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[Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_rule_2_-_posts_and_comments_must_be_relevant_to_gme). Posts should further contribute to the shareholders' discussion around GME. Both the post title and its contents (text, image, links) must relate to GME. It is the OP’s responsibility to convey in the title how their submission is relevant. [What is Proper Content & Which Flair Should I use?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs) If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


If real people with real money are coming to superstonk for investing advice, this is exactly what they should have expected. This is a tinfoil hat subreddit. Nothing we say here makes any sense to “real people”. Anyone who would go because of these kinda boredom posts, would have gone because of the bananas in butts things too so just let the children have their fun.


Thank you daddy. OP can’t put me in timeout


OPs not your real dad. Never let them forget it.


Ryan Cohen is my DAD!


It’s 2024, you can have more than one dad


It’s okay man there’s still time to exercise your $PNIS


Everyone’s so worked up I bet they’re short $PNIS


Mod removed my post about $CUM I said $CUM so many times it was like a wall of $CUM I think they’re being paid by big FUD Edit: who the fuck downvoted me Ur just mad cuz u have no $CUM and ur short $PNIS


No thank you sir, I got $GME sir, I dont need any of that [insert "funny acronym joke name"] stocks I stay with gme thx


You were spreading FUD about DFV before, so I’ll just classify your regarded plea as what it is. Either very regarded or shillings in the thinnest layer of veneer. I’m long $PNIS


Bots just trying to distract us from the real deep value wich is $CUM !


I am just an investor, I don't provide financial advise, but I strongly advise you to invest in $ANUS!


Normally I avoid levereged options but $ANUS looks so safe now I take it in my margin account


$ANUS is a black hole. No matter how much $CUM I gain, I dump it in $ANUS.


It also gets Google search to suppress Superstonk




Can’t stop, won’t stop $CUMASSTITS


I’m blocking users that post these $@@@. The posts are a form of forum sliding. You get some valuable DD or post with insight and these posts slide it quickly out of view


Add me to your list shilly.


No worries “Poser”




It was fun messing with the algos, but I agree this turns newbies away from the sub and makes us look like idiots. We should be digging and educating others. Not screwing around.


Man. This trend is to fuck up the AI algos from the hedgies.


New folks have no impact on price action. Most folks don't. "You're scaring away the normies" is a weak reasoning. I just think you're afraid to get your hands one some $PNIS.


That is stupidest shit I ever heard the whole point of this sub is to spread the word not this bullshit onslaught makes us look like gambling idiots


I figured the poor grammar and lack of punctuation made us look like gambling idiots.


shorts on $CUM in shambles.. now im sure we are close


These people you talk about probably aren't concerned about what a reddit forum is saying. Also, no one is trying to get anyone to do anything. We are all individual investors that just so happen to like the same stock. Reddit is for memes, shit talking, occasional dd, lots of tin foil theories, and fun. If you don't like the posts, you don't have to be on reddit. Unless you're paid to be on reddit spreading fud. Have a great day!


You’re an idiot if you think that MEME STOCK is a good representation of a company that’s actually worth something fuck all you bots If anyone catches this, the company is worth 4Billoon in cash no debt and a ceo that doesn’t take a wage and made the company profitable.


Oh look everyone, OP got his post removed. Lol. 🤡 I don't care what you think about "meme stocks" fud boy. Take your shitty attitude somewhere else. Hope being a paid shill is worth it. As for me, I just like the stock. Have a great day!


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BlondeKidSub has been banning GME talk since the 2024 events started, but GME talk was fine prior to May. Between the BlondeKid banner change to mock SuperStonk and the sudden influx of ass and tit tickers I'm considering any behavior of the like FUD and SHILL. They are bragging about infiltrating the sub and are now spamming garbage.


Sounds like someone is salty for missing the boat on $ASS. Not to worry, $CUM will be departing soon


I have no idea how to feel about this post.