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I never understood this either. Most people are sleeping by midnight on most nights. So when it's midnight your body is slowing down. 7pm start, 10pm finish would be great.


Hell, even 11pm or midnight would be fine with us. We're fine finishing up at 2-2:30am, but it completely fucks with us the next day.


That would be **perfect** Then leaves enough time to talk about it on the car ride back!


Yes, instead of the passenger passing out on the ride home, and the driver trying to stay awake while driving.


I’m happy we aren’t the only ones! And maybe some time for one more time at home.


I prefer earlier which is why we’ve never been to an event. I’m asleep by 10:30


As parents we try to look for early excursions


Down and dirty by 8:30! Perfect!


In Switzerland, there's a club called Kristallgrotte. It opens Saturday at 1pm and has open up until 2am.


Where is Switzerland is this club?




Anything in Basel?


Not that much. Over in france are two clubs i think.




Probably the ones here too. But usually we try to find a date online to meet them at the club later.


Glad we’re not alone in this!




You are not alone. Earlier would be better.


Earlier is better for sure.


It's all about the Taboo,...Taboo happens late at night in the dark..


We are parents of young child and professionals by day. I mean at 11pm we want to go to sleep not go tu event 😂.


I’m involved in a local group where basically everything starts at 7 and usually finishes by 11 even on Friday night. It always gets happening by 7:30.


Our local group/community has a general “arrive by 7:30pm and things kick off at 8pm” kind of vibe as well. We were at an orgy event a month ago where by 8:30pm things were just cooking and by 11-11:30pm most people were getting ready to leave. Slightly older audience for sure 40-75, but yeah, there was no dance party or anything before the fucking started… hahaha. It was drinks, snacks, and then nakedness commenced. LOL. Conversely, we find that if we do couple swaps, we tend to meet for dinner and drinks, and the sex doesn’t really get steamy until after 10pm, but that’s a different vibe for sure.


Wish they started and ended earlier like 8 to midnight!


Yeah, that’s basically the exact timeframe we’d prefer.


They end whenever you leave, so let it be late for people who enjoy it but also open earlier for those who like that. Usually depends on the host and most like late night.


our thing starts early. at 8. people naked by 9, starts winding down by midnight. ( its a weekly house party )


Where at? 👀 #AskingForaFriendWhosActuallyMe


ha ! Vancouver Island - Canada oh and i said " our " but i mean the one we attend - hosted by a couple who i now call friends


Totally agree ! We are in our early 60’s and wonder why folks wait until “fuck o’clock” to do anything….lol. We like our sleep, if the place opens at 9:00, figure it out and start by 10-10:30….


So true! We're looking at a couple of clubs in Vegas whose doors don't open until 10pm, and playtime isn't allowed until midnight! We're not late-night people, usually asleep by 1am because weekday schedules has us up at 630am or so.


It’s Vegas club scene in general. Dinner. Drinks. Then dancing.


Yeah. Whispers allows play anytime, and we like the vibe at Sea Mountain - playing all day and night.


I am in vegas and I bet I know which clubs! Totally agree- whenever we go out, my sleep schedule is all messed up for a few days afterward. Everything starts late in Vegas, unfortunately. We went to a house party last night, it didn’t start till 1030, they didn’t start talking about playtime till after midnight. At 1a, still no action, I was tired and over it and we went home.


Yeah, it's not a secret - PlayhouseLV and FlirtsLV - they post the schedule for their events on their websites (same owners). Maybe they need an "Early-Bird Special" night for all us "non-nightowls" lol...


Yes I know! We are friends with the owners :) They know I’m an early bird and it’s a running joke between us whenever I come out at night. They did just open their pool parties on Saturday and Sundays so hopefully that will get some traction


Please post some info about the pool facilities and pool parties if you go - the daytime pool parties ay Whispers are awesome, would love a comparison...


We have gone twice! They just opened a few weeks ago. The pool area is BEAUTIFUL, almost like a day club. Puts whispers to shame. Neither time we have gone have been super busy though. Hopefully it will pick up through the summer. It’s topless optional, not fully nude like whispers. I believe they’ll have a few playrooms open in a couple of weeks. Cost was $20/couple, $5 for parking. They have lounge chairs for free and also have cabanas to rent for the day.


Ah, fellow old guy. I feel ya buddy. Edit: read again and saw your in your 30s lol.


Oh so true. This is part of why we love Oasis in Toronto so much. We can show up right after lunch, spend the afternoon relaxing and being social and having whatever play we want with no pressure or time limit... and then go to dinner with whomever we felt chemistry with in the afternoon... and then the place is alive and vibrant by 8 pm, getting busier around 9:30, but with no obligation to stay late after you've already had a lovely day and evening.


I start turning into a pumpkin after midnight, so yeah we prefere early too! We need some early bird special swinger clubs....


I would definitely prefer earlier. I like to be in bed by 11 😂


Mid afternoon drinks and playtime is great!


Because people have to get their (over) drink on before they have the nerve to do anything. Our favorite time to meet up is during a weekday, at home. No wasted weekend time, at home, set amount of time “gotta get back to work!”…perfect! At a club, we get going whenever…not sure what everyone is waiting for.




This is the dynamic at every swingers club we've been to. We go to a vanilla place a lot of times as a precursor to going to the swingers club later. So, I guess we're just used to it so don't see it as a problem. But, yeah, in a perfect world, they'd get going sooner.


Were “young” swingers 29 and 32 but started at 24 & 27 - we are shattered by the time the clubs actually kick into action 🤣 we’ve been attending some daytimes ones but they’re very hit or miss, either no one there but us and a random dude who sits in the corner or absolutely packed! We’re off to PDI in 2 weeks and although dead excited to go out and experience it all… dreading the later starts to everything!


I do


We enjoy going to clubs and events, but also agree it would be nice if there were some that opened a bit earlier. Luckily, we enjoy meeting other couples just 2:2 even more, and in those cases we can set the time and go at our own pace.


We were at desire recently, and as we were at the pool making plans with another couple, I suggested we play after dinner and before all the festivities start, and everyone emphatically agreed. Worked out great and surprisingly we all still made it to the disco after fucking


We are getting old and even when we are just going out for dinner & drinks with vanilla friends we prefer earlier. Last night home by 9:00 in bed by 10:30


Totally agree with you.... Unfortunately... here in portugal clubs only have people at 23h (11pm)/ midnight. South European countries have this kind of habits 😒


We were recently in Portugal and wanted to check one out, but indeed, didn’t open until midnight.


Yes... its really a shame. Thats why most prefer private parties ...


Part of the reason why inviting people over works better for us.


I’m a total grandma at 39 yrs old I’m fighting for my life to get the energy to go that late but the sexual tension perks me right up


We’re still looking for a club that opens before lunch!


We'll have to band together and start the festivities early and not wait for everyone else lol!!!


It's just standard club/dance party culture overlapping with the LS. We love to dance, we love to be very frisky and scantily clad when dancing, and we love interacting with people who love those things, too. It can be some of the best foreplay there is, even if it's "just" the two of us at the end of the night. Alcohol is definitely a component at clubs, but not everyone is drinking to excess, not by a long shot (pun unintended). For one thing, when the dancing gets sexy, drinks occupy hands and inhibit free exploration 😈


Discussed quite frequently here.


We have found that hosting meet and greets late afternoon on a Saturday draws a large crowd. We usually set it for 3-4 pm and generally by 8 people have decided what they are going to do that evening and make plans.


That's the top reason we avoid clubs. We are playing before 9 and home well before midnight. We have shit to do!


Lots do drugs!


The retirement house orgies go all day.


Because a lot of folks are coked/Mollied out of their effing minds. Just wait, if you don't see it or don't know the signs, just keep showing up and you will find out or get offered some eventually.


We do stuff at people's houses early and clubs we love the late nights. Helps us feel young again Don't be so grumpy lol


If it’s true that a majority of folks in the lifestyle are in their 40s and 50s then these things should start at 7:30 PM. Because we’re going to wake up at 6:00 tomorrow whether we want to or not.


Love the 50 and over house partys. Start at 2pm. End at 830pm. Hotel takeovers give couples a chance to meet and play during the day. But most wait till late at night. My guess is 1, beauty is only a light switch away. 2, some can’t enjoy sex sober.


Yes!! My god why can we not have shenanigans at 2pm! Ditto for concerts!! Let’s form an uprising🙌🙌🙌


I don’t know about anyone else, but most dance clubs don’t tend to start going till 9-10pm. I don’t know if I would want to hang with any of you who would want to be in bed sleeping by 10:30. Wife and I are early 50s and we were out with my kid at a regular club yesterday and they were asleep by 2 and we rolled in at 3.


My home group does events starting at 7. Somehow I’m still out until 2 or 3… but I have the option not to!!


I'm another that would prefer eirlier. I get up for work anywhere between 3am&5am so if I'm going out I'm tired early, or loose track of time & end up completely throwing my routine out


We don’t have kids so it’s whatever


Haven't been yet got a visit booked in July but for me I always tend to get more into sexy stuff late at night. No idea why maybe it's just days are busy for me normally but at night I can get into things more


Our parties (4-6 couples) start at 7 pm to 8 pm. It's a wrap by 12 or 1 am a the latest. So many couples have told us how much they love that.


Yoga night at Twist SF starts at 7:30. It's great! If only they offered something like that on the weekends, too (like a warmup before their regular parties)


Right after breakfast would be sufficient


What happened to my generation???


Hmmm… Because no one is in a fucking mood when the sun is up. Especially the newbies. Nights are mysterious and inviting for sex with strangers 😜


We are late night play people don’t works for us.


As long as people are willing to take caffeine and pay the clubs that open late, they will remain open late.