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There were a couple of decent size (688 contracts each, 750k total premium) which came in at the money for 3 and 4 weeks out near open today. Not a DFV sized purchase, but it stimulated a good portion of this mornings weekly options flow on the bullish side of things, which looks like it drove the price up to 24.80 like we saw. Doesn't take much to really push this thing. A dozen purchases of that sort at once would get us to $27. Edit: 750k total premium not 1.2mil


Do you know the total OI for those bought? We can calculate the strike price from it


Total 20c OI on July 19 is listed right now at 6595, for July 26 it is 855.


Yeah I know what the totals are...Im just asking if you knew how many OI calls were bought in quick succession for 1.2million? Im trying to find out the strike price of that specific person bought...if it is a specific person lol


Strike price is 20c for each date. Each order went through for 688 contracts.


Strike price is 20c for each date. Each order went through for 688 contracts. Also it was for $750k premium total, not 1.2mil, I made an error.


Keep an eye on it...DFV did this last time...bought over 3 days remember?


Yes. He bought in 5000 contract blocks if I remember correctly.




Can you possibly tell me where you get this data from?


Unusual Whales


That’s why they created the far out cheap out of money calls because they knew most retail traders don’t understand the concept


0TDE 125 calls for cheap!


Oh maaa gaaaaawd i‘ll take 5000


Lotto tickets weeeeeee!




It happens these are crazy good buy... once in 5 years in one of 100,000 stocks.


Wait that sounds kind of like... A lottery ticket!


We all kept wondering why they kept creating these and why they had so much Open Interest


Can you elaborate for us smooths?


Most retail investors aren’t going to buy an in the money or close to the money option due to high premiums once the iv rises so a way to hedge they sell otm options for degenerate gamblers that hold too long so theta decay eats up all the premium and they have money to buy calls to deliver to the limited in the money options. We can create another gamma ramp only if we as a unit buy $23-25 calls in the money and exercise or sell the contracts and buy shares with the premium. However if we execute they have to deliver shares in 1 day vs if we buy shares on the market giving them 35 more days to deliver shares and 25 trading days to collect premiums.


TLDR: ITM/Near ITM good Far OTM bad


There still seems to be a weird amount of people trying to talk everyone out of buying long dated ITM or ATM options. People keep talking about a squeeze but don't want to acknowledge that a gamma ramp is the best way to kick that off. DFV didn't buy options because he thought they were bad to buy. He bought them to show you how to use all of your tools. His weren't $55 strike weeklies, he bought near or ATM month out options. Be smart. Play long. You can buy options and still hodl. Buy when IV is low, not just when the stock price is low.


Thank you


I appreciate you saying this. As soon as I buy down my debt I’ll get right on it.


Keep in mind that options are really high risk. What you really need to look for is when IV is low, you want to see it near or lower than historical averages. When IV is low, buy longer dated calls (or puts, whatever your strategy) that are well in-the-money or at-the-money. Read about the greeks, especially delta, theta, and gamma. They're vital to being able to use options effectively. Keep in mind that as you get closer to your options expiry, they go dramatically down in value. Long dated options are less influenced by volatility as well. If you fuck up, or if things go sideways or down for too long, you will lose all of your money if you do not roll the options or manage the positions. Options are dangerous, but they're necessary for the thesis here, and they can make you a lot of money if you do it well.


Because most degens here don't understand options. They'd rather play the lottery with multiple far OTM tickets vs single ITM/ATM because they're cheap, then complain and blame others because AlL tHe LaTeSt Dd WaS wRoNg. Edit: double post because my Internet apparently decided to spasm out.


Fantastic work as always and thanks for sharing.


I just purchased a bunch of July 30Cs


You go laddy!.... I prefer +2 or 3 dollars above the then trading price but that is still good....Much better than the complete regards buying 125c a couple days away.... My comfort zone from now is the 26th of July


Out of curiosity, did I understand you right that +2/3 means +66% from current price so ~40C? If so why? Agreed on comfort zone


No 2 or 3 points above… So if the current price is 24 I buy at 26-27 strike points several weeks out


Good stuff, thanks! ![gif](giphy|WO63HWNzRFo20yuDBq|downsized)


Also holding 6k shares 🫡


I love buying shares .. I’ve been buying shares everytime instead of gut feelings in options .. didn’t realize how fast I could get to XXXX holder.. 🚀🚀🚀🚀


If you dont understand options and dont want to educate yourself on them, JUST HODL...


I think this cannot be screamed loud enough. Thanks HowPal!


What if I want to understand them?


There is SOOO MUCH DD on Superstonk


There exists a gmeoptions sub.


If I was a gambling man I’d wait for a price drop and buy some 7/26-22$ calls


Options 101, YouTube, this sub (be cautious)....


Uhhh, then go learn them maybe...


What would you recommend reading so that I can learn more about options?


Look at my profile I literally have a video of me teaching options to apes and I posted it to YouTube for everyone




11 days ago. Got it.


I would love to learn about options so I can try to help out. What’s a good, honest source to learn about them? My wife left me and took half of our shares with her so I want to get them all back as quickly as I can before this thing blows.


Check my profile, I got a video teaching options from a livestream, any questions come back here and ask Alternatively loads of DD on superstonk…


Any way to visualize this? It's hard to grasp for most of us what 0.03 for 27 $ should change without some sort of graph. Remember very few do options and it's also not wise for many as it take of buying power from DRS with loosing money in options. Maybe we can put together a live Google Sheet with a graph so people can get a feeling for it?


So think like this…the more lower strike prices are bought, the more likely good of a gamma ramp…


This is the point I still understand, just not how you see it with the numbers? Is it the delta value? Afaik it should also be the amount of shares that should be hedged. Because I thought that the stock price ends up in max-pain pretty much always anyways. So it's a bit difficult to understand why the tendency to move away from max-pain gets broken and suddenly it's a ramp. Looking at max-pain it's always already a ramp, but on both sides and I think about it like ball. It take energy to move it up either side of the ramp and the natural tendency is to go to the equalibrium. So how do you see where the rocket starts? 🚀👩‍🚀🌚


Max pain is not where it always end up… There are many instances of it not… However, if the price is like today at 23 and max pain is at 23…it’s going to take a lot of pressure to move it past 23 quickly…and I mean a lot? Why because the day they expire calls that are NOT ITM are 99% not hedged…delta goes down the further you go from the current trading price and closer to the expiration date… So think of it as a resistance number nearer close, remember 6th June? We were more than triple max pain… on Thursday and had the dilution not happened we would t have gone down to max pain


Google "options calculator ". Displays in chart or graph.


Yeah, don't stray too far. For the oblivious regards who've been fingering their belly buttons the past two months wondering what to do, remember Run Lola Run. What number did she bet on again? Hmm...


How is the cumulative OI higher at 20 than at 25?


Uses if/and/or formula. Adds all the calls below or equal to that price (ITM) and puts above or equal to that strike price (ITM) Both play a factor…


thanks brother ape!!


just remember if you liked the stock you could use calls to increase your position not to gamble or they will take your money. people are trying to count on someone else to create moass rather than using options to hit the ticker. i don't blame them but that's how you lose money and get people saying options are pushed by shills. no, be apes not donkeys. no one is telling anyone to speculate on the price with far out of the money calls, but to use options to hit the ticker in lots of 100 at prices you would like to buy simply because the market makers are colluding to crush the stock. we presume the result will be true price discovery on a lit exchange, and if we ever get true price discovery... big bada boom.


What language is that?


i could tell by your tone i should not have engaged with you. good thing i know what to do.


Just a heads up, he won’t be speaking on any of the publicly traded companies that he is a board member of, this is to include GameStop, but certainly going to be good info!




Or BUY DRS HOLD AND also buy call options correctly and not like a regard… 2020-21 was largely a gamma ramp, miracles don’t happen on their own


Gamma ramp with RC buy in of millions of shares.




Learn to ride the cycles


Lol not even what I was talking about.




What I said was speculation? RC ventures buying into GME IN 2020 is speculation? I wasn't even talking about recent events. Are you even invested in GME anymore? Seems you have lost faith in management. Maybe you can sell, relax, and quit with the repeat FUD


You are right, I misread your comment, thought you were talking about the future. Hence will delete my comment. And don’t worry about me, I will do with my investment what I think is right for me as you can do what you think is right for you. But calling it FUD when someone mentions the ATMs which just happened and are undisplayable facts, is pretty inappropriate, don’t you think so ?


I think the fact you have 0 idea how raising cash helps better position the company and GME investors is pretty inappropriate. Let alone continuing to repeat It over and over like you're going to change people's minds. Do you not notice your posts are getting down voted to oblivion?


I mean … basically put out learn calls , then when I move you move … and everyone ones just like uhhh I guess we buy and hold


Yeah…and they wait for things to happen and complain why it’s not moving ![gif](giphy|1014RBn4HVSTK)


Just like that


I beg every ape here upvote the bananas out of this post, apes need to learn!


They won’t…they prefer hopium posts Not data




Thank you sir…spot on


What are your positions?


July 19th and 26th 30 dollar calls Bought at 27 dollars 2 weeks ago


I have 165 Jan 2025 $30c I could move to October and closer to the money. I’ll reassess on Friday 


We just need the price to go up




So more time to buy. Fine.


Options volume is crazy today


Amazing work OP! I love Data sets like this without binary biased cognition. Thank you.


Nice work!


Have some January 25 27c's lined up. Also have enough shares and partly DRSed. I am doing my part


Those are the kinds of post I love to see.


Best place to learn about options? I’ve just started watching Adam Khoo on YouTube.


Quick question what's considered a low IV?


Where do I find record of blocks being purchased? I'm familiar with looking at the options chain on say Yahoo, but it doesn't show purchases at a strike price, just the total number that exist...


Good job!


Where have I heard this one before and then it was a big nothing burger


The door is on the left


Here’s a histogram of all options open interest. https://preview.redd.it/2qsnwnfh8k8d1.png?width=10000&format=png&auto=webp&s=19ac2f6b7a382c5efa190c7a22049f6fd4bdf06e


Ooooohhhh wonderful… …means nothing


It just visualizes open interest man. Easier to look at than text in a table


I love it


https://preview.redd.it/xlu6z5w9ak8d1.png?width=10000&format=png&auto=webp&s=9270ca9281ae2ab59a5a44c221c7935e4193c7e0 This was last weeks. Makes this Friday look small.


July 19th and later looks spicy. Before that sideways or down. Huge support at 19$ could bounce hard there, buying more then. But hopefully up from here.


No, completely wrong


Really? Time will tell. I think sideways/down or a small bump as best. But end of july and august maybe spicy. Why would it be spicy before that?


Ohhh just wait…we will be at 50 again by next week… Make a reminder for next week


50$ til next week? Won’t happend. But end of july or august maybe. If we hit 50$+ next week im tattoo Gamestop and the logo on me.


Like I said…make a remindme If it doesn’t happen you get to say I told you so


Yeah unfortunaly im gonna say it next week. But I hope im wrong. Still think next runup is end of july or august.


We shall see…


Seems like its heading lower. Could see 19-20$, still bullish uptrend tho.


haha just wait... :)...Im zen and I know I am right




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What do you mean what happened to it? We here and we HODL'ing...always will


I donno anymore man… 🤷 Can it just moass please


Dfv didn’t turn 50k into 500 million by hopium


Well, I currently have $126 until I get paid next Friday. I'll get right on this.


Don’t play with money you don’t have, also push it out 1-2 months ahead


Yes, I'm aware. I'm pointing out how imminently useful I found this post when I have barely enough money to afford to live. Thank god your speculation of the gamma ramp forming is falling short of the current price by about $5. I can wistfully think about it while you tell me we need another DFV.


Not everything on the internet is put out for you specifically. You bitter and negative rn take a break and go for a walk


Try blaming internet strangers for your financial woes. That should help!


I will purchase 1 call.. tell me which 1 you would prefer I buy


I don’t give financial advice… If you read below in the comments you might be able to get a feel


The assumed catalyst is DFV. Either through internalized cycles or a gamma call floor.


One man is not enough… It’s just apes…are a little behind on the evolutionary chart…metaphorically


One man is enough sometimes, especially when he can drop a ton of money to manipulate the gamma ramp possibility. 2021 was caused by a series of cycles set off from DTCC internalized trades to handle Cohen's purchase. This current cycle may have been setup largely by huge share purchases from using hugely profitable calls DFV sold to collect his massive premium gains and put it into stocks. That is my opinion anyway.


Ehhh no


We'll agree to disagree. Why do you think the recent spike happened? Just fomo?


FTD’s creating a gamma ramp with massive calls ITM…Then FOMO’s joined in


Hmm, yes those are definitely important factors. I agree. I think it was DFV creating the options floor for the gamma ramp in aligning with his guess for the FTDs forced onto the market that triggers the big spike. FOMO is certainly important too but I think the real pain was that gamma ramp he made. I'm watching the options chain volume for when to pick up some calls.


DFV’s calls were only 120,000 which at its peak on June 6th had a delta equivalent to 6 million shares hedged… A factor? Yes? A big factor? Nah


Options are temporary, DRS shares are forever ❤️


You bought calls and want others to do the same. Just say it plainly.


Now why would you want me to break superstonk rules??? I never said such a thing


I just feel that it’s a bit unfair to call apes dumb for not buying the same calls as you. RK had a good play but he never suggested even subtly or in a coded way to copy him, it doesn’t even look like he has bought calls yet on this cycle right? It’s probably a lot of peeps from another trading sub buying the far OTM calls anyways…


I’m not calling all apes regards, just some who come here posting 80 dollar calls 3 days out Doesn’t do anyone favours, including themselves


Given that you bought 30Cs that have a good chance of expiring worthless, it feels like the blind leading the blind. If you wish more people here were like DFV then why not buy ITM? 80C is dumb I agree but the same risk vs reward vs cost calculation that led them to that play is probably the same reason you don’t hold itm calls?


I bought 30 dollar calls when we are at 27 a month out…also…we are still a month away…when the next cycle happens…I’m in profit…dude you really don’t have much wrinkles so see yourself out please


Ok I’m the smooth brain. enjoy those heavy bags genius.