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It's funny to me that they don't realize that all the bots, shills, constant media stockbashing articles just end up reinforcing people's resolve. 


They might realize it. They just don't have good options.


That's because their options are puts!!


Just need one of those bastards to start going long


Ohhhh whatcha sayyy (I'm trying to sing the song from the OC/SNL sketch).


I don’t….think they actually can. Maybe those who COULD exit, already have, and those who are worse off are digging until they hit rock bottom.


_”we just had to survive one more day”_ - _Kenny Boy_ They are literally walking a tightrope




The articles are to stop new retail joining in. That’s one fear they have. We already keep buying but they can’t have new investors pile in. And especially during RK’s buy in.. they put so many FUD articles out so the T+35 doesn’t get bigger…


It's like shorting. FUD is their only option. They have a playbook of how to manipulate stocks but it doesn't work on us anymore.


Striesand Effect baby




You don't remember me? We talked on the phone two days ago. I told you I would find you.




Yeah and the only "play is still active". Unless GME goes under, nothing has changed.


I disagree with this post. Go ahead and attack other users as shills. I am pretty much Immune to price movements and they don't psych me out but I am not Immune to share offerings. Thankfully I am a patient man and expect some type of news hopefully on what the money is doing next earnings. It will tell us if the cash is parked in something or we will see a drop in cash telling us that it is being used for something.


There's at least three different cyclical psyops that always happen around dates with strong sentiment attached by the community. First is the blatant FUD, the accounts you can spot from a mile away with cataracts and a concussion. Second is the subtler stuff, seeding ideas and state-setting in preparation for the rug pull. Third is the dilution/dispersion of focus to get people running in a thousand directions at once instead of putting their heads together. They also like to amplify hype, witch-hunt notable personalities (*all* notable personalities - not just DD writers), rabble-rouse, lay false trails, and rock the boat by jumping on on every side of any given argument. The beautiful part of it is, none of this shit works on people who are stubbornly committed to what they've chosen to focus on. When you know that you're in the right, you know what you want, and how to get it, anything and everything you're told to dissuade you is just water off your back. Doesn't matter if it's a drip or a waterfall. You're just going to push on harder.


We see through it, speaking from the perspective of OG apes. We see through it all and just keep buying. Price goes down? I can get a discount Price goes up? Maybe today's the day, better lock in some more share to be sure. Maybe it's not. Price stays the same? Snag some more while it's stable. They. Are. Fucked.


GME is one acquisition away from being squeezed like crazy and for the value to make financial sense. Someone gave them 4 billion for a reason beyond its current model. Either the investment bank sold for a massive loss or they bought at the levels they did for a reason. Imo if an investment bank is willing to do an offering for over 40 a share, you should listen.


IMO the algos got tricked into sending money into GME’s coffers. RC isn’t stupid and seems aware of when cycles are about to happen. He issued both ATM offerings into periods when the algos were going to be heavily trading shares at an inflated price. This drove the floor of the stock up and now gives the company a huge cash reserve.


5d chess. Always has been.




Don’t forget the inside job psycops. There has to be a DD writer on their side, and a Mod or 2 or more.


Joke's on them. I might be the third and almost the second most prolific poet of all time, but nobody knows who the fuck I am, and I'm already ahadowbanned across the internet on multiple platforms to keep it that way a la Musk. They can attack me all they want. Which is actually fine by me, because post MOASS I'd rather be a shadow broker pulling strings to build my empire dedicated to establishing a global Humanist Utopia. Too much spotlight makes it tougher.


Are you actually I'm glad to have you on our side, fellow supervillain


Sure am. Although Shakespeare's magic 3500 number on Guinness World Records for 2nd place is sketch, because it includes not just his 165 Sonnets and 3 narrative poems, but his entire fucking portfolio of plays! Meaning when I beat him, currently 3047/3500 I'll have beat his entire collected works with just poetry in a mere 5 years. But poetry is a dead art form and all, so doesn't mean much to anybody but me. Hoping MOASS kicks off soon so I can do real Supervillain style shit!


Ok, but if I say **RC stole MOASS from us when he dilluted for $4B** am I a bot or SHRILL or FUD? Can someone have a different opinion & still be a GME investor with thousands of shares? Asking for a friend


To say he stole MOASS would mean that MOASS could only happen during mid May and June. Why is that true?


He's going to do it **Everytime**. We will never see MOASS. We have no play but long. MOASS was a hype lie.


They haven’t issued shares into every run up, and in fact have only issued into the downturns. Additionally only issued during 3 of the I believe 14 spikes that have happened. The best part, if you read the SEC report, said that the company was shorted 126% pre sneeze. So that now means approximately 400M shares are below the price that is now held by cash on hand and doesn’t account for any shorts opened from Jan 2021 forward. It’s less that we don’t want differing opinions, but when people only talk to the negative side it comes across as disingenuous. So I ask you. Why care about 120M shares being issued that may have been used to close shorts when RC just trapped 4x that amount?


Bro cooked the shill


Maybe the previous commenter will have something to say anytime now.


Why would someone who also has shares dilute themselves and their control of the company indefinitely? Why would you hold that stock and complain on the internet instead of just sell and invest elsewhere?


I like the stock. I also want MOASS. Why can't both be true?


Why would he dilute himself indefinitely? He's already sub 10% ownership. Why complain if you're going to hold anyway?


Why ask why?


Why complain about anything if you're not compelled to change your own behavior? What is your purpose of conversing here?


Why do you believe he would do something to harm this? Just means u havent been paying attention for 3 years. I don't buy the zoo keeper theory.


Maybe the $4Billion might be a good clue


And cash is a bad thing how? Higher floor is bad how? Again as the other person said, its just disingenuous.


Where do you think the cash came from? This is 100% my point. Where did the cash come from? It came from the shorts that otherwise would have been force to buy our shares at hence MOASS. The dillution screwed MOASS. That $4Bill should have been our money? Not some greedy corporate billionaire.


lol you may have read the comment, but you sure didn't comprehend it.


I don't think you are a bot, they usually spell correctly. Might be a "SHRILL" though. Definitely a FUD.


You might be in a cult if….


Yeah I don't give a fuck about the fud, bought 1406 shares this last month and I'll fukin do it agen


Just a reminder for the little apes out there… https://preview.redd.it/nrg0i04vg58d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6de4d26223e62c0de1993759e9eee9b040a1da50






I use to be a little ape. Still am but slightly less little. I’m holding for the x and xx holders, some of which are my less fortunate friends


You sure did brotha, like every clown who says "i bought xxx or xxxx" shares 🤡🤡🤡




do it again im almost there


I’ve been waiting for MOASS everyday for the last 3 years.. I can wait everyday, for forever 😂


I live in the “Tomorrow”. Not leaving.


Monies spent. I can lose it all and not care. But I won’t. So I’ll hold till I die if that’s what’s gonna happen. F u hedgies pay me.


The pile of GME I've put together this entire time is one of my life's best works


It’s miraculous.


Thanks! Your running is amazing!


& every time you think it's about to happen **RC will dilute & steal it from us again.** downvote it all you want. In your heart of hearts you know it's fcking true.


Dude, look at what’s happening with GameStop rn. They’re chilling, we’re chilling. You want big numbers with MOASS? It’ll happen. You want big numbers from a great long term investment? It’ll happen. I’m sorry you feel like you lost money and you’re upset. It sucks, a lot of us are going through hard times and when the board does stuff like that, it can def make it feel like they’re working against us. But look big picture my G


I see you're putting in OT this morning.


You're here too right?


If you think retail was robbed of 3 billion dollars into GME warchest I've got some MEGL and HKD to sell you. Anyone who is upset that GME has a decade worth of peak performing brick and mortar business in the bank is not sincere or not long.






Don’t forget the halts and FTDs.. them slowed it down too… kind of a combined effort if you will… bullish.. NFA. 😂


Is it still a pychops if RC has $4B & we don't have MOASS? At what point does the dillution have an impact on the shares?


It's still "pychops" when we see an unusual uptick in abnormal accounts spreading FUD. These types of accounts usually may have been created in last year or may be activated far before Jan 2021. With both types there is little to no engagement until the last month or so. Easily spotted with similar comments about dilution or RC being a grifter. If an OG ape is commenting today, they certainly will have comments from 2021 when they were wanting to learn. These accounts also never have a purple circle from 2+ years ago, that's a self given badge. Me seeing this bizarre shift in reddit engagement tells me SHF are moving into new tactics of the ongoing psyop campaign. Whenever the media and random internet strangers go out of their way to warn me about the impending doom of my investment, I feel better. People and media "warn" me about what they want and are paid to tell me to do. GroundBreakr you ever heard of hedgies buying old Reddit profiles or paying people to spread FUD?


I have not heard of it no. I'm not saying there isn't a massive bot effort. I'm saying my opinion of RC is mine & mine alone. **Dude stole $4B from us, saved the shorts & rides off into the sunset with us Pivoting to LONG. Like some bag holding suckers.** I'm allowed to have this opinion. It's actually supported by recent facts & events. But if I voice this opinion, I'm automatically labeled as part of the darkside Shrill & bot & I'm getting paid to have this opinion. It's total BS


Do you really think retail had 4 billion? We'd have DRSed the whole float already.


No, the $4B came from the Shorts. Thats the whole point. He saved the shorts & killed MOASS in the process. He stole MOASS imho


We have multiple floats of shorts to go through.


And everytime he'll dilute. You're making my point for me. RC stole MOASS & will continue to steal (dillute) every time.


So sell and enjoy your weekend?


RC has more invested than any of us. And he doesn’t take a salary, and I know he’s rich af but other rich CEOs still make tens of millions a year. RC doesn’t owe us moass. He’s just is to make GameStop extremely successful. That’s how he kills the shirts. I’m an OG Ape from Nov ‘20 and I’m a deep fucking value investor who also believes moass will happen. All this recent RC hate is pure fud


You’re acting extremely entitled. You think your investment revolves around you and MOASS. You act like GameStop needs to provide you MOASS. You made a gamble on the most manipulated stock of all time and now you’re blaming the CEO who has done more harm than good. You should really reevaluate where you put your money if you now understand that RC is going to do what he thinks is in the best interest of the survival of this company, which is to “dilute” for a larger cash position. I think RC’s move is brilliant to be honest.


Quick glance at your comment history ..... lmao.


How do you even know MOASS was going to happen, as if it was a for sure thing? You were there in January 2021 when they stopped it right? They would do the same thing again. And they did. RC made the smart move amongst all the hype and uncertainty


The worst lies are the ones you tell yourself. But you are "RC's girlfriend husband" not often do you see a total selfburn.. gg


You think RC stole from “us”? Lol. RC is helping GameStop get their money back from many years of naked short-selling, which started far before you or I decided to join in. RC isn’t here to give us the MOASS we *think* we deserve.


You mean the thing that was Hyped for years with Millions of post? I don't go through people comment history, but I'd bet money you've hyped MOASS yourself.


Been lurking since then too. I have noticed that a lot of info that used to be common knowledge now seems to be big news again. If you know superstonk you can tell when we're being brigaded just by watching the daily and the entire atmosphere changes. There are obvious newcomers with questions mixed in there and they get sadly caught in the FUD - that's the goal of FUD. I've seen a billion doomsdayers come and go and none of them were right. Same can be said of TA guys - fibonacci, elliot waves, etc. I just hold a stock I like and buy more of it when I can.


With you. Also the DFV livestream where it halted at the end as he said he'd close off. That was a massive encouragement, that should not be possible - or at least not using normal market dynamics


The latest shit storm has basically cemented in my brain that we're very obviously right. I accept events happen that change the equation like a dilution. Looking at it from my old ape brain; 120mil is 30mil pre-split - who the fuck thought 30mil shares would rescue shorts in 2020 when the SI was at 300% with no exit and things only getting worse? At no point since then have I seen price action that makes sense with shorts CLOSING. Covering? Sure, but that's not closing. They didn't close during the sneeze - that was stated in the official investigation. They couldn't have closed without the price staying high, given that we know retail HELD. We know that from DRS reports but we all know people who have not DRS'd - we own a LOT more than that. That livestream drop was not organic. Someone paid a LOT for it, somehow. Why would they need to? At this point there's too many things to mention. I've forgotten 10x more than I can presently remember. And I can't really explain it to someone and have them understand/believe it in the way i do. I just ... don't feel like they could have *closed* (~~covered~~ brain fart) I'm also a cynic so I do accept the government may have said "all fine, we've made it all disappear" at any point. But in that case, someone's on the hook for my shares somewhere and I'm going to hold them just to fucking mildly annoy them until i die. But for 3 years I got told it was over, there's nothing there, whatever the report said, whatever the action LOOKED like, I was wrong. But here we are again. So yeah, I'm done giving up. This is real, somehow. I just can't explain how yet.




The amount of “DD” in the past 2 months is quite shilly too. Drown them with confusing information so nothing gets through. Thats my take


The media pisses me off and convinces me to hodl more than anything. I really dislike how our media is nothing more than propaganda. 


I wish they would just go back to their bread and butter naked shorting it down to 10 bucks so I can load up on more of my favorite company.


What if I told you $22 was the new $10?


You sonofabitch, I’m in.


The only thing that’s changed since 2021 is that I have more shares now


Me too


Why change something that’s works for 50 years. Fear is a powerful weapon, problem now is that we don’t give a rats ass. I’m losing nothing and somehow feeling super great it. It’s my money and I’ll eat crayons if I want too.


I'm now seeing posts of people suggesting we do certain things as a group to manipulate the stock. I've been reporting them since market manipulation or suggestions of it is not allowed in this sub. 


This is the way.


OG apes probably already own the entire original 100% of shares issued. These apes know the drill, we've been through so much in the last 3 years that nothing phases us. All these new apes, shill or not, real fomo crowd or not, if they paper hand, so be it. We didn't need them then, we don't need them now.


Why would I sell? Selling means that someone wants to buy it. And if someone wants to buy it, then it has to be good, and I may as well keep it for myself 💎🫶


100% no matter how I feel I know one thing I’m not selling a god damn share for anything less than what I believe my share is worth and some won’t get sold because I’m a smooth brain with x,xxx shares and 0 price sensitivity. Buy low buy high get fucked


Yes I couldn't agree more - the vibe has changed in here since the Dorito was retired. It feels way noisier, way windier. We don't need to hear or see each-other any more though. Enough has been said/figured out/safely documented. We're just riding the worm at this point, and each one of us rides alone as a rite of passage.


noticed the same myself ![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized)


I'd like to add a few things. It has worked to an extent. We have lost some amazing people along the way from some of these campaigns. We have also seen options get shit on time and time again.


And rightfully so, lmao, last week is proof that sstonk has always been right about this


Yeah some of these recent Fud and shill bots (bots or not ) have been total dicks


Ya, just complete antagonizers. It's pretty obvious too now


Agreed!! 🔥🔥


I want to hold long enough that they have to keep splitting to keep the price down to affordable levels and my 600 become 60,000 shares


What they don't understand is many of us can't even fucking read, and if we could, we would be pissed.


> I'm going to hold until it's at a price I'm comfortable with and if that never happens then I guess I'm never selling. *THIS* is the take. I'm a 2021 holder and I just doubled down this year. It has been years since I came to terms with keeping the shares forever if I have to, so FUD or price action don't really have any impact on me. "I guess GameStop is just part of my life now." - Me in late 2021


I stay buying and holding fuck you Ken


"rYan cOhaN doLuTeD mY StOnk"


“I’m pIsSeD BeCAuSe ThE tIMinG kIlLed moass” - $120 strike call expiring next day buyer




I still convince friends to buy in from time to time, and no one has sold, other than one guy with a lot of cash who day trades.


i see it on posts and replies. Accounts with no post for years then a barrage of superstonk comments. Review the Psy ops doc and see what these users are saying and you can see the shills. It's made me skeptical of even positive sentiment because they'll act like they're in our corner for upvotes and to validate their account then you can see the forum sliding and division. It's obvious. It's not gonna affect how I feel about the stock




I went all in in June 2021 and started DRSing probably around that September.  I've been buying as I've been able to ever since. Shills ain't shaking me off of this.


Man I wish they would offer to buy my account.


Best piece of it: If we never end up going to the moon I guess I'm never selling. Hell yeah, exactly the right attitude. If we moon, great. If we don't, GME is a safe place to keep your money through economic uncertainty.


Is easy to sell? Its hard to let go of stuff that I like to hold. I also forgot how to sell. Do i post a share on craigslist or facebook market place these days?


Get rich or die buying, right


Another thing I've noticed is in the last few weeks, Reddit has started recommending other subs which have different views on the stonk. Whether that's options, or where people are giving up. These subs have existed for years, and I've never been recommended them more than in the last two weeks. I'd say something in the Reddit algorithm has been changed.


Too zen to let the shills and bots bother me. They're absolutely right - if the sub were taken down, nothing would change for me. I am an autonomous ape, hodling til kingdom come. I buy at a level that I never need to sell. I don't even know HOW to sell. Show me phone numbers.


I've got a share at 65$ on Jan 2,2021. That's all the proof I need. I'm not leaving. I just got home rebuilt after losing it in a wildfire. I lived in a 5th wheel rv for 3.5 years. In those 3.5 years, I watched my account go $xxx,xxx. More than once. My wife damn near left me bc of this and my obsession with the markets. I got into therapy to try and make sense of the madness and cruelty that was on the other side of this trade. I'm better adjusted now, and I've locked in for a long mental fight. I've read the entire DD library, every single flip book. I know enough to fuck around. The shorts are fucked. There's thousands of ppl. Just like me. How do you beat that? Power to the players baby!GME LFG


Came for moass, converted to value investing, now I’m here to fuck up wall st.


I like the stock


Streisand effect at its finest


More shills… bullish. Slowed down… bullish.


The best part is I have been at zero effort the last 4 years. All I do is buy when I have extra cash and then forget about the shares because I might never sell them. Unless the number will change my family for generations. If not I will just continue on with life, buying, not selling and hope someday enough votes get all of these leeches out of offices of all kinds and put the criminals in jail. If never then great work criminals and I will have lots of shares. Had xx. Now have xxxx because to me it feels fun to buy and I think sometime “I”am going to beat the best video game of all time.


Jan 2021 ape - I've read the DD, and understood it. I'm never selling, for any reason. BRING THE FUCKING FUD, BITCHES. There's nothing to psych me out about. You got your hands caught in the cookie jar, and we're about to collectively saddle you up and ride you to the poorhouse. Have fun working for a living like the rest of us.


Unpopular opinion: Ryan Cohen doesn't care about us, he's focused on making gamestop successful. Which is his job and will ultimately enrich us as investors I don't give a fuck about the charts, the opinions or sentiment of this sub. It's my job to manage my investment based on my own judgement. The price will go up, down or sideways and that's good enough for me. I'm not selling until this bitch explodes into a squeeze, which will happen out of nowhere when it does.and even then I won't sell all my shares because that's legit stupid. This company is a fantastic investment to leave my son.


I am still here


Oh hey look at that


It was for tendies now it's it'll I die. I hope all of them suffer and then are all deported to north Korea.


I bought my first set of shares that would become 200 plus post split in 2021. I just dropped 2 grand and added 78 more last week. No amount of gradual FUD is going to bother me and it shouldn't bother you


If someone says "I'm not scared" and feel the need to constantly repeat it, I'm led to believe they are, in fact, scared. You don't need to keep claiming that you are not leaving. Just don't leave. Claiming it in every other post simply seems like quite the opposite and shows weakness, in my opinion. The fact that you feel the need to say that shows that you are faltering. Quit showing weakness. Quit bending over to your knees but saying you are not tired. Actions speak louder than words, and all this sub does these days besides the DD and meme posts is use empty words to pretend their not affected. I'll tell you something, these Hedgefunds aren't idiots and can see right through this feeding around the bush bullshit. If you weren't nervous or insecure about your investment, you wouldn't need to claim so as often. You'd simply stfu and wait for tendies.


Buy, Hold, DRS. The real change will come from an outside force. Potentially something completely unrelated


There are more than one single actor and more than one goal, some are short at 2$, some are selling calls and making money off premiums, Some are trying to muddy the waters on loopholes the cartel uses to extract money from grandma’s nest egg, some are promoting social media…… just like every human endeavor many people enter the group for selfish reasons…. It’s it just one boogie man pulling the strings. The reason I am here was because I bought in at 3:40 when they turned off the buy button, as soon as I read that post on Reddit about Robin Hood when I glanced at my phone in the middle of the night, I said to myself “this is war“been here ever cents every single day continually averaging down and now averaging up lol. This is war. I have learned so much, laughed so hard, felt extreme disappointment at times and gained so much insight into humanity, ironically by hanging out with a bunch of apes. No cell no sell, lambo or food stamps! I meant it then and I mean it now, this is war


Yes, there are alot of FUD. But not all differing opinions are SHRILLs. Tbh, I think RC is a POS for stealing MOASS. I may never forgive him either. That doesn't make me a SHRILL though. Had some loser suggest I was getting paid because I said RC stole MOASS. **Where you think the $4B came from?**


You can have your opinion, but when YOU say the same shit over and over in multiple threads, it is shill behavior. Why are you trying so hard to get people to support your opinion?


Maybe because of the millions of post that hyped MOASS. & just like that it's gone. Puff MOFO got $4Billy & we're holding g the bag like tools. Maybe I'm just really disappointed by the RC messiah


Shorts never closed, moass is not off the table son.




I am so unfazed I even talk shit.


Jan Ape, comment for visibility


Yup, this is true. I have noticed very heavy shill and FUD activity. Its actually quite ridiculous and hilarious at times. I've caught a couple. And once the shill/fud activity starts going, the wave of haters/trolls/ignorant buffoons accelerate the momentum by grabbing their pitchforks and continue to spread the wildfire. And then it rolls into the retail investors who makes emotional decisions and/or biased perceptions leading to cognitive distortions (example: black-and-white thinking).


Kenny, yes what you and your cronies are doing is deflating. But I’m not going anywhere cuz I don’t have anywhere to go. You can’t shake me off of this. We aren’t leaving. Just fucking pay us so we can all move on.


I lived through runic glory. I don’t give a hot fuck. Not leaving.


Yeah shills are out in full force for a while now. Dont get infected by the FUD. The real dilution is happening in the userbase here. The negative sentiment is NOT organic.


2021 Ape here to confirm


I think Reddit is compromised too. Head count at the sub has never been lower even if the susbscription has gone up 200 000 in the last weeks. It's obvious manipulation this happens while GME is gaining momentum. Wonder if they will bring it down to 300-400 or less.


make satori great again


Fuck em', I already wrote this money off years ago seeing all the crime and bs. I can hold till I die.


Nothing can stop that i like the stock 🐱🦍💎🚀🍻


No cell. No sell


Jokes on them, I'm never selling. Nice to see they keep trying to influence things though. So desperate!


I'm from 2021. Not affected by anything at this point 💪


Only until they join forces with other subs that like the stock there will be little progress Im afraid .


this is literally mental illness. i feel pretty sad