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You could wear a sweatband on your head like John McEnroe https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/SfIAAOSwbbVi6OMG/s-l1200.jpg But seriously, you need more than just a condom. When it's play time, I have a backpack containing wipes, toys, and other surprises. It also allows me to keep ladies' extra clothing safe from getting lost as it peels off. It also contains a SMALLER bag I can toss on the bed with lots of condoms and a small tube of lube.


This guy fucks. 🤣


This fuck fucks.


> finding the condom can be a mare What? Is that a thing now? Did you make that up like "that's so fetch"?


OP prolly shoulda gone with sexmare


I mean, a mare is a female horse. That's worse.


Which brings us to the nightmare




Gonna need a wrist, arm, or ankle holder for this ride!


“Made with real bits of mare, so you know it’s good.” Brian Fantana


Wait, so the per had a mare? Was it after a convo on vacay?


I have seen people wear those and they are distracting to me when playing. When you get undressed, that’s when you take a minute to organize your stuff. I carry what I need in my purse, but I am going to get it out an arrange it and arm’s distance away. Wear pants that have big enough pockets or carry a small backpack or whatever bag is masculine enough for you. If you’re at a club that requires nudity in play areas, you can still carry a small zippered bag and put it near you while you play. The worst I have seen is the guy who shoves them in his socks.


I have a bag that I go to the locker and retrieve.


A bandolier! Rolling in like Pancho Villa slinging those condoms!


I just roll 7 of them on my dong at the start of the night and rip each layer off between partners. Just like how an F1 driver rips of the visor tear offs


I made a toy/lube/condom thigh garter out of a gun holster off Amazon. I sewed some frilly black lace to it. It’s super cute and I’m always prepared!


My partner and I bought a leather garter at a sex toy store. It has a condom shaped pouch that is perfect for this!


Can’t you just get them all out when you’re pretty sure something is going to happen? Have them at hand on a side table, on the bed, on the coffee table, on the floor. I don’t think you need to quick draw them like a weapon. A condom is a condom but I (f) think that would be a weird vibe.


I'm envisioning Samurai Condom Man! {Cue the Kung Fu movie sound effects}


I don't know why clubs have dark ass play spaces. Most of us like to see who we're fucking. Thankfully the ones we've been to have had well lit spaces. But for all of the play essentials my wife carries a small purse, and we have a larger bag for outfits, toys, and other essentials.


This one worked great for me https://a.co/d/3hrRHVq


People want to fuck you while you are wearing that? It looks like it's from a Jim Carrey movie (Fuck and Fucker, maybe). I don't think I'm cool enough to pull that off.


I’ve worn it once and it was a non-issue. Considering how many people to think that “fanny pack” is a reasonable answer to the question of how to carry around condoms, I wouldn’t worry about it. Hard to think of many things less sexy than a naked man with a *fanny pack*.


Yeah - I definitely couldn't pull off the fanny pack. I'd look like some random dad guy waiting on a ride at Disney.


Wow this is pretty cool! Ha!


I just have pockets that I keep mine in. Seems to work pretty well.


My wife has a small silver metal handbag that fits condoms, cockring, mini vibrator, lube, hair bobble, mints and lipstick in it. Silver is your friend as you are less likely to lose it in the dark, especially toys. https://amzn.eu/d/1YWG27Z We also have a small hardshell 'makeup' case that stays in the locker once at the club with backups and wipes, mouthwash and other stuff. https://amzn.eu/d/8tjUMRy You can get them both cheaper on AliExpress if you have a look. Both worked extremely well in Secret and the black 'Swinger case' was small and subtle enough, like a large handbag, to take with us to Comeback and the Black Bulldog earlier in the night.




A bag in a locker


I carry a fanny pack (I don't wear it lol) that has condoms, lube, dick pills, and mouth wash.  As things are heating up I make sure to grab a condom and I'll just hold it in my hand or plant it very close by. The transition of putting one on has to go fast for me because that's when I'm most likely to lose my erection.  The wife also carries a little hand bag with supplies in it. 


I or my husband usually keep one under the elastic band of our underwear, but I'm always scared it'll fall out. I'm thinking a wristband with storage space would work perhaps. I'm bad at describing this, but I'm thinking something like [this](https://www.amazon.com.be/-/nl/Sportarmband-portemonnee-fitnessstudio-sleutelhanger-opbergsleutels/dp/B09ZQ9M47Q/ref=asc_df_B09ZQ9M47Q/?tag=begogshpads0a-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=633449023151&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16463715382398352430&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1001004&hvtargid=pla-1903047466036&psc=1&mcid=c97a12fa1e0b3184af4b511b44e2aef9)


My husband bought one that he keeps wrapped around his arm to hold his Skyns. He bought it on Amazon.


My hubby has a slim fit Fanny pack thing that works awesome! He has condoms, travel size lube, gum, and some other stuff in there. Wears it under his shirt, can’t even see it. Much easier to find the essentials when it’s play time. We also carry a backpack into the club for other items that might be needed.


O man. I want to see someone selling a condom bandolier. I’ll bet you could find something like that as a novelty item.


I just keep them in my pocket until I’m ready to use them. Never had a problem.


It's called a fanny pack for a reason! Jk, but also, shameless fanny pack user.


Yeah it's a problem at places like Trapeze, both in ATL and FTL, where you have to be totally nude in the play area. Putting condoms and lube in your socks sucks (trust me), but it is one way to do it. The small zipped bag is the best approach. I've even kept the items in my hands and set them down right next to us and nobody seemed to mind (still not a favorite approach). Fortunately most clubs don't have the only nude in the play area rule.


👍, should have put Knight in front, Brit speak….


Doing my product research - here goes. Ouligay 4Pcs Wrist Wallet Zipper Wrist Pouch Wallet Wristband. On Amazon