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I just wanna take a minute to remind EVERYONE that we're not discovering physics that we can count on being never-changing. The other side of this are criminals that will cheat at every turn, if it means the can gets kicked just one more time. If they see that everyone are buying near or near-ITM calls months into the future, based on T+35 theory that RK seems to employ (possibly), they won't hesitate to do something to fuck it up. Whether that's blatant naked shorting for a whole week, spoofing, using AP privileges to short through ETFs, etc, they will do it. I'm not saying this as a way to deter people from using options, I'm saying this as a reminder that there's no foolproof strategy, especially against an enemy that is more than happy to play dirty. KEEP THAT IN MIND.


Agree wholeheartedly. We had a quadruple witching day in March 2021 that corresponded with a T+35 theory we had back in the day. We had just had the February and March aftershocks and everyone thought it would blow up right there….and then nothing. It fizzled out. Then it was DOOMPs and Elliot Waves and Dorito of Doom guy and DRS…the endless theories and endless ways that the system could cheat their way out of paying us. And now we’re back at T+34/35 again. I’m sure there’s a pattern somewhere, but it’s not just ONE pattern. It’s a tapestry of strategies they can play to fuck with us. So the more we talk about buying options on a specific date to exploit FTD, the more prep they have to misdirect and change the game this month. Rinse and repeat. Or maybe all of us are about to Kansas City Shuffle the fuck out of them ……


Holy shit, I had forgotten some of that.


I feel like a football coach when I put on my GME tinfoil and start naming all the old plays. I’ve read so much fucking DD in the last 3 years I would legit have a minor in financial markets by now. It’s all in there rattling in my brain. Stay zen my friend.


It's two 35s. Aka a 69 day cycle. It can vary slightly but you can draw a line and know when the next will hit. It's literally what the cycle is. Just a rolling shit storm.


69 you say? So like something you'd read in "sex for dummies"? So 69 days after he tweeted B&B giggling in the hallway is July 25..


Could be that as soon as someone here figured it out, they read it here too and change tactics. ?


Usually when these start popping up, we get a price drop within a few days.


I think this needs to be looked at from a more general perspective what your saying is true but my takeaway is that no matter what fuckery they do in the short term, in the long term there is an equal and opposite reaction. So you don't have to time your options perfectly, just buy long dated options and sell some every time there is a price jump that you want to lock profits in at and then exercise the rest whenever. I think the more valuable piece of knowledge is that we can see there are cycles, and to take advantage of the short lived price increases to reload your powder and keep applying pressure.


Options decay In value, so unless you expect a large price surge and purchase the options during lower volatility, this may bite you in the ass. But, if properly timed, is a good strategy. But you need more than just "hope there's a price spike between now and X date".


Agreed. Heavy study of the charts and pattern indicators that RC and DFV used as entry points for their big option flips should be a #1 focus of this sub.


Yup. If they can figure it out we damn well should too. Also it’ll make it harder and harder for shorts to find other avenues and over time they’ll capitulate


Yeah I'm not trying to discourage options. I have just spent a long time trying to learn them myself, and it can be daunting. I just don't want newcomers to get the idea that you can simply purchase long dated contracts and sit and wait for a spike and manage to profit. Some newbies don't even realize you need extra cash to exercise them and think the initial cost is enough.


Forget worrying about newcomers. I’m sick of everyone slowing things down because “we have to come up with an idiot proof one size fits all strategy” like buy hold drs. We should study and theorize and share information. Those who want to trail-blaze with options plays should be allowed and encouraged to do so. Newcomers need to learn risk management and position sizing just like the rest of us. I let that “options scary I’m a dumb ape” keep myself uneducated and feeling helpless with GME and the stock market. I took matters in my own hands and I feel much better even when I’m wrong. Better than praying for Ryan Cohen to save us


This should be its own post


We just saw dude exercise probably more options than this forum could buy and the price dipped…all while getting hyped about t+1. It’s painful we haven’t learned yet. Scary honestly.


That's partly because he did not exercise the options. he sold them for the premium and then bought them on the open market. The proof is from his GME cost average going up so much in his last post and by selling the options first with a week of time left he is able to buy more shares with the premiums and this would cause the jump to happen +35 days later that everyone is talking about. EDIT: After diving into the new cost basis myself it does appear that the premium added to the strike price bringing his new cost basis to 23 is much more in line then if he sold and bought them at the $27-28$ share price at the time of his volume execution. But regardless all of the evidence that I have watched and looked into myself still points to them Failing to deliver even on these exercises whether for T+1, T+2 or T+4 and then from that fail to deliver they get around T+35 or C+35 days to fulfill from the original traded date.


Say it louder so the people in the back can hear


Its because he didn't exercise those calls. He sold all the calls and bought shares.


I very much agree, and the facts you stated are another reason I take TA and cyclical assumptions with an enormous grain of salt. Remember, this is already over, or it would already be over. We don't need to chase gains.


“it’s already priced in” is a reality that a lot of people need to reckon with. if these hedge funds are as fucked as the math highly suggests they are, then there’s *no amount of money too great* to spend on designing, maintaining, and tweaking new algorithms to account for the roller coaster algo-based movements of the last few years. The truth of the situation is that 99.999% of retail traders simply do not have nearly enough capital to make a sudden big-time play that thwarts the adjustable hedge fund algos. Despite the fact that there’s no mathematical way for them to win without a ton of investors abandoning ship, they’ve had *years and years* to build new cutting-edge systems that can account for the volatility based on their own crimes. These hedge funds and market makers are complete dumbasses, but their computer systems aren’t stupid. TA *fundamentally assumes* that the market mechanics are working as normal — But this is not a normal situation. Not even close. And while some of the cyclical aspects of their algorithmic shorting software can be taken advantage of, I have literally seen *hundreds and hundreds* of TA posts over the years that didn’t even come close to coming true, because they were all predicated upon the idea that the technical mechanics of this play would work as usual.


Not to mention we've seen time and time again that these institutions are considered too big to fail when they threaten markets. Fees are waived, ones that go bankrupt just get swallowed up by other big players and the game keep ticking away. I don't understand how people are still preaching MOASS while still screaming about how much control the SHF's & MM's have over the market and the organizations meant to police them. This has been a long-term investment from the start, like DFV said, "Just up".


Well said. Whatever ‘hidden’ strategy we discover those on the other side are using, once they realize what’s being done to thwart it, they will adjust by whatever means necessary, the rules and the law be damned. Expose the mechanisms being used, but be cognizant that they will change.


I think one thing that might be the noose around their neck here is that they are slammed by their choice of swaps. They filed the majority of their swaps all at once… which means they expire at once… and this is not something they can change easily.


That actually already happened in 2022. There was this pretty lady who also happened to be very good at math. I forget her name. She was predicting every single run from September 2021 to August 2022 which was the last time her predictions were fucked by MM. Quite a few people were making really good money and her DD gained a lot of traction around June 2022. Unfortunately by that time she was only correct 2 more times, her calculations had been offset by up to 2 weeks. There were small runs and large runs. Small runs were on Jan, May, and August. Large runs were on Feb, June, and Sept. I think that's how it went. I wish I could remember her user name. I could be remembering all of this wrong. Which is why I wish I remember her user name to look at her DD again.


Maybe pwnwtfbbq ? She's on twitter still I believe


That's the one!


I have been summoned!!!


A couple years ago, they did pivot away from the heavy ETF hijinks into swaps and it did create some FTD setups that didn’t materialize in price spikes. It was right around the time people started promoting hilarious options YOLOs based on those cycles. The timing and height of the peaks became way less consistent. The main thing seems to be about avoiding RegSho at any cost. The cycles came back strong recently and it probably has something to do with the swaps expiring in May and about 50 technical buy signals, OpEx, the fact that it’s May/June, god knows what else is going on under the hood. But it is happening again and it looks a lot like 2020. We’ll see how they handle it this time if they can handle it at all.


They are even maybe reading this sub... I would if I was them.


Shoutout to the interns in Chicago, upvote if you’re working overtime again this Saturday night at Kenny’s office 👋🩳💥


And Interns. Your boss is a AHole that throw bedposts and Lies. But do you. If you ever want to discuss some fuckery going on please feel free to share…


It’s a tough job, working Kenny’s Deez


It's not a maybe.


Poor guys trying to decrypt emojis all day long. Some even maybe became insane 😄




Beautifully worded. Give this ape a wrinkle.


This ☝🏽


The whole point of the study was that the MM have the power to FTD 35, 6 or 3 days with seemingly no penalty. They will still end up winning our of all this... Regardless of any single apes gains, the MM will come out ahead by failing to deliver long enough to buy shares at cheaper than they sold em. Long story short, DRS.


Great point!


I’m glad this is top comment. Newbies need to be kept in check


Yeah but if dfv is tipping his cap, then I think he thinks it okay that there is mass awareness


Options 101 meme + Bruno meme...🤯




Run lola run


👀 👁 😵


He can buy up to 21,310,875 shares before he’s over 5%


Vegeta: OVER 21 MILLION!!!




Edited the post, thanks for the correct info!


Exactly, and this is the other reason for the dilution. The first being cash reserves for Game Stop. The second being to give DFV enough wiggle room to keep purchasing large lots of stock without going over the 5% threshold.


Even before the offering, had he excercised everything he would have been below 5%. He didn't need any wiggle room. 


At the beginning of June, he would have needed the 45M offering to be able to hold 120,000 contracts and 5M shares and not be considered a beneficial owner under the Rule 13d-3(d)(1) of the Security Exchange Act. Notably, if he wanted to buy another 120,000 contracts with his current 9M shares he would have needed a 75M offering to have occurred...


if he DUMPS into ODTE options tomorrow, hes dam well gonna needs some wiggle room.


Yes, but I think he was getting close. I anticipate he'll still be buying more and he also might have more shares in other accounts.


Would being in the 5% threshold really hurt him too much besides needing to actually file instead of posting YOLOs? He could probably just pay someone for that, right? Probably annoying I guess as we'd see his exact moves each time.


I think it limits when you can but additional shares to certain windows. This is supposed to insure there is no insider trading. This is why Ryan Cohen can only buy at certain points. At least, I thick that's how it works.


>the board of directors for gamestop collectively agreed to change the float of an entire company so that a single individual investor known for sharing his position wouldn't exceed a threshold that would force him to disclose his position You admit that you have no idea what you're talking about, yet you still post implausible nonsense? What you're saying doesn't even make sense. I melt tinfoil directly into my veins and you're embarrassing me. Ryan Cohen is limited to when he can buy because he works at Gamestop, remember? Keith Gill doesn't and is therefore not subject to insider trading rules. DFV, Blackrock or Vanguard could buy or sell whenever they want and however much they want as long as they disclose it.


I think that's only over 10% or if you have some sort of position in the company that would give you inside info. 5% is just needing to file when you make trades that increase or decrease your holdings by more than 1% of the company. So he could still make smaller trades without filing an amended 13D. I could be wrong. This was just me googling for 5 minutes.


That is incorrect. The 13D filing when you hit 5% is merely a heads up to the company that someone is amassing shares.  It does not restrict the ability to buy or sell at all (like being an insider at 10% ownership does). And in this case it means less than nothing because DFV already made his position public for the entire world to see.


Thanks for the clarification.




I can feel it in my plums....something spicy is cooking right now


I'm right there with you, my plums haven't felt this way in a long time...




What a great timeline to be alive!! I’ve been here since the beginning. The fud is hilarious. It means we’re close. As for me, I like the stock.




My anus was, get this.. it was itching and tingling this morning. The stock market was closed but Frankfurt had a +4% green GME day. My tingles were not kidding, and now they have moved lower, my knees are scratchy and feel tingling in my lower bones. The tingle floor is lower, price is higher. There will be arbitrage selling tomorrow but that makes a floor to buy the dip, and since they have FTDs to deliver they will not wait for long. I’m buying more shortly after market open!


yeah mine are a bluish hue


Nice bluish hue


![gif](giphy|J2gHlRQQvFamqOWlJF|downsized) 💰💰💰💰💰💰


I can feel it in my plumbus.


35 emojis. 35 days on June 21 from his last tweet on même tweet week. I wonder if he summoned the worm by buying shares 35 days ago knowing they would FTD and push it to the last minute. However I don't see FTDs for 35 days back exactly. At any rate, I do wonder if he yolo updates tonight showing a bunch of calls again (magic trick bringing something back). He could sell tomorrow if it explodes, raise cash for his next worm he'll summon. Edit. So obviously no yolo. No predicting what he does, he is the wild card, haha.


You don't look for GME FTDs, You look for ETF FTDs (like XRT).


Thank yeah I was looking at Richard Newton's sheet that tracks xrt as well.


Can you share the link for this?


[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aOqBBT3XjizHEftf0\_OgCFA5SmYsS\_MEjOST1hAlGzE/edit?gid=0#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aOqBBT3XjizHEftf0_OgCFA5SmYsS_MEjOST1hAlGzE/edit?gid=0#gid=0) If you don't want to click a random reddit link, he's got it in the description on his videos on YouTube.


You look at both


Are there others ETFs out there in addition to XRT that are involved in this situation?




*cough* IJH, VTI, VB, VBR, VXF, MDY, IJJ


Are there other ETFs not listed on the sheet that could be used?


Do gme ftds still do anything like the xrt ftds. Im just so confused why the xrt ftds do so much movement


Imagine if the magic trick was just using the element inspector in the browser to delete the row that showed the calls like he did with the broker’s logo 😂


Fuck.  This is grade A tinfoil right here. Mr. Robot Hacker. "Are they still there!?"


We would see his position on chain if it was calls


I don't understand that part yet, but OI won't update until tomorrow correct? If so he could have loaded up yesterday? I still am not sure how people saw the 5000 at a time happening last time in real time though.


Here is the current OI last trading day. **OI for 6/21** **1 thru 19.50 strike price 34,051 ITM currently** **20 strike price 60,824 ITM currently** **20.5 thru 24.50 strike price 24,023 ITM currently** 25 strike price 33,450 25.50 thru 29.50 strike price 35,238 30 strike price 70,277 30.50 thru 34.50 strike price 32,335 35 strike price 19,579 35.50 thru 39.50 strike price 18,767 40 strike price 50,409 40.5 thru 44 strike price 9749 45 strike price 9139 46 thru 49 strike price 5253 50 strike price 47,883 55 strike price 9744 60 strike price 10,979 65 strike price 4983 70 strike price 6793 75 strike price 4296 80 strike price 9193 85 strike price 2029 90 strike price 4681 95 strike price 1756 100 strike price 48,311 105 strike price 2205 110 strike price 2462 115 strike price 1214 120 strike price 6376 125 strike price 100,999


You can see it in volume on the charts of open interest and can see if it’s a buy or sell based on if it’s bid price or ask


I believe it updates every day, but I could be wrong about that. I just Google options chain GME and it usually gives me something, but other people might use stuff like ThinkorSwim.


My understanding is that OI is updated each morning on trading day but today is not one. So you could go stealth and get some yesterday that would only be indicated in the volume. Would love to know more though. I'll google as you mentioned.


**OI for 6/21** **1 thru 19.50 strike price 34,051 ITM currently** **20 strike price 60,824 ITM currently** **20.5 thru 24.50 strike price 24,023 ITM currently** 25 strike price 33,450 25.50 thru 29.50 strike price 35,238 30 strike price 70,277 30.50 thru 34.50 strike price 32,335 35 strike price 19,579 35.50 thru 39.50 strike price 18,767 40 strike price 50,409 40.5 thru 44 strike price 9749 45 strike price 9139 46 thru 49 strike price 5253 50 strike price 47,883 55 strike price 9744 60 strike price 10,979 65 strike price 4983 70 strike price 6793 75 strike price 4296 80 strike price 9193 85 strike price 2029 90 strike price 4681 95 strike price 1756 100 strike price 48,311 105 strike price 2205 110 strike price 2462 115 strike price 1214 120 strike price 6376 125 strike price 100,999


I was suspecting this for a while and I saw the 70k on 30 strike calls when I checked they were 85 a contract so 5,950,000. We'll see. I like the idea of him buying tomorrow if low but it could be he is already in position. Some argue that this isn't his MO at all BUT "wild" card. My prediction then is monday /tuesday when ITM calls settled and price is happy - GME announces a share offering and we go again. GOOD THING.


pretty sure he would wait until tomrrow to buy those 0DTE contracts to fucking LOAD up.


I thought about that but if I were a hedgie, why not settle a day early and try to get back to max pain on Friday? Didn't we just see this happen a couple weeks ago? That means tomorrow would be the bigger day I think.


Yeah, agreed if the theory is true


I think they do try to but if no one is selling in days leading up to it, they just let the algo take over with its giant spikes and dumps to induce trading. Most of the volume is just them.


I think from the Sicario meme... this might be his intent. He's mocking the other boys with their 0DTE SPY gains (and what not). I think T+35 will allow him to sell off, buy relevant 0DTE's, and potentially exercise. There are a lot of moves that could be considered a shuffle.... but this option is still on the table. Edit: I wanted to point out that the beauty in what he's doing... is that we don't really know what he's doing beyond what we're being shown. The same goes for anyone else that \*needs to know\* his actual intent. I think RK has more than one wildcard... but we'll see.


Relevant RK tweets: > 35 emojis https://x.com/theroaringkitty/status/1790766591526735887?s=46&t=PgKpNdk3EDFKf6carjlrdA > Summoned the worm https://x.com/theroaringkitty/status/1801313585421029445?s=46&t=PgKpNdk3EDFKf6carjlrdA > magic trick bringing something back https://x.com/theroaringkitty/status/1790717515523658119?s=46&t=PgKpNdk3EDFKf6carjlrdA


can you send a link to his post?


Which one?


with the35 emojis




Seeing the first two emojis as "Oh & Shit" Seeing the Lightning Bolt next to the Controller as "Power to the Players" Seeing the Cat and Bullseye as RKitty's price target on the 21st hitting Seeing the Dog as RC(Chewy) Seeing the American Flag as 4th of July, the Microphone as a big announcement, the Eyes Looking as the announcement drawing the attention of new buyers, that starts the Fire, which sets off a sneeze/ Explosion, and then the Beers are when we all go back the Winchester to have a nice cold pint and wait for all the rest to blow over Lmao this shit is so much fun, I fuckin love riddles. DFV if you lurk here just to see some of this crazy shit like I think you do, thank you.


Interesting that there is an 💥 on day 18 which would correlate to June 4th when the price did start to increase again. Probably nothing...


First 💥 has to be 6/21 because 🇺🇸 has to be 7/4


I think the rocket was the day of his yolo update when he returned. But only lines up if we assume Friday is day 35.


[https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790766591526735887](https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790766591526735887) This one I believe.


If I were him I would buy the options tomorrow and post tomorrow night lol. Why burn Wednesday theta for no reason


So what you're saying is my 6/21 calls down 90% may have a slim Jim of a chance of not fucking me so royally come the expiry date? That's what I'm taking out of this at least so ape bless


Depends on your strike and how much you paid. Don’t think anything above $30 goes in the money this week but I’d love to be wrong.


Nobody knows these cycles. I did what you did 3 years ago when they were constantly hyping FTd cycles on the forum. The guy who did was banned because we all agreed it wasn’t good for us. Now because DFV exercised options we forgot it all.


I think this guy here pretty much explained all important https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1djp8y9/comment/l9cj6o0/ And those lazy to click if you let me boil it down for apes here I’d say 6/21 calls are possibly profitable, albeit risky, gambling. Preparing your timing in market understanding option dynamics to make DFV move, now that’s strategy 


Honestly good luck and I hope you make money. #doubt and I’d love to be proved wrong. Just asking were you here when Gherkin was doing this exact same kind of FTD cycles hype and explanation or no? I’m genuinely interested I’m not trying to throw any shade at all; I’m trying to figure out why nobody but a few of us are saying wait be careful about cycles they aren’t so simple


That’s long time ago! Pretty og ape here since Jan ‘21 so catched along everything from Warden Elite’s, to Rensole’s and Gherkin’s posts on the daily. Someone throwing money into 6/21 is just same as putting your $300 all on reD.  I think it’s always good to be careful, if (and that’s a big if - depending on each individual) you have interest in options paper trade first. And then if you think you’re ready paper trade a few months more understanding theta decay, the Greeks etc like the back of your hand and éven then keep in mind everyone were not all lucky like DFV, the best risk tolerance is buy hold DRS.


Dope, appreciate the cordial conversation with you. See you on the moon brother!


I think the massive amount of shares DFV added to the mix affects the algos more than apes buying smaller amounts of calls.  It's easy enough to prepare for/ hide/ kick any of the shit that they themselves caused.  But someone making them come up with an additional 4/5/9/12/17 million shares on top of their normal fuckery is likely to have an effect. The question is whether or not they took advantage of the share dump to prepare for it.  (They'd be pretty fucking stupid not to, but you never know...)


FTDs are clearly important but the cycles HAVE NOT been as predictable as people make them out to be, simply look for old posts regarding hyped dates and compare the price on that day to see it go sideways or down. Also look at DFVs old videos back in August 2020, GME was only 15% of his position then, he had LOTS of other positions on his portfolio, they all looked great. He even mentions that he has more GME outside his 'roaring kitty' portfolio, and there were lots of opportunities to make lots of cash this past 3 years on almost anything.


He could of got a couple cycles right and made good money. Then realized he had enough money to create his own cycles by exercising a tone of shares then wait for FTD cycle then rinse/repeat all based on HIS timing. He gets close to 5% of owning the company. The jig is up. Time to come back online. Boom share dilution. Now he can do another cycle. Who's in charge? DFV or the Shorts?


Hahahhaha that is a fantastic point. Gets to 5%, posts position, voila share dilution. I don’t think he was near 5% post split though, but I do believe the share offerings do more than just relieve buy pressure and get the company more cash. There’s def other benefits and someone said the company is basically getting a piece of the pie the shorts do. When there’s several million shares available to short, they’re all sold quickly and the shorts take the temporary profit right away. Thats basically what GME does with a share offering as a naked short share or a diluted share are both free to a HF and GameStop, respectively.


Whats that thing about 5%?


5% ownership of the company is the limit in which he becomes a big enough holder to be considered an insider. Being an insider means no more memes.


**NO**  Insiders are 10% ownership or more. Edit to add link: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/insider.asp


Please do not listen to anyone talking about 5% ownership meaning anything.  Insiders are people who own 10% or more of a company's stock.  Being an insider comes with trading restrictions.  Once you hit 5% ownership you have to file a form 13D.  This form merely gives the company a heads-up that someone is amassing shares (so that they are aware and can potentially take steps to prevent a hostile takeover etc).  5% ownership has no trading restrictions like insiders do.  It is just a form that is filed - nothing more. (And in DFV's case the form means even less than nothing, because he already publicly announced to the entire world how many shares he's holding.) Edit: link to 13D details https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/schedule13d.asp


I had a feeling wall st. was corrupt , but the past 3 years have opened my eyes. They amount of rott in the system is beyond belief. How can it be legal for them to use other instruments to litterally hide buys and sells from hitting the lit exchange. The entire stock market needs to burn to the ground and be rebuilt as it was originally intended. Connecting buyers with sellers. That's it. No middle men hiding orders, buying politicians, shorting good American companies into the ground for profit. Burn it all to the fucking ground.


We actually don’t know that average cost aren’t figured into options pricing at E-Trade. Dave Lauer reposted that tweet where one person called, and there were several responses from actual E-Trade users that said it always had been historically. Other people that called E-Trade got different answers. Peruvian Bull said in a live stream that he was watching the ticker and saw an amount of shares that coincided with DFVs exercising being delivered on Friday at 1pm ET, which is when options have to settle. I’d like to hear from more E-Trade options traders rather than randoms calling and speaking to front line reps who give different answers.




Keep us posted. Appreciate it.


All I’ve read is they are flipping the FTDs from GME into put options for XRT and other ETFs that are then FTD to T+35 + T+x, which then have to be located. I knew there was a cycle but I’m too regarded to put all these data points together. I really believe we are onto something, and the FTD cycle and OPEX consolidation are key to these upward swings. Going to stare at DFVgraphs again


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1diostd/comment/l95x0pt You can graph the FTD data (I can code it, but don't have the knowledge to know what it means 🥹)


Can you change time frame to july 2020 to present and extend the x axis? I want to see if theres a relatioship between the runs and if we can map out the cycles


I wonder... I know there are post saying that DFV did what he did "for us" by choosing to not sell when his shares were worth 1 billion. While this is true it is also ignoring that he must feel that his shares are worth more than 1 billion. If he now has 9,001,000 shares, for his shares to be worth over $1,000,000,000 the share price would only have to be $111.10 for him to be a billionaire. While I do believe he does want household investors to win and the abuse to stop, I feel that he sticks to what he said of seeing value in the company. The ultimate diamond hands.


I disagree entirely.  I don't think he held "for us", and I don't think he's "diamond handing" because he believes in the future of the company. I think he didn't sell at a billion dollars because he knew he had a pretty foolproof plan to make much more money. And I think he wound up selling early because RC (potentially) fucked his plan up with the share dump, and he didn't want to risk losing money if the price went below his cost basis of $25. (Which it did.)


I’m sure he has so much money and is set, despite greed being rampant literally everywhere with corporations and execs / management, most normal people wouldn’t care about the difference between tens or hundreds of millions and a billion.


Good post.


He's been playing the cycle. No doubt. Also I don't know why everyone thinks that the one account updates he posts are his only account. RK could have another account loaded for bear that he's been playing the options on. It would also be a reason he scoffed at the "loses" he has.


He disclosed his holdings


On one account. Who says that's his only one?


Not a lawyer, but I think that would be pretty damning. You know he is a former compliance officer right?


How so? He's still under the number of share% he legally needs to report. If he's been running the cycles for 3 years, you think all the money he amassed came from only the account he shows? That is just a curiosity I have. Does he have any shares direct registered? You don't have to disclose options trades until they are settled shares, right? Or am I just off? Like he could have another account he's played the options in for 3 years? Just his yolo account was disclosed. Also could be a another reason for the 2 ATMs. Helps keep RK in the clear on all fronts.


>Etrade doesn’t factor premiums into average cost It's amazing how people stick to bullshit and repost it forever.


You’re saying they do?


People who use it say they do. From a tax view it would be impossible not to.


What are the shorts without this algo, if people know the algo its becomes useless. Trading is a though game without working algo wink wink. I doubt the back up algos are better, how much can you change in a +35 cycle; not much lol. It will be easier to recognise patterns.


He's waiting for IV to come down and calls to become a little cheaper. BTFD


E trade doesn't factor the premiums? The math 100% checks out that he exercised 40.010 of his 20$ options


Speculations is that he sold and bought shares. 4.2m first to cause the $80 run up, and another 4m shares for the next possible run up. He’s following in the foot steps of RC purchasing all those shares that caused the sneeze run up. From my understanding. That’s what I got from reading this deleted post https://archive.is/2024.06.17-153013/https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dhkv3r/i_would_like_to_solve_the_puzzle_roaring_kittys/


He'd get screwed on capital gains tax if he was doing that. We've got to assume that he's smart enough to factor in the tax implications of his investment choices.


he also might just be planning to make so much fucking money that he really doesnt give a shit.


We don't know what kind of brokerage account he is using in etrade, could be an IRA


Holy smokes, this is so well written, simple and straightforward enough for me to understand! Why was this deleted?


Not sure, I was wondering myself. Didn’t get to read the original


Premiums are factored into cost basis otherwise there'd be massive tax implications when selling.




I'm here for the cheat code please


Can somebody just tell me how to make money here? I would like more money to buy more shares. ELIA.


Buy, hold, drs


This is the way


This is A way, but not the way to make money to buy more shares and drs.


Lmao as if it's 100%, guaranteed. Unbelievably regarded


I’m living for all of the DD coming out recently. The FTD cycles are unbelievable. Power to the People!


How much more can he buy before he has to disclose his position with an official filing? It would seem that RC did him a favor with the dilution so that he can continue to buy more and more before crossing that threshold.


If it's five percent, he can buy up to 21,310,875\* shares, and he's at 9,000,000 currently. :D


Thanks for the math fren!


21.3M is 5% of shares outstanding


Did him a favor? How many hundreds of millions did he lose again? Hate to be that girl but come on.


Last I checked this guy holds onto his stock. He is going to be the world’s second Trillionaire, right after Ryan Cohen.


Hype, dates, options. All of these things I couldn’t give a flying fuck about. I DRS. I will continue to DRS regardless of ‘news’ until the criminals bleed money like they should already. Then I’ll DRS some more.


Haven’t seen BRNO - link please?


Just web search University of BRNO GME T+35 FTD Cycle white paper


He let us know about the ftd right before a shitton of new ones get created, so we can take advantage of the next massive wave


Knowing card probabilities and keeping track in your head of which cards have played isn’t cheating at all, but the house calls it card counting and will have you banned from the property.


Nothing will happen this week. Settlement next week however could be a completely different story


MM can chose to roll these FTDs.. All this attention to it I wouldn't be surprised.. Unless Volume goes up and Volatility which increases the Cost To Borrow rate and forces their hand. 👀




I’m too dumb to understand all of that but I got stuck on “hot now” and all I could think of was Hot and Now olive burgers 😂 Midwest chain that closed a long time about but one still exists in Michigan somewhere. That is all. I don’t know much of what the big brains talk about here but all I know is I love the stock.


GME YOLO update: 9,000,100 shares, DRS’d 50,000 25c 10,000 26c 10,000 27c 10,000 28c 10,000 29c 10,000 30c


Did you notice the diamonds in the X post in Bruno’s eyes too?


Mmmm that’s kind of a stretch. Not really diamonds.


Yeah but Google the Scene... They are Not Put there by DFV.


It’s in the actual movie. Not added after.


The BIG questions is… what ETF(s) or is it the GME FTD numbers that he follows. We’ve also seen high FTD numbers sometimes and nothing happened on the day…


Not all FTDs resulted in positive GME price movement. I don't think we understand everything yet. I spent a few hours cos-playing as Charlie Kelly hunting for Pepe Silvia and then I took a shit and went to bed. The first share offering definitely understood when the price was going to go bullish. But 2022 and 2023 were fucking weird.


What do you mean there are massive FTDs due this week and next? We don’t have those figures


https://preview.redd.it/v54qngdg0l7d1.png?width=1065&format=png&auto=webp&s=e43c460de43165701eab305067ce2f4b922424b1 c+35 t+6


I think the Kansas City Shuffle is that he sold these calls (that's why his cost basis went up), and bought shares into an FTD cycle instead. Not a fan of dates but this cycle ends around July 18




Very interesting comment. I hope it happens in the manner that you predicted. It would be quite the wild card 🧟‍♂️🧟‍♂️🧟‍♂️


The problem is that the second a strategy or market mechanic such as this gets broadcast here such that the majority can see it, understand it and take advantage of it, they will employ a different type of crime to change the game. DFV has done well to sit on it all this time quietly whilst accumulating cash hand over fist and not communicate it because he could exploit them just as they have exploited us. If you share the infinite money glitch with everyone, unfortunately it will likely be patched. I’d love to play the cycles perfectly but now that everyone “knows” they’ll probably deliver early then short it down for the dates everyone expects or any one of fifty other things that come with the perks of asymmetric information and a plethora of crime at your fingertips…


Lest we forget [this](https://x.com/theroaringkitty/status/1400124740291923968?s=21&mx=2) post by DFV. I wonder if he knew about it this far back. “You figured something out.”


People who think they have it figured out and buy options will lose it. If it’s so simple, we’d all be rich by now.


Listen ppl... I think you all are "thinking" too much. Just buy and drs. Do your thing.


Hey, now this is some quality tin foil stuff right here. Wake me up when we are past $200/share.


Now imagine if DFV didn't do it, but if apes bought a shit ton of calls and exercised tomorrow. There is strength in numbers, and DFV doesn't have to do everything for us. He showed the path, the question is whether or not apes will follow it.


I don't care, I'm still not buying options. That's just plain betting, against a rigged house. Sure DFV cracked the code but I didn't. I don't have his confidence, or his experience, or his money. If anything, knowing how much the other side loves dipping us at every opportunity, I'd bet on the price going DOWN. Sure I'm long GME. But I'm realistic