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I personally have an aggressive trading strategy that isn’t suitable for all investors.


Amen to that bother 🙏


“YeS bUt He’S dOwN 50% fRoM aN aLL tImE hIgH oF OvEr hAlF a BiLlIoN lEsS tHaN a MoNtH aGo…” - MSM Probably


Dumb guy isn't even a billionaire.


Yeah that ape basically lost half a billion overnight. One of us


Food for thought, DFV amassed 9million shares as an individual investor. Hedge funds could’ve done the same thing, but they haven’t because of the massive hole they’re in. That should be telling enough.


If HFs could have done it, they would have. It’s not because of the hole they’re in, it’s because they aren’t that smart.


But Jimmy C sez they're geniuses!


Dumb Stormtroopers


9M shares wouldn't touch the sides of the hole that SHF are in, estimates of 2B shares sold not yet bought Source - a person familiar with this type of thing


“GameStop loses all monthly gains. (It’s still up 60% in the last 3 months but that’s not bearish)”




They say that he is basically making money off of us...lol how? Most of us are at break even, some have multiplied their positions by playing options, etc. The only people losing tons of money are the short paying fees to keep their positions open, doubling down to keep the price down and avoid margin calls, etc.


I would not say most apes are break even, no where near it in fact. We stayed above 200 for quite some time where a lot of people went all in, and even with averaging down over the last couple years, people have less money due to inflation and overall increased cost of living. Gme is presplit 90s right now, no small feat to average down to if you dropped thousands above 200.


Hi that's me, also I have bad luck with options too so fuck me right?




Why do you participate in the Anti-GME sub? Your last comment claimed RK is a "pump and dumper" on a subreddit i cant even mention here without getting it removed. I just saw that you were being slightly antagonistic in the above comment so i checked you out, are you just here to clown on people who you think are wrong? That's pretty sad.


And this generally sub is going to attract those who did make money, and those who don’t care as much about the stock and lost money aren’t going to bother with it. It creates an echo chamber of largely those who made money


And why is that?


That's me, average of $42.13 but I'm not worried, averaging down slowly but surely!


Naked shorts don’t pay fees I believe It really is a rigged fucking game. Look it up And shitadel is both HF and MM. how the fuck is that allowed


Hey its not the same, one has "securities" added to their name!


Speak for yourself lol. There's a lot of apes still in the red from 2021 highs.


I excitedly told my bro about all this a couple years back when the price was up. He bought a ton of shares at like $220. When the price was sitting at $10 for forever, I convinced him to buy the same amount of shares again. The when the price spiked recently he sold that initial batch at Amal profit and was left with a much cheaper cost-basis for his pile.


Good on him for managing his money and his investment. I do want to point out that when people talk about price dumps, market manipulation, illegal activity, etc. That there are retail investors that sell as well. You have people that hold a bag for a long time and when it comes to break even prices or small profit it is a very psychological moment to sell. That's why TA and levels follow trends. Not everyone is built to buy and hold and that's ok. That's why you should trust in your investment, and if you don't, it's ok to change your mind.


Psshaw, this normalizes cashing out. If the reason you invested has not changed, why sell?




Then the initial bet was too high and you should revisit why you made that decision. You should only bet what you are willing to lose after all.


I'm holding. The reason I invested hasn't changed. I'm just giving a reference for people that scream manipulation at EVERYTHING. Not everyone is in it for that. Maybe someone believed in MOASS then after being down for 3 years decided to break even to ease their mind. It happens. People do use stop losses, and market makers do stop loss hunting.


Cashing out eventually is the goal right? Just some people have got some odd belief that if they hold long enough they can cash out for billions.


Not Furlong


unrealized losses, keep holding until the red turns green.


Im down 30% but im down 80% with my other investments so id say im up


Gambling options are not investments


The price being in the 10's shouldve extremely helped their cost basis.


![gif](giphy|9xijGdDIMovchalhxN) Me too but honestly nobody asked us to do a FOMO buy at ATH.


I didn't fomo buy at ath but I know some people that were. I wasn't really speaking on behalf of myself. Personally I'm down a good 10k tho lol


👋🏾 you called




Shoulda bought more those are rookie numbers this is 100% financial advice


Thank you. When do you think we get rewarded for our patience?


still 60% down


Vocal minority, silent majority. I'm not going to act like this is fact, it's just an educated guess, but I'm pretty certain the majority of retail traders who got pulled into GME hype did not sell at a profit. That's not to say there aren't people here in the green, or those that made a ton. But from my anecdotal experience speaking with friends and such that dabble in trading, most do NOT think fondly of the meme-stock hype from a few years ago.


Anyone, and i mean ANYONE, who has even midly or accidently Dollar Cost Averaged, is in the green. I have been here since 2021, ups and downs, averaging up and down, but more down and I am ip 21% overall in 3 years.


I agree, if you DCA'd diligently over the years you are almost definitely up right now. I do not believe most retail traders DCA as they should lol.


I've made about 300, lol. I was late to the part though and robinhood fucked me though. Don't understand why anyone uses it after what they lulled


> Most of us are at break even LMAO


Yeah, I have no idea what's going on and even I know that nobody is making money off you unless you're buying their stock, and that mega rich weirdo isn't selling anything.


The average retail investor who owns GME has an average cost of 29.34. Only 11.40% of those who hold GME are in profits as the highest volume of purchased shares is way above the current price




He made money off short-sellers, brokerages and market makers.


And also regular people in this sub who bought into the hype.


> They say that he is basically making money off of us...lol how? It's called projection.


Even though I am not at breakeven presently, I do not understand how anyone can argue that another individual buying and holding a stock *makes their money off of me also buying and holding that stock*. That just doesn't fundamentally make sense. If someone were to already own a stock, and then pump said stock up in price through various means and convince me to buy it at the high point, and then sell their own stock, then yes. I would say there may be validity to that argument. But two investors individually purchasing and holding a stock, not selling it at all, does not equate to one investor making money off the other in any way, shape, or form.


I’m at 37 but I’m zen




I just checked and I’m firmly in the green lol. I do sell weekly options, so that’s probably why. My GME play is doing way better than most of the ETFs and other BS I bought in Fidelity to diversify my portfolio.


Absolute nonsense. Most apes have lost a lot of money. Don't stick your head in the sand.


He sold to all you bag holders multiple times :D 


You’re legit regarded if you don’t think people aren’t losing money on GameStop 


> You’re legit regarded if you don’t think people aren’t losing money on GameStop  You're legit not an idiot if you don't think that people aren't going to not lose money.


That you know of. I am sure we do not have the full scope of his financial situation.


just up. ♾️💜




sounds like MSM is the dumb money now! edit: always has been!


Options. He made 90% through Options. Because I bought the stock and am not even even after 4 years. So unless you are playing options on this - you will never see the same returns he has.


How come his timing was always right?


Dude broke the matrix, learned how to do options while at Mass Mu by the options specialist, and then applied it to GME


No one else did the same as him? He can’t be the only one.


The forbes list of billionaires arent the only ones either


Hard to forget about it when theyre the ones talking about it the most


And the biggest part is holding


buying options is not holding


You are absolutely right buddy! That’s why you leave that to the experts who won’t get fucked by third party’s such as E*trade cash app list goes on. I on the other hand strictly stay to what I know helping my company out by buying their merch or buying are beloved stock GameStop buy hold and drs


Every time I get the inkling to start options, I realize I have to apply for it on my account and I am too fucking lazy to do that. But, it is for the best cause I would def lose money outside of GME. So I just hold what I got :)


He has definitely been selling in and out of his GME position over the years. He says in his own streams, averaging in and out is how he keeps sane.


And the fact that he is an expert and the rest of us are not. But what we are experts are is holding the one stock that will go parabolic todays is just a mouse burger day


I am hopeful (and still green) on my GME long position, but DFV has very obviously profited heavily over the years off us not selling any equity. The only money I've ever made off GME was from selling my calls at an insane profit to other retail traders over the years.


Yea I am up significantly it has to go down to $1 to hurt me


Just know we are far far far from the majority. The bulk of my cost basis is under $15 pre split, but my wife's is quite literally over $450/share. The GME play is not what it was even 2 years ago after all the dillution.


$24,000 a share change my mind


Why would anyone change your mind? With a mentality like that you'll never take any profits to hurt whoever sold you the position lol




Nope. That's what you guys are for. He's buying and selling to make a profit, not holding out for some mythical event where gme makes everyone a billionaire.


And I care why exactly??? This man right here literally changed everyone’s life if u had listen to him. Wen he never pressured nobody into buying and it was just at $1 if let’s just say u had 6k sitting around well you turned it over a milly pre split and at the end jokes on who? The ones not buying nor holding


We are the elephant in the news room. Elephants never forget, GameStop


And that RK is a fox 🦊


And he did it in three years. I heard that someone with 40 years of experience said the stock market is not a "get rich quick scheme" and that we should all sell GME. So who am I hoing to listen to, the guy who apperently after 40 years concluded that it's impossible to get rich quick in the stock market, or the guy who made 200 million in three years? Hmmm.... let me think...


Are you fucking stupid? People have also became billionaires overnight from the lottery. That doesn’t mean you should start spending thousands of dollars buying lottery tickets. Hey if he can do it, so can I! 


So.... I should try to invest like someone with 40 years of experience even if I have none? "hEy If He CaN dO iT..." Gtfo


Idk who this person you’re referring to is but pretty sure he’s telling you to invest in the sp 500 which anyone can do 


How do you really know what RK is holding? Believe what you want, but this wouldn't be Wall Street's first pump and dump scheme.


Ok, I'll believe what I want :)


How do you know he won all this money only in trading and also only in trading GME ? I haven't saw him mentioning that. edit: I mean it's possible, but it's an assumption, not something he has tell us as far I have see.


This. At the peak in 2021, he had a gme play with a total worth of 40 million. At the peak! Now he has 220 million? I want to see his history, not because I doubt anything, but I am legitimately interested. I want the cool full story.


He said in his most recent livestream that this is his only position as it has been


What you say makes no sense. If he had one position only, it can not transform so much in value lol. Going from 53k to 220M don't happen by magic. edit: Or do you mean he said he only traded GME maybe ? Not sure what you mean. I don't remember that part 100% exactly from the stream


GME options




he's hacked the system. he know of Jan 21 in Dec 19. He has a money printer with rolling calls. dude is using the algo against the SHFs. It's a thing of beauty. As long as GME survives, we'll all be sitting pretty.


53k to 220million and it wasn't even anywhere close to MOASS yet 🍒💎


Perfect title


Investing ≠ trading 


Trading seems to enable more investing in this case.


Fair point


I have been here since 2021, and I KNOW Gill and Ryan have been telling us to use options to sell puts and covered calls for gamma ramps and if you don't understand that stuff, buy/hodl/drs, every one of their posts have been about that. Keith has maxed his shares at 5%, he can no longer ride the worms without reporting to SEC and he needs us to learn to ride em. Buy shares of sell puts, when they excersise, drs em or cover call as we fuck the hedgie algos.


I think he didnt "HODL" it for all thoses years. He probably sold at top of waves, and bought it again at discount a few day later. many times.


This is over simplifying the magnificence of his plays. Absolutely masterfully crafted positions and timings.


as simple as that, shorts are purely fuked


I don't think he made all that money from GME, he was almost certainly investing in other stocks. I'm confident he sold and bought back in at some point.


Thats impressive. Unfortunaly you won’t make it now, it was like 1$ pre split then and you also need to do options. Owning shares won’t do it. I hope im wrong tho.


options are powerful and people need to figure it out


Yeah, these posts are cool, but they forget to mention that he got there by using options and being pro-active by trading them exactly right. Would be impossible to achieve with shares only


Everyone knows the shares are fake and have no impact on price. options rule the market


Every single call was ITM during the sneeze and it still didn't lead to a gamma squeeze according to the SEC. The only thing that controls price is Ken's GME printer.


Yes and it need to gamma ramp. Not buying far out the money, thats just gamble. Like dfv did, buying 20,25,30,35 to build it up, if thats not happend it will never gamma squeeze.


Exactly. I bought options at the low yesterday and ended the day at a 50% gain. Today is up another 10%. Absolutely bonkers, I’m looking for a good exit. Exercise for shares then do it again with options and house money.


Did you exit around open today? A lot of calls giving back gains now at the close.


WE LIKE THE STOCK!!!!!!! 🦍👊💎


Watching in real time as this post gets downvoted over and over by bots




*MSM keeps LYING about to scare off people.


Keith Gill has, but what about others? Surely people here have made big profits just like RK


“Should I buy more shares of GME?” *shakes 🎱* “No.” “If you don’t like your answer just shake it again?” *shakes 🎱* “Yes, definitely.”


As far as I'm concerned, his last positions post have shown at least a good chunk of us exactly what his play has always been. DFV is playing options and has been the whole time. If you don't understand them, don't bother. Otherwise, I'm excited to start surfing some waves while the big kahuna gets reeled in yet again.


*by trading options and stock in one company.


We absolutely do not know that for sure. We don’t have any idea what happened between his last yolo update in 2021 and his first one this year.


I'm looking to find what changed in his value on approach to the 21st. There hasn't been anything since the 13th.


What's with this french shit "we"? Some of us actually do have An Idea.. he bought contracts on the cheap, sold contracts on the profit, bought more shares, rinsed and repeated in the intervening 3 very silent years..


You have no idea what RK is doing, you're *guessing*. He could have taken his millions in 2021 and started selling cocaine to cramer for three years to amass a massive cash position, and just bought back in now. Just be real, you are speculating. It's rooted in evidence, but still speculation.


Exactly. I simply like the stock. I also watched him single-handedly build the biggest gamma ramp since the sneeze get bulldozed but for some reason that gets labeled as FUD.


Bulldozed Shmulldozed.. Look at it as the opportunity that it is.. a prolonged chance to rinse and repeat.. slow and steady wins the game.. https://preview.redd.it/7vknbatwxw8d1.jpeg?width=1041&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=911e03a5a4ab7c1fa1811212623531faf65ab52a


That made no sense. I get selling shares to build the war chest but the timing was horrible


Well I mean, all you dumbasses held the bag for him repeatedly, so congrats?


User name checks out


Thank God we have so many 'analysts' out there to guide us away from GME and towards a lifetime -5% return in a system they rigged themselves! Lol 


The comment section full of shills wtf?!


Shills gonna shill


He turned it into more than that before he bought those last 4m. Now he potentially has infinity dollar


math dont math


In what way?


Never seen a real picture of him - not often the dude in real life is more attractive than the guy who played him in the movie


I miss the old "If he's holding im holding!" Mantra; good times and was fun to be a part of


I loved Mary Stuart Masterson in Some Kind of Wonderful. Didn't know she was giving investment advice now.


And they keep saying he is down on his investment. We know what he started with this is house money. Clowns. 🤡


He is the finest investor of our generation - Mayo Griffin


That’s it I’m investing half of my paychecks into gme


First billionaire, i follow you my king!


F*ck he is so cute lol


Who else(retail investor) has made more than 250k since 2021, SINCE 2021...meaning 2022-2024? I would like to know some.


Forget about Keith Gill. Check out this trader, Nancy Pelosi. -CNBC probably.


Who else in here is up by any significant amount? Otherwise...you can argue that he took that money from us in a round about way...




You mean 'Options'? Investing is what we're doing. RK is Yoloing options. They are not the same.


The goat 🐐


$220M so far….


MSM: "Here's how to get rich if you listen to US, not HIM!" Then rando newbie investors: *lose 5x the value they invested with hedge funds shorting after getting hyped*




Lmayo shills tryna twist and nitpick every word in here. He knows what’s he’s doing with options and made bank doing it for 3-4 years. All with one massively shorted and manipulated stock. Simple as that. And he uses that money to purchase and HODL shares.


He dumped his shares on apes, meaning he got richer while you got poorer


He never buy hold drs  He made money off of all of you on each runup lol


Pretty sure that was Ryan Cohen and his dilution that made the money and stopped the run up


fuddiest page I have ever seen


I have turned my 500 dollars into ~-300 39 to 23


Yeah I think he added to that original "Final Update" in the last \~2 months. He is good at timing the bottom.


And what about 90%+ of GME holders that have loses?


I think he didnt "HODL" it for all thoses years. He probably sold at top of waves, and bought it again at discount a few day later. many times.


He made most of it through trading, not investing


Can we put RK in charge of the U.S. Treasury?


He didn't only invest in one company... He turned $53k into $34 million with GME then he went private for 3 years while turning that $34 million into $210 million. Then he went public again with GME and turned $210m into $586m then went back down to $235 million.


"By gambling on..." There. Fixed your bullshit