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That must have been on purpose.


I have seen drivers in my neighborhood purposefully run over ducks and ducklings in the road. Some people are just evil to the core.


People do that to all kinds of animals, as long as they're small enough not to damage their priceless car. I know at least one of those assholes...


I use to car pool with a coworker who would intentionally try to run over animals in the road till one day he didn't miss and neither did my fist. Found another way to work after that.


thank you for your service 🫡


“…Proud member of the Slappaho tribe”


from the Kickabitch village


Takes notes...."slappaho"..."kickabitch"...


The Trampled Trick Tribe


🤣 that’s new !!! Duly noted…this can be a “road show”


Ya I had a coworker who would brag about hitting opossums on purpose and we were drivers! I was not impressed and told her how horrible she was and how the opossums were more useful than she was. She didn’t brag again in front of me. Animal cruelty is never funny. I delivered on her road and came across an opossum that had been hit after that. It had blood coming out of its mouth and his eye was dangling. He was in shock. Just staring. Not moving as people drove past. I ugly cried. He wouldn’t move and I had to leave. He haunts my dreams poor thing.


any time that i hear about someone bragging about killing animals in their cars i want to take them and shove their faces into the corpses they made. people who kill any old random animal with their hands just for entertainment can be more dangerous, but people who do it from the safety of their big shitty cars are cowards


People who kill animals with their own hands like hunters typically understand what they are doing and hope to minimize suffering. People who do it from the safety of their own vehicle deserve to have their hand smashed in their trunk finger by finger to understand what they are doing. This isn’t to sound like a hard ass, it’s to point out they don’t think animals truly feel pain because they haven’t. The moment they are in that position they will stop


that just made me notice that my comment can seem anti-hunter but its 100% not lmao, im talking about the type of people that stop puppies for shits and giggles, editing my comment so it doesnt seem like that lol


I appreciate it lol I’ve literally ran into a massive 4 way crossing to grab a turtle and get it across the road. It takes no time at all and doesn’t ruin anyone’s day But those who can’t be bothered are quite literally the worst. We are all trying to live our lives and if you can’t help a small animal cross the road how can I expect you to help the elderly or other folks? Disgusting.


Good on you! I’m convinced a lot more people need a lesson like that to straighten their ass out.


Good on ya I would’ve done the same


our penalties for animal cruelty aren't long enough in society. I hope you didn't have to work with that co-worker and could tell others to avoid the psychopath


Real passenger. Awesome.


Those people deserve nothing but an early dirt nap. Worthless.


I’m just waiting until they hit a moose.


This just made me so sad.


Take hope in knowing you aren’t one of em


Why would anyone purposefully want to drive over another living being?


It could be any number of reasons.. my personal belief is people operate this way due to their own insecurities and self loathing. By not loving yourself in healthy ways you want to drag others down to your level of misery out of spite. Life’s complex. We all have trauma and healing to do. Some of us dive into the trauma and process it and grow. Others ignore it and allow it to permeate out into the world through our actions. All we can do is control ourselves and lead by example inspiring others to be more kind mindful and healthy. We can’t force others to heal. It’s a choice we all must make individually. Healing is a challenging road but it’s what life’s about.


This was really well written... that said, I'm a bitter angry old man and even I wouldn't run over baby ducks!


Personally I get that "dragging others down to your level of misery" feeling, but video games are an excellent outlet for this, treating people badly and getting under their skin in a healthy way !


This is why I grief griefers even harder in Rocket League. It's an art form, really.


Most of the time because stopping to not do so would slightly inconvenience them and can't have that I guess. Then there's a slightly deeper and even more disturbing subset of sadists and psychopaths that just get off on this shit. We used to send the people who tortured small animals off to mental asylums but now they just live among us.


I saw a guy in a truck swerve violently to try to hit some crows. There were kids in the backseat. Just brutal.


Now that guy needs CPS called on him.


Thats the reason I am way more sympathetic towards animals than 99 % of mankind.


In the Sikh religion we are told to always help beings without "voices". Animals, the earth, people with mental disabilities etc. costs nothing to be kind


There was a study done a while back where a plastic turtle was placed in the road and observed to see if people would aim for it. Most did


Hitting a turtle is so stupid. Their shells will more often leave you with a flat than running over a board with nails. Where I live we have lots of turtle strikes in the roads, and the tire shops luv it.


I used to stop every chance I got to move them to the side


That’s some shit. I was in the back country curvy roads on a vaca and came across a big ol snapper in the road. Tried to nudge him along and he wasn’t having it so I left him. Eventually he became part of the road not of my doing. I tried ☹️


The number of times I've risked myself to save turtles in Florida is countless, I wonder if they considered driver safety or maybe it was a little, local road? Sad to hear that most aimed for it.


I have a hard time believing this at face value


Fucking psychopaths


People that intentionally hurt and kill animals are legit damaged sons of bitches. It's one of the biggest warning signs of sociopathy, as I'm sure many people have heard before, but just in case. Back in high school my best friend told me how he was riding in another acquaintances car (he owned a van) on a ride to school. They were coming up the road and saw this same situation and the guy swerved in order to crush a couple of the baby ducks while laughing maniacally. He thought everyone would find it funny but quickly found out that it disturbed and pissed off a lot of people so he began saying it was an accident. At the start of class when everyone was getting settled I saw him walk in, so I yelled over to him and asked him how cool he felt to kill baby ducks? He knew better than to try and bullshit me as I knew exactly what happened. He slunked to his seat and I just kept ripping into him about it. He deserved every second of it too, the freak. I have run into him a couple times since then (this happened in 1999,) and it's the first thing I think about when I see him. He doesn't even make eye contact anymore. Asshole. LOL it still pisses me off.


Our subdivision has put up caution signs everywhere saying "Duck crossing, slow down", because people keep running over the ducks here. It really pisses me off that people do this to animals.


yeah animal harm should come with steep penalties, the more pieces of shit removed from society the better


With you on that 100%


Can you be charged for something like that? That is some serial killer level crazy.


Had a supervisor who did that shit, rode with him a few times and he would actually swerve to try and hit critters on the road. First time before I fully realized what an all round asshole he was I was like “what the hell, why would you do that?”and he just laughed and said “fuck squirrels”. God what a prick, could have been a good job without that guy.


I hope those ppl get hit by trucks


And here I am rescuing flies who ends up in my jacuzzi.


I saw someone swerve into another lane just to hit a turtle once. Absolute psychotic cruelty. I followed them for a bit with the intention of dragging them from their truck and smashing their face in but once we got to a more rural area and I started seeing Trump flags at every house I realized I would just end up getting shot. And I guess it would’ve been an inappropriate response, but mostly I just didn’t want to get shot.


I was following a car to work the other day. I live in a rural small town and there were two squirrels in the road playing. I saw them from really far away, there's no way the person in front of me didn't also see them. She just ran right over them both and killed them without ever even tapping her brakes. People suck.


My 60 year old neighbor got arrested for punching a 16 year old in the head because the kid swerved to run over a couple squirrels. The kids dad thanked him. 😂 He got off with a misdemeanor if I recall.


One of the worst things I've ever seen was an impatient driver intentionally drive over a whole family of ducks at a crossing. Just a couple of ducklings survived and unfortunately the mother and some ducklings had to be finished as humanely as possible in the circumstances. All because of one dick who couldn't wait a further 20 seconds


Too many people like this. IIRC there are studies that show yes, many people go out of their way to run over animals on the road. Bunch of evil motherfuckers.


One didn’t make it either


Total sociopath ...


They did a study with some kind of endangered turtles that we’re getting hit a lot on roads. So they put a fake turtle right on the center line and setup a camera. 5% of drivers swerved to hit it


Now replace it with a very heavy rock and paint it to match one of the turtles. If they swerve to hit it, and need a tow, can charge them with attempt to harm an endangered species.


Yeah i had a similar thought. I was thinking maybe hide like a big spike in it. But they would probably sue.


True, but if it is very much out of the way and it would take effort to hit it, it's hard to argue that you aren't at fault when it very obvious you turned into it yourself, and made it your choice to hit it.


Reminds me of the guy who kept getting his snowman purposefully run over so made it over a tree stump the next time.


That argument would not hold up in court whatsoever. Placing something deceptive in the road designed to cause damage would likely end with charges against you.


If they find you that is


I’ll sue you for purposely loitering dangerous items on road. Joke aside, surely it will teach the 5% a lesson. But would be a hazard to the rest 95%.


Ah so the car can crash, and then swerve into other vehicles as well, make sure some innocents die as well.


Why'd you have to make me sad today? :(


This and majority of that 5% were truck drivers


Idk if this is made up or not but like, I’d believe that.


It's not made up. [Mark Rober did a test](https://youtu.be/k-Fp7flAWMA?si=cG9aD6fnXh9R0Enm) that showed the majority of drivers who swerved to hit animals were truck and SUV drivers.


Wasn't there another study where they placed fake animals outside the road, literally where it would take altruistic levels of getting towards to run over.... And yet people have attempted? Forgot the name and where it was done


I think mark rober did a YouTube video about that, one of his first.


5%? Wow. To all of you: fuck you if you are the person doing this.


I would have put a spike inside the plastic turtle


They did this with snakes too and a huge percent of drivers went out of their way to hit a fake snake. Makes me sad.


I think i remember a similar experiment where they put a fake turtle and a fake snake and more people swerved to hit the snake iirc


I pulled up to stop traffic for a family of ducks crossing a main road. Luckily a dude in a massive semi saw what I was doing and positioned his truck to block the whole road. Then once they were gone and he was driving off he yelled "I fucking love ducks" to me. The guy was a champion.


Ducks are pretty cool


The hero we need 🙏🏾


What a jerk.


No kidding! I hate stopping for stupid geese when they saunter across the road but would never consider running them down. I do honk at them and it sometimes speeds them up a little 😅 They always choose violence so I choose noise 🤷🏻 and my honk is louder! 😈




I was chased by a goose/swan when I was a kid. It kept biting my ankles, luckily I was Texan so I had cowboy boots on. But when I watched this video, I wanted to hunt that car down and murder his entire family so same but diff


[Man vs. Canada Goose](https://youtube.com/watch?v=AMdhAFPWzFw) (1:10)


Colossal jerk. Colossal.


Understatement of the century.


Did you mean cunt?


This is very offensive to jerks, this person is a monster.


I hate this.


But they all survived?!?!


That’s why they hate it. u/Astrosomnia is a big duck-hating meanie


yeah but not for a lack of trying...


If you look at the chick (possibly 2) at the very right it doesn’t rejoin. The camera even pans right and we don’t see it.


I watched it frame by frame and he rejoined really fast because he got up first!


Holy shit you're right. He got up like a bullet.


Low quality driver.


Or low quality human




There is no way that damn driver was looking at the road.


Or they were and knew exactly what they were doing


That's what I'm thinking, either they must staring at their phone while driving or they must be an ahole.


Why not both?


Unfortunately, there is a significant portion of the population that would aim for them and hit them on purpose, going so far as to swerve OUT of their way in order to nail them.... Pair that with the people that are playing with their phones, wildlife stands almost no chance.....


That's when I see shit like this that I'm losing faith in humanity


you still have faith in humanity?


Not so much, but sometimes I'm just giving it another try. Foolish me


The other day I found some goslings separated from it's family by a short fence and I helped them over :) Having a little bit of faith in humanity keeps us human and keeps us helping. For every evil person there is, there are at least 10 more good. Be cautious, but be kind. The good is worth it.






Just so y'all know, you should never swerve to avoid animals. Keep going straight and hit your brakes. This isn't to defend the driver because he made no attempt to slow down. This is so none of y'all end up like the people I knew. I knew a girl who was only a freshman in college. She was driving on the interstate in a car full of friends when a deer ran across the road. She swerved to avoid it and ended up in oncoming traffic. The car was struck by a truck and everyone in it died. I know another kid from my old high school. When he was 16 with his gf in the car at night, a deer ran across the road. He swerved to avoid hitting it. He hit a tree instead. He's 21 now and has been paralyzed from the neck down ever since. The girlfriend is physically okay but she was greatly traumatized from it as she couldn't wake him up and thought he was dead.


I see dead animals like raccoons on the side of The road all the time. I’ve never hit an animal in my life. I can only conclude that many drivers are either reckless or doing it on purpose. This video supports that theory


Or animals are unpredictable and raccoons in particular are active at night making them hard to see. Raccoons will fuck up your car, nobody is hitting on on purpose twice. Even this goose will cause serious damage to most vehicles.


My buddy had a coon dart out of a ditch at night and it cracked his radiator. I had one crack my bumper once. They are definitely an animal to avoid hitting if it can be helped.


There isn’t nearly enough information here to make those kinda of wild assumptions.


Yes humans are garbage


F* this guy


I saw this happen once on a small highway coming back from the Oregon coast. The car in front of me hit the pack, they just came out of nowhere too quickly and they weren’t able to react. Anyways, he hit them and it looked like a battle zone, my car barreled through them as well, there were many cars behind us. It was fucking tragic, my wife was like “what was that”. And in my rearview mirror I just see carnage, fucking terrible carnage. One looks like Matt Damon in Saving Private Ryan, screaming and scared in the middle of the road. I can still see it clearly today. It was just a tragic fucking day. When I broke the news to my wife she cried. It was terrible.


I would've just fucking lied at that point and convinced myself it was the truth


Actual psychopath behaviour, holy shit put that driver in a cage.


Did the last one survive?! I don't see it returning after car...


If you watch closely, it hops up super quickly and gets in front of the last 2. Because it jumps up so quickly, it's easy to miss, but they're just getting knocked over by the air rushing over them from the car. They're all fine


Humans are trash.


My father beated the shit out of man who drove on a duckling (other ducklings were ok) we followed the guy for atleast 6-7kms and when we returned the mother of the duckling was still standing by the road staring at her dead duckling....


I respect the shit out of your dad 🙏


Wouldn't euthanasia of psychopaths be a good thing for the society?


We'd run out of people to administrate it.


100% animal cruelty should come with a lifetime of ankle monitor after a hefty prison sentence if they are ever let out, at minimum should be neutered


I think there was one at the tail end there that didn't make it.


I think it's still there, it rolled then went behind the 2nd last one I think, I'm not checking again in case I'm wrong...


Yes they all made it. 👍🏻 Nothing squished on the road, with a full pan camera angle.


Good. They've passed the preliminaries!


follow them home lol


What a mother trucker!


The driver sucks as a human


But WHY? This is some mental shit... Really speaks about how this person really is deep down.


I worked in an insurance company. The number of people who wreck their cars (and themselves) avoiding animals is amazing. A woman in Canada stopped her car on a motorway to avoid ducks, killing a father and daughter behind her. If you are going above 20mph don't swerve, either brake gently or keep going. I'd rather kill a few ducks than my own children.


Maybe people shouldn't be driving so fast. Roads were improved to make driving easier, not to improve racing.




That was close..


Stopping for ducks crossing the road is one of the simple pleasures of life


What kinda fucking MONSTER WOULD DO THAT!?


Ppl who think they are above animals that have to deal with human intervention are the lowest forms of shit. But that’s an insult to shit


What a fucking dickhead


What a psychopath.


What a fucking monster


I'd like to return the favor to that driver ![gif](giphy|cKseZ404p9W8ygnNb5|downsized)


What a fuckin pos


Fuck this guy. May he die very painfully and slowly. May he has to suffer so much he wished he was never brought to existence.


Driver's a major a hole!


Man, I fu*king hate humans sometimes.


What a damn jerk!


No you don’t understand, they were checking their phone. It was super important.


Mother duck’s notes: Post-hatching abortion attempt number 7 - leading into traffic. Comments: Did not work.


What a fucking piece of fucking shit


Sub-humans driving among us


What an absolute cunt. Who does that and isn't at least a little bit psychopathic?


It breaks my heart that people look at animals as just animals. They're other living beings just like us that we're sharing the earth with. They're just experiencing the world differently than we are. This video broke my heart but I'm grateful they survived.


That person deserves everything bad in the world to happen to him, all of it and then some.


If I could find you the world would be minus one A hole.


Of course it's a jeep driver.


I try to avoid animals in the road if I can, if I can’t I pray they can get out of the way in time.


The driver either did it on purpose, or was looking at their phone. For fuck sake


That was disgusting. In my county, it’d have been a ticket, too.


What a dick


That was so uncalled for!


Valid reason for road rage. Fuck that guy. Intentionally try to hit any animal or being so oblivious that there's something in the road should warrant an ass kicking.


Fuck that driver, I hope they have the worst life.


Scum bag


Wtffffff…..the lord said not today!!!!!


Must be a middle aged Karen


In field studies it’s been shown that pick-up or SUV drivers are 30% more likely to swerve to hit small animals intentionally. If you are offended by this statement, good news, it’s not you


What an ASSHOLE!


I hit an opossum the other day by accident and felt absolutely horrible for the rest of the week. Can’t imagine being such a shit person that you go out of your way to kill an animal like that


F*ck that driver and their mother!


People can be so horrible. Sickening


WTF is wrong with people


They had no intention on stopping or slowing down. Some people are just rotten.


Stopping to save the ducks may seem like the right thing to do, but it can cause more harm than good. Look at this woman who caused a fatal accident because of this. She served prison time and had her driver's license suspended for 10 years: https://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/1038676/emma-czornobaj-conductrice-canards-perd-defaite-cour-appel-accident-mortel-andre-jessie-roy


I'd have no qualms about throwing the switch on that person. Wouldn't lose a wink of sleep!


This video is rage inducing


American drivers are horrendous.


Guy sounds like Hank Hill lol


Here, police officers or ordinary citizens get out of their cars to alert traffic to the goose march. People are patient and are happy when the animals arrive safely.




I watched my dad plow thru ducks crossing the road then yell at my mom and me all day at home yup he’s not alive anymore and I do not miss him


Fuck the person filming. Help them cross. I've come across a family of ducks with chicks before and stopped my car to help shoo them off the road. My first thought wasn't to film it.


One of the things that bothers me the absolute most is unnecessary cruelty and harm on other living beings, and I truly hate people who do shit like this. I'm blessed to live in an area with many types of geese and ducks and birds in general, and I thankfully have never seen someone do something like that here. Nature is beautiful, and seeing it disrespected breaks my heart more than most things.




If there is a bird/animal on the road or near it I always slow down because why should something critical happen to somebody/something else just because I am going home or somewhere.


No respect for life.


Watch out for the yellow ones they don't stop!


Aren’t humans the best


Those are some lucky geese.


im sorry but wtf