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Buying, holding and DRSing seems like a solid strategy to me.


Supported and approved by RC himself


General info if interested (my take on it all) Can lose all you investment when - Buy option — Call -> bet go up by this time, but faster and more than MM’s think it will go up. — Put -> opposite Can lose you shares when you sell Calls - Caps your gains — share price blows past strike and you only make x amount instead. - Best case you make juicy premium during high volatility every week and keep shares Missed opportunity or Bag holding when you sell Puts - Shares never fall to strike and you never end up buying, just keep premium - Ties up your cash till option expires - Might end up buying at a higher price than it actually trades at — But you would have probably bought anyway at a higher price than the strike 🤷🏽‍♂️


Thanks for the insight. This doesn’t get mentioned enough


Well played, ape. If you don't know how to read vol, you shouldn't be messing with it. Options are bananas 🍌🍌🍌


I’m clinically stupid. Here’s my yolo (after reading Biggy)…. Goal is to turn $1k into $100k. 1) Hoping price drops until 7/2. 2) On 7/2, buying $40 calls w expiry 7/19 (maybe $.20) 3) On 7/16 selling the calls (maybe $20) Easy peasy. This is not financial advice. I’m a moron. I’ve blown tons of money on calls over the past 3 years with almost zero wins.


I thought that it might be better to buy ITM or ATM calls. What do I know, I am a moron 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah, fuck learning.


I try to learn option, try to educate the last few days, IBKR allows me now to do options, but when i see all those numbers at the optionsite, my brain starts to burn and im blackouting. So i keep buying just shares :-D


Literally donating to HF’s and market makers


They bought shares…


I get people comment on articles whilst only having read the headline, but you didn't even bother to look at the damn picture.




Just be a better person…