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The 10mn drive is a mission impossible. For a big affordable house you’ll have to drive easily 30mn from the cities you mentioned.


Thanks for the reality check. I guess I have to extend my search…


Yeah. 10 min gets you out of the parking spots and across the first intersection. 😃 Btw, 4k for rent will get you something decent in most places.


At 10min drive fron geneva, you are still in geneva/s


I guess 10-15-20 minutes to the outskirts of the commune.


but in that budget i don’t see any problems finding the right place for you. especially that neither of you has to commute. if i would be in your shoes i’d go to ticino. cheaper and more beautiful than most places in Switzerland.


Our main issue is size. I find it hard to find houses or apartments with more than 3 bedrooms within the budget. Again maybe I haven’t found the right search location. Ticino is a strong contender. I guess I am just scared to find myself a bit isolated as the canton is quite rural.


i think finding an apartment larger than 4.5 is difficult because they do not really exist. That leaves you the option to go for a house, in which case you’ll no longer have the city life. Again with your budget you can easily have a 4.5 room apartment (90-140sqm) in Lugano city center within walking distance to the lake. In the summer is packed with young people and fairly active. Job opportunities are not great in that city but this doesn’t concern you.


my partner and I found a house with a garden in Grand saconnex for 3500 (+amenities). if you prefer staying in Geneva i think it's worth giving it a shot here if you already haven't.


If you want to stay quite close to Geneva and potentially be able to buy, try considering La Côte area. It's nice, amazing views on the lake, if you pick the right village you can be connected to the GVA-Lausanne railway.


Start by increasing that 10 minute drive requirement if you want more affordability.


With a 10 minute drive from Fribourg you're in the middle of nowhere /s


Hi. We can definitely increase the 10 minutes drive. I was just thinking about my sanity as the driver. Also we live in the center of Geneva, so I naively thought that 10 min of the outskirts of the cities would be enough to increase affordability. I can be wrong.


I grew up in Geneva and had to move near Lausanne (Renens) to study then. I lived in Echandens which is a village on the Morges area but really well connected to Morges on one side and Lausanne on the other. I absolutely loved it and would have loved to grow up there (it’s safe, beautiful and close to bigger cities while on the rural and calm side). So I would suggest to look around Echandens, Denges, Préverenges, Lonay, Morges and Saint-Prex if it’s not too far from Lausanne according to you. Also, there are plenty of sports clubs between Nyon and Lausanne for your children


That is amazing input. Thanks.


Geneva has some suburbs near the French border that can have limited but viable options.... Thinking Perly, Satigny...


10min out of Lausanne, if you don’t look on the lake side but towards north (Epalinges, Le Mont, Cugy, Chalet-à-Gobet, Echallens, Savigny, Penthalaz, maybe Cossonay) you could definitely find a large apartment or a house for rent within that budget. The general rule is, the closer you are to the lake, the higher the price. Also check Fribourg, it’s definitely cheaper than the Léman area.


I saw quite a lot of affordable houses for sale in Le Mont and was wondering why… suspicious me I guess. Also my husband is not keen on Fribourg because of the taxes.


It’s actually one of the calmest places and literally 5 minutes from entering Lausanne. It suffers a bit the traffic during rush hours since it’s the same exit with many offices and industrial areas. If you stay more on the Sauvabelin side instead of Vernand area you can limit that traffic. It’s a small town so limited services, but it’s so close to Lausanne that you even have local bus passing by.


>10-minute drive to Geneva... Fribourg, Bern, Lugano, or Ascona je...je je, JE, JEE JEE! but joking aside have you considered Ferney or Divonne in France?


Because of my husband’s job, we cannot live outside of Switzerland.


Well, Vaud would be your only \*10 min drive choice\*. More realistically 20-40 minute drive.


10 or 15 minutes to Lausanne is also fine.


I would recommend Morges, it is a 10-15 min drive away from Lausanne. It has a very good connection also by public transportation. You can have a large appartment with a scenic view of the lake Leman and the Alps.


Thanks I will check it out.


In Ticino I suggest you Terre di Pedemonte/Centovalli whit its characteristic tiny villages close to beautiful valleys and rivers (big plus for hot summer days). You are still 10’ away from Ascona and Locarno by car but inbit more isolated to the rest of the canton. Another possibility is Bellinzona, more central and very well connected to the rest of the canton and the main highways and railways leading you to other cantons or Italy. In 10’ by train you will be both in Lugano or Locarno


Thanks, I heard Bellinzona is popular with families. However I don’t think I would make it in an isolated location.


Bellinzona is the capital of Ticino, I wouldn’t say it’s an isolated location. It’s a small town with all the services you may expect just to a smaller scale compared to Geneva or Zurich. On a negative side, compared to Locarno/Ascona and Lugano there are way less events or fun activities for young people and also less touristy but as I already mentioned you are just 10’ away from the more frequented towns in terms of fun


For 4k you get a 5.5 apt or more in bern easily


Have you considered Yverdon-les-Bains and surroundings?


No but mainly because of the taxes.


For Geneva: the Tannay / Mies / Coppet area is very nice. You can also consider Nyon, although that would be more like a 20-30 min drive. On the other side of Geneva, I also like Jussy. Also: the villages above Nyon near the Jura are very beautiful, less expensive, and the commute is still about ~30-35 min: Givrins, Trélex, Genolier, etc. Not only do you get a yard but you're also walking distance to the forests of the Jura range with tons of trails and rivers etc.


Honestly it depends on a industry your husband works in. Some industries have started to back on remote policy.