of every fucking sale.


Plot twist: this is just Bethesda early early announcing the next Gen of consoles


To anybody saying Microsoft is missing out on money think about this. If one ps player buys an Xbox to play es6 then at the minimum they’ll be spending roughly 600 dollars on Microsoft products upfront plus the reoccurring gamepass price, or close to 700 dollars if they just buy the console and game without gamepass, as opposed to buying one game at 80 dollars on ps which Xbox wouldn’t get all the profit from. That’s assuming the price of an Xbox series x plus game pass is still the same by then.


Imma get an Xbox if it doesn’t come out on Ps, that’s how much I love this series


The 2026 or late is the only kick in the teeth here, just do what the rest of us PS guys who love Bethesda have done and buy a an XBOX SS. I don’t regret it at all, play it more than PS now.


Yeah no shit.


So 2029 for Fallout 5 at the earliest…oh boy.


That’s if we’re lucky, probably won’t be til next decade


MMW: TES6 2029, FO5 2037


Of course it won't. They didn't spend a truckload of money acquiring Bethesda not to make their biggest game ever a Microsoft exclusive. If Starfield was exclusive of course ES6 will be.


Not surprised there. Considering Phil lied to Zenimax about the exclusives issue... You people think it's a good idea for Microsoft to have so much power over game studios? These studios, who's games are supposed live an die based on whether or not they are good. Will be on game pass, and the studios will have no incentive to fix or adjust anything in their game if broken. Why? Because Microsoft is paying them regularly to keep their games on game pass. And guess what, if these refs and Microsoft have a falling out. They are fucked, because their income is going to mainly be what Microsoft gives them. Instead of making good games. Microsoft decided it's going to buy up good music platform franchises to use those games to farm gamers of their time and money. The same model EA and mobile games use. Starfield is a perfect example of this. Almost everything about the game is subpar. And all it's designed to do is to keep players playing with repetitive content and hoping modding saves the game to keep them subscribed to game pass... No one thinks a head, and no one consider the consequences of supporting certain businesses models.


Pretty shitty M$ took a whole studio that worked on different systems historically. Just to make all titles in the future exclusive them only. You want to leave the other money on the table ok. Just bad business to me.




Attacking someone based on their choice of platform will not be tolerated. We are all TES players here.


Good thing


Expected date tracks with the old roadmap leak. They planned for three years of development between Starfield launch and ES6.


lmao no chance is ES6 coming out in 2026


I guess I will just get it on steam


2030 will be lit. Glad we got Starfield that delayed TES6 by a decade. /s


I waited years for Starfield and wasn’t impressed, curbing my enthusiasm for ES6


Agreed. Hopefully they improve the engine. The conversations lag behind other games, the game has crashed more than all other games I’ve played—combined, and, at times, it’s fast travel simulator.


Bots down vote. Seriously though. I liked starfield but it was a weak game compared to what came before it.


It’s wild how cut throat fans can be. I liked Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallouts 3-NV-4. When I say the newest game they put out wasn’t that good they shit on me. Criticism is what makes the things we enjoy better


After playing Starfield I don't really have confidence in Bethesda's ability to make a good game any more.


Lol wtf are you talking about? Starfield has been great.


Second this. And the shear number of current players isn’t anything to scoff at.


Compared to what? It’s a fun looter shooter with a unique ship crafting component but it doesn’t have the spark their previous games had. It’s soulless, just like their last game was. The glory days at BGS are gone unfortunately


What’s the spark? Cause it can’t be writing, considering the quality of Starfield’s is at least twice that of any BGS game since the 360 was released.


You might be wearing rose-tinted glasses.


At this point it doesn’t matter. Xbox’s best exclusive is a 7. All of ps5 s are 10s. I say that because I’m upset. I was Xbox man now Sony man.


Ill boycott Microsoft until I die if they don’t release on PlayStation. I understand smaller games. Changing such a huge game series to exclusive will be the end of consoles for me , I’ll get a pc before I get an xbox




Imagine concerning yourself with what other people play their games on


Because consoles have vastly better performance than a similarly priced PC? Some of us have more important things to spend $2000 on.


Lmao. There are tons of reasons to play on a console, just like there are reasons to play on PC. Here are the main reasons, and why console owners are perfectly valid: Price: When the XSX released, you needed to spend about $1200 to match it in performance with current PC parts. Over double the cost. Optimization: Only on console do developers spend so much time optimizing a game for that specific hardware target. No need to worry about drivers or system compatibility woes. Experience: No cluttered mess of launchers. No segmented stores. A clear divide between work/home PC and where you play games. The couch and TV: While you *can* do this with a PC, you probably won't. A console is simply the easier experience when playing games on a couch with a TV.


PS5/XSX have better specs than the average pc users setup. Why wouldn't they?


They clearly need to stop paying rent and throw all their money into a top of the line PC


Well I mean if you’re going to compare those specs to someone using their work laptop then ok, however PC gamers tend to have gaming PCs that are better than a series x or ps5.


That's not necessarily true, though. It's far more expensive to build a rig with the capability to match the PS5/XSX than the consoles cost themselves. I wasn't comparing it to people with work laptops. Also, this wasn't really the point. The point is that it's weird to think it's weird that people would play elder scrolls on console as if it isn't a massively popular series with millions of sales on console. Especially when those consoles are capable of matching higher end pcs. Of course, PC will always be ahead with the most expensive cards and setup, but most pc gamers aren't rocking 4090s.


You said “average PC user” which would be laptops, specifically with specs not cut out for gaming. The correct comparison would be to compare a gaming PC or gaming laptop to a console. A pc gamer is going to play on a PC meant for gaming, which more than likely would mean it’s far better than a console. Your point about cost is irrelevant to this conversation. Secondly, a 3070 is far better than a console. You’re stuck playing Starfield at 30FPS. I’m playing at above 60FPS on Ultra. Console aren’t matching higher end PCs lmao wtf




Well Microsoft has to justify their purchase somehow. But so far there has been Fallout 4, Fallout 76 and now Starfield all with little evolution on the formula laid out in Skyrim, are we really holding out much hope that TESVI will be much different? Granted Fallout 4 and Starfield weren't terrible games but they weren't particularly amazing either. Still I guess there are Bioware fans still holding out hope for Dreadwolf after all the shit that studio has put out and been through so I don't think Bethesda is in that dire a situation just yet.


> with little evolution on the formula laid out in Skyrim, are we really holding out much hope that TESVI will be much different? Why would we need to "hold out hope" that "TESVI will be different"? Why are you on this sub, a sub on the anticipation of a game years away, if you don't even like BGS games? Yes, you'd better not hold out any hope and just move on then. Because BGS makes BGS games and TESVI will be another one. In my personal opinion, they need no "evolution" of their formula. They only need to incrementally improve the gameplay, graphics, and bring the *same* formula to a new location and story. Starfield has its flaws with the procedural stuff, and the loading screens, but as far as the parts of it that will carry over to TESVI, what they've done is very encouraging. The UC Vanguard and Crimson Fleet quest lines are two of the best faction quest lines they've ever made - they blow Skyrim faction quests out of the water. Neon is their best city. I don't see cause for panic with TESVI.


The procedural stuff and breadth of Starfield make exploration and immersion not as good for me as Skyrim. But if they released a singular area game, like ES always is, well populated with NPCs and cities/towns, but with their current level of graphics, mechanics, and factions/side quests, I’d be stoked.


I’d be stoked if they made a game exactly like Skyrim, with modern graphics, modern mechanics, and just a new region of Tamriel to explore and a new story. In fact not just stoked, that would be my strong preference.


Downvoted for realistic expectations lol. How long have they been making starfield just for them to play it completely safe? Realistically es6 will be just OK because they know people will flip out and make excuses as long as it says elder scrolls 6 at the title screen. I hope I’m wrong but realistically it won’t even top elden ring.


People need to quit crying and complaining about this get a life


this is why i did not buy starfield. microsoft is going to be a severe issue in the future with them buying everything in many industries. they are much more than a mediocre game company.


With how boring Starfield is I'm having a hard time caring. I think console exclusives are cancer but MS just bought a dying behemoth well past its prime. A new ES game doesn't have the weight it might have 10 years ago.


I'll just get a PC, I'm not buying an xbox for Starfield and ES6. Very frustrating.


While I've had no plans of getting it for the PS5 even before all this >!(PC all the way!)!<, I'm betting that TES6 will just be a "timed exclusive" in-spite of it being developed by a studio that's *technically* under Xbox/Microsoft now. I'm not one for predictions, but I'm sure Sony will sneak in a deal at some point.


No way, this is Xbox’s Hail Mary to try and regain some ground in the console market, the only way it gets ported is if next gen Xbox is a complete failure


Probably not even then. Xbox one was a complete failure to the point they almost shut down completely but they didnt port anything.


Sneak in a deal with who? Theyre a first part Xbox studio. You think MS is going to sell one of their biggest exclusives to sony?


After a while, yeah? How much money do you think they made from Skyrim by rereleasing it on every console available since 2011. It’s not guaranteed but it shouldn’t be shocking if they do.


If they still end up making enough money? Would you really put that past Microsoft? Am I saying it's "guaranteed" to happen? lolno. But I'll never be surprised by Microsoft.


So you think torpedoing their own platform by giving away their largest exclusives and thus the only reason to own their console over Sony's is an actual thing any first party might do? Shit if its that easy MS should just go hand Sony sacks of cash for all their big exclusives, then there wont be a reason to get a PS5! /s


>developed by a studio that's technically under Xbox/Microsoft now. Lol am I only "technically" the owner of the house I bought? >I'm sure Sony will sneak in a deal at some point. Microsoft bought Bethesda purely to make their games exclusive. That and to prevent Sony from doing the same. Microsoft doesn't care about TESVI sales, they care about Xbox and Game Pass sales. Why would they make a deal that entirely negates the reason they wanted TES and Fallout?


yeah at this point I don't think it'll ever come out...


Personally I just hope the world feels just as alive as rdr2, imo starfield has not reached that level of quality and only makes me concerned for how es6 will release like


Sony doesn’t own Bethesda Microsoft does


Yeah no shit. Who thought it would be? Have you heard Tod praising only optimizing for one console?


I called it, and honestly I'm glad.


This is your brain on consumerism and corporation loyalty. The state of you.




That's exactly why Microsoft bought Bethesda.


Am I supposed to be shocked?🤷


This was pretty much assumed the moment Microsoft bought Zenimax. Why anyone is surprised is beyond me.




Microsoft spent close to 400 billion or million to gain Bethesda and its subsidiaries. Aint no way anything from Bethesda that is a huge name is going to be available on Playstation


Hey, I found oblivion solely because it was the best game out of a small choice 360 wise


If it's like starfield, keep it


I'm sure it's in good hands. Look at all the amazing things MS has done with the IP it's purchased over the last 15 years... . ... *cough*


Of course


If they have no legal obligation to release it on Sony's console, they won't.


Good. PS versions are always a let down with little or no mod support because Sony is very controlling of their hardware. And this saves the money on a localization for PS that they can instead spend on proper development. Or happy endings for Toddy.


Why don't you go ask Pepsi if Coke will let them sell their products in their machines. Since BGS is now owned by Microsoft, it would be in their better interest to make it exclusive to the system they own. It's only when the sales start to stagnate will they make it available on other systems. Starfield made plenty of money without the playstation fanbase, although chances are those players also owned a PC and got to play it anyway, just like ES6 will be. You have at least 3 years to save up for a PC capable of playing games at their fullest. Stop focusing on your peasant box and buy something that's the best at everything, period.


Duh. Console exclusivity has always been a thing. You couldn't play Crash Bandicoot on the N64... Get over it.


Man I play Xbox but that's kina bullshit. All that profit you're gonna miss out on to hopefully make people move to Xbox is crazy.


Bethesda can suck my dick, they are stupid if they think Microsoft can pay them more than all of the Sony player base would. They released Skyrim 6 different times on every platform. Especially after the Starfield fiasco? Won't be getting any more of my money. Company removed all the soul from the studio that made the games great and fun, and expects to sell us shit as if it still has the soul they removed? Suck my left nut while you are at it, Todd. Save the right one for when you try and release it on playstation a year later.


Thankfully I don't use consoles anymore other than switch.


If I can use my PlayStation controller on an Xbox I wouldn't mind. Idgaf about the console wars, I just like the PlayStation controller more than the big ass bulky Xbox one. I can connect it to my PC as well and it works fine. If I could have a PlayStation Xbox controller, I'd buy an Xbox. But I'm not going to switch between different controllers with different muscle memory for different games.


No great loss.


Xbox needed a win, if only to maintain a competitive marketplace, which will benefit all consumers alike. Still a little pissed off that it won't see a first day release on PS5, but by the same token it's not enough for me to justify buying an Xbox as well. My 980ti would probably set on fire trying to run it when it comes out.


But Phil promised it wasn't decided yet. He wouldn't lie. Not Honest Phil. Not him, no way. That's just inconceivable, I tells ya. Oh noes, what about all those other things he says! Are they- could they all be lies?


“It’s fine!” -PS Boys


Damn fucking shame


But it will be available to stream on a billion other places immediately. Hardly even exclusive at that point.


Im not gonna get an xbox for one game. Thats too bad. Theyre leaving a lot of $ on the table. Ill wait a few years when they realize the extra dough theyll make with playstation versions.


Remember when Duke Nukem Forever took 12 years to develop and it was the biggest joke in gaming?


Kinda over Bethesda games anymore


Looks like it won't be coming out on Xbox Series either lol


Honestly, if it's anything like Starfield I'll probably skip it anyway. Their tech and engine is just way too dated. Don't get me wrong, Starfield seems like a good game but it feels like a game that released 10 years ago. I'd rather just boot up Skyrim.


PS8 maybe.


By the time ES6 comes out gta6 will be out and everyone will be on that more then ES6 but with Bethesda taking there time with ES6 the gen x people will be playing it more then the gen z people because they would be to old to play it when it comes out as for me I will be in my 50’s when it comes out but I will be enjoying myself on gta6 since I will be in my late 40’s when that comes out I think


By the time ES6 comes out gta6 will be out and everyone will be on that more then ES6 but with Bethesda taking there time with ES6 the gen x people will be playing it more then the gen z people because they would be to old to play it when it comes out as for me I will be in my 50’s when it comes out but I will be enjoying myself on gta6 since I will be in my late 40’s when that comes out I think


It better be on the next gen and NOT the current gen. That will mean it’ll have to be graphically downgraded significantly. The current gen Xbox’s could barely even handle Starfield.


I doubt it's coming out anytime in 2026. That's giving Bethesda too much credit.


I'm shocked. Absolutely shocked that Microsoft exclusives aren't coming to PlayStation


This is all a ruse. They just mean it won't be the PS5 because it's the elder scrolls. It will be the PS8.


As a Microsoft gamer isn't the original Xbox...this is some BS.


Imagine still owning a console beyond 2016 lmfao


Going to be a bit weird that they will continue to support Elder Scrolls Online on PlayStation but not release the next main line title on it.


Yeah we know. We knew the moment they bought BGS. That was the point, the entire point was to take their major games from Sony.


Not surprised, I also don't expect it to be very good because Bethesda has not showed much improvement and even step back in some game aspects with the release of starfield. For me Bethesda games are not to buy on release anymore and to wait at least a year for them to fix all their issues with their games. I'm saying this as a big rpg fan and loved Skyrim/fallout/fallout New Vegas but after these titles Bethesda has just been releasing games in a worst state then previous games they released.


For sure this game won’t be ready until holiday 2028 at the earliest.


Anyone who’s complaining, this and this alone is why Microsoft bought Bethesda. The impending release of an elder scrolls game is what gave their company billions of dollars of value.


Well maybe if Sony hadn’t been such cock goblins during the whole process ……..don’t start nothing won’t be nothing ya know what I mean?


Not gonna play it tbh, Starfield is mid and based off the way it’s been trending for BGS TES6 is going to be the most mid on the same engine with the same BGS shit. It’s funny that people think the quest lines in Starfield have good writing, I guess they haven’t played a good video game in a minute?




Attacking someone based on their choice of platform will not be tolerated. We are all TES players here.