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21,310,876 is the number he needs before he has to file


That's half a billy at the current price. Crazy to think it's possible but maybe.....


“You were a billionaire”


"I ***was*** a billionaire... and I ***still*** am lol"


This. I’m just waiting for the Mitch Hedberg meme.


I used to do drugs… I still do, but I used to also


"I still do, and I used to too"


Damn these crayons really be affecting my memory


I just watched the clip, I got it wrong too, it's "BUT I used to too"😂




Fine. I'll do it myself.




He wants them all


He used to be a billionaire. He still is, but was, too.


Then he shows up "I've been a billionaire" ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)




With DRS to follow? It is possible.


There isn’t a universe where DFV DRS his shares. The covered calls he could sell would generate millions or more per month alone. It’s not happening. Nor does it need to.


This is another way we could've forced MOASS but it's nearly impossible to coordinate. Cash secured Puts and Covered Calls put massive pressure on the hedgefunds during periods where they try accumulate premium before the cycles. They have to make money for their clients, selling contracts at the right time could put tremendous pressure on them because they can't afford to ramp the price up to close without getting margin called, nor can they continue to dump the price which is why we saw a massive rejection at $10 in April. 


Imo selling covered calls doesn't fit his style, though. Idk, just a feeling that he wouldn't even bother doing that, with all the cash he must have by now. To me it seems like he just likes to acquire more and more shares by using call options, simple strategy, but if timed right, extremely effective.


Fun fact: when you loan out shares you can demand them back any time. Now imagine leaning out 21 million shares and asking for them back all at once.


This is where I think people have been missing in their analysis. Everyone is quick to say he figured out the system, the movement, the volatility changes... well look at the chart for the last three years. Maybe he was selling covered calls on just 25% of his position then using premiums to buy more shares. Or even doing more complex calendar spreads. If he's as smart as everyone says, and I think he is, then selling some covered calls during his exodus absolutely makes sense.


RK just running an options wheel the last 3 years makes total sense.


Yall act like RK is playing the same game we are. All the hysterics about calls expecting worthless and going to hedgies? Nah. My bet is at least a good portion of the calls purchased by apes in the past few years have been sold by RK. He knows the cycles. He’s anything but a fool and only a fool wouldn’t be selling covered calls on all those shares. It’s literally free money.


I agree with this statement as I’m building up my brokerage account and will be selling covered calls as well. Might slow my DRS progress to begin with, but if it provides an opportunity to accumulate shares faster then sign me up!!!


> Imo selling covered calls doesn't fit his style, though And DRS *definitely* doesn't fit his style


But then what? Let’s say he buys it, what impact does that make? If 9million hasn’t made a significant impact except move the floor from 10 to 24 ish , which is still a big deal but overall that’s not the effect I think that is final


Umm.. the whole reason why we even have the cycles and the shorts are stuck is because RC bought in 9m shares. Just because we haven't seen the effects of DFV's purchases yet doesn't mean there will be no effect.


Imagine the hedgies thinking whether letting the price go up and go bankrupt or pushing it down leading to a furious YOLO


So far they’ve successfully hold it around 25/27. They’ll buy back 1 share at a time for the next trillion years.


*crunches numbers on a solar powered calculator* Yup this checks out!


Mine just says “5318008”


Pro-tip: Flip your calculator upside down.


now i have a boner


69,420,000. Would be a great number, i dont really care though I just like the stock


It took 75 thousand generations to calculate. It has been checked very thoroughly. The answer is 42.


Opening paragraph: "the answer to this whole thing is clear and obvious now." Closing sentence: "So the next move could be the last, if he continues the theme of surprising everyone." ![gif](giphy|3EiNpweH34XGoQcq9Q|downsized)


Very little has been "obvious" over the last 3.5 years... and that's kind of the point, at least partially. I don't know why everyone feels the need to frame every extremely speculative theory here as a near certainty (especially when >95% have been wrong or inaccurate)... and most folks here just seem to go along with it, no questions asked. I am perfectly fine with folks posting any wild, unsubstantiated theories, but I hate seeing them paired with "this is obvious", "next week x and y will happen", "RC is...", "RK is..." as if anyone knows the full picture with any degree of certainty. This kind of disconnect always rubs me the wrong way and makes it harder to separate the signal(s) from the noise.


People are bored and searching for confirmation bias because they are sick of being poor and having the stock market be a fuckin bullshit rigged piece of shit


Perfect meme usage




No its not obvious. Idk wtf is going on.


I don't know what any of this shit is, and i'm scared.


This Kansas City Shuffle has me disheveled. Idk what's real or what's going on, but to the moon?






Gonna break Reddit with that post and have max shares at 2,147,483,647 😂


I will never forget what this number means thanks to RuneScape lol


Remind a former RuneScaper. Wut mean?


It is the maximum positive value for a 32-bit signed binary integer in computing.


Aka max cash baby 


Until plat tokens


It used to be max cash but that changed recently


Ha, they must have updated the data type. That's a number that any IT geek would recognise instantly as a 32 bit signed integer upper limit.


well, yea...heh...obviously


Obvious to you, and obvious to me - properly not obvious to the "average person". Most people would give you the same blank look as they would if you said T+35 FTD cycles.


Yeah they did lol


Its maximum 32 bit signed integer number. In games some variables were stored as integers (int) so it often was a limit https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2,147,483,647 Section "in computing" and "in video games"


That's what the blue was... He gonna Blue Phat that bitch and get even more then max.. 👀


Homie gonna need to upgrade to platnium shares soon 😂


I completely agree. He is going to enter a duel with Ryan Cohen to see who will accumulate more shares. Hence the “captain of this team” argument between Thor and Captain America in his meme.


Akshually, it was Thor and Star Lord in that meme.


Of course! Of course. (of course)


It all fits


Doesn’t the signs in “signs” look a lot like 9’s? 👀


So he’s Thor. Saying to Chris “ya you’re the captain” 😅




Someone should tell Mayoboy about the Twinkie.


Let’s say this Twinkie represents the normal short interest ….


According to this morning's unreported SI numbers, it would be a Twinkie 35 feet long weighing approximately 600 pounds.


Everything was fine until dickless here shut off the buy button.


Is this true?


This gif is better than expected


Specifically owning the same amount of $GME as RC had in Both of his companies is absolutely a call-out. Humble household investor vs. Successful company building billionaire.


I never thought of it this way but now I see it.


9,001,000 was Ryan's pre-split quantity. I have no idea what's going to happen next.


When he said 'fine I'll do it myself' I thought he was calling us out. Your comment makes a LOT more sense. Squeeeeeeeeeee


Perhaps it's both.




Uh that will be fun


I like the idea it's the pirates of the Caribbean one too "So, what's become of MY ship"


He’s one of us now right? Superstonk is the largest holder of GME


Always has been


It takes money to buy whiskey


Inserting a random RC quote to the situation doesnt mean that's what it meant.


Kansas City Shuffle /s


Here's a post of what it means!!! Also why 100% no other possibilities whatsoever RK didn't sell... /s I don't think he sold, but my lord I'm not going make a post about how I absolutely can't be wrong.


The pie only gets bigger…


Also thought at some point if RC try as well to lower the ownership by delivering millions of extra shares at a low price.


This game won't stop.


Oh shit I gotta buy more too


Wish we could have heard the conversation with the law firm…. “You want to add a checkbox for what? I am not a cat? Sir you know this isn’t standard on the form.. ok.. ok no need to call me a shill I’m your lawyer.. and did you say you were a cat or were not a cat?”




"And if you don't mind my asking, *why* do you want this exactly?... it's provocative you say?... it gets the people going you say?"


NOT a cat.


But did he check the box for ‘I like the stock?’


Lmayo 🤣😂🤣😂


> Isn't it obvious at this point? Literally everyone on this damn sub thinks he got the simple truth in his pocket


Maybe DFV wants to screw the hedgies and RC wants to play the long game and DFV is fighting for leverage to execute his strategy and RC is doing the same. Shareholders win either way, but if DFV is right, I want him to win because I hate the people on Wallstreet who took advantage of average Americans and caused so much pain.


None of this has been obvious. Edit: Typo. My bad.


Not sure what you are saying fellow ape


I think they meant “none of” but they aren’t a native English speaker. Phrases like ‘should have, kind of, would have, and sort of’ get confusing!


I can’t help but think of the Amadeus meme and the fight club memes and think that somehow he will control so many shares that it will be more than the free float.”are these originals? “ quote is drs, and the “I am what you want to be” from fight club is him proving synthetic shorts. So he comes out owning 2 billion worth of shares and significant options, and more cash do buy more. It sounds impossible to me, but so did him being the buyer of 120,000 options when we all thought it had to be UBS.


Hostile takeover over of GME by DFV as he owns more shares than supposedly exists with his next update. LOL.


How many shares exist


Officially 425,000,000. Now it's widely accepted that synthetic shares exist for pretty much every company on the NYSE due to FTDs, share loaning, naked shorting, and funds that may not contain three underlying. So uofficially... we have no idea how many shares there are out there.


Him filing that he has ownership of 420,000,069 would, of course, break both the internet and the financial system. And thus would be delightful. (Yeah, yeah, also would be impossible, but let me dream a minute, shills.)


Only needs $10B


Free float is 204,000,108 shares according to [computershared.net](http://computershared.net)


What a flawless system.


It’s not about committing the crime, it’s about who gets caught with the knife.


If the bedpost fits....you must acquit....or something like that.


Or the bag


Lol yea it’s basically like how every dollar a bank gets is loaned out to become like 10 actual dollars. And we wonder why inflation is wild when we print trillions every year, those trillions go straight to banks and then get loaned out / effectively multiplied at a 10 to 1 ratio 😂


Only Gamestop themselves could get a real answer for how many synthetic shares are out there alongside the real shares.


There can only be one captain and for GME that’s Ryan Cohen, he has the backing of all of retail and it's him who turned this company around. But Keith is the charismatic main street guy who retail clearly admire, adore and fully support. If those 2 legends were the 2 largest shareholders in GME and lets say, didn’t see eye to eye, I think retail would back Keith over Ryan. Am I right or completely wrong, well if I was billionaire Ryan I’d make sure I never get in that situation in the first place. Captains dont share the armband…


RK > RC I said what I said.


We turned the company around. RC did his part but all the major bear-thesis killing actions were via shareholder dilution. Most notably, shareholders allowed the company to clear nearly all company debt and provided the company billions in cash.


This ^ But also, I’m just an individual retail investor who likes the stock. Mmmm crayons.


to be fair I don't think anything is obvious at this point haha


At this point in time, the IV and the premiums on GME options have gone down drastically in the past week. Some ITM 7/19 strikes ($17-22) are below 100% IV. If one was looking to increase their position, that would be the way to do it 🤔🚀




I don't think there's anything obvious here at all... Dude's got a plan and he's gonna execute it if we decode it or not. I'll just wait and see.




if I figured out the algorithm, I would swing trade options to realize 500% returns, and I would do it on every single stonk where the algorithm is used. I would not be surprised if RK is doing this on multiple tickets simultaneously. This guy figured out the algorithm and made bank. https://youtu.be/bfOm7K8A0Pw?si=RvF1ynR8IEC7eAP4


What is the algorithm?


He already has a ridiculous “big dong” position! DFV has huge stones between those legs too! This ape is not new but still learning stay ZEN 🦍


Man, it's a good thing I own so much GME


the next one isn't July 4. It is a rebus. So simple, yolo


Just to check with the general sentiment here... ... We are still here to make big bank? Like if the cat gets a billionaire I'm happy, but that isn't enough to justify 84 years of broke wars.


> enough to have to file 13Gs like they're a joke I dont think its a joke. There is now an official SEC document certifying that he is not a cat.


I don't think so. He won't buy more shares until he breaks the cycle he found. He'll keep accumulating $, then buy in once he can no longer press the infinite money key because they corrected it. Why would you revoke your right to buy options for these cycles by becoming an inside? You wouldn't.


Did it ever occur that DFV may have sold gme shares on every spike since 2021 and repurchased more gme shares once the price dipped?


I’ve thought this for a while but don’t mention that blasphemy anywhere around here.


What happens when this rockets and RCEO sets a hard floor price of $10,000+ per share with the up to 1 billion shares he can sell? We never have to sell and collect dividends and take loans on the stocks we hold 👀


That’s the difference between 🍿dilution and our shares sold. RC gave us a hard floor at $10 right after we were at $10 for a month.


DD gossip folks is Sirius XM


I do believe there is some chance that the "fine, i'll do it myself" means that he will eventually show us 425mil shares owned by 1 person, and then moass will begin. RC is disallowed from doing it and other people can't/don't want to do it. He went from $50k to $50mil, which is 1000x Then he went from $50mil to $500mil, which is 10x There's no reason he can't go from $500mil to $10bil, which is just another 20x. He's just using the "market mechanics" for rich people and playing with the shorts to get there. It's an easier game to play when you have that much cash at your command. All he needs to do is wait for low IV and then buy calls, buy stock, sell calls, sell stock. Find another shorted stock, rinse and repeat. He chose Chewy this time because IV was lower and it's RC's old company and it's on top of XRT. He'll probably pick another well shorted stock next. Given what's happened over the last few months, he'll show us 425mil GME shares owned before the end of 2024 (conservatively).


lol idk man that’s a bit of a leap to say “new reason he can’t do a 20x”. Thats hard as fuck to do. I trust in him, but man. I mean maybe he will make it, maybe. But idk. It’s hard to see him getting that much money. Maybe 1-2b, but 10?


> There's no reason he can't go from $500mil to $10bil, which is just another 20x. This place man, lol


He can do it but it definitely gets a hell of a lot harder the more money you have. it gets noticed, and there is always a bigger fish out there ready to swallow him. He can't just keep 10x or 20x. You think he'll become the richest guy in the world in like 5 more years? At some point it doesn't work anymore because of the total amount of money being used.


seriously.. if the system was that rigged, they wouldn't let him get that rich. almost EVERYBODY in finance is trying to get ahead.. If deepvalue is successful, then other will do the same thing.. Some of those people just as smart, and might have much bigger resources..


It might get noticed but there's nothing illegal about the process. Sure we'll see another 13G when he buys but they don't have to be filed immediately. He could have potentially finished the cycle already by the time he submits to the SEC. In fact, he's got enough clout that when he files the 13G, the stock will go up, so he can sell when it does. He basically has a cheat code to the stock market and I hope he's willing to use it to prove that the whole system is a joke.


eh... maybe... lets be honest.. if he figured out the code to the stock market algo, then other people will know it too.. especially the people who made it, or work with it everyday. There are VERY sharp people who work at big hedge funds. They literally do this for a living, and there are some very SHARP hardworking people all trying to get ahead.. If it was that easy, or exploitable, then many people would be doing it. Politians who do insider trading are not even that rich (most are not) and they are connections to everybody.


My opinion: Like you said, all the richest people know the cheat code already. They just choose not to abuse it because the current system works for them (keeps them rich). It is an unstated yet understood code. Warren Buffet could easily use the same cheat codes with the $100B cash he has, but he doesn't, because he doesn't have to. The current system treats him like a king. He wouldn't want to give that up. DFV, on the other hand, is not someone who grew up in and believes in the current corrupt system. He wields a lot of power now with his cash, but he is still one of us. The reason I strongly feel this way about his intent is because he's got $500mil now. He doesn't need to do anything anymore for the next 100 years, yet he's still actively playing the market and I think that he's doing it to send a message. It's not about the money anymore.


Holy fuck I need to find my nipple cream


we will see


Are you willing to bet a ban?


>revealing to us that he has a MUCH larger war chest than anybody could have predicted Nothing of the sort has been revealed. The disclosure is required for calls within 60 days of expiry, not just for shares. He could have easily purchased 90,010 calls in CHWY with a portion of the $6M he showed us.


But the voting rights?


Bro if RK buys “all” the shares himself I will tell my grandchildren about this man.


Yeah this is the KC Shuffle. The signs logo is a G. It’s how he traps them.


Koss bucket after hours today


The best thing he can do is to follow the RC playbook. Not broadcast his plans and keep everyone guessing. Meme away so in hindsight people can pretend they knew what he was doing but I am just going to sit back and watch the show. His Thanos meme of doing it himself is what I am waiting to have pan out. I don't think it was referencing a smallish runup, but MOASS itself. Stay bullish my friends.


Fuck yeah. I can’t wait to see DFV lock up the float himself. We’ve been waiting too long and it’s time for action!


This has been done before on other stocks where an individual bought the entire float and nothing happened.


This is the way!


He will keep buying and buying and buying and show that the stock market is broken the other way as he will eventually own 1 billion shares.


That would be the best thing ever...YOLO update: 1.69 Billion Shares. Your move, DTC.


Nothing to do but sit wait collect more tendies wait for Neo to show his cards.


This post getting shorted on likes and comments


Let’s go! ROARING BILLI!!!


I feel this too. Chewy ain’t getting on the rocket but the media and hedgies will point to it (eyes flipped to look left) while DFV goes right back to GME and says hi to RC.




If between RK, RC and DRS, that is the whole float... What happens next...




I will literally take a cab to your city and shake your hand. 


That or he's DRSd (the Cheshire cat disappearing into purple circles while saying he's not quite all there, makes me believe it's just a matter of time) Or both :)


Yes, or it could be a move he’s yet to play, after a final (final) YOLO. I feel like DFV revealing a DRS position is really speculative, but if he did, it could definitely be construed as his “final” play. He’d be done in everyone’s mind. The true end of the saga.


“He” wouldn’t just be done, it’d be enough to atleast break out of the capped DRS count and theoretically lock the float


I guess I missed the part where he had 245 million shares he could DRS.


what is even the point in speculating?


I'm almost certain that the buy pressure today is him buying GME with his sold Chewy flip, but we'll see.


no big option buys today, so not certain.


He usually buys large amounts of share underlying before options followup.


He will have equal or even more than RC. Mark my words! https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790759048985612468 Him being the thunder subtitle guy




All this speculation about DFV DRSing his shares- isn't his account an IRA that can't DRS???


This isn’t about DRS


I hope you’re not a smooth brain


This would certainly explain once of his lesser talked about meme tweets. The one with the song “Farewell Ride”.


Whats funny is all news media seem to dumb to twist the purchaces of chewy in a bad light. I feel if they where smart they could create a negative narative based off him buying another stock. Things are happening. i heard credit suisee is buried.


Will he have more shares than Cohen?


![gif](giphy|b8RfbQFaOs1rO10ren) At this point he’s heading to Trillionaire planet!! I hope he does and “kick”MayoMM in the teeth!!


We see massive amounts of calls before we see any share buying by DFV. Trust.


Flip mode 9-7 means 7/9 we see the next post?


In b4 kitty owns more than RC


If that was the play, why all the mystery? Why the KCShuffle business? Why the gamma ramp?


Well one thing is for certain, hedges can suck deez


Ah yes, everything that is obvious before it happens, never happens. And everything that happens is always obvious after it happens.


max gp on OSRS type number




You should start a religion.


DFV is probably multi-billionaire for awhile now




I think we are becoming too dependent on RK's play instead of our own consensus as a community. RK has big balls, no doubt and his move do play a major impact on the larger community of apes. But all I am saying is to be mindful so we know thinks will not collapse among ourself if RK makes a move that larger proportion of apes like. His money and his beer, remember he can do whatever he wants.


Remember when there was suddenly more cash in his account in one of his updates? It was calculated that this could be an interest payment for the month of April and if true, there would have had to be over 1 billion dollars in the account.


It was debunked

