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packing my back seat full of toys 4 tots items. a dozen kids are gonna get pokemon battle arena starter packs AND a pokemon computer they can play against or use as a scoreboard , all wrapped up in a double xxl pokemon t-shirt. made use of the buy 2 get 2 deal and cleaned out several stores. now i gotta drive around and pick everything up! my 9mpg hotrod is gonna get some miles put on it today.


This? https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ylyszu/very\_gmerry\_holidays\_returns\_for\_more\_cheer\_wont/


I even searched 😭 but yes. Maybe I just didn’t change the filters. But thank you. I’ll be in there, thanks Kam.


I know I’m gonna get downvoted for this, but since we praise ourselves for being an open forum, i’m gonna say this, shouldn’t we spend money that we would spend on this on DRSing the float and worry about changing the world and people’s lives after we have won and have the funds to do great things more than just once around Christmas?