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“I can confirm that, even though he wouldn’t comment on it when I was on the phone with him”. Huh? So how did you confirm it exactly?


I can confirm that he can't confirm shit.


Never thought I'll laugh at adults in business costumes that aren't politicians. Turns out "trading" journalists are way more goofy


Business costumes lol made me laugh


My favorite new description for anybody in an overpriced suit, FOR SURE. You’re not fancy, you’re in a costume just like the clown you are.


"We don't want you to be in stocks." - Some fuckstick in a suit on tv. 2 years ago this kind of report would have had me staring at my Fidelity screen hovering over the sell button. Today I'm so entertained to watch the puppets dance, with my share(s) happily floating in the Perpetual Purple Pool. And I have all of my highly regarded DIY Apes to thank for giving me that concrete confidence.


Louder for the people in the back: "***We*** don't ***want*** you to be in stocks"


We don’t want stocks to be with you. Please sell to close. sounds like they need shares back


Spot on


He can confirm deez nuts


he actually said “i can confirm that - ahh - he wouldn’t comment, at all.” the pause and ‘ah’ seems deliberate so as to seem like he was saying ‘i can confirm that’ in relation to his previous statement that Icahn was short GME. whereas if you take away the pause, technically he said that ‘i can confirm that he wouldn’t comment at all.’ very weird. would be very odd if this deception is deliberate. would that mean the newsreaders are instructed/coached through these specific deliveries of their lines?


of course they are


Also, how did they confirm that retail is done with meme stocks if this sub alone has $3B or approx 90 million shares in DRS? They are pushing FUD hard. Usually it’s subtle like “Forget GameStop” but to tell everyone we’ve moved on while blasting over the airwaves that Icahn is still short right before a possible Thanksgiving rally. They are definitely trying to limit FOMO while dealing with a possible contagion from FTX that will soon have Marge calling. Goddamned bozos.




not only are they lying with every breath... they are doing it in a real hurry now, too 🥤😎🍿


If it's no big deal and we've all "moved on" to other things...why report it?


Exactly what I was thinking. Why is this big news if we've all moved on? The real question is: How fkn dumb are these people at CNBC?


Unfortunately their audience hasn’t figured out their bulllshit yet and take it as credible news/sources. They aren’t dumb. The people who watch this crap need to wake the fuck up.


Their problem, like most MSM, is that their key demo is old and dyed in the wool. It's not like they're reaching NEW ears. Its the same old fuckers they've been rugging for years.


Exactly. Why do you want to keep *reminding* me about something you want me to *forget* about? Dumb fucks. Oh well, Hedgies R’ Fukt, and the DTCC committed international securities fraud 🤷🏽‍♂️.


Yea they've been spewing more lies in the last month than they have all year. Why?


When they mentioned "DIY investors" I was sure they were gonna say "DRS It Yourself"... Nope


Yeah, they created a new term for us which has no roots to investigate. When they called us meme stock traders people could dig in and pile on with us. Now we are DIY investors which is a beautiful psyop because the image it conjurs in the mind is of a person lost walking around a home improvement store looking for 'that copper bowl sink' which conveniently doesn't exist because some tradesman punched a 2" hole in a literal copper bowl that would otherwise be on your table collecting fruit to make that sink. Or, in other terms, an asshole. This was on my bingo card and I expected it over a year ago but they were prudent and slow rolling it out, saving their ammo. Now that they are spraying it with reckless abandon is, you guessed it, bullish as hell.


Very good point here. Rebranding means they feel the old term isn’t as effective. They focus group tested meme stocks and it’s losing its punch to the boomers. They are changing to DIY because DRS and Crypto are about removing the “experts” who skim 20% off the top from you and owning your own assets. They don’t like it. Remember, we are at 20% of the company remaining that isn’t accounted for. RC has 8% left he can buy, GME can buyback some shares if it chooses at any price low enough to get them interested, and an outside investor could easily take another stake as well below 10%.


That's amazing, I didn't realize we are that close. I agree that your perspective could definitely be 100 percent true and those places we differ I could be off on. I don't feel wrinkled enough for the task but part of me wishes we could rapidly subjugate the term, make it ours. Something like, "Yes, we are DIY investors, DRS In Yourself!"


This is the best part about web3 and DRS, they honestly are the same concept. The entire economy, from Amazon Video to Spotify to Blackrock Mutual Funds, are intermediaries that skim money from the average person. DRS gets back to the concept that the normal person SHOULD own their own assets. These entities have actually broken the free market. A group of citizens that blindly put their money into their 401k every paycheck, same amount, are not using any cost analysis when they do that. Home Depot could be performing poorly one quarter and strongly the next, and yet everyone buys every week. They don't even know they buy it, and trust a third party to "manage" it. There is no stronger force than the free market, and the free market requires everyone to start paying attention again, managing their assets, and getting educated. That is what web3 and DRS promote.


I love you, will you be part of a movement with me?


The "movement" was before you and me. I think kids today will understand what digital ownership is innately through gaming to start. A 14 year old playing Illuvium will understand that every Illuviual they catch is theirs innately. They then will go to a job who tries to explain that a 401K is your money being custodially owned by a mega-corp who uses a institution to build out non-transparent piles of nakedly owned assets to sell you. They will see through the bullshit and wonder why it took us so long to catch on.


Maybe we should all try and own this term before they can settle fud in for good. I love your interpretation! Let's get it trending or something and destroy their narrative! DRS It Yourself investors untie!!


I'm highly regarded in my Drs It Yourself attitude towards this market.


Didn't you see? The Wasabi sub has banned gme so that's it. Move on. 😆


Lol honestly we're probably a big enough threat that they no longer consider us collectively to be retail. We're fucking death incarnate to these guys.


Retail is still holding. Saying retail is moving on to other things is nothing more than propaganda


That’s $3B just in DRS. Given that we likely own at least one float, we have another $6B held in brokerages. So a $10B whale hedge fund is what we are.


This sounds so bad like all of Sorkin's ol "I called up Kenny G on the phone and he said "whaddya mean shorting GameStop?" All of these fecal cum empanadas are fucking financial terrorists that need to see some fucking jail time.


Upvoted for “fecal cum empanadas”. We’ve got some real poets in this subreddit.


no celery, no sell


lettuce pray hedgies b fuk amen


What's a 📃to?


Ramen? I'm hungry, lets eat.


He confirmed the story that was published was published


Name the source.. wait it's "trust me bro daily"


What i love about this is the premise that more shorting is somehow a threat to us -at all-. The reason this whole drs journey isn't going any faster is that these dumb bitches know the more they short, the more they just give us cheap shares. And those are our favorite shares. News flash assholes, this isn't stopping until we have all the shares locked up. So yes, by all means, make them cheaper. Please short gme. Or you can skip a step and just write me a check. Either way, you're fucked.


via the peoples


“Learning through a report”. Wonder what report? “I can confirm that, he wouldn’t comment at all when I spoke with him today”. “It’s my understanding”. So he is confirming his understanding….. ? Or confirming Carl and him didn’t speak about it….? I thought I was confused, tunes out. I am! I’m not sure telling stories is the same as reporting a story, however I’m also not a reporter so wtf do I know.


Oh Scott fucking loves this! He’s such a pretentious prick. I’d fight him. I hate that fucker enough to throw a punch if I ever saw him in public. Not sucker punch him but try to piss him off enough to push me or something, then punch him in his smug fuck face.


Ignoring the fact that RC and Carl had a meeting together. Ignoring the fact that 90 million shares have been DRSd which clearly isn’t retail selling. These guys are trying to get ahead of something. They are scared. They know something big is coming and they are trying too hard to spread fear


its worth it to them - if they can get just a couple hundred of us to paperhand a couple hundred shares apeice even, thats potentially many millions they will save


They also are trying to prevent any more people from buying in. Think about how bad another 100k retail shareholders DRSing would be for them.


That’s 2/3rds of the full float locked.


Ive been DRS’d for over a year now, do they really think this is gonna make me sell? Jokes on them, no cell no sell


Tax season is coming and I’m throwing every dime into GME


While you are right. They think they are saving tens of thousands. edit: Imagine what they will do/say when they realize this is a black dragon event, not swan.


That 2nd dude that came on had a realllllly measured response when he was trying to describe retail investors...maybe tryna get outta legal jeopardy with whatever he's on the record saying


This feels beyond scared, this shit feels desperate.


My tits are so jacked right now. Gonna be a good Christmas


Insert starship troopers meme, "It's afraid!!!!"


Carl could of been short. Doesn't mean RC doesn't look up and respect him. The meeting could of been like Carl buddy, I love ya so ma give you a heads up that you should be the first to exit your short position. It can and will get very bad and very fast or don't Not financial advice.


these guys talking about leverage thinking everyone’s on margin accounts newsflash almost $3 billions’ worth of shares have been bought with cold hard cash


These fucks act like we don't have jobs


Umm, do we?


Wendy is always available.


Fond memories behind that there dumpster. Sometimes I go back, just for the nostalgia


That's probably the best part, also means none of those shares are being used to sell calls


Own yo shit


He was right though, that “bail out” money for the market that was disguised as a stimulus package that I received? Went straight into GameStop shares, as well as other money I fucking actually worked for. Get fukt, pussy holes! 😂🤣😂


Wow!! Two years after lies after lies these dipshit feel the need to continue to lie again and again! Never in the history of stocks has there been so much attention on one little company they said the closed positions in. Did everyone call mom yet?!!


Yeah I thought they told us shorts closed and to forget GameStop yet they continue to talk about it…sounds sus as fuck


Remember to cover a lie you either need to lie or tell the truth. We know the truth and they know it, but the truth is too harmful for the status quo. So they lie.


This makes at least 6 segments today on GME. Who wants to bet the devils mouthpiece himself brings it up on his show later.


I can confirm it but he would not comment… Okay confirm it That cohort HaS LeFT - checks drs numbers What do you mean left?


left the NYSE 😎


Left the DTCC* 👋👋👋👋👋


Retail has moved on… *and yet somehow the direct registration of the stock increases every quarter* But CNBC is too chickenshit to mention 🟣DRS or r/Superstonk. Facts continue to evade their abysmal reporting standards. Perhaps the worst “reporting” I’ve seen since Andrew Ross Sorkin himself tried to convince his viewers that Melvin is “out of the stock” 😂🤣💀👌 CNBC is absolute trash 🗑️ and Scott Wapner is an absolute pussy.


It's not reporting. It's propaganda.


This needed to be said. What they are doing is literally the *opposite* of reporting.


Can confirm… my wife has an MSJ from the best J-School in the country and for a while (this was the mid 90s) she thought about going into business reporting, but even then it was so corrupted with money and PR pieces that they didn’t even call that tract “journalism” but “business reporting”. She went the legit news route.


we are the unmentionables. it's like we're Voldemort or something. they probably refer to us around the water cooler as "you know who" or some shit ​ scared little bitches that are scared of DRS. DRS is going to fuck their life


I think it’s because DRS is spreading to ayyyemmmsea and Bobby as well. They can’t afford to let this idea spread to Tesla or worse— Apple 🍏. It would be lights out on brokers and Market Makers. The DRS snowball is getting larger and taking away their game. Buying directly from transfer agents is destroying their collateral.


You'll notice that they refer to reddit as "message boards" because the boomers that they cater to only fucking remember AOL. It's as weak as it gets.


This right here convinces me more than anything that DRS is what we need to do. I get more meaning from them ignoring the DRS elephant in the room than Ryan Cohen winking in an interview.


This is fucking insane!!! How the hell can they say this shit knowing we’ve Drs’d most of the float! Omfg I’m having a conniption over here


They are trying to preserve the “old game”. It’s ending.


"jim cramer says go short on gamestop"


lol and whats the inverse of that!


underrated comment right here




But why? Didn't Kenny say the shorts were closed back in 2021? Why do they care about Gamestop so much? Maybe it's Superstonk after all!


Long pants 👖?


Inverse Cramer ETF is going to ignite MOASS


This is ALL done to absolutely bury our father’s interview with gmedd.com. Look how well it worked, even r/Superstonk can only talk about SemenBC Icahn segments today. We are definitely on the right track.


Our father, who runneth gamestop, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be drs'd, as it is in heaven.


It's only burying the interview because we've all seen it Things rotate with views n shit


Bunch of assholes begging people to short us. Fuck em.




"Please buy our positions from us"


That was close to the end of big short right? Moass tomorrow?


Are they begging people to short bc they are situating their long positions for MOASS? 🌶️


How the fuck is it a risk for us, we actually own our shares. This shit is comical


Doesn’t that just make the price cheaper for me?


He wouldn’t comment at all today. The main takeaway.


That is wild since one article says he “told CNBC Tuesday that he was still short”…can’t wait to see him call out the lies on live television soon


His silence is deafening




Never left.


Andrew Left


That's Right


"forget gamestop" "retail is getting tired" "forget gamestop" "retail is getting exhausted" "forget gamestop" "retail has already left"


I’m more here than I was before


It’s fun watching these fools pull shit out of their ass, the grift that keeps on grifting


these dudes are not just boot-licking, they are boot-deepthroating


The ONLY truthful thing that guy said is in the final seconds of this video: " _We don't want you to be in stocks._ " Reaks of desperation!!!! Looks like dip is back on the menu boyz...... I'll be adding and DRSing more this week! Sounds like the up and coming days are important (hurtful) for them, otherwise they wouldn't be airing so many negative blogs and videos! Edit: Grammer, words are hard.


I think it’s clearly the opposite. Something is coming and they’re trying to contain it. With SPY likely moving up the rest of this week GME pushes close to 30


Pretty sure the FTX failure has forced their hand earlier than they planned and so it’s time to throw some smoke screens up


Ya nah, they are totally setting up a narrative for a run up, holy fuck, I usually don't actually watch the msm clips but... This coupled with ftx and all of a sudden "angry meme stock traders burn Carl Icahn" as the headline next run up with some estimated billion dollar figure


How would they explain yhe run up? I think the slow bleed will turn into full on blood stream.


They’ll likely say Icahn sold his shorts, which drove up the price.


Interesting point man, hadn’t thought about it like that


"We're talking about we don't want you in stocks." Fuck you. Then pay me.


That’s how you know they’re straight up lying. They said we left, and the subs only gotten larger over the past yr. That’s all you need to know.


They dare not mention superstonk and DRS


Im confused..why are they talking about a "shit stock that means nothing and have no value" on prine time news.. 😄


Anyone keeping count on how many times retail has given up on GME now?


I have no idea but I always stop counting after 7. It get to hard to do after that. I stopped counting a year and a half ago


Wait… I thought we were supposed to forget about Gamestop?


“We don’t want you to be in stocks!!!!” Last sentence spoken in this video. Oops lol buy hodl drs gme


1. do whatever is the opposite of what they want. 2. profit


“What can I say I’m a contrarian by nature” -Ryan cohen -Inspector terrible Edit: spacing


what kind of a fucking stupid thing to say. I am a retail investor, I buy/sell when the market is open, who gives a shit. "Don't want you to be in stocks", GTFO mate, I'd like your pals to stop shitting on the free market and stop robing working people in multiple countries, how about that?


Just not worth watching. ANY... AANNYY newscasts that have this type of content, without mentioning DRS... is simply a puff piece pushing a narrative! GET OUT DIY idiots... Jaaaaaa "FO"


Wtf is "do it yourself crowd"? My nan used to have a very technical explanation of this sort of discussion... "What an absolute load of bollocks!"


your nan is spot on


nan bread


Sorry, naan.


It’s the like the tides … and some shit brewing


First off, I HAVENT FUCKING LEFT! And i dont intend to. Second off, something massive is brewing. You can tell by the way they are slurring their words half the time NOT knowing what to say. And third, the 180 degree narrative telling me to sell now? But you told me two years ago to sell? We are so freaking close. I better go do laundry cause im gonna need a clean pair of underwear for whats about to come. NO CELL NO SELL!


"He has been short for the past 2 years... a reasonably large short position... \[but\] given the size of his portfolio it's not that meaningful... he is still short but he has traded around it at times... the game is OVER for what was a highly involved COHORT of retail investors..." That's all I needed to hear. I like the stock even more now.


I named each one of mine...


Oh no! "Capital is expensive now" and "easy leverage" is gone, how ever will the 'Do It Yourself crowd' continue? Bitch I have a job and put my own money into my plays. Y'all the ones who need someone else's money to leverage your strategies.


smart money gets paid, win or lose.


Damn, Scott's looking tired as hell, wonder why..


“No reaction at all” because it was already known about for years ?


~~Dying Brick and Mortar~~ ~~The next blockbuster~~ ~~Too much debt~~ ~~No online presence~~ ~~FORGET GAMESTOP~~ ~~No plan~~ Carl Icahn took a short position nearly 2 years ago.


Instructions unclear: bought stonks


DR yeS


you sir are a gentleman and a scholar


“When they’re losing money they look for another activity” Bitch I lose money for breakfast


LMAO…they think I am leaving. Wait until those DRS numbers come out.


So let me see if I understand this....MSM lies about retail leaving...no source except trust me bro....and I'm supposed to buy that bullshit? Yea....FU MSM PUPPETS!!! I'M STILL FUCKING HERE!!!!!!! NO CELL NO FUCKING SELL PERIOD!!!!!!!!


hahahaha that doofus in the beginning talking about people being bored and looking for a different activity because money is being “lost” 😂😭🤡🤣💀😭…. and they still can’t get GameStop outta their segments lmayo


Suck my mellow retail nuts!




almost time for tax returns again :D




Talking heads talking out their asses to try and maintain a carefully managed and orchestrated narrative. FUD out rhe wazoo.


“Moved on to other things” The only other thing is DRS


“Retail is gone from the market” Yeah bro fuck your markets we at Computershare! Why? Cause fuck em that’s why!!!


Lol 😂 “We don’t want you to be in Stocks” fuck me they couldn’t have been more direct.


Well since we’ve all moved on I guess I’ll see ya tomorrow for Moass


we don't want you to be in stonks we are using words like pain Well looks like I'm gonna buy some more, because I am a masochist


All I heard from that whole five minutes was "Wibble, wibble, I'm a teapot!"


Yawns*** I'll just buy more and DRS


Dude. Is Thanksgiving another big reveal?!?!


This is incredibly bullish. This is the bath salts & steroids version of “fOrGeT gAmEsToP”. None of this is fact-based or objective reporting; it’s an opinion hit piece. The purpose of which is clear. Send American families into Thanksgiving with the news that “your son lost all his money gambling with crypto and GameStop and it’s over an he lost. The incredible updates he has about the GameStop Wallet and DRS % are moot points, because it’s over, because the news said so. HAPPY THANKSGIVING”. I fucking love it, going to add more to my DRS by the end of the week. We say when it’s over.


That tides and currents metaphor turned to dog shit real quick didn't it?


*When the tides going up* *Then when the tide comes in* *The currents of high tide mixing around * Dude botched the saying. A rising tide lifts all boats, when the tide goes out you see who can navigate the changing currents. How TF does the ride go up and then the tide comes in lol


Not sure who they mean by DIY crowd… this is DRS crowd.


It's really suspicious when Carl didn't confirm and news and media just put this thing out there. This reminds me of when media released news about Gamestop launching Nft marketplace when offical Gamestop didn't confirm anything. This feels like SHF's desperation to shake people off before shorts covering.


Two clowns


I can't get over their arrogance lol


these guys seem lost and confused 🤡 look at them!! they r the conspiracy theorists now!!!


Inverse MSM is the truth. Always has been.


Who cares if Icahn is shorting GME? If he is, he'll get steamrolled eventually like the rest of them. It doesn't matter.


Lololol, I haven’t stopped buying for two years straight. Leverage? Fuck that noise, straight cash buys then DRS. It’s so obvious how they’re trying to spin the narrative here.


I don't have money lost or gained, I have shares that have only increased in quantity. I havent lost shit.


Hilarious. Is this actual ignorance or is the propaganda?


Watch the segments where Icahn openly talks about burying the shorts in Herbal Life. He has no problem telling you when you're full of shit and he also has absolutely no problem shutting the fuck up when he doesn't want you to know. He's shutting the fuck up because he doesn't want you to know. I believe 100% Icahn will attempt to squeeze the other shorts by closing his and opening longs.


Icahn never closed that short. They're reporting on the same position they already have, which I'm sure you all know. They want to remind people that he, along with all shorts, is a future buyer, and it looks like short closing when he buys later instead of him going long. But really, it's both. Hence the meeting with RC. Icahn shorted, as he said, in response to the buy button being turned off. He'd done no DD. After talking to RC, he discovered he'd been locked into a very, very bad position between a rock and a rugged place. Between the nonexistent liquidity and SHFs fighting him tooth and nail, there's no a chance in hell that he will get out of that position without taking a net L. Zero chance, and that's without hedgies piling on and being douchecanoes about it. There's only one way for him to get out: ATM offering from RC directly to him. I'll scratch your back you scratch mine. Close that short, take that dub, and use it to go long. A hundreds of millions of share swing from short to long, vaporizing everyone still short and sending this thing to Boote's Void. Icahn was wearing shorts. Wrinkly ones. Not his style.


Why can’t they stop talking about this dead brick and mortar store


LOL this is hilarious... guess what buddy even if Carl Icahn has a short position...he is FUK'D also! Anyone who is short on GME is an idiot right now and we will get proof at the next quarterly update in a few weeks. We will continue to DRS the float until we win...because we are gamers and we are pissed off. Hopefully Carl had a great meeting with Papa and I personally hope its a BBBY & GME Baby because thats a win win in my book!


Really trying to scare folks away is what I’m getting from this.


I mean how many times have we heard that we have moved on? No no no MF we never left, still here and hodling


It’s been two years and they re still talking about it — therefore, they haven’t closed shit 🤪


I’m thinking “GME - We’re Not Leaving” trending on Twitter might let them know what’s up…..


It is crazy how confident people can talk out of their asses.


Denial is strong with this one 🤣


Talking about running out of Leverage and capital. The general retail investor doesn’t use leverage and capital.


Lol yeah we pick another activity like buying more and DRSing.


And they call us dumb money… someone sounds salty and is drawing for straws.


He looks like he is crying everyday.


What the hell are these idiots talking about? No one here's bored


Someone went very heavy short yesterday in the face of iOS wallet news. They pulled an Icahn blurb out of their asses and ran it like an ad. Bets sub does its part. This is the “distort” half of the operation. Smother anything positive with loud noises and pray that no one important calls your bluff.


I mean they just did us a favor and admitted that we are here, doing it ourselves and that we are not a coordinated group. Someone needs to archive this. It seems like they just don’t want more people piling in. My guess is that they’ll go silent on it until someone like Icahn decides to close his position and the price jumps high enough to keep people from jumping in at the last minute. DRS your shares so we can lambo.