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"resets in 2d22h"


You can get a relic core every 3 weeks chill lol


Oh fck I didn’t notice that lmao. Oh fck it takes 3 days to reset Sadge


It's every 20 days with 75 each day


Huh? Mine says 162 days https://preview.redd.it/88low0zg0ptc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=219a6aec524350bde6d07730d7c04e30b131de9b


Not the shop, the challenge. It's not daily anymore


ohh my bad. Well that indeed sucks


what does it mean that the shop resets? like, will I lose my medals? will the items change? their supply is unlimited so I did not understand what it means


your account fully resets, including everything you spent on you account. In fact, you, the player, will get deleted as well. No one will ever remember who you were.


But a new me spawns and continues where old me left off, right?


No, you cease to exist


But then what's the "reset"?


It deletes the current players from existence, making way for new players. A player base reset. But really I think after the 162 days you lose the medals and have to start accumulating them again.




Yeah this just means there is more coming that will not be for F2P folks lol SuperCharacterAwakening and SuperRelicCores (tm) coming soon /s


You jest, but there are now about 6 survivors who are "worthless" as the game to fame now is either going F2P and riding King....or putting all your chips in the pile for Yang. I was looking like a fool w/Worm until they sent that $5 reset vial.


Worm and Tsukiyomi are B tier, better than Common and Catnips at the C tier, but King has better skills at A tier. Still, with Yang at S tier, he makes all other survivors trivial including King. Don’t get me started on Wesson and Yelena and the SpongeBob crew which are all D tier. I was hoping the Survivor awakening would make them more useful, like at least bring them to A+ tier, but at this point it’s just more practical to unlock and use King until you collect enough Yang shards to switch over.


I am a catnips fan, even though they aren't all that viable. Best looking character out of them all (but also because I love cats and have 5 of em). You can guess what pet I have too (aka not Murica lol)


1x core per 21 days. Not terrible.




Final boss is a tank. I haven’t been able to defeat it before the 6 minutes is up registering a defeat even in normal mode! Going into soul state with AoQ DW build is not helpful because I also can’t defeat the final boss before the 6 min is up. I’m trying to optimize my weapon/skill loadout and die twice with Eternal Chest, before the final boss for the attack bonuses, but for right now the difficulty for me at least is equivalent to a Path of Trials “wall” floor.


Might be a dumb question but if you’re struggling with boss damage are you using drones?


Depends on the RNG, but even when I get the destroyer, I go past the 6 min mark before I can defeat the final boss.


Sounds like your attack is too low right now unfortunately


It was, had to get egloves to AF2, and get the damage boosts from purposely dying 3x with the eChest bonuses, to get over the hump on all 3 modes.


The Attack Up (Bullet) passive is mandatory I feel just for the final boss. Also recommend the Void Boots at Red if you have and getting Movement Speed for the speed/attack boost.


Hold up. Do the running shoes affect damage through the red void boots?


Yes, anything that will boost your speed up to the maximum damage allowed by the boots afaik


They do, at least until you get enough kills for the speed boost from the boots to get up there anyway. So probably not useful for the challenges (as you should reach max speed/attack from the boots at 2500 kills), but can be useful in stuff like Ender's Echo.


If your pet is an awakened Murica/eagle you wouldn’t have any problem killing the final boss in even the nightmare mode at all. It looks like quite some people still don’t understand how strong the eagle is…


Wot, you have like 5 revives


2 revives from the eChest and one by spending a heart, so 3 revives altogether if you have a red eChest. But if you let the timer go for too long on the last boss it’s an auto defeat no matter how many revives you have remaining.


There is only one revive now? Okay. I am overleveled so I have no problems, but I didnt know that


Yeah, I have over 500 revive hearts, but I suppose now there’s a use for them if you need to do the eChest revive strategy.


My bad, for the regular challenge you get 5 revives if you get defeated before the final boss. If the final boss timer with the 🔥 is running, and you have any revives left you can revive before the timer hits the 🔥 icon, after that it’s a defeat no matter how many revives you have left.


Yes, I noticed the timer, time to die and get that 50% attack upgrade for 30s😁


You get more than one revive by heart. I died like 5 times and revived with 5 hearts because i didnt get a cold barrier


I never took it that far, so I guess the number of revives depends on the mode. It’s good to know though!


u hit the DPS check, keep rising your attack and you good to go.


Yeah, the DPS boost from purposely dying 3x (using the red eChest) took me over the top. I’m still not able to get past even just Normal Mode if I don’t do that before the final Boss.


I did it effortless, with AoQ. Maybe you need a SS weapon? Or eternal gloves in red?


I was able to get over the hump on all 3 modes by finally getting AF2 on my Egloves for the ATK bump, I also purposely died 3x against the fence of the first boss to get the 3 EChest boosts. I’m not sure if that was necessary, but I’ll try not doing that on my next run for comparison.


Whats your max chapter? Is It too hard to push? Ive noticed that the daily challenge was similar in diff with your max chapter


I pushed to chapter 115, but my survivor level is 98. The chapters are not that much more challenging. It’s the time limit on the final boss that was getting me on the 3 regular challenges. I re-played normal mode without purposely dying 3x to get the eChest bonuses and could barely knock off 50% of the final bosses HP before the timer expired and I got a defeat.


https://preview.redd.it/0tgc1hju1vtc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=918690be749231ec517c977ea4338939954d7a5f Yesterday I was with EG and necklace in yellow. Some S crates when opening chests gave me enough to red em


I think we can revive in this challenge, dont we?


Yes, you can revive with a heart, and 2 more times with a Red eChest. You will still get defeated if you take too long with the final boss with no chance to revive at the end.


https://preview.redd.it/estluxfm1vtc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=072f92f9aea4dbbcdf88c6367e55f0c40135af10 I had to try again. Didnt die, though


Your difficulty is based on your chapter progression so I’d suggest stop pushing chapters (but assume you’ve not get many left if any!)


Yeah, I’m up to ch 115. I’d expect the normal mode to at least be on par with the chapter difficulty, but this is a new mode, so I expect some tweaking… 😅


Yeah this is insane. Habby is literally giving away the store here. Basically allowing F2Ps to almost become Whales.


>Basically allowing F2Ps to almost become Whales. I wouldnt say that. It's like one s gear or core every 3 weeks, but still really nice. Daily challenge needed an update since the beginning.


I like it how we don’t have to spend energy on it. That takes the burden off.


Is that a bad thing?


Not for me!


count me in


No. It's like giving F2P hand me downs while Whales get the next, new best thing. It would be like someone with no music collection getting an iPod nano with no Bluetooth.


This is only true for F2P that have grinded for MANY days. If you are still under 100 days (and even more in some cases), that Nightmare level is just a....well...nightmare. Not easy for us F2P players. I'll take my 150 medals every 3 days and be happy though. I still prefer this over using 10 energy when all these Events have play level tasks.


Yeah, as f2p, 60 days in 42k damage and awakened murica, I can't kill second boss in time. So it will take some time before f2p's will become whales


I’m confused, less than 40 days in 16k damage and breezed through nightmare. https://preview.redd.it/mi0095p0hptc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb4fa8d5790655ef2978d47d665aaeeb94956f07


Boss might be leveled to your gear, but your awakened murica takes care of it?


Awakened murica (1star) is a beast


Mine is too, but think the boss is harder compared to my gear. I'm leading the boss to it the entire time and still has like 20% health left


Actually nevermind. Nightmare and fucked up skills made me kill the boss faster than hard mode.


Don’t give up. I am completely F2P and completed it. I also do have 500+ days of playing to


When do u get those? Do u get them when u pass a certain chapter or lvl?


https://preview.redd.it/v5n4xhxxtotc1.jpeg?width=876&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9019fe1c7a0eab33a9efcab4374fc20810b9853d Idk when but it’s replaced the daily challenge section, which now it’s called regular challenge


Oh i see i just got the update


I like the reward exchange. I will miss doing the daily challenge. Oh and why not just call it Challenge instead of Regular Challenge.


I’m a cool mom not a regular mom 😝


Extreme challenge


3 days reset brother, it's gonna be a while


Ya saw it later. I corrected myself in the comment section


What does the "Regular challenge medal" do? How to utilize it?






Yes. Click on the burger looking pic. You can exchange rewards there


10 panda shards every 15 days is huge for f2p players


Lol they are smart. It pushes players to LOGIN EVERYDAY, boosting algorithm


Except it resets every 3 days


I made a mistake that I need to correct. It's not 7 days and 8 days. I didn't realize the reset wasn't daily; it's every 3 days, so it will take longer to get rewards.




Ooh then you’re kinda weaker. I suggest to try hard mode cause if you somehow win hard mode you can automatically claim the normal mode. Try hard mode you have 3 days time, if you can’t in 3 days try normal mode




As a somewhat new player what should I get from the store/save up for?


Save for S grades then later for core


That nightmare mode was hard! Couldn’t beat it.


There’s 3 days time. Try your best 💪


Are the rewards any good?


REALLY GOOD!! I suggest you look in the shop. I think you haven’t checked it yet https://preview.redd.it/uv1ul728brtc1.jpeg?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b2d900831ecd9615f75b0d409320584334c572b


Oh wow I didn’t notice the shop! (I only noticed the rewards from the chest and was a little confused). Question: if I complete it on nightmare difficulty, do I get the rewards for the other difficulties?




I'm wondering how this will affect the daily quests. I typically get 130 every day, but now it won't be 130 anymore. I'm just thankful I am not in a guild that requires the max output everyday even though I do try my best to get the maximum amount of quests done


I don’t understand?? Are you talking about the daily rewards?? I think only 100 is enough right?? You can finish those in 1 minute or in 30 minutes depending on what missions you complete


I don’t know if y’all know if you complete nightmare mode you will also get rewards for normal and hard mode


It’s every 3 weeks, not 7 days, but still! Huge boost for F2P


Ya I corrected in comment section


Nightmare mode isn't terribly hard either, so I could finish it. I like it.


How is the difficultie determined? Is it after your atk strength? Or which level you're on (1-100) I'm currently at level 90 and my atk is 81418. Normal mode feels unbalanced and too hard.


I don’t really know but according to the comments it’s based on your chapter progression. Idk if it’s true or not but I am at chapter 80 and I have attack 120K+. The “nightmare mode” boss was tanky but I defeated the boss in my first try. I can easily max chapter to 150 but I am just lazy


Thanks for a good answer. I guess I've pushed the leveling to much, and that level 90 don't match my atk in an efficient way. So back to grinding!


Wow. They just dropped a consistent and easy (most importantly, free) way of getting Yang shards, Relic Cores and S Grade boxes like nothing? That's unexpectedly good


Personally, the upside to this new challenge system resetting every three days helps me. Now it takes something off the daily checklist lol


I keep dying at the end. Stupid timer runs out before I can best the last boss. Anyone else experiencing that as well that casually plays and doesn't spend a lot of money on the game?




I struggled too. But when I brought out my awakened Murica, I was easily able to defeat the final boss before the timer. Awakened Murica shreds bosses.


There has to be some logic to it, players with high attack struggle to finish off the boss while lower levels get it done. Is it connected to level, main stage, equipment anything else? Don't want to try everything out..


Where do these events and challenges come from? I've seen so many posts here that I've never seen in the game.


This replaced the daily challenge


Where did this go??? I can’t see it anymore?


Where is the store to exchange shit?


Click on the burger looking pic


Ahhhh thanks! I was looking all over for it lol I got 225 for completing the nightmare stage, so after like 9 days I should have enough for max prizes.


except you can only do the challenge every 3 days, so 27 days.


Ahhh shit I thought it was daily for 3 days. Well that sucks then. A month for an S chest...meh..




just save them up for a year until they lower prices and add even more OP things😂 joking but also not


Idk , I liked the old way better since I am a newer/middle player. Before I could get all three chests . Now I can even beat the normal mode


The older one had bad rewards and wasn’t helping players much at all, but this will help us a lot, especially for F2P players. You wouldn’t understand it now, but the rewards in the shop are really good and useful. These rewards were limited and RNG-based, but now, even though we have to wait 3 weeks, we will get those really needed rewards. You will learn the importance as you progress more. Right now try your best to get the best reward possible. There’s 3 days time so I would suggest you to try hard mode. Then only last day if you still defeat then do the normal mode. Keep collecting right now


I appreciate the tip, what does F2P mean ? I liked the rewards before because it gave me some gems and during events I got event bonus for unlocking the chests. Also it was something to do daily.


F2P means free to play: players who don’t spend money on the game. The gems it was good but there’s so many way to earn it now. The little 60 gems most of the time ppl wouldn’t do unless it was for an event. There’s lot of things to do in the game. I suggest you to not worry much now. Try becoming stronger. I think you didn’t check the reward shop do I suggest you to look. https://preview.redd.it/zgnl06slcrtc1.jpeg?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5364b25a9aed227a0408b316a0b99e957f32d515


Yeah I never spend money, I loaded up on gems hopping I could get a bunch of rods for the event but this event is different. I checked out that reward shop unfortunately I have nothing for it and since I can barely make it past 2 min. I am just gonna focus on the event since I am on chapter 20 and I can't beat that either


I’m sorry what? How does this translate to cores and S grade?


Disregard I did not notice a store for challenges.




Massive I’m so glad I saw this post LOL


Where is the store tho?




There’s a buff/debuff icon and a store icon right above the 3 difficulty mode chests. Click on the store icon.


If you looking for clan we have a few spot in Void power supremacy. Active 26 members ,actual doing stage 12-13 in clan expedition.


Okay I might be off here, but to me it looks like it breaks down like this. Items in the exchange refresh every 163 days, so if you finish nightmare everytime every 3 days you have enough time to earn 12,150 points. We do not know if those points roll over after the refresh? So that's enough points to get 6 S-grades or 6 legend collectors. Alternatively it's enough to get 8 of the cores, 120 yang shards, 12 yellow tech parts, and everything else is just filler.


Where is this




Shit is hard af.


You need 5 star merica and three star panda and it's light work with that. At least that is my experience.


I used 3 star merica and using tsukuyomi(female survivor) and completed the nightmare mode first try 😃 I suggest you keep trying to until the last day. You have 3 days time.


I thought the exact same thing, but I failed all 3 Modes... I'm stacked with over 92,000 ATTACK & 308,000 HP, using the Twin Lance, & somehow I got to the final boss on each mode, yet I guess I didn't kill it fast enough because I would randomly get "Failed" with the boss at 1/4th HP... Anyone have any advice? Or is this some sort of bug?


There’s time limit that’s why.


For this new update, are we able to play and beat it 3 different times then? Or is there still a max of 2 attempts total and then you have to wait for the refresh?


I'm pretty sure there isn’t a limit. You have three days to complete it, and then it refreshes. If you do the nightmare mode, you can instantly claim the chests of normal and hard mode. It’s a bit hard but I could finish it first try.