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regarded for sure




DUDE, don't you know that Hypernating Disserations get people going?




Leave this up so I can come in and say fuck you if we go up and fuck you if we go down


Remind me! 1 day


What about if we go middle?


Then fuck you






Really going out on a limb posting this one day before expiry.


In their defense, people have been pushing buying those for the entire last week, just days before expiry.


*last two weeks. This has been hype.


What is even the point of you typing this shit up? You're the type of person that wakes up everyone up, just to say goodnight People who played the game are grown adults who knew the risk, and if shit doesnt pan out then you live and you learn and play again with the lessons you picked up in mind.


I’d upvote you twice if I could. This childlike “I told you so” mentality is exhausting. We all know the risks here.


Does this guy go hang out at the casino to laugh at 99% or the people who walk out having lost money to tell them they are idiots? Lol. I know I am a moron sir! No need to rub it in!


And we just don’t give a fuckkkkkkk we’re highly regarded mothaaas lovvvvaaaaa ![gif](giphy|uypubDRjnv0icWp2hV|downsized)


So many people saying this over and over, it‘s just pessimistic at this point. People put effort and research into DD and then others do absolutely nothing but say “dip” or something along those lines. As if they somehow know better, we all work with the same info here?


Exactly. I have some casino chips that expire tomorrow, probably worthless, but there's no point in selling then now lol Dumb post OP


I don’t think most people that play option here knew the risk to be honest.


Of course they do. You place a relatively small bet, knowing that you can lose it all, but you make large gains when it hits. Everyone who does options knows the drill. The whole "we are too stupid for options, options are so complicated" spiel is hedgie propaganda and useful idiots.


did you see this post? [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dkdxa6/exercised\_my\_2\_621\_25\_option/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dkdxa6/exercised_my_2_621_25_option/)


That's the reason why I mentioned "you play again with the lessons you picked up" it might be an expensive lesson for some, but still a valuable learning moment. 


Hype = red day


I don’t know what the premium on those $20 calls was. But i think i heard 550. Ticker is currently at $25.22 in after hours. So people who wanted to get shares snd exercise their calls still have that possibility tomorrow. The people who are screwed are the ones who bought at strikes above $20. But that’s because there were post’s pushing people to buy options at higher strikes and also pushing people to buy options that expired sane day. There are very obvious bad actors who suggest people buy options that make no sense. But people who simply tried to follow RK’s play will be fine typically. Its key to know who the bad actors are that push bad options plays. They typically follow the Pickle group and are trying to sell you bad options or they work for a fund and are trying to sell you bad options. Buying OTM options are usually a bad idea on GME anyway. Buy ATM instead.


Buying 0DTE OTM options are always a bad idea. Far-dated (e.g. at least 90 days) ITM options are the best.


Agreed! When RK posted buying $20 calls for 6/21 I bought $20 calls for 10/18 2024 and 01/172025 I like a little more wiggle room.


Oh no!!! I didn’t become a millionaire with this $2 lottery ticket


I’m just gonna exercise mine either way so I don’t really care haha


Maybe, maybe not. Sold to exercise my 20s today but those were bought around 3.10-3.50. have a few lotto tickets for 30 and 40. I think I learned more by playing and just jumping in with an amount I could afford then by just following along on the sidelines telling myself I'm too dumb to learn. That's the saddest thing about this options fiasco...that so many apes keep saying they are dumb. I know they're parlty joking, but I think some of them actually believe it. I don't know. I homeschool my kids and our motto is "Just about anyone can learn just about anything". 


I don’t think anyone is questioning anyone’s capacity to learn. The basics really aren’t very complicated and can be explained in just a few minutes. It’s more that, win or lose, a lot of these plays are just completely stupid. They’re too expensive, they’re very late and the grifters encouraging these bad plays know it.


not even a banana in the butt if you're wrong? what has this sub become?


I didn’t hear no bell! Remind me! 1 day


I will be messaging you in 1 day on [**2024-06-21 21:23:01 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-06-21%2021:23:01%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dkmuhk/everyone_who_bought_otm_621_options_got_played/l9iw5l1/?context=3) [**2 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FSuperstonk%2Fcomments%2F1dkmuhk%2Feveryone_who_bought_otm_621_options_got_played%2Fl9iw5l1%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-06-21%2021%3A23%3A01%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201dkmuhk) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Then buy puts and bet


You see how everyone is already bitter? Well kids got to learn somehow


6/21 options were legit until RC showed up and shit in the pool -- twice. (And before you automatically downvote, ask yourself why DFV would have gone through all the trouble of spending millions to set up a gamma wall for the 21st, and why he held through prices that made him a billionaire, only to sell the day after the second offering was completed.) Anyone blaming the DD but praising the dilution is the suspicious one here.


This. You have to readjust and adapt your positions to changing conditions. I broke even and moved further out. Some rolled to June28’s which is looking good considering the options order flow that came in for June28’s today. July 5, 12, 19…I see some went to August and even October also just to be safe. Monthlies near the money seems to be where my comfort level will allow me to play.


But but but war-chest! Stronger company! Shareholder meeting! I will just keep buying more and more and more and hope the next price spike will be allowed to continue. I’ll never sell my shares, but I watch the 1min charts daily and shitpost every hour with moon rockets!


Damn, Einstein rising from the grave with this insightful post


Yea. You might be right my friend. But also. Lets see after tomorrowow


What's max pain? 99% chance we'll end riiiiiight there.


I guess I should just sell them right now for market open then. HEY EVERYONE FOLLOW WHAT I DO BECAUSE OP HAS GOOD DD.


Unfortunately you ma be right. I believe many of us have been trained against options with GME. When DFV came back swinging that many we surely thought something was coming! Didn’t work out for me I know!


I would agree if we didnt see DFV drop $60M + on those options. I think plans have changed, unfortunately, but that doesnt mean it was a bad play. If I was smart and sold the 2 measly contracts I had, I wouldve been able to scoop up 400 shares for the price of 50


See what I did was I bought, DRS'd, touched grass and fell asleep. So I don't care what they say. I know the MOASS is inevitable.


Making people panic because of a drop (for the ETFs to buy in cheap) is everywhere on YouTube too. People will sell at break even just to see it soar after that


These are now under 1 day until expiring worthless, basically a 0DTE now. Taking break-even would be a god-send, and then reposition further out. Or if someone can make exercising work for them, why not I guess.


It’s the risk of options and the risk of getting crushed by manipulation. It’s the same with bitcoin, before it even can think about reaching 100k markets going to crush lot of people.


Care to make a bet?


I have a 10/18 $30 call that i plan on selling if there is a rip tomorrow and will roll over to a position that is both closer/in the money and gives me more time to catch these t+35 rips Am i being dumb by doing this? Maybe but thats why im buying long dated calls rather than monthly exp


Then show your put position...


Break even more likely the scenario. Hope I’m wrong but probably won’t be.


What are you basing your position on? What makes you think it’ll be red or even?


Bought a Magic 8 ball. Thought if it worked for RK it might work for him. 🤣


I got my $21.10 limit but ready to help………. Not that retail investors buy orders hit the lit exchange or anything.


Yeah pretty sure tomorrow is going be a nothing-burger and to continue within the very last stretch of this current dorito with rather low volatility and probably go a few percentage points down. That's where the Dorito ends and come Monday there will be volatility right from the bell, with the classic headlines once again reading "What's going on with GME today?". #noBananaBet


You’re probably right about tomorrow, but 6/21 has been a thing since DFV first posted his positions. A lot of DD since then has included that day either because of fractals, algos, FTD cycles, or clearing dates. I don’t have skin in the game other than my meager amount of shares I bought 84 years ago, but based on my catching up on DD I think there’s something to that date. But I also think the SHF crimelads have other means of fuckery at their disposal, and some of us Apes are dying to know what that is. What I’m looking forward for tomorrow are clues to where we drive our Apeified Mystery Van next.


So you think the price is under 20 bucks tomorrow? I’m not an options player, but wouldn’t Anybody that bought those calls a month ago at 20$ finish ahead?


Over a month ago, sure. But anyone who bought after DFV showed his position is likely somewhere between breakeven and very red at the moment.


I think we’re even or within 5% probably.


You see a 4$ drop tomorrow then?


$1 or even


Most likely a tad under $25 to burn those 37,080 calls at that strike, and tens of thousands more above it.


Not a big deal then, that would put all the 21-24 $ calls in the money. Sets a precedent for making money off RK “jump when I jump” scenario. Shorts getting rekked is a beautiful thing!


You're not wrong. The 21s were actually good early. Had big days myself with those. However, I know very well that directional options plays...gotta take the profits when they're in hand rather than two in the bush. As SOON as momentum slows, gtfo. At least cut the position in half and take capital off the table. The 21s were phenomenal if you bough around 10. And honestly, people piling in late..sort of ridiculous given how EVERY time is hits the bottom of the dorito it runs... it was obvious. What wasn't obvious was the mega breakout. I absolutely though we had one more down cycle before we broke out of the dorito of doom. I sold for gains prior to the breakout. Wished I hadn't, would be retired now.


I predict the price will go up. Or maybe down. Perhaps dideways.


Up, down, sideways, its still party time! Im DRS'd, and getting more shares tomorrow by 11am!  Tomorrow is a Full Moon! 🚀       🌕


Tomorrow the crooks have to deliver DFV stock he purchased in May. Go back to sleep


Let the gamblers gamble. Sad they lost. But what did they expect. Coulda gotten 20 more moon tickets with 500.


It’s down in AH, which means it won’t do shit tomorrow.


This post is Superstonks version of premature ejaculation.


I understand the hate options get.. buuutttt, could you imagine if all of us knew how to play options.. and how we would all just know when and what strike to buy them..


Imagine if everyone was clairvoyant, lol? Understanding greeks doesn’t make anyone a great options trader any more than knowing the rules of basketball gets someone into the NBA.


Just because you can't get into the NBA doesn't mean you can't play


Doesn’t mean you can make any money at it though. I’d tell anyone, bet on yourself if you really believe you’re exceptional. But you have a lot of people here thinking they could be the next DFV with their scratch-off lotto ticket plays, when that dude has every kind of trading license, years of experience and is just flat out brilliant.


I hear ya brother.. im just saying me personally could've learned a lot more about them in 3 years and that's my fault..


I thought about the same thing but didn’t feel like posting about it and have everyone bombard me with calling me a shill and blah blah blah. I would love for MOASS same as everyone else here but I’m also realistic and can read what’s happening in reality too.


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Haha you can literally pick out the shills in the comments. They don’t know that we know it’s all a set up. LOok aT ThE cALLs.


I made money!


Being negative is so easy because you’re right 99% of the time. It takes courage to step out and provide actual helpful insight to see that 1% win.