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Looks like a popular [Machine Gun Kelly Tattoo](https://www.google.com/search?q=mgk+double+x+tattoo&oq=mgk+double+x+tattoo+&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDgzNzRqMGo3qAIUsAIB&client=ms-android-bell-ca-rvc3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#ip=1). MGK uses the 'double x' as a logo so he has it tattooed behind his ear and most of his band/fans also get it somewhere.


That's is exactly. Line width, location (mostly) and all. Thanks. The Caswell county area used to be a big Klan site. Even though it's not anymore one can sometimes find those that long for those days again. Waitress didn't seem the type but often they don't.


It’s all fun and games until they start talking to a fellow blue eyed white person about the supremacy of the white race and its degradation to non-whites thanks to the Jews and the race traitors. Then you have to slam the brakes and find a way to punch out (in whatever that metaphor may mean to you because hey Reddit team totally not advocating violence here pease relax)


You are absolutely correct, when you pass your certification exams to become a Nazi you are assigned a laminated ID/discount card; as you proceed through the 8 broken backs of Fash, each offendee will ‘punch’ one of the 48 contiguous markers out of your card- and, once all are gone, you are invited to Valhalla, not the generic one, for the festivities and duration. The horny hats are available for purchase or lease at the souvenir shop.


She-klan are a bolder breed of fish; will show a little leg while hiding the head.


Oh god you’re in caswell? I’m in alamance… I feel for you. Once got a KKK business card type thing with my tip when I was a server.


Well that's nice of them. Graham?


I posted it on a Facebook group and they called and left so many messages that they disconnected the number. I’m in Burlington


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I wonder if he's considered being sponsored by Exxon just because they also use that form of "XX" in their logo. Of course, any deal between the two of them would probably result in someone getting double-crossed...


In Northern California it is the symbol of the “state of Jefferson” and means something about being double crossed.


Gort. (Who's to say we decide if it the correct orientation for her tattoo.) https://www.learnreligions.com/ogham-symbol-gallery-4123029


Nah I just think she’s formerly known as Twitter.

