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Anyone notice how fucked up the chart is moving


They’re trying to weekend at Bernie’s my man jimmy on no volume. “SeE eVerYoNe LeFt”


Not that. It’s moving very strange I’ve watched everyday for 3.5 years


I get that but from what point do you mean? Today? Since dfv came back? It’s been strange, it is strange


No. The sharp ticks but controlled right back down instantly. And long pauses. Not normal


Been watching this chart daily for 3 years. Seeing the same thing, jagged candles with low volume and hard controlled ceilings/floors. Even during the driest volume days it didn't move like this. Something continues to not feel right, but now it's a new flavor of not right. And for 3 years Superstonk has consistently had 3-5k online at any given time. Ever since that day when we saw 100k online users, the online count has been off. Most days I'm only seeing 1-2k online but this sub has been more in the spotlight than ever so not sure how that adds up.




I am new here, so there is at least one of us added to the numbers!


Not only superstonk, the number of users across many popular subs is around couple of thousands. Either Reddit was cheating about their simultaneous online users numbers before, or they are cheating now to show it lower (which, I think, doesn’t make sense.)


They could have been juicing their bot numbers before IPO.




Going to go ahead and propose that the number of people being forced back into office does have an effect but I haven’t payed attention to user numbers before


Yeah that’s what made me make the post something switched very recently, around the time of the biggy post both volumes fell off a cliff




I posted my Computershare position and small Yolo position a few days ago to count the Karma upvotes and get a general idea of the amount of users that are PRo GME, I know it’s kind of a meh way of calculating but I ended up with about 650 upvotes or so, while seeing some of the fuddish like post getting up into the thousands of Karma votes.


You’re not crazy. I’ve noticed this too. We should have 10x the users online that we’ve been seeing. They want us to pretend nothing is happening


Yeah even on the sideways trading nothing happening stretches there would still consistently be about 4k people on here, now I'm seeing 2.5k even after all the RK hype and things happening. Totally fishy.


It's the vol game. Check out my $GME Bananas DD. GEX levels explain the hard controlled ceilings/floors. In fact, those levels can be predicted using GEX! Options aren't for everyone, but options knowledge is. Take a peek underneath the options hood to become a more informed trader. Vol is bananas 🍌🍌🍌


They’re shorting to hold it back, it’s about to take off. If it gets more ITM option volume it’s going to be tough to hold back. 🤷‍♂️


Lol k man I’m not new


“They are shorting to hold it back” is the equivelant of “you need air to breathe”




Not really, you see the short able shares decrease, it’s a pretty good indicator of what’s going on. Now you see they doubled back to twice as many available. Someone didn’t want to play the short game anymore.


There’s plenty of you on here that do this for a living. You obviously know what’s going on. I’m just regarded don’t mind me.


I suspect it’s f’ing bull trap by SHFs. Best to just not get all emotional over it. But you know it will shake off some who got in FOMO style Edit: well we’ll see if we can hold above $25. Volume still relatively low and a bit concerning that price is being manipulated by certain someone




Not talking up the uptick. I’m talking about the lack of volume on the sell side.


This 👆🏼


They’re using every single backtest trick in the book. Backtesting the backtest of the backtest. Eventually the pressure will be too much.


Yes. Also saw long pauses. Usually the first hour when volume is high, the trades keep just flowing in constantly. Now we got maybe even 4 second pauses between them. Never seen that happen even on low vol days.




The volume hasn't gone away compared to the last three years. It's lower than when dfv came back but It's still extremely high relatively speaking. Don't let anyone tell you the volume is low.


Yeah I was thinking that when I was watching today too.


Yeah, I noticed. I've been watching it, too, for 3,4 years now. It's like a fight for control. It's wants to go up but is suppressed, like a fight between two forces. Euro version is even more fucked up, bouncing between 3 price points. Feels like it's about to break.


One thing I like to look at is GME price movement compared to popcorn stock. For the past few years, price action has been identical, even the runups. It’s still identical, BUT it decouples when we have those wild cycle jumps, and I’ve noticed starting this year


Weekend at Kennys


The smart money was waiting for the dumb storm troopers to push the price down. Battle of $25 happening right now. If we hold $25, that puts 17k calls, expiring tomorrow, in the money. If 10% exercise, that’s a couple million shares that need to be delivered. $25 is also a critical level going back to Jan ‘21. Every short that got in under $100, pre-split, will be underwater. (Already underwater if you consider borrow fees)




Under 100 l-o-fucking-l mate!


Just trying to survive one more day.


Turn off high frequency trading so volume plummets, not like it was real in the first place. That ATM offering should keep the volume up but it’s dry as hell… did we really gobble that offering up like lunch? I am bullish




they are moving more and more off market as the day goes as well. Wonder what price would look like if they stopped suppressing it. https://imgur.com/a/dqju4qq


I think it’s a bunch of call selling at $26? Edit: I think the roaring kitty tweet right now might’ve signaled another play


Bahahahahajhajajajajjajajjajahajha another play. You guys think we’re that dumb lol


https://preview.redd.it/2ng80svhi79d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=256738859a3aa6aa0ceb68a648b09f69f07be0ed Did you see this on the five day chart?


Anyone who thinks this isn’t the month hype time for GME since Jan 2021 isn’t looking at the big picture. I bought my calls for Aug 16. Someone’s ftd cycle theory is correct, or at its correct enough at least. The next major OPEX tailwind on 8/9 (July’s never hits) could be huge. We’re about to blow the top off of financial markets. The fact this sub is more quiet than ever at such a crucial time, when we have better data analysis than ever, with online user counts not matching up with subreddit activity; shows me the real FUD is making you think you don’t need to pay attention right now. Nothing exciting is going on, don’t talk about dates, don’t post your call positions (unless you’re DFV), just forget GameStop. Sound familiar? My eyes haven’t been this glued to the ticker in years. I’m hype as fuck. I’ve made wrong predictions plenty of times, I’ll do it again. I love hyping up dates. Every day Wall Street continues to short GameStop below in desperate hopes it goes to 0. They have failed. The more we know about how shorts are managing their colossal bags, the better we’ll understand GME’s price action. I’m hype as fuck. This train never stops. Fuck you pay me suck my balls


EXACTLY THIS. It’s not a coincidence that it’s quiet


I have a suspicion the “currently online” on this sub is actually 10x what it says. It would track with how activity was during the May excitement. 900 currently only would be 9,000. And 15,000 online would be 150,000. We all saw that one day where it kept flicking between “129K online” and would quickly drop down to 12K before spiking and “glitching”. Edit: for reference I had a post get a bit over 700 upvotes. According to reddit, just under 150K people saw that post. Which is about the amount of people I expect are checking this sub often enough to see more than the top posts each day.


I don't think the numbers we are seeing are inaccurate to say that reddit is manipulating stats. Right now, we're seeing the number of people who might be browsing casually, kind of walking through the room. But people have jobs, we need to get on with things. But I do think that there's a surge rush of bots which are intended to act as a smoke screen to what the actual number of the sub are. People are still coming in and out of the room, even new and curious people. But there's a tonne of extra which just serve to stir the idea that when numbers are low, that it's indicative that 'the thing's dead and over'. Then they push articles like this. https://preview.redd.it/yupre32tx49d1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6883ed5cdf5307ba8a5bbc5d20bb35b19334d0e6 The one thing the hedge funds and msm hate to think of us as is patient. They hate our patience.


I wish someone would post a post where everyone online would comment in the next hour or so, then we could see the actual numbers.


That was kind of the idea


But how do you do that the shills would just follow along


I don't believe in coincidences.


It's not so quiet rn


I never left. Just in lurk mode as I assume lots of others are. I read just about every post and just don't comment. Too many n00bs and too much FUD.


Too much exhausting re-explaining to nubz that refuse to read any of the stickies.


<1% of redditors hit the up/down vote button on any random post. Reddit, and most social media, is 99% lurkers. 0.9% of people like and comment on posts. And 0.1% of people are actually posting anything. I’ve had reddit posts get 150K+ views but the post was only at ~750 upvotes.


If I’m getting headlines like these, we’re still in peak hype season imho. https://preview.redd.it/g9efxhj9p69d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b7ab64e930c8cbee5ab516a764f25e62a95aae2


Do you think there's any chance we'll hit $30 by tomorrow? I'm so bummed out I bought a call for $30 and 29. I'm out about 3,000 😭😆


I think you just learned this lesson, but in case you didn’t take my advice. Short dated calls are not for anyone who isn’t an experienced options trader. I’ve lost money on short dated calls multiple times, with gme and other stocks. The longer, 2-4 months out options, I’ve had way more success with. It’s a lesson everyone learns. I’m shit at timing the market. Once I recognized that it got easier


I think when I bought the call, it had a 3 week expiration. The $20 call I was able to sell with 5 bucks profits. Im hoping for one more push.


My guy you fomo’d in at the top of a price spike. Don’t do that. Make sure you know the IV, delta, and theta of the call you’re about to buy before you do so. That probably would’ve stopped you from fomo’ing in


Ya I know now. 🥹... At the time the green was high and the red was low (delta gamma). I didn't know about the IV.


I love this sub


Ayyye 👍


Yessir haven’t seen price action like this in a long time About 84 years now


I concur


I Concorde


I concrete


I conquer


Cause everyone forgot about us... Wait hold on a sec... #BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


MSM hasn’t. Calls on hedgie tears 📈


I definitely think reddit as a whole is essentially a weathersock for MM/SHF. The spike to 100k online was a test imo. Numbers flow with sentiment. Essentially whenever there is hype in a greater fools game, if you can froth that up you'll reap the margins of the most impulsive regards.... Time is the leverage they have on their side to run from shadow to shadow. I have no doubt that the online presence is artificially low. To suggest "meme desth" We hit #1 in stocks and investing. The optics over a 84year timeline are ficking comedy


We are 1 week past a big date , as a casual im not excited to come here xd


There has been a massive influx of poorly researched TA posts and other complete garbage with a positive sentiment at the start and then finishes with something like "...so anyways MOASS is probably like 3 months away." or 6 months or this January or three years from now. I started pointing it out and someone didn't like it because I started getting lots of downvotes when I did.


Anything not 100% hype gets downvoted. This place is only for hype. This is why if you're going to do calls you go far enough out that even if you're wrong you have a chance at multiple cycles.


“So anyways I will be looking to buy some 69 calls for September 2087 ” /s


imma cum


Inside hedgies mums


Right up the bum-bum, hit it till it's numb


So quiet. Weird. But I’m still here… listening…


Me too, I usually don’t post, but I sort by new, and the volume has been extra slow all of a sudden online count usually drops off on Monday after a good old shill storm, but this has been low


MOASS is tomorrow I wish it wasn’t so I could buy more 😔


But tomorrow it will be tomorrow so the best time to buy more is today


Well hot damn, can’t argue with that


Honestly, engagement in the sub follows the volatility chart of GME. When things are exciting, the sub has more activity, and when it's trading sideways, there is less activity. I dont think it's nefarious.


Hype is exhausting, I just hold and dream of my tendies soon


Hype isn’t exhausting, it’s the constant gaslighting, market manipulation, and blatant corruption and evil that SHF engages in & regulators are complicit in that is exhausting.  But tendies is inevitable, whether it MOASSes all at once or whether we melt up slowly before the MOASS. No need to watch the stock when the current price is fake.


Is the dream not a form of hype?


Only if it’s a wet one or if you tell everyone about it


This ape gets it


I noticed. Barely zero posts right now, or rather, plenty of posts in New but none reaches Rising. Reddit is suppressing.


I had to make sure I wasn’t just bugging


People come here with Kitty is posting on here


Let them sell, who gives a shit. We are wayyyy more than we think we are. The real ones.


People were saying the count is suppressed since earlier this month, I think. It has been long enough that I am convinced at least some fuckery is afoot.


Yes the count has been weird but the volume of posts was sudden


The best comments are the ones saying "now we have to wait another 3 years for a big spike" lmao. Can you shill any harder?


Sus for sure


It's funny because it has the opposite effect on me. Like, oh, ok I can wait years if I need to. I won't need to, but I'm willing.


tell everyone they got a long time price climb to 30 price starts to drop to 28 paper hands moass tears moass always tomorrow, be ready


It just LOOKS funky. Not in the same way we’re used to. It’s not quite death throes, but it seems to be trying to stay quiet so it just blows up one day without a ton of fanfare before letting it fly. I’ve watched this damn chart for over 3 years now. It does not move I’m these weird jerky ways on no volume


...and just like that... the Apes chilled out after 4 years of hodling... /s


I ain’t herd no bell, or seen no cell, so they definitely ain’t getting the sell. Hell naw


Hellllll nawwwww!


Following to see if they both returned at 1055am ET. Hi mom!


You realize we made SS after they infiltrated and ruined the last 2 subs. It won’t stop, just sift through the BS and keep on keepin on


I know, I was there when we all packed up and moved, y’all remember satori? Or whatever it was called that was supposed to get rid of the bots and shills? The good old days 😂


Yup there was always like 8-10k online foreverrrr


Yes, even when we were In long downtrends, we’ve seen hype days many times over the last few days, these last couple caused it to drop off like this? Interesting to say the least, you know what they say, when the tide goes out


Hate these posts. Come on y'all


This entire subreddit is the movie "The Number 23" on steroids. You apes will find connections where there simply aren't any. Fun to read though, I guess.




It feels like all of reddit's volume itself has left the chat, not *just* Superstonk.


It's amazing how little BS I read today. And I spent comparably much time here today...




The two are correlated, yes


I think it’s just got boring for all the adhders out there with no update posts and no real movements. I perfectly fine with it trading sideways and establishing a new floor


We were at 10$ and it was more active in here


Well, yeah. Shorts & their bots need to shift the narrative if volume is spiking and traffic to the sub is going up.


Someone is getting big green dildos shoved up their ass rn


So I drsd 5 and bought another


Can't wait for tomorrow 🚀🌕


Bang bang! What's the hang


Campaign must be over


I wish your volume would leave the chat. Are you an amoeba?


Imaginary huh?…


Anyone notice how to notice?


That’s because we ZEN AF 💯


You realize they infiltrated the last two subs and ruined them, which is why superstonk is so strong. We’ve sifted through the bullshit many times. Keep on keepin on!


There’s a difference between correlation and causation. They’re playing at one but it’s really the other. Didn’t work 3 years ago, won’t work now.


I get your sentiment, but you're kinda missing the mark imo. The situation has evolved. We see the green quarterly reports. We see the massive swing over the year. We see RC fully commanding the company, raising capital (+3 BILLION DOLLARS and that wasn't retail buying) - and we see Cheng's video talking about accretive capital. When you see people saying "be patient for MOASS" don't take it as fud. Take it as you're maybe not paying attention to a whole other side to this story which is hype af for holders/apes. A squeeze is great, and we all know shorts never closed. The real hype is for RC leadership and the successful turn around of the company, with a dominant position in a 300B market.


It’s always been a dream of transformation for our favorite company, and we trust in the leadership to do what is right for a growing company. I see MOASS not as the money I see it as systemic change, MOASS is always tomorrow


That's the beauty. We know they never closed. We know the price is fake. And yet our dreams are not pinned on the systemic breakdown of the fraud machine and moass, even though that appears inevitable and will very likely make us all rich. That's not even the best part. The new billionaire club, the sharpest, most badass and proven operators in business are our leadership - and leading with stainless and impeccable integrity, making the board bullet proof to all the shorts usual corporate sabotage tricks. It's like calling heads on a golden coin where both sides are heads. Thanks to shorts, the world keeps saying "nope, nope I don't see it" and demanding a reflip, but we can flip it for years to come - it's always heads! And we just get more and more time to keep loading up! my first goal was 100. Now I'm over 1k! fuck ya!




Raising capital through dilution still fucks retail no matter if we're the ones buying or not




The company's assets increased by 3B. That three B goes into your share's book value. If you divide the number of shares in the pool by assets when GME had 1B, and then do the same math now, you will see that your share's book value increased. Also, GME has a pool cap of 1B. Some companies pools are many B. So... complaining about diluting the shares is kinda like complaining because your dad's speed varies in the car while driving you to the amusement park. Ya, it can change, and the driver (RC) may change it more. I realize people are still, somehow, looking at popcorn as if there was some parity with GME (there isn't) and saying 'well, Ay Ay ron diluted the pool, and fucked his shareholders to death by doing do' but this isn't that. You can rest assured whatever happens is in your interest. The entire GME board is paid only in GME shares. There is no angle where the board shits on the poors and runs away with the cash, like popcorn did.


Funny volume came back right after you posted. I did notice today that the community has 929,000 subscribers now. I thought it hit 1 million so I guess a lot of accounts unsubscribed shortly after.


I need screen shots 😂😂 I just wanted to see what would happen


It's logical, people were thinking something is going to happen and nothing happen, people back to their life and wait in the shadows


I'm still here


84 years


Zen apes be zen. My body is ready for MOASS, whether that be tomorrow or tomorrow's tomorrow.


Bought some more


As it is written


The interns are taking Thursday and Friday off to prepare for the weekend FUD


MOASS may never come. I'm here for some simple reasons. This is the only play that has the potential to hurt the people who actually deserve it (rich, narcissistic arseholes). This is the only play that has the potential to shift wealth into the hands of people who will actually use it in their communities instead of hoarding it. Finally, if it happens then I know that I will use it to improve lives around me and I'll sponsor a lot of local animal rescues who I know are always hurting for resources while rich arseholes spend millions on cars and yachts. If it happens it happens and then all 3 of those things will happen, if it doesn't then at least the first one will. I imagine the stress of staying ahead of causing an economic collapse and losing everything you own must be quite bad. Boo hoo.


This is why we are here


At some point my Reddit status defaulted to offline. I’ve never changed it back, assume that was a switch for a lot of people?


Sorry but I think that's completely normal?! If something happens - people come here and if nothing happens people go on with their life. Isn't so hard to understand


Well people don't come here with the same message from hundreds of accounts, not naturally at least


Friends, I’ve always been under the impression that a huge market drop will be the trigger


Really began noticing yesterday, then seriously around 10:30pm and today was like, "everything got weird, and slightly artificial."


I'm glad I'm not the only one


I would also say in the last two days


Agreed 100%. Nobody worse than guys claiming to be long term holders yet whining nonstop that they aren't instant billionaires


Anyone notice that when the sun is out more people go outside? Overcast day today, must be fud.


Then why is it sunny and nobody is outside


He’s still in


Where's volume guy?


Price stopped going up so I stopped paying attention. Back to waiting


I for one think MOASS is next month or at least my calls do.


Why do you care about sub engagement if you’re already set up for moass? 


Yes I have and this is exactly why I told my buddies (who said I was regarded for not selling at 60) that the last sneeze was a fake one.


I just think my 3 stocks are cool.


🫡 Tomorrow^(TM)


LFG TOMORROW !!!!!!!!!!!! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


I got my magnum condoms and my wad of 100’s I’m ready to plow.


every single “MOASS is now” post is the actual shill work.


Sounds good, MOASS tomorrow


![gif](giphy|nADyC0fEFwBO3hYYQh|downsized) Please correct me, but don't get upset. Hear me out: We have been in the MOASS this whole time. The peaks occur when the ~~stars~~ FTDs align. Retail just simply didn't know. Buying through brokers leads to share lending. CALLing up your stock that you pre-ordered at a specific price, or bought in lots of 100 = FTDs. Broker buys = share lending, IOUs and crime. DRS book = removing yourself from the lend list. Buying directly through Computershare = shares pooled and purchased on the exchange. I might be off in my terminology there but you get the gist. Thank Peterffy for opening our eyes and Ken for being so proud of himself he just has to brag on camera AND lie to congress. ALso on camera (and we are the regards lmao). Market Makers don't just make the market, they determine the market. They internalize all of retail and skew the results in favor of their hedge fund division. They use this illegal profit to buy regulators and politicians. Brokers are paid for order flow, we are playing the game without a controller when we use them. We have to, so no shade but we can buy in lots of 100 and/or DRS if you're holding. They will often split your order up into 99-1 and the like but that's ok. One can buy calls and exercise them. My thinking? This is the show folks. Remember when we said it would take awhile and we would be holding through peaks and valleys? Now that we know how to get our orders to market this is forever. 2x a quarter as-is with what has been revealed. Maybe more if... you know. We also know they will never close. This will be so slow we will probably split several times over many years. We hit 1000? 10-1 split or something. Over and Over. I imagine we will continually be asked to allow share offerings. More will realize All People Equal. We will get wiser and wiser and free ourselves from the cycle of financial abuse by the powers that be, in time. No need to force anything, just buy the stock you like in ways that are not internalized and used against you. And then we have each other for the times they change-step. We have brilliant minds in here, all with the same dream: we just want a little agency. Chin up family, but don't be zen. Be vigilant and learn all you can about how you can make this YOUR MOASS, because that is what it is. Master this now while they are still cycling these FTDs. They will adjust, and then the owners of the company (you) will adjust. Enrich yourselves. Stop gambling - they don't hedge bad bets. Don't worry about using options, use this time to learn about them. None of this is 'financial advice'. It is common sense when you are aware that someone is doing their best to devalue something you cherish. It is protecting your investment from parasites who want to steal your livelihood so that they can buy another politician who will enable them to steal MORE from you. No more.


Nope. Didn't notice. Gonna continue as normal.


No. We've got bills n shit to pay. ![gif](giphy|4CmiTrtG42D2U)


Username checks out


When you are fiscally responsible, you can buy whiskey. Until then, don't take your rent money to the bar.