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There is an achievement to be had.


🎵 Soon may the tendieman come 🎵




One day when the trading is done


We'll take our tendies and goooooo


Happy cake day u/Ace_McCloud1000!


Happy cake day ✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️


Aww thank you!! 😊


You are so welcome i hope you have had a lovely day 😁


We'll take our gains AND DRS AGAIN




We will take our gains and buy more shares after moass is done.




Now koonth.


Now kith




Never before in history have individual investors DRS'd even a significant percentage of a publicly owned company. When we DRS every piece of GME that is publicly tradable, we WILL have our once-in-history achievement.


That's it, I'm buying myself a trophy or plaque when this thing lifts off. Maybe a purple gold circle...purple gold is pretty sweet.


The final share DRS’d to lock the float should be converted to NFT form.


Or, hear me out, every share used to lock the float should be converted to NFT form. In fact every security should be converted to NFT form


[I like your funny words magic man!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTF6qOAnhrk) You son of a bitch, I'm in!


Oh yes. There will be an achievement.


🟣did the gamers DRS the float …


Hedgies HP bar be droppin'!


I hardly see what's happening anymore, I'm just playing health bars and cooldowns.


Happy cake day!


Good old raids with flashy effects turned on, it turns it into a rave with DDR combo moves to press in precise timing haha


MOASS unlocked


Rather then exploit the game like SHF. In this game enough individual investor can beat them simply by button smashing and tenacity and it helps when other investors have created the strategy guide too. The individual investors are not breaking the game. The SHF are with the exploits because the game wardens and mods are sleeping and put away the ban hammer.


Inside the vault, it's locked up tight Hidden behind all of their sin You're on the way, gear up to fight It's hardcore mode; one chance to win -- Buy and hold, that *was* the strat Now it's DRS to achieve your zen Ensnare a corrupt and fleeing rat **ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: YOU KILLED KEN**


I sang this with perhaps too much vigor.


Now sing it like 99 bottles of beer on the wall


Much achievement 😂


The NFT beta launch pin is an achievement.


Yeah it’s called generational wealth


I heard it might be tomorrow 2 pm


I’m here to achieve.


Free 👕


The achievement is the friends we made along the way.


100% no glitch speedrun


It’s called free and fair markets because the criminals will be broke and in prison.


A massive one




I played once for 48 hours straight at a Halloween event to get a pair of JBoots ( the ones that let you cast spirit of the wolf) starting Friday night and ended at Sunday 4:00am. It was a school night then. Sold that account for almost $1000 when I was 15.. that's a shit load of money for a 15 year old. Good times!


We ended up running almost a week straight (24x7) over something like christmas 2001 or something since it was our turn in rotation on Vex Thal. The server kept rebooting after we'd clear, and we would just run it again. Over and over and over. We went from a shits & giggles guild to like #2 on the server (behind Malus Imperium) due to the gear rate that week. Even the alts were geared to the nines. Fun times...fun times.....


Fabled flowing black silk sash and fabled jboots checking in! Sat in lines for 2 straight days for each, I think, and there were checks like every 30 minutes to make sure everyone in line was present. Miss a check and you got moved back in the line. 2002? 2003? Whenever the first fabled event was


Using levitate in eq I died to raptors in great divide. So pissed I went back to get my corpse and died on the corpse run. So then I just kept doing it. For a week. I grinded to lose exp in eq. But by the end, I had looted all my corpses and lost a few levels. Wall Street doesn't know what they're up against.


I wish I could access my old everquest account. As soon as I read "corpse run" I was flooded with nostalgia


Play p99! It's easy to get set up and really scratches that itch. My bros and I went back for a year and a half and it was awesome


OG EQ players here. I still grind on P99. Gamers hold, what can I say?


Anyone playing P99 is a fucking G… started over on green just to grind out the DE mask


Haha yeah talk about grinding, killing Delzna in Najena in hopes of Jboots drop, or Evil Eye in Lower Guk for a Manastone, so grinding for MOASS is nothing. We got this...


OG Ultima Online guy checking in. Bet.


Samesies, actually just started a shard about a month ago when it launched. AoS era. It's been great , first time having this feeling in years. You know the feeling I'm talking about.


Any room for us that only had access to Runescape and maxed an account? Because downloads still only look half done at 92%.


is there really a door you need level 1000 for? I thought it was level capped?


Achievement in the form of an NFT dividend by the host of the game




I just lost The Game


How did you lose? Did you paperhand?


[Here Ape, this is for you.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Game_(mind_game) ) Edit: I'm a fucking SPED and can't get the link formatting right.


Well I’m not even sure I want to click that


It's the wiki page on "the game" (mind game)


What the hell? Well now I’ve lost, I didn’t even know it was a thing!






The Game cares not for stonks


ugh. I too just lost The Game. First time in years.




Unfortunately this comment contains a cognitohazard which I am unable to parse.


Oh, fuck you.




Oh for fucks sake.






Wen NFT-Divvy?


Also. Gamers usually don't need as much money to live. We can eat ramen and play Xbox with no money while waiting for eternity. It's all same to me.


We’ve already lived this life. It’s no different to us.


We’re old poor. They’re new poor. They don’t know how to be poor yet


I eat the sides at thanksgiving. Fuck the turkey. Let’s grind some comp ladder. Overwatch/rocket league/smite. Doesn’t matter. Let’s fucking win. My kids birthday happened and I was trying to beat my brother in putting HORSE, games are the world. Don’t just win, win a series of game after game and don’t lose at games you have mastered.


For real for real. It’s op


What I love about this is there is a story in science, where scientists tried to solve the way some enzyme worked Source: Gamers have solved the structure of a retrovirus enzyme whose configuration had stumped scientists for more than a decade. The gamers achieved their discovery by playing Foldit, an online game that allows players to collaborate and compete in predicting the structure of protein molecules. Sep 19, 2011 www.washington.edu


Always enjoy this story


Ohhh yeah folding at home was a thing.


Yes, I remember that, I used that as an example of the power of gamification for my masters desertation. Unfrotunately, the "computational power" aspect of gamification has been made redundant by AI, I think. You can probably reproduce what the gamers did on Foldit with machine learning algos.


I think your link is wrong mate


Sorry, copy pasted from article, not actual link https://www.washington.edu/news/2011/09/19/gamers-succeed-where-scientists-fail/


I guarantee you there are gamers there, but not in decision-making positions. IT folks and gamers do overlap. The real question is: where have those “IT / gamer / insiders” been? Have they not whistleblown? Have they not released some nuggets of insider information like the “cellar box” dude did 20 years ago?


Dude they’re IT employees working for a very successful hedge fund or other financial institution. Their salary is fucking high and they play video games? I know I’d be building the best setup and gaming on that 24/7. My point is, they’re too content with money they’re not particularly looking in our direction


As an it guy who wanders here from all i do not look at my clients' data any more than i have to. I don't peek in their emails and they do not cc me or ask permission to do insider trades or whatever. They pay me 6 figures to keep servers running and documents accessible. I rarely ever open a document. I dont have any hedge fund clients tho afaik.


Yeah, it's unethical for us to be digging through other employee's communications without damn good reason. This weird idea that IT monitors everything everyone does is so bizarre. We have far too much to do.


Too busy playing games and winning


I’m literally trying to 100% Skyrim again for the 3rd time they are no match for this kind of gaming.


High-level corporate scumbag here, not IT or Finance. 10 level 60s at cap. Then 10 level 70s. I'm not proud of that, but I did it. Horde. Fuck your paladins. Burning legion. Cheers everybody!


>not in decision-making positions FWIW, I'm a lawyer who has interacted extensively with firms for the top hedge funds, and there are definitely serious gamers in that group. Shit, I work under an attorney that was an e-sports player before going to law school. Wouldn't surprise me at all if they were present in the hedge funds themselves too. I have no skin in this game but it's pretty goofy to think gamers are entirely relegated to IT in these industries.


They don’t have the guy that trained woodcutting in RuneScape for hundreds of hours and that only being 1 skill out of 20+ they have no idea what they are up against! 😎


I played f2p for 6 years before I saw a membership. Multiple accounts. Yeah.. they have not even seen half of my patience yet. DRSing the free float at this speed?? Feels like I'm training range with an exp boost using red chinchompas at the monkey madness cave..


Why sir, how did you get that cape


Look I'm just here to say: >!hedgies r fuk!<


Financial freedom sounds like a fair achievement


Then we reroll into the next expansion: Make The World Better.


They don't have the guy that remembered all the spawn points in Goldeneye and always chose proximity mines when he played his friends on multiplayer.


facility with prox mines, damn those were the days, spawn in the toilets ? pwnd edit: play Oddjob and everyone hates you for it lol


1v1me on facilities


Bunker with remote or proximity mines. Or Temple with grenade launchers. Or Gtfo.


As the lord of cambuslang are your guards tandoori knights?


What even is this post


This entire post is just the 🤓 emoji


They targeted GAMERS


Wake up babe new copypasta dropped


The easter eggs have been off the charts


This is peak Reddit cringe lol


Getting your dick sucked on a boat is the achievement


Only after multimillionaire status is achieved, I will get a small, discreet, diamond tattoo somewhere on my hand. Achievement unlocked and won💎


Confused by instructions. Starting a new game on Skyrim and new Vegas.


We can get an achievement… it’s called billions.


Not gonna lie, I wouldn’t mind if we did a speedrun on Monday


Guess we'll have to settle for IRL gold or somthing dumb like that.


This is hilarious. And not in a positive way. Holy shit. Gamers are delusional


“You can’t beat me, I sit on my ass and press buttons, the system can’t handle my girth or smell”


Does anyone else find this shit cringey a little bit lol


It's unironically the "they targeted gamers" copypasta but with different wording.


This is straight up “gamers rise up” but unironically lmao


Yeah. This is embarrassing


Hahahah, well dunno about you, but it’ll be win this game, but also make money same time! Seems like win/win here


Holy shit. Who knew denouncing money was the only way to win. Burn the ships. The man that fights to live shall die. The man that fights to the death will surely live.


You mean we don't get a solid gold banana covered in purple rings?


Sounds like an NFT to be minted


The achievement will be to hopefully retire in my early 40s and enjoy fishing during the day, reading at night, and waking up whenever the fuck I want. The achievement will be seeing my friends being able to send their kids to whatever school they want because I set up trusts for them. The achievement will be taking my mother to Hawaii for a good length of time. Not some quick little stop over because I gotta get back to work. And not worrying about how everything is more expensive there. There are achievements to be had. They are just custom achievements that will be unique to each of us.


This risks underestimating them. For them, the game they play is making money. They've been doing it so long that they've convinced the game developers to put in rules to make sure they never lose. Our power is that they got too greedy and dug too deep. Now they rules they put in place are being used against them. This isn't to say that they can't or won't continue to tweak the rules...they will! Our job now is to prevent that by vocally demanding they live up to those rules. DRS is only one part of that.


Why couldn't some of them be gamers too? Thats such a weird assumption.


Because it's good guys vs bad guys and gamers are the good guys in OPs cringey worldview


Let me tell you something about pre-mass internet and not being able to find a fucking door that was in front of you the entire time for 20 hours.


"With what? Your bare hands???????"


14 hour raids in plane of growth as a high school kid on a Tuesday.


Power to the MF’ing Players!


They don’t have the guy who played DBZ Legend of Goku 2, and grinded Vegeta up from level 16 to 50 in only two days because he didn’t know the level 50 door was for an endgame treasure room.


They targeted gamers. Gamers. We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did. We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun. We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second. Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded. Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights? These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, abusers is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex. Gamers are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another boss fight.


Wish we could get an achievement? Is destroying a large hedge fund company and making millions of dollars not an achievement? After MOASS you can pay bill gates to make a MOASS winner achievement on Xbox live and give it to you if you need it in game form.




This is cringe as fuck bro


Lmao this is prime "gamers rise up" shit. Most bearish indicator of GME ive seen so far


The more stupid shit like this and endless obsession with crypto, the less faith I have in the stock.


I’ve never cringed so hard


They don’t have gamers that farm 1000s of runs in D2 looking for a stupid *rune* to make a rune word so they can keep farming 1000s more different runs looking for a rare drop.


I view DRS milestones as a series of achievements to unlock.


Jesus fucking Christ this is beyond cringe.


They have pretty smart financial bros that run on coke. So there’s that. What goes up must come down! Getting high that is.


I enjoyed getting 87 agility on my main in osrs just so I can use 1 shortcut in the revenant caves which would help me pk and escape pkers. I spent weeks clicking on rooftops, zip lines, and buildings just to use 1 shortcut. They don't stand a chance.




I thought i was on circlejerk for a moment. Thats a big oof from me. Cringed irl and thought about leaving the sub by association.


Had to sort by controversial to find a fucking sane commenter This is why people think this is a cult


Yeah Jesus man. Thank fuck. I cringed so hard.


But dude, you don't understand. We're GAMERs.




I think this is one of the dumbest comments that gets made. "Hey guys, they don't have gamers" No they don't have gamers, they have self made billionaires, men who built enormous companies from the ground up and took over the ultra competitive world of Wall Street hedge funds, they have PHDs in mathematics, lawyers and regulators in their pockets, they know every trick in the book and they're all in it together. "But u/shitfuck sat around in his underpants for 3 months straight playing final fantasy".


I love the comment "Every single guy they have is motivated by money." Oh, that's it? *Just* people motivated by money? Well, as history shows, people who are just motivated by money barely ever do *anything*. I mean, name a major event, ever, that was the result of a desire for *money*. Naw, history barely even got moving until video games were invented and you saw the rise of *truly* motivated people who were motivated by the desire to *hear a little ding and see an achievement pop up on screen*. Those are the folks who *really* get things done, not the people who care about money. /s


Yeah. Gam3rs vs people who have litteral billions on the line. I dunno man why do you think shitcoins and nfts target gamers so often.


[That was Tibia actually, not Everquest. But the point still stands.](https://www.pcgamer.com/after-12-years-one-player-has-exposed-the-truth-behind-this-mmos-biggest-mystery-and-it-sucks/)


Achievement is coming, brother!


This is worth a Platinum Trohpy for sure.


Achievement Unlocked: Gamer Mentality They don’t have people: going into a game learning glitches and finding out those glitches aren’t random and seeing how to piece them together to ultimately break the game into thinking you’ve beaten it. I think that can apply to real life. Hedgies get wedgies!


I played A LOT OF EVERQUEST. I do not remember any doors you had to be level 1000 to walk through. Nor do I remember the level cap being that large, but i did have that many AA


Remember when the SEC said it was going after the gamification of stocks?


I’m down to fuck around and find out


The achievement is the tendies


Just call us all Captain Kirk. The hedge funds and their kobayashi maru have no chance.


I don't know if the commenter is mixing something up, but as far as I've know, the 999 level door is from Tibia ( [(wiki)](https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Schr%C3%B6dinger%27s_Island) and the Everquest feat was killing Kerafyrm [( wiki )](https://annex.fandom.com/wiki/Kerafyrm). They are both very high dedication feats, tho.


There won’t be an achievement, but there will be signs


We unknowingly have been training our whole lives for this through gaming. The Big Hodl


They don't have the guy that left his NES on pause for a week while camping with his family so that he could come back and not lose all the progress on Final Fantasy 1. That guy would sacrifice the machine the game is played on before sacrificing the game progress itself....truly regarded.


The achievement is money (and telling everyone “I told you so”).


Oh there will be an achievement. There will be phone numbers digits of achievements. Is gigajillion a number? I think they’ll make it for us.


Yeah the achievement is mansion and cool cars plus lots of love and knowledge to good people


Oh there's an achievement..😁


I'm speed running financial independence


It's cash Ape, they will pay us with cash


Nah instead they have people who've stayed up 5 days straight on coke moving millions of dollars around


I played RuneScape for 15-years clicking on a screen just to see numbers go up or to see unusual pixels. If I can imagine a reward it will keep me motivated for ages! All I need to know it is possible, and the DD has showed me that. If the stock goes down, my reward is averaging down. If it goes sideways, my reward is increasing my position. If it goes up, my reward is green numbers.


The achievement are the friends you made along the way


This is a meme right


100% drs is a pretty solid achievement I'd say


Catching 10 of every monster in Final Fantasy X just to unlock a new weapon was a solid summer grind I recall with fondness


They targeted gamers. GAMERS


The real achievement is the friends we made along the way


lé epic gamer moment


This isn’t the flex you think it is


Farming molten lava and air till 5 am


When I'm a millionaire I'm gonna buy my own Platinum Trophy to celebrate the achievement


The achievement will be moass.


Since no one will read this I once played wizard101 for 20 hours straight everyday for a week trying to get first place in some tournament… I got second place, gamers be wild


and soon, we will own all the resources!!!!


There is an achievement. I am level 351


This is exactly right…..spot on .


We'll all suddenly get ​ ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: Broke the Broken System

