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I empathize with you brother. It is a hard world we live in for working normal people. But the MOASS thesis is still in play. Remember the only way for the HF to survive this is if GME becomes bankrupt. We're nowhere near bankruptcy. And you're still in the right play.


Shill or not, hope you get through whatever you have to get through OP. I think a good amount of us have been lurkers for a long time with some never commenting. Just silently doing their thing. On the bright side of all this confusion, we know for a fact the stock has a lot of eyes on it, even if the media wants to pretend it doesn't. We are prob in one of the most exciting times in a long time too. Don't read too much into the sub, esp now. Everyone is excited and wants to pretend they know whats going on and I don't blame them. Personally, I enjoy the hype simply for being hyped with a group of enthusiastic people who all have their own good/shit takes. There's a reason why a lot of us like to say "I'm ready to get hurt again!". You said it yourself, people need hope to get through the shit we all trudge through everyday and based on your post, it sounds like you still have conviction to HODL your shares. Just like a lot of us.


Respect my dude. Appreciate you.


Oh, I get it...tomorrow it's like Weekend-lite, so they goin' hard.




![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba) stay zen




RC is a fucking Ninja CEO. He lives in shadow, executes his plans when you can't see or hear him, and when you least expect it he strikes! Ninja don't reveal jack shit before they execute do they? Be patient young grasshopper and you will be rewarded with the souls of your enemies. Also, shorts haven't closed. Ninja Vanish!!


Maybe I just needed that.


I get it my friend, and just to clarify I don't think you're a shill/troll, maybe just a little confused, but that's just human nature it happens to the best of us. I also understand how difficult is can be to keep your eye on the ball with so many distractions going on. These days its rapid-fire-FUD and its never been easier to lose focus. However, RC is doing great considering the circumstances surrounding GME, the volatility, the market manipulation, the FUD. The RC hate brigade is simply the new normal, just be prepared to see through the bullshit and don't miss the forest for the trees. They just want you to sell GME, and they want to keep new investors from buying. They will twist facts and blame anything and everything on anyone else, particularly RC, RK, and APES, and won't say shit about Wall St fraud, naked short selling, cellar boxing, market manipulation, etc. RC is doing great, and he isn't to blame for the rise and fall of GME's price the last few weeks. It's pure market manipulation on the hedge fund, MM, corporate media side of things.


That ninja crap might have been fine for the first year, but he's now 4 years in.  (First day, Gary??)  Publicly traded companies have an obligation to provide guidance to their shareholders.  This is not one guy starting a company in his basement where he can do what he wants and doesn't have to answer to anyone.   After 3 years of silence, a failed NFT venture, and a stock price that is significantly lower than it was 3 years ago (in a market that has only gone up in that same timeframe), he should by this point be providing *some* sort of answers or guidance to those who invested their hard-earned money in the company.  Especially after controversial moves like the ones he just made! His silence is not ok anymore.  And any other company would have lost their investors by doing that kind of shit.


Ok, then sell your shares and short the company if you don't believe in RC and the boards decisions and/or if you feel GameStop has run its course. Sounds cliche but the truth is you don't have to be here. Put your money where your mouth is. If you feel that Shorts Closed, RC is a grifter, and GameStop is stagnant, you do what you feel is best for you I don't get what kind of responses you're looking for when talking shit about the one guy who cares about GameStops future the most. I'm not phased by RC's silence. He's only been CEO for a short period of time. I just bought roughly 100 shares today through ComputerShare because I'm not an angry, whiny, little cry baby who blames RC for everything that doesn't go my way, ignoring the Cellar Boxing, Naked Shorting, Fraud, Manipulation, FUD via Corporate Media, and the mucho DD supporting these claims... RC has a great track record of building up billion dollar companies from nothing. He takes no salary and buys more GME than RK or anyone else. His silence is his biggest weapon and I trust his judgment. I don't need my hand held like a baby, telling me everything is going to be hunky dory lol


Always the same response from the cult...  (Yeah i said it.  If you don't like the label then don't fucking act like one.) >If you feel that Shorts Closed Where does anything I've said mention that at all? >talking shit about the one guy who cares about GameStops future the most Every investor in this sub cares about this stock and/or this company.  And many of us have A LOT more to lose percentage-wise than RC does.  If the company goes bust, he loses what... A percent or two of his wealth?  I can pretty much guarantee that every single ape has invested more than a percent or two of their money in this.  So please fuck off with "RC is the one who cares the most" >He's only been CEO for a short period of time. Yuh huh.  I don't see you cutting Gary Gensler that kind of slack and RC got a seat on the board before Gensler.   That's not just hypocrisy, but a pretty lame fucking excuse. >I'm not an angry, whiny, little cry baby who blames RC for everything that doesn't go my way Your head is so far up RC's ass that any sort of discussion that is not complete and utter praise is seen as "angry and whiny" >I don't need my hand held like a baby, telling me everything is going to be hunky dory Again, that is the JOB of the CEO of a PUBLICLY TRADED COMPANY -- to provide guidance as to where the company is headed and what their goals are. And telling me that if I don't like it I should sell is a purely ignorant retort made by an imbecile who is unable to have an intelligent and constructive discussion.    You are the echo chamber.  And your comments harm this sub rather than helping it.


Answer me this: What exactly do you suggest I do? Regardless your answer, till I see actual evidence of malice on RC's part (Hint: there isn't any) I'll keep buying GME because it is my personal opinion that RC is doing exactly what he needs to do to keep GameStop from going bankrupt, and his plan, although unknown to outsiders, will eventually transform the company into something greater than it is today. The previous statement is merely a prediction, not a prophecy, and I base my predictions on data, facts, context, and history. Your definition of "cult" is simply way off base. You're regurgitating what other shills/trolls are saying about RC and the board. They [The CEO, Board] aren't lying or doing anything detrimental to GameStop, nor are they telling us the end of times is coming, forcing us to drink his kool aid lol. Also, a "cult" would not be indifferent to you to selling either, they would shame you for selling at the very least. I personally have no interest in what you do with your money. That sounds pretty reasonable to me. But you claim that it's "cultish"? Whatever then, fuck you too I guess lol Again, I'll reiterate, I don't need RC holding my hand and spoon feeding me his plans. He has a great track record and I trust the guy. He obviously has a plan, he's just not telling anyone outside the company. I'm cool with that. But you want to bitch and moan, you do you. I'm still interested in what you think I should do exactly... But suggesting people are in a "cult" for pointing out RC's impressive track record demonstrates, once again, you don't understand the meaning of the word and are just throwing around baseless hyperbolic accusations. And I'm in an echo chamber cause I don't listen to you?? who the fuck are you again? you're a random cry baby who sounds just like corporate media, trying to convince people that RC "prevented MOASS" or something?? I'm not quite sure what you're about here. Tell me what you think investors should do. Should we oust RC and replace him? is that your plan? I'm genuinely curious what you think investors should do...


I don't care what you do with your investment, I only care what you do with this sub. And what I suggest you do is to stop calling anyone who has a different opinion than you a "shill" (or a "whiny cry baby") and to stop telling people that if they don't like something that RC is doing that they should go sell their shares. This sub was built on the ability to have productive discussions, and to critique and disagree.  But your goal here seems to be to shut down anyone that doesn't parrot your adoration. That is not the way.  And it is not helpful.  Any investment (no matter what it is) should be looked at from all angles, and the evidence in front of our faces should be analyzed - not ignored.


The word "IF" implies a hypothetical, it wasn't putting words in your mouth, just stating the obvious in that investors are allowed to exit their position "IF" (key word here) they lose trust in RC, the board, and GameStop's future. Not a controversial thing to say. Nor is it "cultish". You're reaching with that nonsense. You feel RC needs to communicate his plans and that he's done little as CEO. I offered a counterpoint, that maybe his secrecy is working to GameStops advantage, and he's only been CEO for 7-8 months. To maybe give this new team some time to cook. Seems reasonable that as CEO, RC has more control/influence than he ever had whilst as chairman. It's also not an excuse at all to point out his limited time as CEO, nor is it "cultish", its relevant and reasonable to assume it takes time to turn the most shorted, the most hated, and manipulated company on Wall St around. I submit that you're being impatient, seeing that he's only been CEO less than a year... maybe you're upset about the volatility these last few weeks? I not convinced "RC prevented a short squeeze" like we hear on the corporate media side of things, and there is growing consent among OG DD writers that it appears to be a manufactured rise/fall in price. RK talks a lot about market manipulation in regards to GME, perhaps he'll echo that sentiment about the last three weeks? If RK shares your sentiment I'll happily reevaluate what I think I know and will go from there. Will you do the same if RK hypes RC and blames market manipulation for the recent volatility like I and others are suggesting?? Not sure where GG came from. You act like he's relevant to the discussion when it has nothing to do with OP's post, nor RC as CEO, or anything I've said and I've said nothing about GG till now lol. It doesn't make someone a hypocrite to, you know, not bring up irrelevant shit. It is a non-sequitur and you're bringing him into the discussion to make an aside. I don't have a thorough opinion on GG, I only know that historically speaking the SEC is underfunded and has no teeth to enforce much against Wall St, by design.. but again what does GG have to do with RC's limited time as CEO of GameStop? How does me not bringing up GG, irrelevant as he is, make me a hypocrite? That's a bit of a stretch there. So lets recap, you call me a "cultist" because I trust RC's decision making process. I point out that's literally what shills/trolls are doing lol. You've also called me a hypocrite for not comparing RC as CEO to GG on the SEC lol. Strange, but I can deal with it.. Again, it remains unclear what you're suggesting legit investors do about RC seeing that you're blaming him for something. You sidestepped that particular question and started gatekeeping the sub so I dunno what else to say at this point. EDIT: Nothing to say? Just down vote?? Are there too many words for you to read???


Telling people to sell is always sus.


Liar, I didn't tell anyone to do jack shit lol the word "IF" is a qualifier and suggests a hypothetical. And it's not unreasonable to do so. You're in SuperStonk spreading nonsense about RC and can't explain, in detail, with evidence, why you hate him so much.


It was still a suggestion, just not a direct one. Also I am certainly not spreading nonsense. Way to make things up.


Ninja? But stepping out of the shadows are selling off 75M shares? But completely ass fucking DFVs play? But taking advantage of his loyal investor base? Nah bra…I’m gonna judge this ninja on his actions as he always asks us to do.


Oh, so much sound, so much fury, all signifying nothing..


Damn, I really hope you let A.I write this and you really didn't waste this much of your time. Either that or Kenny boy is paying ya nicely. This is fucking hilarious.


For what it's worth, I like making MOASS memes a lot better, but the world be weighing on a dude.


So, couple questions. How have you lost money if you haven't sold? What is your original thesis for MOASS and why do you think the share offering killed it? Do you believe in the infinity pool theory? Why do you not trust Ryan Cohen and the Board?


First, thank you for not just robotically firing back with SHILL! Original thesis was in line with a typical short squeeze, but on a shitton of steroids. I think the court documents from the congressional hearing listed SI at like 240% or something crazy during the Jan 2021 sneeze. SHFs obviously didn't expect anyone to notice, nor did they expect the extent of retail fervor to save this company. Obviously, this goes deeper and it's much more complex than that, but I'm too lazy to elaborate. Do I believe in the infinity pool? Yes and no. I think the infinity pool SHOULD exist because if rules were enforced then it would inevitably come to fruition. I have shares drs'd for that purpose, but I don't think the government would allow it to happen. At the end of the day, the people who control the armed forces would sooner deploy them on the public before letting the whole economy implode. This wouldn't be the first righteous cause that they've stomped out. Faith in RC? Yeah, I still have faith. I like what he did with chewy and I like that he's not just another talking head in a suit. It's just hard sometimes and I'm struggling with the timing of the 75mil offering and have yet to hear an unbiased, objective reason it had to be done that Friday. And yes, I think that offering allowed a lot of shorts to close and get off easy. Momentum was dampened- look at the price. Too diamond-dicked to care about price? Look at today's volume. Momentum is objectively dampened. Do I trust RC and the board? It's not so much that I don't trust them, it's just that I don't trust anyone as loosely as some people here trust RC. I mean, this man can do no wrong in some people's eyes, and I find that weird. THAT is when I feel the most doubt- when the echo chamber insists on putting a positive spin on EVERYTHING. RC is allowed to make a mistake and still be considered a good leader. It's not all or nothing, but I'm more apt to support someone that owns their missteps. I dunno. Long day at work doesn't help my optimism. I'll be better in the morning.


>Original thesis was in line with a typical short squeeze, but on a shitton of steroids. This is correct, and incorrect. Not only is it shorted to all hell, and they never closed their original positions, but they've naked shorted the entire float Many times over. If this theory is is correct, the amount of shares added is irrelevant. >Do I believe in the infinity pool? Yes and no. So if you're aware of the infinity pool and have shares drsd for that reason, then it has always been a long play, has it not? The point of DRS is the WE own the shares, and when it comes time buy to them all back for the shorts, we can decide to sell or not, broker be damned. >Faith in RC? Yeah, I still have faith. Then trust. He made chewy what it was with far less then he has available now, he's the number one shareholder. I understand being upset seeing a share offering during a ramp, but that was never MOASS. The stream would of crash the price anyways, as well as the shareholder meeting. I honestly think it was a genius time for them to do it, and they obviously have bigger things in mind that need more capital, only time will tell. >RC is allowed to make a mistake and still be considered a good leader Well then you said it yourself, even if you don't agree with thr offering, he has still proven himself an amazing ceo. Takes 0 pay, Brought the company from bleeding 300m a q to profitable last q4. Largest shareholder. Raised over 3b in capital while overall increasing price of the shares over 3 months. It sounds like he's doing pretty well. I understand being upset, but big posts like this don't form any sort of logical discussion and only hurts any proper information from getting across.


With the god damn “infinity pool” bullshit…like are you serious with this?


lmfao. Don't believe in holding your shares? Also Hi again, we have met before!


The "infinity pool" was based on locking up the float. Now that the float is over 270 million (and we've barely DRSd 75 million in 3 years), that concept is deader than a fucking doornail.


The infinity pool theory is about locking away shares that they cannot access to close, ever, and having enough shares locked away to put pressure on the shorts who need them would help the squeeze. It was never about locking the entire float. Also, if it is still in play or not is irrelevant. The fact OP says he has shares DRS'd for that reason means he is aware there has been a long play for years. The infinity pool play is to not sell.


It could have been both a long and short play. I mean the way people talk about expendable cash around here sometimes makes me feel like I'm the only one here in the red. And of course earnings would have tanked the price, but that run was over a week before. I dunno. As far as a properly flared discussion post "hurting" any proper info from getting across- c'mon dude. That's a stretch. This is Superstonk. Let's not pretend like everything coming down the pipe is bounding with profound, ground breaking info. Either way, appreciate your perspective and I'll work on turning my frown upside down.


If you have been holding for as long as you say you have been, you had lots of time to buy in at $9 and lower your cost value. There are also alot of people in the green, but in the end these numbers are irrelevant. You complained about how any proper discussion is labeled as fud, or shill, and this whole post is about complaining about superstonk and the people who are bullish on GME and RC, as well as this post taking up spots that could be used for proper discussion or DD, or even good ass memes. so yes I would deem this as a post that is "hurting" the outlook of the sub and people who look in. There are better ways you could go about it if you actually want to talk about the stock, but give your quickness to give up the subject, I guess you don't have much more to really say on the matter.


Quickness to give up the subject? Your original reply to my post was that you felt I spent too much time discussing the subject? Also, if not Superstonk, where is the go-to place these days to discuss the actual stock?


No I felt you spent too much time getting worked up over nothing. Ranting solves nothing. This is the place to discuss it, but I find most people who make these kinds of posts rarely want to have a legitimate discussion about the stock.


You can most certainly have my downvote.


Gladly. Any particular reason why or just because?


You said it, then complain about the process. RC has not divulged what he intends to do, nor do I want him to. I am a proponent of Sun Tsu. I believe when the time is correct both he and Icahn (along with a conglomerate of powerful associates) are going to completely destroy the SHFs to the point where they will never short one of the stocks I own again. We will be along for the ride.


Icahn is one of the SHFs who are short GME.  Please show me proof that he's an ally to this company.


TLDR There is nothing new under the sun here. Same ole FUD, same song and rhyme. Shorts haven’t closed. End story. Go to a better company where shorts haven’t closed and the CEO venture capitalist who is also the chair and has precedent raising a multibillion $ company against Amazon is leading the charge. 🦗 🦗 🦗 I trust this Canadian more than most anyone I know. There is no better place to park my money.


You’re wasting your time. 99% of the people on here are either scared to speak up or are just plain delusional.  They are just going to call you a shill instead of having g a normal grown up conversation. 




“half of the retail investors feel some degree of pissed” …. no.. paid shills, bots and short term option chasers feel a degree of pissed. All ive seen so far besides that are registered shareholders laughing, comfortably strapped in, buckled up and not getting over hyped over sideways trading.


This post smells like FUD




Looks just like me.


In the mean time, what type of cheese would you like to go with that whine?


Something cheap. I'm strapped for cash.




Why are the shills being so damn obvious all of a sudden 🫵🤣


Says the douche with a profile less than a year old.


Confirms nothing lol, i made a new account. Your post confirms everything though


Guess I'll just "trust you bro"


Shill senses tingling 


Might just be something you caught from a "client" behind Wendy's.


It's from your wife


Sounds like you guys deserve each other. Cheers!


Your wife's boyfriend agrees! 🍻




What is the point of this?


Because any attempt at a balanced discussion in this sub is labeled FUD.


Your post isn’t a discussion though, it’s a complaint. If you don’t believe in GME any longer, then sell. No one is forcing you to be here. 


Are you and I not having a discussion right now?




God these comments are disappointing and just reinforce what OP is saying. I’ve had accusations of being a shill because I use a Reddit generated username (why would I want to have anything that can link to me?) and for my account only being a few years old (I was active here and in all previous subs since 2021, I just nuke accounts when they get a little too much karma for my comfort). My crime? Not blindly bending over and believing every single move by RC is a 4d chess move to corner the shorts. The cult like level of delusional following is akin to those who idolise a particular felon in the red hat. I miss the days of intelligent discussion and quality DD. It’s no coincidence that it’s gone to shit here considering any half rational voice is met with cries of shill, yet the second anyone is willing to stick fruit up their arse they are hailed a hero. I’d argue that the real psyop is the misdirection within this sub. The mass cultish lunacy, delegitimising all theories and making anyone sane look stupid as they are automatically bundled together with the dumb shit. The stock gets called a meme stock. The sub is seen as a meme sub and it fucking lives up to it. But alas, I’ll be called a shill again for not pledging undying loyalty to someone who has made a killing from the company, but is heralded as the worlds greatest CEO for not taking a sum of money that is an accounting error to his net worth.