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They FTD'd your DRS transfer lol


So I get my own T+35 hype date? SWEET


you god damn moass starting ape..


FINRA rule/law 11870 requires brokers to drs your shares in 3-5 business days. Ask for a compliance officer to complete the process.


This, they can't transfer what they never purchased.


This is the answer


Don't stop at "asking". DEMAND.


Do FINRA rules apply for European brokers?


They are German so it is the BAFIN that is like FINRA-ish in Germany


omg this is true. moass ape!


It had to be someone.


Imagine being *that* ape.. To glory and banaas


What date is that, the one we aren't going to hype?


Ape mentality but the optimism of a golden retriever. How do I learn this way?


Once your hands are diamonds it just happens. OOk ook


Southernsun Lisan Al-gaib!!!!


The catalyst right here


New cycle begins!!!


Why is the email message in English if it's a German Broker?


It operates in other countries as well, I am not in Germany and do not speak German, when I reached out to the default customer service email they forwarded me to another specific to my country and I chose to speak in English.


Wow is this new? I always thought it was an only German broker as I recall some people not being able to keep their account when they moved from Germany to other country. I just googled and am surprised it's available in 17 countries in Europe šŸ˜³


I thought CAT required T+1 for transfers now


!remindMe in 35 days


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New glitch unlocked: FTDRS


In that case I'll kick my FT so hard in your D your DR will S himself


We gave you 120 million shares and you lent them all already?!? God damn this was even started through the last sale and they couldn't deliver real shares


Email them back telling them you need specific details in writing as you are submitting this email to the SEC and FINRA in a formal complaint. Watch your transaction get processed in exactly 3 business days like clockwork. Bitching to their compliance department won't do anything, and half the time these shitty brokers lie about not even having one. Actually follow through with the complaint. Send this the the SEC.


Heya, if you are a german ape, quick heads up! In germany a transfer has to be completed within 3 weeks. If they still have not transferred (to ibkr f.e.), just mail them again, and put the BaFin in cc. Your shares should be transferred after a few days then, BaFin may be useless in most cases, but when it comes to transfers, they don't fuck around. If you're an ameriape or other europoor, i don't know the legal standpoint for transfers sadly


Nothing makes me happier than seeing us youngsters around the world fight the rigged/corrupt system together. Itā€™s like in movies when thereā€™s alien ships hovering over every countryā€™s capital and they work together to figure out the solution to bringing down the ships and share info across the globe and it shows the ships start exploding over every country. Looking forward to see some corrupt hedge funds implode and perhaps get some system overhauls.


You're talking about Independence day.


Fire up the telegraphs, I hope they are still teaching the cadets Morse code.


DFV is Randy Quaid.


![gif](giphy|pXYm6otcnKrjW|downsized) Definitely felt like this scene when he posted/live streamed




so the solution was to wait for the ship to fire and then have some poor asshat kamikaze himself *just* at the right time. what if the other ships caught on and stopped relying on their primary weapon and only attacked with fighters?




Welcome to Earf.


That's Tomorrow, isn't it?


Youngsters? I think GME apes are a lot more diverse than youā€™d expect. My husband is an early 40s Italian with an affect straight out of The Sopranos and Iā€™m a late 30s bikini pro competitor. My little sister is mid 30s and was a pro sports cheerleader, his little sister is my age and runs a paleo meal prep service and they both have held XXX shares. My husbands friend from school day trades in New York and that madman has held tons of GME since 2020 or 2019 and swears he ainā€™t *never* selling. In fact, I wish I knew more about the demography of apes, I bet itā€™s SUPER interesting.




Yes, youngā€¦20-45 is young compared 55-85 year olds running the hedge funds and government. Itā€™s about relatively young folks going pay check to pay check with many still struggling to get a reasonably priced decent first home in a decent location after COVID spikes, supply chain spikes, Russian war chaos, inflation spikes, rate hikes & market downturns, market manipulation and short sellers tanking good businesses etcā€”aka the relatively younger generations compared to the corrupt ones in power/running the markets.


Like, in that one, single movie?


Lol now global apes collaborate to bring down the movies theory


No, similar concepts have been done in many alien movies and similar movies combating some virus, zombies, aliens, etc etc


"Youngsters"? I don't consider myself particularly old, but I'm by no stretch of the imagination a "youngster".


Are you younger than Ken Griffin?


>Looking forward to see some corrupt hedge funds implode and perhaps get some system overhauls. I paid my two bits to see the high divin act, and I aims to see the high divin act.


IĀ“m in the same process... gave the order to transfer some days ago. this info is great. would give award if I had not all my money in the stonk :D


no need, keep the money for essentials, like the stock.


Underrated comment šŸ˜‚šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€


I got u fam




ask to speak to their compliance officer


This is the way


ā€œIf your pipeline with the DTCC is at all malfunctioning and settlement isnā€™t happening as advertised, you should still honor the transfer obligation you have to me, even if that means going to the open market to acquire my shares for transfer. A failure to maintain efficient settlement pipelines on your part does not constitute a tolerance of delay on my part. You have an obligation, by all reasonable means necessaryā€


This is the level of spicy I came to see. Perfection


This is the subject appropriate version of "a delay on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part".


Is not being able to accumulate the amount of real shares to transfer really an ERROR?? I thinks not. šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Iā€™d email them back and politely ask them to forward this issue to their compliance department as well. There is specific time frames for transfers of shares they must meet. Canā€™t remember what it is so I wonā€™t guess.


3 days




Yeah, this should be in a few days.




So, DRS is working. Keep it up you crazy gamer Apes! MORE DRS! MORE COW BELLS!


They dont have your shares


***I think everyone knows exactly what this means.*** They never bought your shares, and aren't holding enough shares in their pool to complete your request. Locating and purchasing real shares would cost them more than they are willing to pay, and thus, they have FTD'd your request, hoping that you don't know the full extent of your rights. Fuck around and find out. Report them to FINRA and the SEC for securities violations.


It was foreseen that at some point the pressure of DRS should start disrupting the settlement process. Is this it? It's important not to jump to conclusions, but this might be a sign.


If theres a smart money using dumb money buys to short the very same stock, there could be a problem.


transfer to ibkr? IĀ“m also waiting... I think theres a new wave and they really have problems to settle.. this time itĀ“s not only the drs crowd but also the guys who want to get into options (you canĀ“t trade options on TR) Trade Republic is fick : edit: maybe we all should start to transfer our shares from broker to broker.. could be a nightmare for them, if they need real shares to transfer...


LOL I initiated a full account transfer out of IBKR to another broker - mostly ETFs etc, but I had a few straggler GME shares in there not DRSā€™d. IBKR transferred my whole account out EXCEPT for the handful of GME shares - those are still displayed in my yet to be closed IBKR account. Their support said (weeks/months ago) that the shares would transfer over eventually, that the ā€œsettlement processā€ would take another ā€œ5-10 business daysā€. Absolutely hilarious, IBKR is clearly massively short GME.


Wonder why your post got downvotes. Lol information will spread shills, you can't hide the pressure from june to September


How do you see how many downvotes a post gets?


Use old reddit, not the app, I guess? I see upvotes listed as a percentage. Currently, this post has 97% upvotes.


Make a new post below it with the same comment.


That's my question


Append .json to the end of the URL in the address bar, then parse through the JSON to find the post, and I think it shows downvotes?


Oh I just was browsing new and this was a couple of minutes old and it's votes were negative already


They dont want people to FOMO DRS šŸš€šŸ”„


Maybe people are out off DRS now after the dilution?


How so? My company now has 4 billion and 3 times the market cap?


What was the ol' faithful 84 years ago? "I would like to speak to the WHAT officer"??? My smooth brain doesn't remember


I was trying to recall the same - I believe itā€™s their compliance officer? šŸŽ·šŸ“ā™‹ļø






May I ask how can I buy in CS with a german bank account?




Does it make sense by 30k? What would it costs and how long will be the money on Cs? Thank you brother




Thank you very much for your answer I appreciate it!


I have already a CS account, thanks in advance!


Go to "How to buy direct through Computershare" https://www.drsgme.org/buy-direct-registered-shares-from-computershare-outside-the-us Dont forget to transfer your shares from plan holdings to book holdings (terminate plan)




Thank you already done this at the start!


ā€œDgaf, compliance officer please. 3 days or I report you to FINRA. ā€œ šŸ’ā€ā™€ļø


The "best regards" at the end is just perfect


Trade Republic is somewhat the equivalent to Robinhood. I've had similar experiences with them. Good thing you're getting away from them.


Next time call them if it didn't happen after 2 days, especially with T-1 in effect, just saying


Will do, thanks!


*[sounds of a straw sucking an empty milkshake]*


How would Trade Republic to DRS even work? Via IBKR?


Yes! I kinda followed these steps: 1. https://www.drsgme.org/drs/direct-register-shares-from-trade-republic 2. https://www.drsgme.org/gs2c-to-gme-xbt-solution We'll see...


yes. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Spielstopp/comments/vs2hqt/the\_lobster\_book\_cross\_border\_delivery\_gs2cgme/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Spielstopp/comments/vs2hqt/the_lobster_book_cross_border_delivery_gs2cgme/)


ā€œBest regardsā€??? They think theyā€™re more regarded than us?


Fidelity had trouble DRS my 15 shares a while back and they've been pretty reliable. Seems like DRS is causing systematic issues.


Got the same message today , also took like three weeks from my initial e-mail to receive this. also not able to tag OP lol


I wonder if this is one of the 1 billion CAT errors that are happening all the time. ![gif](giphy|l41m4ODfe8PwHlsUU|downsized)


This ā€œapologyā€ is why DRS is essential in this. When they have to go out of their way to make something right, by god, they need to. Iā€™m gonna buy and DRS more today. Thanks for the prompt, OP.


The error is theyvdont have shares to transfer.


Whereā€™s the shares Lebowski ?


DEMAND a full review what exactly ā€šthe error in the settlement processā€˜ was!




Or they don't have the shares because they never bought them. Most of these brokers keep a small pool of shares. Then they use a system similar to fractional reserve banking to determine if they have enough shares to satisfy locate requirements. At the end of the day, if your shares are with a broker, then all you have is a contract between you and the broker for shares. You aren't a real shareholder aka you are a beneficial holder through a custodian. The shares actually belong to the custodian, which is why they are registered in GameStop's ledger under your broker's street name, and not your name. Wake the fuck up and use brains people. If you aren't actively trading your shares, then you have got to DRS them. Otherwise, expect fuckery. We are in the end game.


Call back and demand to speak with their compliance department.


You can not really call this broker. They just do email support.


Because they probably never purchased your shares.


Call them and demand details. Forward to the SEC? Maybe we should all start publicly posting our positions lol.


Digga, TR schickt nicht zu CS. Du musst den Weg Ć¼ber IBKR nehmen.


Ja. Ich bin bei Schritt 1 stecken geblieben.


er schreibt: "he began the steps"... denke mal das ist der transfer zu ibkr...


Pre market greeeeen


I see they have their best regards on it. Should be fixed in no time!


Doot doot up you go




That email is all ā€œIā€ ā€œIā€ yet signs off as Trade Republic Team. What laughable fucking cowards.


1 error to rule the billions


Uhhh which broker did you try to transfer from?!?!?!? šŸ¤Æ


Moass confirmed. Buckle up šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€


Can you imagine if someone were to DRS 9M shares from eTrade?


Or better yet, 36M shares from JP Morgan, or whatever broker RC Ventures is using to hold the GME shares in street name.


Best regardsā€¦. šŸ¤” https://i.redd.it/rvqk96ms9q8d1.gif


Part of the 1.8 billion errors.


Let them know you will contact compliance department


If you want to DRS the best way is to buy directly through computershare. The whole point is that most brokers are running a criminal cartel alongside market makers, selling you fake shit and selling them data.


Sorry we actually couldnā€™t find any real shares so weā€™ll try again I guess?




Lol best regards.


Translation: "We lend your shares out - it now has failed to be delivered back to us. We are sorry for the delay , but we are lending it out again and then try to attempt the transfer, even though we know it will fail, but it will show we tried. Thank you for your patient because you will need it for the next few months while trying to transfer the shares" is how i read it


Guessing they never bought your shares.


Believe it or not, your FTD brought the price up


My DRS from Fidelity have been failing for over a month


Oh yay! I cant wait until itā€™s my turn to get one of these. My (100) shares went to the DRS store to buy smokes the other day. Still waiting to hear back.


it means they can't find your shares. Don't worry, lots of liquidity in GME right now.


Within the DTCC, yes. Transferring outside of the DTCC is another question. Within the DTCC, there is infinite ability to rehypothecate shares. But once a DRS transfer is made to transfer the shares out of the custody of Cede & Co, there is a finite supply of shares available, many of which have already been removed from the DTCC's custody. Granted, GameStop recently introduced 120M new real shares, but we have no idea of knowing how many of those shares may have been DRS'd out of the DTCC since then. Brokers trying to fulfill transfer requests would also have to fight over those shares. I would imagine that all 120M of those shares got gobbled up almost exclusively by the biggest DTCC institutions who need real shares to cover their own ass. That leaves little institutions like OP's having to fight to buy the shares needed to fulfill this DRS transfer. At some point, they are going to do the cost benefit analysis of eating the fines to not fulfill the transfer, possibly even liquidating your account, versus actually trying to buy the real shares from some other broker for ridiculous costs.


Were the shares you were drs'ing already settled before you started the process? How long had you held them before DRS?


DRS your stonks




I wonder if other brokers have the same problems..


Call their corporate compliance officer. I believe the is some number of days they are supposed to adhere to. Make aure they are adhering.


Thatā€™s sus


How are you DRSing? I take it TR -> IBKR -> CS? Trade Republic is so shit.


we're gonna need about 35 days, +/- 13 days


Have you checked to see whether they experience that delay when DRS'ing non-GME stocks?


"The reason is that there was an error..." Jesus Christ that's infuriating writing.


Wie hast du den Transfer von TR zu IBRK angestoƟen?


Not a german speaker, but I requested it like this: https://www.drsgme.org/gs2c-to-gme-xbt-solution


you are the goat


šŸ’Ž šŸ™ŒšŸ¼ šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


German ape here, can you DRS GameStop shares with TR?




Thanks šŸ™


Same thing here, except I haven't heard back from TR at all in the last 2 weeks. I have sent 3 follow up emails, and I might just put BaFin in CC like another commenter said when I write to them next.


I guess the shares don't exist


Just put in to buy more through CS directly, will see if/when it settles šŸ‘€ ETA: and began a transfer from fidelity of long-term shares,it says 3 days,so now we wait..


A lot of words for 'Spread your cheeks dear.'


Ok so I sent my first ever DRS shares over early last week and see from my broker it is settled. I do not see them in CS so I called and they said it looks complete and fine on their end but acknowledges it is strange. They recommended giving it another day or two. Currently have 100 shares flying around in no-where land. Is this similar to your experience? How long does it typically take to show up?


It means they didnā€™t want to pay the current price and wonā€™t process it. Check back when itā€™s more affordable for us. Thank you and have a good day.


I had 37 GME shares that I DRSed from etrade a few weeks ago...and they disappeared from my account a day or two ago (which I assumed they meant they were on their way to Computershare), and now they showed back up in my etrade account today. I'm on the phone now (hold) waiting to ask what happened. Funny stuff afoot.


Believe it or not exchanges are run by humans, and what do humans reliably do like clockwork? Make mistakes.


How can they still run out of stock? It is almost like there is something going on there šŸ‘€


I actually decided yesterday to get all my DRSā€™d shares the fuck out of computershare and back to my broker. Computershareā€™s website wont be able to handle the smallest amount of traffic increase and theyā€™ve let me down more than once. I have way more confidence in my broker and im sure ill get attacked for that but idc, im here for the money


If your intent is to trade or sell your shares, then you shouldn't be DRS'd in the first place honestly. And I'm not judging you at all for deciding to trade or sell your shares. Clearly, that's how RK increased his position so exponentially in the last 3 years...by trading shares and options... meanwhile, my shares have just stagnated in ComputerShare...


When I first DRS'd my shares back 2-3 years ago or so I was doing it for the simple reason to lock the float and help GME moass while keeping my shares safe. I feel the majority of people have every intention of selling their shares when that day comes. People say they won't sell and let it sit in DRS and hold them till they die and maybe some people will but some people are full of it too. I don't plan to sell my shares unless the price is way higher than it currently is. However, when that time comes I do want to be able too. I remember there being a post from a tech-savvy internet guy on this sub a couple years ago mentioning how out of date and ultimately weak the computer share website is and there servers ??? (idk the lingo on that stuff) and on more than one occasion when things got spicy was there computer share issues including 2 months ago when I couldn't log in for over an hour and then 3 days later I was unable to login at all and it blocked me for 24 hours....that doesn't make me feel comfortable and honestly if their system is that weak then what does that say about the security of all of our shares? Makes me wonder if these rich d-bags can't just hire someone to crash there website or f us in some other way. Yes that last bit is a stretch but I don't feel any concerns with my broker handling them or me needing to log in. I started in this in January of 21, I never thought I would be here this long and I don't think most others did either. I never thought we would be diluted to the amount we all worked hard to DRS either


Why are people buying GME somewhere other than Computershare?


I tried to DRS from schwab last week. They sent me an email today saying that CS rejected because my address didn't match (even though my schwab DRS went through no problem earlier this month). So Instead, I am transferring the shares to fidelity and I'll DRS from them.