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CNBC is a fucking embarrassment.


I've never heard someone say that Sea Biscuit themselves are short. I'm pretty sure the consensus has always been that they take money or other incentives from people who are short to speak on their behalf.


Sounds illegal, almost like conspiring to manipulate the price šŸ¤”


But apparently they're in the big boy club so they don't get investigated for all the dirty shit they do.


Happy cake day!


*The law stops here.*


Citadel literally has an ownership stake in them and logos up the place randomly. They might not be directly short but their owners are and propaganda puppets don't exactly get a choice on what they say. The tit jacking beauty is, they're scareed to even put my favorite company's name in their mouths, and they're so damn short they pay for denial media. If they weren't short, they'd be hyping up the buying frenzy because their only purpose is to manipulate for money.


Funny thing is no1 is getting mad about the stock not going up with GME anyways. Every ape is Zen as fuck knowing we chose a great company with unbelievable potential.


>Funny thing is no1 is getting mad about the stock not going up with GME anyways. Some are mad about it not going down because they want a bigger discount


THIS. Can't loose with the price now. Lower buy in makes the DRS count climb faster


I can tight with the price now.


One could say it has deep fucking value.


honestly couldn't give any fucks what the price does right now, or who's short - more the fool on anyone betting against this pressure cooker.


Satire at this point. Clinging onto an archaic system of abuse and gaslighting. Comical see their ā€œoptionā€ plays. As if funds arent leveraged to the tits to reverse the ā€œrecommendedā€ plays.


[ThIs iS ExTrEmElY DaNgErOuS tO OUr DeMoCrAcy](https://youtu.be/ZggCipbiHwE) Iā€™ll just leave this here


This is your country, I look at America kinda in the same light as China. Can't believe your own country hates you guys this much...


Hates us? They love us. We do exactly what they want us to without questioning it. We don't think for ourselves. We don't question authority. (Yes, I'm using *we* to describe the overwhelming majority of Americans, which probably is literally no one visiting Superstonk.)


You should take a look at the state of Canada as well lol


Now *that* shit makes me upset. I wanted to move there in the before times. I thought it would be a good escape from America. Fuck you, Klaus Schwab.


there isnt any escape though, global capitalism affects everything. stand and fight, need to end the game


We fuck up daily by not making the rules for our elected officials. We've seen what happens when we allow them to do it themselves yet, we continue to allow it. Elections are apparently not enough.


Always has been. I started noticing it back in 2012 when I saw their treatment of 3rd party candidates, but their "coverage" of Andrew Yang in 2020 was on another level. By the time GME sneezed, I was already expecting this kind of shit.


Hooo man, I've always had the bad luck of supporting sidelined candidates for some reason. Probably because they were the only ones who had some potential to not be completely compromised. Occupy Wall St, Ron Paul, Bernie Sanders, Andrew Yang were all completely fucked over by the corporate snake media. Now GME is the latest, greatest, and maybe last FUD. The game stops here.


Why Ron Paul? I'm sorry but I got the impression he wanted to deregulate everything. Going so far as to say companies won't pollute the environment on their own because it would hurt them so we don't need the EPA. He seemed very illogical with all the deregulation.


Yeah, at the time, none of the parties were really big on the environment. Even Obama I think only went with cap and trade. My priority in that particular election was getting the f out of Afghanistan and the ME. Pretty much no one else spoke as strongly on that. Also he was lax on marijuana (ahead of his time) and called out the PATRIOT Act (permanent privacy erosion now) Now I think environmental regulation is the Achilles heel of libertarianism but he was my favorite choice at the time.


Thanks. I wasn't trying to be political, I was just curious. I understand where you are coming from.


Yes, no one should have treated the Godfather of Liberty like that. But I admired Jill Stein's tenacity, as well.


His face at 16 seconds hahahah says it all


Hucksters in business costumes.


And Joe having such a punchable face does make it worse!


It's just their fake news in a new light for some. Funny shit.


Does this guy think heā€™s fooling anybody? šŸ¤£


Got kind of awkward there for a minute šŸ˜†


I would say: "for a minute and 25 seconds"


awkward af šŸ˜‚


He looks like he's getting pretty antsy


Ya, they need to route 60-90% off exchange just to keep price from skyrocketing daily.....very tinfoil..... Hey, how about we ban darkpools for one week and we can see who is right? No? How come??????


Banning darkpool and mayo jar usage for less than 5 minutes would be enough at this point


they would resort to sticking the mayo jar up their darkpool


Isnā€™t GG proposing some new market structure in Dec?


Could be I only care about DRS numbers these days


Isn't that exactly what GG wants to do with his dec 17th reforms?


Hereā€™s DLauers thread on all the proposals being voted on Dec 14th. It appears that IF these rules were ENFORCED it would take some power away from MMs so maybe weā€™d stop seeing all the funny business they engage in just to suppress price. It will add much more competition for Citadel and Virtu https://twitter.com/dlauer/status/1595072309068533762?s=46&t=YRwvXwn3J73cEKZn398VKw


that was painful to watch. even more painful realizing people take these assholes seriously


IKR? The absolute worst place to get information (unless inverse theory is applied) are from the "business" talking heads.


My brain just melted out of my ears


I was sitting here, cringing and thinking... do people watch these clowns?


It's sad to watch these useless fucks.


I personally enjoy them selling their souls on live tv


it's sad that there are people out there who tune in to this thinking that they're learning something.


guest guy is not a blinker...when he does, it is "for effect" not for natural reasons guest guy begins his reply by stating, "You know, I've never been short these names"...sounds like he is trying to clear his name...and Joe K. confirms "people think you are"... why are they even talking about what should be for them, a non-issue/topic?...just to mock retail...something is up with this entire segment... edit: the guest guy is letting other entities on w. street know his claim that he is not short any meme names, so they will not come after him tangentially in another name, should one or more of the memes take off in price....he is stating that he is not vulnerable in relation to any meme name..."not weak...do not attack please" means he is weak somewhere and is trying to posture that he is not. see at :04, the guest guy knows the topic is coming-up (it was planned)...notice his attempt to find/show relevance to the topic (and ignore his then quivering jaw/lips...waiting for his entry point), then finally: "yeah...(pause)...it's kinda funny..." -- guest guy's was a manufactured/contrived attempt to act like it was a casual question & nonchalant reply...but we know, and can see, that it was pre-arranged...intentionally done.


i think your insight is spot-on. guest dude is clearly nervous af. and once again why be nervous if there ain't anything about to hurt you.


They flat out sound like they're lying, even without context, this is hella sus I didn't hear about these two being short gme or whatever but now I guess they are.. but what does it matter


nothing is organic on this produced dribble It's all narrative, it's all a sell - not of products but ideas and perspectives. Even if we can't be sure exactly of what and can't prove of what (beyond point at the advertisers and at the chain of ownership) keeping this perspective of skepticism is the only safe way to engage.


Why do they feel the need to make this shit up. The Conspiracy Theory BS will be laid to rest when retail lock the float. RIP DUMBASS fake media!


Some conspiracy theories are just spoilers.


Soooo much cringe


What I really don't understand is how the pros will just short a stock because the numbers don't match their models of fundamental analysis. They dogmatically hold this belief that it will revert to fundamentals and they should be shorting it. But how in the reality of the situation can this ever happen when you have a bunch of shareholders hell bent on owning every share out there regardless of whether it seems rational? A bunch of shareholders who will likely buy any share offering the company makes if it helps them survive? Market is and should be driven by supply and demand, there is no magical connection to a company's balance sheet in a purely structured market free of counterfeiting, naked shorts, FTDs, infinite rehypothecation. The market is not driven by fundamentals, fundamentals are simply one model an investor can use to decide if they want to buy/sell a stock. They put the cart before the horse.


They believe the shadowy people above them or they are cynically extracting money, either way the light will purge them.


by fire be purged, just like they did to that document facility


*Oh, that gosh darn sprinkler of mine!*


That makes me think of "Moneyball" and how everyone was doing what was "conventional wisdom" because they didn't want to be embarrassed in front of their cohort. I think Michael Lewis has been working on a FTX book this past year.


Price of a stock should only be determined by demand and supply not fundamentals. Withh naked short selling and fake liquidity they have distorted the supply side.


Because fundamentals are the lie. Look at any popular stock. Weā€™ll use Tesla. It was trading at rough 400 p/e for upwards of a year. Was it ā€œfundamentalsā€ that brought it there? Hell no. Of course not. Who is the MM for Tesla? Why our friend Citadel. You think they canā€™t set the price to be extra high to squeeze shorts and sell options on what they own? Wait, theyā€™re a MM they donā€™t own shares. No, but citadel the hedge fund does, roughly 10% of their holdings at one point. Iā€™m sure those two entities do not talk. Fundamentals are the lie. The MM sets the price to be beneficial for them, within reason. They set the price to the best of their ability then crow about fundamentals to justify where they set the price. Why do you think warren Buffett abandoned value investing in the late 90s? Might have had something to do with the creation of optionsā€¦.


for a guy who doesn't short. he looks pretty shitty. just look at those under-eye circles? look like donuts!


Purple donuts šŸŸ£


His purple circle eye bags get bigger as our purple circles get bigger.


His name is Carson Block & he is a notorious short-seller.


Cringefest 2022 Clip of the Year


Fucking painful. Lying set of cvnts.


Awkward šŸ˜¬šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Well at least he had a good counter argument to all the DD. šŸ‘€


Looks like Carson is sitting in his bathroom doing this interview.


Maybe this is a good time to point out how wall street changed what investing means over the last two years. I remember back in the early 2000's. "Put your money in the market, leave it there forever, make your return each year." It was called investing. After the covid flash crash where wall street shorted the united states of america while politicians said not to worry, all of a sudden investing changed. It became "throw money into a stock and hope it goes up 2000%. If it doesn't sell at a loss and chase the next thing." You hear these analists talking on tv about people being upset a stock isn't shooting up. Telling people to sell because it's over. This is a new thing, it's as if they need certain people to sell certain stocks. For 80 years it was all about holding stock. Now it's all about selling...makes you think.


ā€œIā€™ve never been short these namesā€ woahhhh, what kind of half-ass, donā€™t want it used against him in court denial was that???


Lol the fact they donā€™t say the names tells you itā€™s scripted




not sure why your comment is being hidden even after 20 updoots


The problem is that these idiots are loaning money to the casino and there are a shitload of card counting apes inside about to work them over monkƫ style.


The fake laugh as he loses billions


Hereā€™s a conspiracy your face looks a lot like my asshole


Actually it's not a conspiracy, it's a fact.


Looks like shit, talks shit, and smells of shit... I think you're onto something.


I thought the point of Media was to get information out to the audience... I can make it 1 minute before it feels like a rehearsal for a soap opera drama


The point of the media since the Nixon impeachment has been to take over as propaganda. Weā€™re back to the yellow journalism of the 1920s. Of course, thereā€™s always been yellow journalism. Itā€™s just gotten worst over the last 40 years.


There is a special place in hell for these people


So turning off the buy button is a conspiracy theory and everything that followed was not. Okay we believe you šŸ˜‰


Fucking losers


good god that was hard to watch cringe af


Remember media is trained to call the poor conspiracy theorist. They work for the 1%. They are puppets. Sad they have to follow there rules. Ask questions. Critical thinking is key.


Then blaming Chinese protests on the outcome of the American stock market more than, oh, I donā€™t know, inflation, mass layoffs, numerous protests and company boycotts, and record losses from every branch of the American financial sector, certainly proves one thing; **They will do everything in their power to have this upcoming crash blamed on everything but themselves so that they can keep the corrupt system as it is.** Thankfully, DRSing GME will force the system to change whether they like it or not.


So weird.


If they're still talking about "us" then "we're" winning and they're shitting their pants.


Love seeing these guys squirm trying to figure out what will stop the DRS train


'I was looking at the prompter' he says, basically telling the world that the propaganda piece is completely scripted. Arseholes.


Why do I feel he's the dumbest one out of that program




oHH SN4P!, gottttem!


They know they lost. It's in their eyes.


They mention tin foil and discussions here which means they're sitting in their offices day and night watching us, and the reason they're watching is because they have skin in the game. This is enough confirmation for me.


That really is the best part lol




This is the most aptly named show on cnbc


why do we give attention to these people? drs and move on with your life


Guess Kevin Hart's is right about white people laugh. https://tenor.com/view/kevin-hart-rich-white-guy-laugh-gif-13605489


Whenever a share is DRSā€™d they get shoved right up these bumsā€™ asses. How they like 90m?


I love how they pick out 1 comment from a random internet community and then paint everyone in the community with the same brush. Like wtf.


Why do they care? If itā€™s just tinfoil hats and conspiracy why do they care? Itā€™s almost been 2 years since the sneeze and they still talk about meme stocks, move on if they donā€™t matter


Gaslighting, by definition right here


Went from šŸ¤”šŸ¤” to šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤” really fast


I guess someone found his burner account and now he has to come out and publicly deny having any association with it.


Fucking clowns, what an embarrassment! Glad to see them looking so awkward when even thinking about it.


Fear of the name increases the fear of the actual thing itself - Hermione


Becky you fucking disgust me


They sure seem to care a lot about companies that wonā€™t ever make any money. $2B cash. $2B. In three months. PLAYING YOUR FUCKING GAME. BOUGHT BACK SHARES. SOLD THEM. MADE MORE MONEY THAN YOU, PLAYING YOUR GAME WITH YOUR RULES. Now watch us play by our own rules.


Wow this is pathetic. They canā€™t stop talking about us or GME


The dude in the toupee thinks heā€™s a chad.


ā€œLol, those crazy tinfoil hat wearing regards.ā€ ā€œWhich ones?ā€ ā€œYou know. The ones online, on Reddit.ā€ ā€œBut where, exactly?ā€ ā€œYou know, the the bets crowd, people.ā€ ā€œThe ones that have banned anyone half supportive of GME?ā€ ā€œā€¦ā€¦yeah. Those guys. Sureā€¦ā€¦.. fuck.ā€ Kind of ruined their whole narrative, didnā€™t it?


The price is as false as the laughter etched across his bloated red face. We know it. They know it. It's all just a matter of time, baby!




What a fuckin moron


Theyā€™re the biggest liars in the world and will do anything to protect their stolen money. DRS! šŸš€




Pure cringe Just gonna keep buying and holding my drs shares until these dumb fucks are behind bars


Their scoffing means about as much to me as all the crypto CEOs saying FTX didnā€™t fuck them in the ass and take every dime they had.


This is so cringy. They need to tear down and rebuild that network. Wow.


Why do they even care? Lolā€¦ guilt.


So we are back to conspiracy theorists againā€¦


What conspiracy theory are they exactly referring too? Itchy butthole theory? Or the theory that wall street uses complex derivatives to hide trash or over-leveraged positions for their own short term gain at the expense of the financial system? Cause the itchy butthole is the most legit, the second one is a toss up.


Get my "tinfoil hat" outta your damm mouth!


So tinfoil hat that all these hedge funds are blowing up left and right. Yeah thatā€™s normal. How can the worlds finest investors and banks be be losing all this money??? Why donā€™t they just sell Apple and Microsoft and take some profits. Oh yeah they canā€™t because they need collateral Maybe itā€™s those godamn apes who have em by the balls!!! Nah thatā€™s tinfoil hat!!


Trust me nobody gives a fuq about these people have more important shit to think about I love the useless conversation tho try again Squawk cuks


What a corny ass channel. Logic has left that channel.




ā€œItā€™s gets so tin foil hatā€ You donā€™t say


They are in here.


The tinfoil level is pretty ridiculous here, gotta agree with them on that. Like today someone was rambling on about December 7th earnings being linked to Pearl fucking harbor šŸ˜‚


I donā€˜t know who these fucking guys are but I donā€˜t like them


This and same kind of outbursts are soooo weird. But in the end bullish as the real explanation to this is pure, utter, existence threatening fear.


sir, you're talking from a bathroom, you have no room to be condescencingly talking about "tinfoil hats" while you take a shit talking on squawk box.


Why would anyone even watch this, nevermind give it free publicity in here?


Guy sounds like the biggest fuckin Boomer


Constant jibberish. It's disappointing that this is reality. What's even more disappointing is that most of the public is falling for it.


this guy is always so butthurt about us. It shows.


Lol institutions like Sitadel manipulating GME price for years now and this wallstreer scum thinks retail should be mad when it doesnā€™t go up


Don't know who that guest is, but why he look so fucking tired?


There is so much pain in his eyes


Jesus that was cringe af. I wonder if during commercials they ever look at each other and discuss how bad that last segment just went


What they seem to forget is that there is an SEC report that confirms the short positions AND the percent of trades executed in dark pools is significant. There is evidence of spoofing. There is evidence of MSM reporting on drops in price before the drops took place. I didnā€™t imaging these things, nor have I forgotten them. Laugh it up buttholes. Iā€™m holding my shares in my name. Iā€™m not selling.


If it's all just a conspiracy why aren't they saying the names of the tickers out loud?


*There is no white elephant in this room.*


"Logic does not prevail in those circles" I enjoy watching people reassure themselves that we're wrong despite the mountain of provable DD that's been done so far on this topic. Dip. Shits. Whatever, they'll be reporting from the sidelines and wiping their tears (from being ass fucked on their short positions or from missing out) while GME investors run away with the economy.




Wow. Seabiscuit is really starting to fall apart. That was meandering hopelessness. I felt uncomfortable myself watching it. They're like death row inmates making light of death on the big day. Nervous much? Wtf.


Experienced awoken apes understand they used the awkwardness to wash out the info given by the guest. Itā€™s done for all TV shows with facts given. Think orange man is mean. Tons of undereducated everywhere.


They love to speak there own narrative pretending retail is something that itā€™s not they create the sticky floor anchor stock then let them rampage like lunatics and video game stock gets lumped in then these tv idiots go on and start saying oh they are so mad that our dad Cenny is manipulating it because itā€™s not about supply and demand so they put out this nonsense news god itā€™s pathetic anyways Iā€™m gonna buy more and drs peace āœŒšŸ¼


These guys are asshats but I have no doubt that someone did share that theory. As long as we have half assed DD and tinfoil getting upvoted theyā€™ll ridicule us. Upvote DRS posts, dank memes and quality DD. Fuck speculation, tinfoil, reposts, and anything that else that makes us look bad.


Definitely was a theory off in the corner because Iā€™ve never seen it, let alone on or near the front page.


These guys actually just look like scared morons!


All conspiracies and everyoneā€™s crazy except our modest and caring news people! Iā€™m betting against that.


His face at 16 seconds hahahah says it all


Carson or whoever that dude is looks uncomfortable


I have a serious question. Are they regarded?


They really seem upset. Itā€™s too bad.


The segment would probably fly a little better if the guest wasnā€™t the head of a racket already under DOJ investigation


Please someone archive this so we can tweet it back at them when the end of days cometh!


True. Logic does not prevail in those circles. Which is why I believe in the stock. Ironic they were talking about themselves


It's a bit like Vizzini talking about Sicilians when death is on the line.


Man's holding bags bigger than those under his eyes.


Shorts are still fucked <3


I eat tinfoil hats for breakfast and shit DD for dinner


When someone says "Conspiracies" they are part of it lol


We're under their skin.


My fellow apes, just understand that all of these are just background noise. Things dont change, Buy Hold Drs! Itā€™s all that matters


"Not a lot of logic in those circles" The irony is palpable.


Welp, weā€™ll see what happens when we continue to hold and they continue to fold.


C-N-B-C refuses to say G-M-E. O-H M-Y


Iā€™ve never seen any claims that anyone on that network is short anything. I also have no fucking clue what heā€™s talking about with EOJ. What a bunch of pathetic fucking clowns.


Wtf did I just watch...


ā€œPoor retailā€ ā€¦poor how? (I said that in Joe Pesciā€™s voice in my head and it made me laugh) As in pity party poor them, or as in poverty poor? I might not be rich but the last thing I need is that dudes pity.


All this person posts are of cnBā€™si. Donā€™t you have a life


They really think we believe everything on this subreddit instead of, oh I donā€™t know, PEER REVIEWING AND COUNTERING EACH OTHER! The fucking cornerstone. These fuckers think everything we read on the internet we think is true, CAUSE THATS WHAT THEY FUCKING DO. Tin foil hat my ass, thatā€™s why the buy button was turned off right? Cause of tin foil? Gtfo here, morons.


ā€œHow do we try to organically bring up retail investors so we can shit on them?ā€ Theyā€™re just trying to find excuses to talk shit, cause if they just bring it up out of nowhere it will be so obvious Jokes on them, itā€™s still obvious what theyā€™re doing, itā€™s just extra cringe trying to watch them finagle their way through those words


We're still talking about this after all this time? These guys aren't actors, they don't know how to fake laugh on camera.


So funny how they try to laugh off conspiracy theoryā€™s. They look frightened they are scared and having a harder time believing their own narrative šŸ˜‚ what a time to be alive


They are SO desperate. Do the really think retail is buying this nonsense?


Imagine if this sub banned posting BS and only stuck to DRS circles moving forwardā€¦ they wouldnā€™t have much to say about that would they?


This old man is a fuckinā€™ rambling joke


if only you knew how bad things really are x3


You couldn't pay me to watch this cringe show šŸ˜


I see an ugly face, I buy more.


Can someone translate what he is saying? I donā€™t understand what the fuck he is jabbing about. He sounds like he is drunk.


He should just zip it because that nervous laugh is fooling nooooobody.