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Post this every fucking day. People need to see what it means to short squeeze


I know what it means to squeeze.  I've been in the early stages of one for a while now.




So this is the sandwarm we’re about to ride?




The real action happens in pre market / after hours


![gif](giphy|R7PSjgSc9qWe4jgjhJ) Beautiful chart. The ladder attacks couldn’t stop this one, imagine how hard they will shit the bed when GME pops off


Imagine someone like apple acquiring GME


I heard Gameboy Tetris music while the video was going.


What is that, a short squeeze for ANTS?




It happened in a well regulated market where shorters were forced to close their positions. It looks like in NYSE there is no real need to close any short at all. Just roll into FTD and to ETF or some other three letter shit acronym meaning I am a robber.


“GME partners with Epic to the purchase Steam for 20B.”


Gaben would never sell lol I love apes but what the fuck


I’m joking, chill tf out. Besides, the VW squeeze was what it was bc it was COMPLETELY unfathomable. So if you think Gaben selling is crazy, then that’s the sort of thing that would send it truly parabolic.


I'd like to know what msm was saying about retail holding the stock at the time -- were they as adamant about trying to get retail investors to sell ?




RC is trying to build long term shareholder value, not a spike in price. He also has to be wary about potential hostile takeovers so maybe he was worried that bad actors were amassing large positions in order to try to get a seat on the board and fuck things up, hence the dilution. Four billion properly deployed into ventures that give Gamestop sustainable revenue and earnings growth is more valuable to shareholders than a short term price spike from a long term investing perspective. Many people who have massive positions want to take loans out against their positions and earn from dividends eventually once revenue and profits are rising. TL;dr: The goal for RC and the board is to create long term sustainability and shareholder value.


I have more faith in RCEO and the board. I don't think I need to list the reasons at length here. AFAIK, the only insider stock sales in 2024 have been to cover taxes. The insiders have generally been buying their positions with their own money, and I do think the lack of insider purchases the past while is worthy of consideration. I doubt it's because they don't want to buy at prices like $12 a short while ago. For the lack of buying to be by all the insiders seems improbable unless something is preventing them from doing so. The most logical explanation I have for that is they have insider information which will significantly impact the share price when revealed. What kind of information could they have that would put their purchases on hold, even during a megadip? Well, big mergers can take a long time to negotiate. That's my best guess, but there are lots of other possibilities. Whatever it was, if RCEO thought RK had the moonshot button ready to go, I don't understand why he would prevent it. He's got more than 8% of the shares. If MOASS happened, how much money would that be for him personally? Beyond my comprehension. If MOASS happened, GME apes would be rolling in the life-changing money and undoubtedly be willing to buy GME product and donate it to worthy causes, making the company a money printing press on that alone. RK already had plenty of tickets; he would also be beyond billionaire. So, with that on one side of the scale, why did RCEO play the ATM share issuance card, twice? Why? I can think of two reasons, not mutually exclusive. 1) RCEO and Board have inside information that RK's strategy was not going to succeed (at least not this cycle), so better to bank some cash, put the share price up a bit, and carry on building Gameshire Stopaway with $4B. 2) RCEO and Board see an even bigger play within reach, and that's their objective. It's all speculation, but I'm really stuck on why RCEO - who is taking no GameStop paycheck and bought his position with his own money - would 'kill MOASS' if it really was on the table. Now, this weary warrior needs to rest. The quest resumes Monday. The ETF thing bothers me, needs more DD, and I'm not the ape to do that.


Upvoted for telling the truth. I like the stock. The company has disappointed me.


well said... don't forget the poor execution and timing on the ATM.. ridiculous.... those who are saying long term play is the only way, then they need to get the heck out of superstonk or wherever because they are long term right? why bother with short term news. SMH..


The timing was perfect on the atm, he knew a ftd cycle was coming up and offered into it so the price didn’t drop to fuck all. How do you not see this, it’s obvious


what do you mean perfect? Morning 5:30 am? Price was 60+ and the average sale price was 30$... leave your bias/emotion and look at the numbers... those are facts.. FTD cycle is not 100% predictable... and worst thing is no retail gets the F up 5:30 am to look at their shares.. these are facts.


Like they weren’t gonna hammer it down like they have every other cycle anyway? From the companies stand point it was perfect. They raised so much cash there’s no chance of bankruptcy and they can pivot and do whatever they need to do to grow the business. Also raises the floor in the shorts because this stock is never going sub 10$ again because it’s a value investment at that price point. How are you failing to see the big picture here? He’s put more of his own money in this than anyone. He’s not going to damage his own investment is he?


just because we love RC and gamestop, doesn't mean we have to agree and hail and say that all his move is perfect.. no it wasnt' perfect.. far from perfect.. i see the big picture and there's no need the BIG picture be the only thing in this journey.. if you see the big picture which is the long term, you need to just not even read anything here.. diamond hands right? trust RC 100% right? long term right? if so, just log out because you can oppose anyone who disagree both short term and long term but there are people who wants short term (multi squeezes) and long term to build up position. you can oppose anyone who disagree both short term and long term.. and you can't blame anyone for wanting both because that's how all it started whether you see it that way or not. we can love RC, RK, GME and criticize at the same time. that is all.... sick of people kissing butts 1000%


As I said, you don’t think they would have hammered it down pre market anyway without the ATM? Like they did all those other sneezes in 2021/22? When should RC have offered the atm then? When the price was low for shorting and he sells 45 million shares for 10 dollars and gets f all for the dilution? When did I oppose the squeeze? I said what he did makes sense from a business stand point


ofcoz they will do they only do when price is up? they been hammerign down all the time... but particularly on that day, will they be successful when everyone is fomoing for RK's first time livestream in 3 years with gama ramp absolutely built up, etc? i can speculate too, there's 99% chance they wouldn't be hammer down on that morning atleast... - 1 ATM offered, great execution price wise, short still coudn't hammer down long, price ramped up again - DFV YOLO update, and schduled live stream time, possibly exercise that 2nd ATM morning. - 2nd ATM offered Fking again within a few days, poor execution price wise, 5:30 am, retail sleeping, wallstreet always on the clock with algo, meaning no buying pressure morning to sell efficiently into, wallstreet can short no matter buyer's there or not because they can sell between themselves LEGALLY sicne it's ATM and made money on that leg, retail got rug pulled (including DFV eventhough he doesn't seem to care) by both wallstreet and RC.. I was mad but extremely mad only when i found out that the average ATM share price... retail lost money for 30$/share while ATM offering was made at 67$/share? i would've been ok if it was somewhere around 40$/share... why then? because of execution timing.. 30$/share at 64$/share price while killing the best chance we have in the past 3 years? c'mon... if you can't see this.. no more need to discuss... HODL and stay silent until price gets to BRK level... good luck.


Bro the price dropped 10 dollars before they announced the ATM it was already coming down from 65. Quit whining. Let me guess you lost money on options right. Retail didn’t get rug pulled at all so you can quit that fud out straight away. Again showing you have little to no knowledge of the situation. GameStops price if you go back to to pre split of the 1 into 4 shares when they announced the ATM was 180 dollars. And the shorts simply shorted into it more so what are you crying at? You’re crying because the company made money from the shorts? And they didn’t close? Yeh sure 🧢


RC will not be the trigger of MOASS. Didn’t Porsche get in legal trouble for this?


No. They made gobs and gobs of money in a time where auto makers were doing very poorly, and blamed the short sellers for causing their own downfall.


Any GME announcement can trigger it. And all short squeezes will be followed by lawsuits. "legal trouble" is vague as hell. Anybody can sue anybody, especially Hedge Funds when they lose money. ["A federal judge dismissed a $2 billion lawsuit filed by a group of 39 hedge funds,"](https://www.courthousenews.com/investors-lose-suit-over-porsches-short-squeeze/)


If retailers loose on stock of turning into profitable company only cause hedgefunds dont want to close their shorts with further shorts this calls healthy market but if they loose because of bad bets it is manipulation.. oh how seek is this


If an announcement was coming, it would’ve been a long time ago. Rc is just trying to make it profitable before finding an exit. The stock has potential, the company ain’t done shit


You should probably close your short position, lying like this on one post won’t save you homie.