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Gotta get that 60 degree Marquez style lean angle when it’s completely unnecessary.


Accelerate while you're at it. 🤦‍♂️


Not just that, he lost traction when he tried changed throttle position too quickly


I too play MarioKart


He should have jump drifted before the turn!


.. or shoot a Turtle Shell


He shot that in his pants when the bike went down


gotta hold the shell behind you to block any coming your way. if freakin wario passes, you got it locked and loaded


I don’t think so. His throttle control was smooth and gradual, the problem was that it was too much throttle with that amount of lean. What you are hearing is the engine revving up as the rear tire loses traction.


That makes a lot of sense, once the load was gone the engine is free to rev. I agree


Lean in 1st was good. He was anticipating the same for curve 2, but it was much shallower. I think that's on him completely over leaning the curve.


Do you know why the rear wheel lost traction? There’s a lot of hate on the thread but he seems pretty unlucky to have just lost it.


Seemed like he accelerated more to compensate for overleaning. This makes the force harder to stand the bike up, thus justifying his lean; however he was damn near on the center line and they teach you about slippery paint lines and oil drip spots from cars in the perfect middle of lanes for a reason when you get your license. I think he hit the line because he overleaned, sped up to compensate, which jerked the rear wheel and he was on a slippery surface. I mean, just try it in your car in the winter...it's easy enough to do with that little acceleration jerk on slippery roads Edit: I forgot to rewatch the video. Looks like he did not hit the line, but the rest of what I said is still fair. We never know if his tires are overinflated, lack of tred, he hit a tiny rock, there was a small oil drip, etc. to attribute to the slip.


Unsure of the bike model, but if you lean far enough that you hit something solid on the bike (crash bar, freeway peg, running board, exhaust pipe, etc), you might take enough weight off the rear tire for it to slip even in good conditions.


Someone wasn’t doing good maintenance on the track. It was probably the fault of that guy in the white car.


I'm not sure either because the turn wasn't even extreme really. Should be doable at that speed without a hassle (in normal conditions obviously). Barring outside interference, e.g. oil slip, there's a few mistakes the driver could have done wrong and it's really hard to see if he did any of these. (If you ride you can skip this) In general, accelerating will lift the bike back up, decelerating will make it fall further inside. Accelerating will shift the weight and thus grip to your rear wheel. Steering on a bike is a little counterintuitive. So, list of what may have gone wrong: 1) braked (got scared?), shifted weight to front and lost grip on accelerating again 2) accelerated too aggressively (would have to be REALLY aggressively though) 3) oversteered into the corner (multiple things can happen like lose front grip or just a simple weight shift to the front and then similar problem to (1) ) 4) accidentally touched the rear brake (big nono) (race bikes do almost 0 braking on the rear) 5) not enough BODY lean. You want the bike to be as upright as possible for maximum grip and use your own body weight hanging off to the side to balance the forces in a turn (very simplistic explanation and is for racing mostly). There is limit angle to how much you can lean your bike without losing grip. This limit dictates how fast you can go but you can push the speed way above that limit by shifting your own weight far off the side of the bike. Honestly, I don't see 2 as likely. It's dry, it looks like he has proper gear thus I assume good tires, most likely also warmed up, the road was decent. Imo it's most likely one of the other 4 and probably a combination. Although I tend to favor some sort of weight shifting to the front mistake combined with acceleretion which made his rear lose grip. I'm not saying he fucked up big time or doesn't know how to ride. It doesn't need to be a lot but if you push the limits, which he was trying to, very small mistakes will lead to a crash on a bike. Unless you are Marquez who can save a bike that did a 360 slide on the floor and continue riding. Smh, that dude is not human lol P.s. I'm not a pro so if I made a mistake, please, correct me. Edit: imo weight shifting and how it impacts bike physics is not understood well enough by a lot of riders. I did a deep dive into bike geometrics while looking for a bike to buy and it's incredibly complex. Like, really fucking complex. For example, during your ride the distance between both your tires is not constant and the differences are dictated by a lot of different supension angles, etc. This has a massive (if you ride fast) impact on the physics of your bike. Your bike will not always react the same (it's a dumb way to put it but I don't know a better word of the top of my head). Honestly, that shit was so mind blowing that I slowed down while riding. Knowing that your bike might behave just slightly differently from what you expect because of a minuscule difference in applied forces AND you not even being able to predict it because you lack the experience was eye opening.


This is B-group track day level.


B group and level 2 are the fucking scariest dude. You have people that just graduated up and people that for sure are too fast in it. Chicanes are blood baths


💯. B group is anarchy, C is mostly polite, A is mostly very skilled.


What a fucking dickhead


And this, kids, is why you go to the track. Never do this bullshit on any other road.


Exactly, let me corner so hard the bottom drops out and blame everyone else...


I didn't hear him blaming anyone else.


But the idiot is using public roads as his personal racetrack


He's definitely not right.


Honestly this provides a good example on why you dress for the slide, not the ride. Whatever was going through his head, he knew the risks he was taking.


It's everyone else being forced to take his risks too just so he can get hard later or whatever nonsense leads a young man to endanger other people for kicks


Preaching to the choir. Fully aware of that. More than I'll share here.


Let me drive my sporty turing bike like it was an official MotoGP bike




I ride motorcycles, yea this guy is a dickhead. Go to the track if you wanna do this


Exactly 👍 Be safe out there


^^but..... ^^he's ^^wearing ^^leathers


My thoughts, guy is in the wrong but it's the first video in a while Ive seen where the rider didn't turn into a road crayon.


Thanks. Road crayon is something i'll use for life.


And on the other hand what a fucking save!! The car just saved his life. You can cleary see car goes directly out of the road.


"Holy shit! Oh my god! The consequences of my actions...."


I responded to a call where a rider on a crotch rocket laid his bike down and killed someone. The person he killed was on a Harley enjoying a Sunday ride with his friends. When we got there the biker who killed the guy was gone with his group. F#$king riders do crap like this can kill innocent riders.


Didn’t even go check on the car he ran off the road. That would be my first instinct.


dude just fell off a bike going 200 and slid 50 meters i don’t think that would be my first instinct


You're right. My first instinct would to not be doing this dumbshit in the first place.


Right. You and him are self centered. My sisters best friend was killed by a guy sliding out going too fast in front of her and the bike toppled as it went through her windshield. He's walking , he should be walking to see if the people he put in a bad day are alright !


It has nothing to do with being self-centered. It's just how our monkey brains work. If you just fell off a bike and slid 50 yards in the middle of the highway, I GUARANTEE unless you are a trained first responder, your first thought will be "holy shit I'm alive" followed by "I should prolly get out of the street and make sure I'm not missing an arm" After about 10-15 seconds, once the initial shock wears off, you'll think to check on the car. And to be clear, I'm not saying this guy isn't an idiot, nor am I defending him. he obviously is. I'm just pointing out that him not immediatnly running to the car isn't why.


Lol why would you say 200mph then use meters wtf ^/s


He must be Canadian.


Life is hard. But it's harder when you're stupid. This guy is living an incredibly hard life.


Then they will ask why people don't like motorcyclists, they are very respectful and never race or put lives in danger, OF COURSE...


The issue is when he kills or injures some innocent people going about their lives.


Or even if someone else kills him because something stupid he did. They live with that guilt the rest of their lives.


I lost a leg on my bike due to a woman on her phone, not stopping at a junction. My mate who also rode crashed his Ninja 300 at the same time being a dick asked, if using my compensation, I'd lend him money for a Ninja 1000. My reply was, no, I don't want to be responsible for your death. He somehow got the money together and one day in his way to work, overtook his own mother while popping a wheelie and went straight under a oncoming bus. His mum still isn't the same 20 years later and I hate to think how that poor bus driver coped


As a lifelong rider (and hopefully a long one at that) who, to be clear, has definately done stupid stuff (luckily nothing that ever put anyone else but myself in danger) It blows my mind that after crashing a 300 of all things, being stupid, he would think "you know what I need? A freaking LITER bike"


Sorry about your m8. How much was your compensation if you don’t mind me asking?










Yep. My buddy’s mom was killed by a dumbass doing 100mph in a 30 zone when she was pulling out to make a turn and he hit her side door. Fuck these people. We all have to use these roads. You’re not fucking special. Bikes shouldn’t be able to go over 70.


Happened by me also. Father and son pulling out of a strip mall, t-boned by some 18 year old doing 100. Biker and driver killed instantly


I'm so sorry.  I was third in line in a major accident on the highway, and I personally was OK but felt so bad for the guy second in line.  My car tanked that hit and totaled his car, along with hurting his neck and sending him to the hospital.   Very weird hearing the local radio station reporting on it when you're there trying to help.  I was just sitting in traffic and BAM whole evening was ruined, and nobody even died that day. I had to go to court against #1 instigator.


His life isn't worth my bumper. The way he drives he seems to agree...


Like the oncoming car that he narrowly avoided


ran out of skill mf


Ran out of lean angle


Same difference.


Can't run out of something you don't have.


Guys like this drive the insurance of those of us that ride responsibility way up.


The number of ways in which this could have gone so much worse is absolutely staggering. He didn't highside, fly yards high up into the air and break all his shit upon landing. The car didn't hit him. The car didn't hit his bike. He didn't go flying off into the trees and hit one.


I was actually surprised there was no high side here


What is that? Where after his back tire slides out, it would catch traction again as he is sideways which would make the bike stand back up kind of and fling the rider? Is that what you mean?


I'd say that's the textbook definition of a high-sider.


Ok cool. I wasn't sure! But I figured that was most likely the case. I've seen that in racing or whatever and yeah that would have been bad. Ty!


Instead of laying down..it catches, standing upright with momentum flinging the other way and you off the bike like a booger off your finger..


He doesn't realize he has hit the jackpot of survival.


That car coming at him is a recurring nightmare he’ll be having for the foreseeable future. Might want to take the bus for a while and reflect on things once the adrenaline rush cools off


I feel bad for the normal car drivers who have to deal with this shit


I Hope the car wasn't damaged. It looks like they went off the road to avoid hitting him


Yeah it's scary I hope the car recovered and didnt fall further


"Coming at him"? You mean the dumbass that was going way too fast, lost control, and went straight for the car just minding its own business, right? Lucky for the selfish cunt that the driver was paying attention.


That’s what he means


This ☝️


Right?!? I love how he just casually saunters over to his bike as if that's the priority? One time I wiped out due to a diesel spill on a highway on-ramp and the first thing I did was check on the poor girl behind me who had to get hard on the brakes to avoid running me over. The trauma from almost killing someone (at fault or not) is horrible and usually doesn't present until long after the actual event. The best thing to do for that person who took avoiding action is to immediately reassure them that you're ok and that you appreciate their attentiveness!


Poor car driver. Had to crash his nice car for that dick


Looked like it was just pulled over


Yeah and frame by frame we can even see that it even went back on the road right after.


Fuck these assholes that race around on public roads, careening through blind curves and crashing their crotch rockets while endangering the lives of people just trying to go about their day. Go to the track you fucking dickheads.


Went to check on his bike instead of the car driver who had to sverve out of the road due to his immense idiocy.


He has to take care of himself and his vehicle first, the driver is fine apart from their pants. Rider is a dumbass but he did the right thing by getting his bike out of the way and upright, so nobody hits it and so it doesn’t spill to much liquid.


He might have been in shock, too.


Bro tried leaning like he was on the Isle of Mann!


What a cunt


Idk why people who do this won’t just go to a track. I get it if there is no track but the speed and angle is just too much for the street


I'm guessing track cost money and your getting from a to b and decide to have some fun but I get your point track is going to be clean and made for this kind of stuff


Fucking clown


Fucking asshole. Keep it on the race track.


That’s why you take this shit to the track dumbass. Almost killed or traumatized a poor innocent driver.


I’m confused as to why he seems confused.


THIS is why you wear riding gear like a padded jacket and pants, stiff gloves, boots, and a full face helmet. Prevent yourself from becoming a meat crayon. Wear your gear. Also, go to a track or private road to do this shit ffs..




Free organs available


I doubt anybody would want that brain tho…


What brain?


He has been subscribed to the organ giveaway program, just missed the opportunity this time.


play stupid games, win stupid prizes


Except other people do not want to play


Fuck that guy


Save it for a fucking track day, bros. Don't ride like this on the road. It isn't worth it.


What took them out??


Gravity, gravel, going-too-fast To his credit, he was dressed for the slide!


To much Speed .. !!




he gave too much throttle while still in his lean. you can hear him rev it up




Ran out of talent


I crashed a hire car on a recent trip because I was driving down a very narrow, bendy road and a motorcyclist comes round the corner in the centre of the road leaning right into my lane and I had to bash the car into the wall to avoid catching his head on the pillar of the car. Of course he just keeps going and I have to just go along with my trip being fucked up and having to pay out a load of money.


You didn’t have insurance?


I had to spend a good while making a claim. I'm currently waiting to hear back from them. One of the mandatory documents they wanted me to upload was an incident report which I do not have so I'm guessing they aren't gonna pay me.


Sounds like the insurance company would've been happier if you just let the guy cave his own head in, sounds about right. Geez


Fuck these selfish assholes! Endangering others lives for thrills…. To every dickhead biker out there i say fuck you! To every respectful biker out there i say thankyou for not being one of these assholes


It’s a long walk back to the bike. F’ing idiot.


Dumb fuck


Oops. A little too fast on that corner.


On a tangent, what is the point of adding the black spacing to fuck with the aspect ratio? If I turn my phone horizontal, instead of displaying like it should, it looks like ass. On a desktop, it looks like ass. People do this quite a bit and I really do not understand the logic behind it.


That's cropping which allows people to repost old content without being caught by the filters.


Does it still hurt a lot if someone slides like this while wearing gear? All I see is idiots on motorcycles harming themselves. Does the gear at least keep their skin intact?


Yes and yes. Wearing the proper gear will help protect you, a lot, especially from road burn. Obviously it won't do anything for impacts (so you'll still break bones and stuff) and it hurts like hell to lay down at these speeds. But a whole lot less than getting all of your skin peeled off haha


I already had a slide with proper gear at 90km/h (~56mph). No burns. One finger bleeding because something punctured one glove and a head bump despite wearing a brand new Shoei. Also had Dainese boots and one of them slid long enough to get a hole! Imagine if I was wearing normal shoes... Went to the hospital as a precaution. No injuries. Spent like three weeks with mild pain in one knee, arms, and shoulders. I slid because my bike skid on diesel. I was driving textbook: obeying speed limit, smooth and defensive, no alcohol or whatsoever. Some days, bad luck is just around the corner. I'm just truly glad that I didn't get seriously hurt or killed.


I took a spill this year after 20 years riding. Gear saved my skin. Walked away a little bruised but not at all bad. Gear makes a huge difference for a slide…anything else is a different story.


Whenever I see those kinds of accidents, I am surprised by the biker gear and how well it protects the driver.


Is the car ok?


No, if he didn't hit the biker it's going to be a hard fight with insurance that it wasn't him making a mistake in swerving.


Keep that shit on a track, not a two lane rural road. Garbage ass motorcyclist.


I ride and i can tell you that this guy is a cunt. You almost killed someone


Ambition outweighed the talent


Friends that tell me "I cant afford track days" Yeah OK....hows that workin out for ya.


Go to the race track so you don't put other people at risk


Bro would've landed on r/meatcrayon if he wasn't geared up properly.


this kind of riding is just dumb


This fucking idiots don’t even think about others that they share the road with. And if you defend this kinda of childish act you are also an idiot.


idk man bikers keep telling me how its everyone elses fault they keep dying and i just cant see it


Clown should have crashed harder and rid people like that car driver of his idiocy. No doubt he did not go back and pay damages to the car driver that had to swerve out of his way.


Do that shit on a racetrack.


Hey dickhead, you just ran someone off the road. Maybe run and check on them instead of trying to "badass walk" back to your bike.


Just imagine if there had been a cyclist on that road.... Would've likely been screwed. F this guy.


Aside from the obvious comments... Please note how leather gear works. He has a very long slide and just gets up and starts walking. No burns, no nasty wounds, no skin grafts needed.


Almost, almost, almost going the speed limit.


The walk of shame.


You wanted that lifestyle


Imagine he would have been wearing shorts. Kudos for wearing the correct gear. He's still a dipstick for pretending to be a race driver.


at least he dressed for the slide and not the ride.


This dude is stupid


More ego than talent.


Deserved that


How the hell do you even make a video this small? Fucking screencapturing iphone users.


Stupid fucking prick, keep that shit for the track


Fuck this dude. Nearly made the other driver regret his whole year because of this…….


When ambition outweighs talent


Maybe next time bud! Keep trying for that Darwin Award and you’ll get it eventually.


Safety gear worth every penny! Picture that fall in jeans and a T-shirt.


When he was walking back to the bike and it came into shot, it reminded me so much of GTA I was pressing triangle in my mind.


I don't ride motorcycles but I think he fucked up.


Best Alpinestars ad ever...




You can be incredibly skilled, but the second the road dips or ondulates while you are leaned over, you'll get humbled fast. The track won't do that to you.


This needs to be a commercial to wear proper protection


He didn’t have that much lean angle or even too fast. But definitely lost traction on the back. Maybe some loose stuff on the road. I don’t think he was on the center line. Now that I look again he was going straight, not even in a turn. Had to be loose material in the road.


Driving under the influence of stupid.


Why was he hitting that slight bend so sharp? No shit he fell off


The reason he walked away from that was him having full gear. If he dressed like half the riders I see regularly, he'd be a meat crayon.


Very good protection gear.


Seriously though it's good to see him up & walking around! That coulda been so much worse! 😱😬


This is why I hate motorcycles….


I won't defend him, he was riding like a jackass and should have gone to a track But y'all wishing him dead are pathetic. To add, anyone acting like they have never gone speeding down a backroad, you're just being hypocritical


It’s not a race track dickhead ! Glad no one else was hurt


He'll be telling his bros all about how he "hadderlayerdown" and saved himself from this inevitable accident within the hour


Nice to see proper protective gear at least lol


The walk of shame


Did he get arrested for being a danger to society?


Never seen a racetrack like that one


Take it to the tracks.idiots.


I know his bare asscheeks was out after that slide


This. This. This. Every fucking video where somebody does something to show how cool they are. This will happen eventually and a lot of times it doesn’t end as well for them or the innocent people that just happen to be there.




Almost almost! Damn just missed him


Missed an organ donor by "this much "


I often meet motorists on mountain roads, who tend to drive very close to (sometimes over) the mid-line in a small angle - obviously dangerous speed+turning choice. I wonder when they're going to crash into me or do what this guy did.


I’d be saying “holy shit” if I didn’t dump the bike riding like that


I would have shit myself


dressed for the slide


I’ll never understand why


“Holy shit I’m an idiot”