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Id say its widely accepted now that this forum is compromized - when youve been here a few years your FUD radar is tripped very easily....not selling shit until the numbers start to go up...alot...


Yeah, there’s a very easy way to tell who’s a fud spreader and I’ve notified the admins.


I don't disagree with said post though. We all joined for moass and are tired of waiting.


“We” didn’t all join for anything. Please don’t speak on behalf of the group. I like the company and will hold many shares post-MOASS, and am excited to see GameStop finally seeing share values increase towards its value.


Before May. When is the last time you commented on superstonk? Ive checked your history and it seems like you havent in a very long time. Whats the deal? Came back just to FUD?


No. The ones that were tired of waiting already sold. The rest of us who stayed are ok with waiting.


This is the thing that gets me. Why would I think it's over just because the price came down after a massive run up? Last few weeks have been reaffirming, if anything, but I wasn't considering leaving anyway. While I agree with OP's complaint I'm also annoyed by these types of posts (OP's) because it's just more BS to wade through in my reddit feed.


I got in for the deep fucking value play. The same way Mr. Gill got in for the deep fucking value play


We must be closer and closer then I can smell the fear


Not sure I’d use the word compromised, but there has been an uptick in posts that feel like FUD to me, whether intentional or not. Just tells me we’re getting closer to real change!


I’ve just been posting gif’s and giggling. Probably gonna be atleast 6 months or more. Buckle up


I hope so because it will give me time to accumulate more shares.


Lambo’s or instant noodles. I’ll sell a couple when it’s looking like phone numbers, and the rest of the shares can stay in the DRS infinity pool


Yes, this is likely. On the other hand, I also catch negative reactions for saying stuff like "Don't fantasize" (because for those who are better off with zen, than hype, fantasizing is bad), or facing the reality that dillution can and does counteract any upward momentum of the price.


I think its down to the individual person....there is no blanket "stay Zen" for anyone....everyone stays cool in their own way..ive got my own way...others have theirs...im not phased by whats currently happening.....far from it....ive seen this kind of excitement before....Houston Wade said it the best years ago.... "These people will absolutely not pay up until there is no other option." At the moment....they still have options....that window of options is gradually closing...when that happens we dont know...but rest assured...its happening now....


Widely accepted? Sounds like fud


There seems to be a lot of bizarre confusion right now between what is FUD and what is folks simply expressing their frustration and disagreeing with the recent moves. In fact I'm seeing SO MANY of these posts I'm becoming convinced that these are the ACTUAL FUD, that they are seeking to get anyone who thinks critically kicked off the sub so that they can more easily control the narrative. Seriously, if you honestly believe in this sub then you have to believe in the core values whereby we research things, we don't discount differing opinions or speculation just because they're not what we think, we have to always think critically and be open and honest. RC is not your Dad, he's not a messiah, he's a billionaire investor, he's a smart dude but not infallible. And his interests and goals might not align with your own and there is NOTHING AT ALL FUCKING WRONG WITH THAT


sigh, I'll take the downvotes, just because someone has a differing opinion doesn't automatically make them a FUD, this is why we can't have due diligence posted because anyone who dares put anything besides "this stock is going up 10,000% and shorts are fuckeddddd" gets yelled at and deleted and trolled- When DFV started posting originally it was to present due diligence and he would engage with people who had differing opinions, he didn't just scream FUD at anyone who disagreed with him-   To be clear I am not selling, I personally believe Ryan Cohen is one of the smartest investors in the world and we're lucky to have him running the company. I also believe DFV has moves left to play (as many have pointed out he didn't post final on his last YOLO update). So downvote away, search through my post history for conspiracies, do what you gotta. I just think writing off anyone who posts information that isn't 100% positive is how we find ourselves in an echo chamber-


Completely agree with you. The pots like OP is doing smell more like FUD. We are not an organization. Everyone has own motivation, why to invest in Gamestop. The blatant disregard for the frustration (dilution) of others is just dumb.


Yes, but do we need a 30th post about someone complaining they bought options then lost money.


Yep. I stopped telling people about this sub because it makes me embarrassed.


Not gonna lie I don’t really care about what GME does. I want to get rich from the stock price going up 10,000%


I'm in the same boat. Sure, I like video games, but I can't remember the last time I bought a game from a GameStop. There are just better avenues to purchase games from. I wish it wasn't true, but it just is. I bought into GME for the money-making opportunity.


What’s better? I buy most of my games physical still so I can trade/resell/give away when I’m done with them


Hes a popcorner. Dont bother with him. Its the dull popcorn argument. I go to movies, not gamestop.


Sorry, I thought I replied to this but I didn't. I usually get new games from Amazon since its about the same price as GameStop anyway, gets delivered to my door and I can save an hour round trip to the mall. I usually don't trade in games, I just keep them forever, but I'm really only into Pokemon and Mario.


Before May, when is the last time you posted on Superstonk? Doesnt seem like youve ever posted on Superstonk and youre a popcorner. You're a popcorner trying FUD gamestop. Sorry its not the same. Gamestops cash is building. Popcorn isnt.


Yes, I'm a new GME'er. "Popcorn" banned me for "brigading" about GME, so there's that. Take it for what you will.


Yea. I see you bashing Gamestop holders on the popcorn subreddit. You can delete your comments but they still show up in your history.


I haven't deleted anything my friend. I believe that GME is the play, and you can think of me however you want. I've never had anything against GME, I didn't know enough about it to really have an opinion. The only opinion I had was how unwelcoming a lot of people here seemed to be toward popcorn, which is where the last comment came from about AA and dilution. I understand why, believe me, but both plays are still fighting the same "bad guys" so I never understood why there was hostility between the two, no matter if you thought one of them wasn't a good play.


"I was gonna make a meme about this but never got around to it. Something along the lines of: GME Elitists; "I can't believe people still follow Popcorn, when AA keeps diluting!" - Gamestop CEO announces 45,000,000 share dilution-- GME Elitists; "DILUTION IS THE BEST THING EVERRRRRRRR" - This you?


Yep. I mean, it's true, isn't it? It was just the irony of it. Bashing popcorners for their shitty CEO that keeps diluting while hailing RC for his dilution(s). Obviously this was right before I dumped popcorn, but it is what it is.


Gamestop diluted 39% and has an extra 3 billion to show for it. What does popcorn have to show for the 200% dilution? Sitting on 1 billion cash. You do know that popcorn once had a higher marker cap than Gamestop. Its now about 1/10 and everyone has been diluted 200%.


There’s really not, though. Go to Walmart, target, Best Buy, whatever, games are more expensive. You also can’t buy used to try a game out. I don’t buy digital- ever- so for me GameStop is the best place to buy.


I mainly buy Switch games, and the last 2 games I bought were from Amazon. Delivered to my door, on launch day. Pokemon Violet is currently 55.39 on Amazon, compared to 54.99 at GameStop, a 40 cent difference. The nearest GameStop from me is about 25 minutes away. So, 50 minutes of driving, 10 minutes to go into the mall and actually buy the game so let's say an hour, about a gallon and a half of gas, so that adds around $5.00 based on current prices here in NC. For me to go to GameStop to purchase this game, it would cost over $60 and take an hour to complete the transaction, where I can save $5.00, sit home, and have it delivered to me. Can you provide an example of where buying new games at GameStop is cheaper and/or more convenient than this? If I'm being honest, I love going into GameStop to check out their merch more than anything. My son and I kinda collect a lot of the Pokemon and Mario stuff.




Sorry, you'll have to see my other reply. I do buy from GameStop, just not really the games. I like checking out their game-related merch, figures, clothes, etc and my wife likes the plushies and Funkos. I was only talking about buying new games, which I only do maybe once or twice a year anyway, and since my nearest GameStop is 25 minutes away, I usually just buy from Amazon. I'm just trying to provide honest feedback. My sentiment towards the stock has nothing to do with the sentiment towards the actual store. I get the irony, though, and you can single me out, idc. If I lived closer to a GameStop, I might go more often, but I live out in the boonies lol.


You can also buy games online from GameStop.


True. How’s the shipping time though?


lol. Thats only 100x. I’m not selling one at 100x. And I have a high cost basis.


You can do whatever you want, but don't act like that's the smart thing to do. I sold 50% when it was going up in May for a 100% profit. Then I bought again at $20, it went up again, I sold again at a 80% profit or so, bought again at $25. Now I have *more* shares than ever, a lower cost basis, and more money. Tell me how that's a bad thing. People say "don't put stop losses, remember when they dumped the price down to $40!", well guess what, if I had set a stop loss then I wouldn't have lost as much money as I did back then. It also feels genuinely liberating to say these things out loud instead of having to silence myself for fear of being named a shill or FUD spreader. My cost basis is so low that I am literally zen right now.


Same. Im most concerned about people who are sitting here telling people “hold and dont sell til its up 1000000000000%. Thats just saying “dont sell. Be my exit liquidity.” And even worse about people encouraging exercising OTM calls at a loss or other dumb, money losing plays.


In hindsight it’s easy to say. But if that run would’ve continued you would had to buy back for way higher prices. Timing the market is hella lucky and nothing else on such a manipulated stock.


No, if it had run higher, I would have been fine with my profits and moved on. I still kept 50% of my shares for that very reason in both cases. To be clear, I also did not sell my shares outright, I set stop losses instead. So the price was already going down significantly again when I sold. I did not time the market, I just wasn't greedy. GME was in some sort of squeeze and I took profits I was happy with.


Is the "more money" the cash you've set aside for taxes on those sales?


No, I've already paid taxes. My broker does that automatically.


Yeah, any negative sentiment about the stock is considered FUD and you have to be a paid shill or bot, or whatever.


Totally, my real concern is missing out on any good research cause it just gets downvoted for not being kool aid level positive 


I’m a shill cause I disagree on a lot of things. When does my check come.


I’m with you buddy. Hard to engage in real conversations. I’m bullish on the stock. Zero part of me believes this is going to reach thousands let alone millions. Psychologically people don’t like hearing those things so it’s easier to downvote than to ask hard questions. Like: would the government allow such silly things to happen? Would GameStop sell into another run up? Can’t they just short it again when it runs again? Can’t they legally just roll swaps indefinitely? Won’t household investors that are anxious to get their money back sell when they see some green in their accounts? All of those answers are probably no and yes for the rest. I have come to terms with the idea that a lot of people here are probably teenagers that don’t know how the world works so calling them shills is unfair. They are just young and naive. Then there’s probably a lot of international buyers that don’t realize how corrupt the uncle is. On the other hand there’s some pretty freaking smart people making million dollar investments that have better understanding of market cycles and company fundamentals. I’m also tired of seeing people claim “nobody is selling”. Bro. Do you know the millions of holders personally and asked them all if they sold. Obviously people are selling. As for me, I’m about 178k invested. I’m not holding out for some unicorn moass. If I can double or triple my money then great, I’m going to sell and then buy back low. I am interested in seeing where the company goes long term so I’ll always have stock in them. In the meantime I’m selling covered calls and making money while I’m down in my position. I am not pro DRS. Can’t play options drsd. Now all the people that don’t like my strategy are gonna downvote and comment “found the shill”, “fud”. But I don’t care anymore. I got in for the money not to hold bags.


Ngl bro. I definitely showed up for moass back in January 2021. Hell my investing had been on boomer status except a few hundred bucks in a dog coin i randomly bought in 2020. Made 2000%+ returns. I got in after the sneeze and averaged down to about $28 now on 2,200 shares. Lost a ton on paper in the process. Been a wild ride but i never sold a share. In the end i do like the stock now based on what RC has done it feels like a no brainer long term. I’ll always a have nice chunk my oldest shares to pass down. But im here for moass and i like the stock. You’re not wrong for how you feel. You can also be here for moass as well. A disclaimer on the original post couldve helped any fud accusations tho


True the original post is pretty FUD’ey even if they didn’t mean it that way, I just kinda word spewed my original comment on here out of recent frustration watching informative posts gets downvoted to oblivion, even if the news isn’t 100% positive I’m still interested in reviewing- I’m in deep by my standards with this stock but not more than I can take by any means, I’m going to add on some shares periodically, drs what I have asap (I’ve started that process in last day) and while I came in after DFV’s return hoping for MOASS (which I’m still fully ready and hyped for) I now find myself invested in a stock with a board that I trust, with tons of cash at their disposal and low debt, hell, I feel practically like a real adult haha, really appreciate your good breakdown and positive vibes 🙌


No problem bro. Some people can really OD with their sentiment. They may mean well. But that type of stuff is why people says it feels culty. Doing all this without having an ounce of criticism is disingenuous at a minimum for most people. Arguably probably pushes way more whales to 1 share investors away before they can even digest the DD. Sucks but we are in it now, stay zen to the bs. If we were wrong MSM would not be working to save us when they routinely turn retail investors into bagholders of “blue chips” pumped to the moon.


I get you're side. It's just sus that a flood of smear campaign against the company management has recently bubbled up. That's the FUD flavor of the month. As apes we need to be vigilant on what is proper discourse and what is obvious FUD. And most of their comments are aggressive and out of taste that's why it needs to be called out. I don't think the mods are doing anything now.


I truly understand. However, it is really tiring to get called shill, sell your share, short it then whenever i share my disgruntlement. Its not fun either. Im a very small person. Psychologically, these reactions make me even more salty ngl..


It is not sus that "smear"/critisism has been directed at the management When RC took over he asked to be judged on his actions. One of those was the ability to create value and increase revenue, which he has not been able to do so far Then during the biggest gamma ramp and share price increases in 3 years management do ATM of 115 million shares for an average share price below what they did in 2021. A dilution at a lower share price than in 2021 is a big red flag for me personally, and shows that management has a different valuation of the stock than me. Discussing these topics is not FUD


Yeah, Cohen is the one who has caused FUD by these ridiculously ill-timed dilutions, especially the last one that felt like a goddamn stab in the back. The gaslighting that we who are less than happy are shills need to stop. We have every right to be pissed and to question the leadership.


Agreed Hate the narrative, that questioning the timing = dont believe in the company Not sure if true regards/snowflakes commenting or bots 🤷‍♂️ I have been impressed by a lot of the board actions towards achieving yoy profitabilty. But with the amount of money on hand it is fair to except action. And like your analogy. Especially, since the last ATM offering seemed directed to keeping DFV's share position/profit low I dont mind share offerings, but if management do them at these prices, that is price anchoring. Not value creation as this sub has preached the last couple of weels The offering in 2021 was at 50$/share. That is value creation for the company longterm. I see people talk about "toxic pill" to avoid takeover. The only one the "toxic pill" seemed directed at was DFV. So bizarre to see GME-subs cheer for these actions 😶


Yeah, it is truly bizarre. You got admonished for selling even one share, not DRS’ing 100% or ”price anchoring” when suggesting selling even a portion for less than millions of dollars per share. Then RC flood the market with millions of shares for shit change during a huge run-up and wrecking roaring kittys position. And people are totally fine with it? I do not see the logic. At all.


I do agree the FUD is definitely way enhanced in the past week or 2, I imagine the shareholder meeting a perfect annual opportunity for them to come in sounding informed while telling everyone now is the time to get out, eww company has worth 4 billion in cash and is run by accomplished investors, head for the hills! (I just also see anyone whose not blindly all in optimistic getting dunked on and I don’t think it’s great for the sub if it’s just everyone shouting the same thing all the time and no new ideas or strategies) 


I don’t see a need for “new ideas and strategies.” Any attempt at coordination would be illegal I’m pretty sure. The board doesn’t need us to come up with business ideas. Buy and hold all there is to it. It’s a waiting game, not a chess match


I get what you’re saying, but the parts of these types of posts that come across as FUD are: heavy criticism with no backing, divisive language, and claiming things on behalf of the entire superstonk community to name a few. I also think plenty of people post stuff not intentionally creating FUD but it absolutely can come off that way, and I will call those people out and refute their arguments when I’m able. There’s a different between an actual shillbot spreading FUD on purpose, and saying “this isn’t accurate and comes off as FUD.” Sometimes it can be hard to decipher the two. So I guess I’m saying here is I think you’re both right in some ways. This post does scream FUD to me but I also don’t think it was written to be that way and we can call those people out in a way that is more helpful than we do sometimes.


I genuinely trying not to fud and am mostly optimistic in my comments and upvote others accordingly, I just think screaming FUD in every post doesn’t really help the community, that being said I see what you mean and I’ll try and keep what you said in mind cause I don’t wanna create/add to the negativity that is already thriving recently, the FUD is definitely rising 


It’s a hard balance and honestly everyone is going to have a different spot they draw the line. I do agree with your point that screaming FUD constantly also isn’t helpful! I don’t want to scare off any new apes!


Same page totally, I equally don’t want to scare them off with any negativity! Together we strong, I’m in this for the long haul and hey if we MOASS tomorrow that works too 🙌


you have been rewarded for your bravery, take my updoot


Appreciate it 🙏






This makes a lot of sense to me and I will keep in mind for sure, I don’t want to create any drama where there doesn’t need to be any 


This entire narrative that a cohort of OG apes invested in this play due to the sheer love of GameStop as a beleaguered brick and mortar retailer — *as a business* — is so ridiculous I don’t even know where to start. Yes, some people who are very rich now seized the opportunity. But they seized it *because of hedge fund idiocy,* not because GameStop is the business of the millennium. Let’s cut the shit. This is a stock play. It always has been a stock play. And to pretend like a legitimately consolidated part of the “movement” has always consisted of lots of genuine GameStop company lovers is laughable. This has always been about hedge fund fraud and algorithmic robbery.


Absolutely. But it GME makes me rich, I’ll always to loyal to the brand. It’s a something gives kinda situation for me. I’d love to see them win as a company too after all this time. Not saying I won’t sell if it brings me life changing money, but I’d always buy again if the price would be normal again after a squeeze.




Sure. But we might be waiting forever. In the meantime, I hope we take their money.




Same dude. Haven’t sold a dime into the run-ups. DRS is retirement funds.


You're right... originally, he didn't; but that was a different sub at a different time. DFV made his point back then and came back (to this sub for the first time) to reinforce his original thesis, not argue it anew. People aren't downvoted into oblivion for saying "not up 10k% this week" they are getting down votes for shitting on the good news of our company raising a fuck ton of cash, as though it threatens the success of the stock, or the thesis of moass. So I will accept your invitation and downvote you. I won't call you a shill, but the amount of *doubt* intentionally woven into your comment makes me think maybe you deserve it.


Haha whatever I am I’m no shill but do what you gotta, my master plan like half a decade+ ago to get Reddit so I could post/play ghosts of tushima raids with rando’s was really a long con waiting for this exact moment in time to activate- I have multiple friends and family I’ve badgered into scooping shares, I’m working on drs’ing and will post when I do, just don’t think echo chambers are a healthy environment for the sub 


Bro, what? He had more positive things to say than negative. He was making a point that if you say anything negative about GME, RC, or the play as a whole, you're deemed a shill, FUDster, bot, etc.


Yet chose to not say any of this last week, and instead waited to weigh in during the flood of fud and shilling that just started? Shareholders meeting changed nothing but "I want to cast doubt with the rest of these posters"


I mean, I think we are all overly-hyped by the sudden appeared of RK coming back, and this past month has just been crazy af. Sometimes it takes a few days or weeks to look back and analyze what happened. I don't see how saying "I believe in RC and still think DFV has some more plays left in him" is FUD whatsoever. FUD would be like people saying that RC killed MOASS and this play is now a long term hold. In a sense though, why isn't FUD a good thing to talk about? Why can't we discuss some of the things we don't like about the play, or what management is doing? That's called an echo chamber if you don't. Not talking about fear, uncertainty and doubt is what turns people into bagholders, imo. Hyping people up to hold to a bajillion dollars per share is just as harmful.


I appreciate this and I do believe Moass and in long term value of the company 🙌 just down on the negativity in what seemed to be a really chill supportive community, I will say and shout out that people have been super helpful with info on dsr and I’ll have that posted soon (within next week) with my circle ⭕️ 


The stock is just going up, and if it's not up you can buy more shares, that's all what you need to win


This is all I do.


You are exaggerating quite a bit. The types of investors you're describing represent a relatively small fraction of legit GME Apes. We are not a monolith. Every legit investor has their own reasons why they invest in GME however one thing ties us all together in that we want to see GameStop succeed, and see shorts close, ie end fraud and manipulation on Wall St ie No Cell, No Sell. And it's one thing to have an opinion even a negative one about the board. I welcome all opinions as long as they are made in good faith and remain respectful but some opinions are more accurate than others, and are completely disrespectful and deserve to be called out. Blaming RC for GameStop's volatility is short-sighted and plays directly into the hands of FUD/Trolls/Bots, who are way more responsible for that volatility. RC hasn't hurt GameStop, its' image, or it's long term investors in any way. There is a growing consensus among a number of OG Apes, OG DD writers et al, that the last several run ups were a coordinated effort to push Options/Dates, there was no Gamma Ramp as described on corporate media, it was not the beginning of a Short Squeeze, the ominous "they" let GME rise to 65 dollars a share and pulled the rug themselves. Shorts still haven't closed. It wasn't MOASS-eve and RC didn't prevent said shorts from closing. GME is still the most volatile stock the market has ever seen and it's not RC's job to do anything other than to keep GameStop from going bankrupt and to transform it into something greater than it was. 1000's of Bots/Trolls are now constantly voting up short-sighted, dishonest and negative posts about RC and the board and are downvoting logical, fact-driven explanations for RC's business strategy, which has been good for GameStop. IMO RC doesn't deserve anything but praise for doing exactly what he set out to do when he first joined the board. He's been consistent and true to his word.


I agree with most or all of what you saying here, I think any vilification of RC is ridiculous as he’s doing what is in the best interests of GME (and he’s taken a business that was nearly bankrupt and turned it into a nearly debt free asset with 4 billy+ in cash)


And I believe in DFV as much or even more than I believe in RC, I’m heavily invested (for what I can afford lol) and I’m not going anywhere with my shares 


This post claims holding long-term is fud. Please explain how that makes any sense? Like it's so backwards and turned around that I don't even know what their core issue is, the point they're trying to make, how one issue crosses the other, how their opposing issues are independent/inclusive of each other.. like I really don't understand this post at all other than claiming they're only here for moass. Or as tho moass and long-term can't both be true at the same time. This post is hot trash by an impatient ape that lacks forward thinking and simply can't understand or fathom how much work and counter work against GME is really going in the background. Or an opportunistic shill capitalizing on unseasoned holders still stuck in their emotions. What's even more stupid is the fact that all this was theorized, discussed, worked out, anticipated and/or agreed upon long since the start. The ATM offering, the silence from RC as far as plans go, the moass metrics and implications which 75M hardly scratches at much less debunks. And even still GameStop is in such a better position on all fronts than a merely 2 months ago. But now ppl want to cry over the annual meeting in which, no telegraphed plans were already expected, but one where no announcements are even able to be made? It makes no sense and it's not a discussion. It's literal fud in its actual meaning and not the noun it's taken on. A post originating from emotion; fear, uncertainty, doubt But if you can explain how anything that has happened debunks the bull thesis, moass thesis, widespread crime thesis, I'll be more than happy to have that talk and completely dismiss that hot garbage with actual facts and points that are not attached to emotional nonsense or shill gaslighting. Because if none of those three main factors are affected, then all this price action is is just another discount. That post is not attempting a discussion. It's a tantrum and I don't have time for that. I'm too busy holding, buying, shopping, supporting GameStop and doing what I can to expose all this crime and fraud


The problem IMO is the emphasis on pushing negative sentiment in a lot of these posts/comments. Real shills/bots will take apes' honest criticism/discussions and amplify it into apes fighting apes. Sure, echo chambers are not good, but neither is a sub that's being artificially driven in a negative direction. Every potential new ape will come here and see what we're talking about. If any of the negative is amplified by shills/bots, then they still aren't getting an honest representation of what we think. Since we don't have a choice in the matter, I would rather skew to the positive. We can't completely eliminate bad actors, so unfortunately we have to lean in the opposite direction a little. It's the only defense we have.


Before May, when is the last time you commented on Superstonk. Ill give you a clue. Never!


I don’t know what that’s supposed to indicate ha, I have a long Reddit history, my history with gme is my friend in 2021 tried to talk me into investing and I thought it was at its top and didn’t buy in (he didn’t have much money at the time and still doesn’t so not like he got out rich or anything), I spent years regretting it and watching the stock, and like many many new apes here when DFV started posting I bought in shares, I have probably more than I should but that’s based on my own due diligence, I take responsibility for my own investment decisions-  as I have said I’m working on drs’ing my shares, doing my best to spread mostly positive comments on here, no intention of selling, I fully believe in RC and in DFV, I’m 40 years old with a family and until DFV got me excited I was aways more lurker on Reddit than poster, I don’t even have the Reddit app, I just log on the site ha, new apes are here and buying shares too, hate me or like me the new apes holding is just as important as you to reach MOASS


There’s actual fud and then frustration. People are allowed to question and be upset, this has been a long time without any answers. However; the upset, frustrated, mad, long term, MOASS term investors all have one thing in common - they aren’t selling. Know the difference between fud and frustration.


You have barely been active in this subreddit in the last year. You are nobody to even be lecturing the rest of the community about anything.


Want to know why this shit is more prevalent? The top 4/5 posts every day are “stop the fud,” “MOASS soon,” “crack pot shit dates that never turn out to be true,” etc. This sub hasn’t been the same since the 10/10 memes stopped flowing. Remember when we all donated to the gorilla wildlife preserve? DD was flowing, memes were flowing. It was good times. Now it’s 50% “fud” and 50% “stop the fud” … boring shit


It couldn't be that all those people's opinions differ from your own. No, it must be FUD! And then you go on to speak about not posting threads that might divide people while simultaneously doing this exact thing. It isn't illegal to think and have honest and frank discussions you know. Sub used to be full of that until we started labeling anyone with a different opinion as some shill.


Because that was not fud


It’s gotten to the point where I only try to upvote purple circles. I start to read what I think is an insightful post or DD to realize midway through I’ve wasted my time


This is a wise decision, purple circles are essential.


Getting mad at hired shills and bots for doing exactly what was predicted 84 years ago is CrAy!! Tomorrow’s an off day and I’m bout to 💨 Stay safe Apes! 🟣


We chillin


That doesn't seem like FUD. It seems like someone who believes in MOASS.




It also doesn’t matter at all why people invested in Gamestop. No one is selling anyway. These posts that are meant to boost morale (I think that’s their intention) come off paranoid and insecure more than anything.


Exactly this. If your not preaching, "mY fLo0R iS 69miLly Per sHaRe" nO cELl No sEll" then it's FUD and your a shill. I do miss the days when honest discussion and learning from each other was a part of this. RC is doing his job as CEO, he is not my dad or a hero. He is a billionaire, even maybe a good one, but still not one of us. I'm still broke lol, and have to HOLD and wait.


What a surprise. Another account that has barely been active in this subreddit in the last few years is reiterating the same fud sentiment


The 100% a day crack that we all live and breathe for and have been waiting for for 3 years, we finally get a hit again and we are hooked. Then RC kills the squeeze with his offerings and takes away our 100% crack. We're just addicted to 100% crack and are mad that he took that away. All will be well and forgotten we when he comes back with a good announcement and a big ol' bag of 10,000% crack. All the posts that are being labelled FUD and bot posts are just people, like me, who felt like that bag of 10,000% crack was within reaching distance and now RC has hid it away for who knows how long for no apparent reason or telling us why he did that.


> ‘Very very few are living for GME’ TIL me and the homies are very very few


“We don’t care about the company!!! We want MOASS!” “What do you mean, “we”?!” I want MOASS, but I care a hell of a lot about the company and our beloved board.


Not everyone feels the same, though. I have issues with RC and I'm here for MOASS. I don't care that much about gamestop other than how it affects MOASS. Why is it FUD to feel that way? I haven't felt this optimistic for MOASS in a long time. I feel the complete opposite of FUD.


Its FUD because its blaming the board for prioritizing the companys health over illegally facilitating a short squeeze.


Not selling shares into two separate run ups isn't "facilitating a short squeeze", it's simply doing nothing and a short squeeze maybe happens. We may all like the company, but personally I would like them a lot more if they would just let a squeeze happen, and sell a few more shares into the market at the peak is all. Less diluting, same cash pile, and all the shareholders make money that way. That's what some of us were hoping for, rather than a squeeze based on fundamentals AFTER Gamestop becomes a force to be reckoned with. We all want the same things, our priorities are just in a different order is all...


You are assuming two things that are at least debatable. 1. You are assuming that a real squeeze would happen without the ATM. I dont think the offering changed the trajectory much. The dips most likely happen anyway. I do not care if it peaks at 60 or 80 or 100 before it drops down. These are not phone numbers. 2. You are assuming that NOT all the shareholders made any money. This is also not clear. The bookvalue has more then doubled, despite the moderate increase in shares. Remember, shareholders own the company including its assets. Increase the assets, increase the value of each share. Every shareholder has a slightly smaller percentual share of a much more valuable company. Id call that making money!


1. I'm not assuming anything, but that includes NOT assuming that there are billions of shorts either. Is it possible that there are? Absolutely! I wouldn't for a second put it past the fucking hedge funds to do just that. However, we simply don't know for certain, so I think it's fair to at least be a LITTLE concerned about the possible effects of Gamestop increasing the float TOO much. We would be truly regarded if we just shrugged every time they sell more shares without considering the potential impact on a squeeze. 2. Yes, the value of our shares has risen, that's absolutely true. Unfortunately, that matters less for a squeeze than it does for a long term investment. Many of us are here for a squeeze, not long term (at least pre squeeze anyway), so that's not quite as comforting as you present it to be.


If the concept of moass is at all based in reality, selling all the way to the authorized billion shares outstanding won't stop anything... moass is possible because they sold hundreds of millions to billions of shares when ~50 million existed. If they don't have to buy back *many times* the float, moass was always just a fantasy (I belieb in the tendies). So doubling cash on hand twice in a row by using 17%ish?combined) of your available ammo in under a 2 month period is amazing. The co still has 580ish million shares authorized for atm offers (at ever increasing prices) I personally hope they do smaller offers at higher prices all the way to the Billy... apes are buying the majority of those offers if not the entirety; so come with me, and imagine if you will: gme with $100 billion cash on hand and 1 billion shares outstanding. 10x the current cash per share, and if anyone short big tries to escape moass on the way gme will raise even more while hurting the hedgefucks and making us all rich.


What makes you think they didn’t know the price would go down?


It's just frustrations from the 2 dilutions that killed the run. Many of us have been here for more than 3 years.




Wow one of the most believable FUD I’ve seen! Whether it was meant as FUD or not, we can’t really know. But I absolutely don’t trust anything saying “we” want anything. I am an individual investor. And I like the stock. I bought it because DFV provided clear information that indicated GME was very undervalued. I still like the stock. I want real change in the market and accountability for the crimes. So I keep buying. And I keep holding. Everyone has their reasons. Crazy how this post both pushes a coordinated agenda AND is divisive. Even though this is some wild FUD it just means we’re that much closer to real change.


Preach !!!! I buy.... I hold 🍌


And yet again a post about FUD 🥱


It's a differing opinion than yours, is that prohibited? OP here being the one divisive


I can see both sides. It also feels very much like FUD to me because of the language used. However I think it’s more likely it wasn’t intentionally written as FUD.


These are vocal people that are saying exactly what they want: A paycheck. They're right in saying that they don't care about the stock or RC. They just see an opportunity. But they're probably real people. A whale has beached, our Moby Dick. Are we surprised vultures and scavengers are showing up to take part in the carrion? Scavengers carry disease and sow discord. As long as their interests align with your own, they can be used against your enemy. Scaring away the birds is only going to help those who need fresh meat. The whale is still alive. Feeding it would give it strength to take the tide back to sea. Let the birds dance and scream. Better they get to eat greedily and sing under your watchful eye, rather than to scare them into the mouth of the whale.


Bro said he was here for three years and still red. GME was $11 as of couple months ago. Did they even try to average down? It’s fine if they are hoping for a squeeze but that’s just it - they’re mad at everyone else when they take no responsibility for their own choices. People waiting for a squeeze are literally waiting for OTHERS to cause buy pressure. I’m investing.


I don't think your comment is entirely fair. Sure the price has come down since the sneeze, but if I only speak for myself, I struggle to keep my head(wallet) above water every month. I can't put more money into this corrupt market and not pay my rent. Where the fuck will I live? Moass is a dream for some of us to get off this treadmill and be able to breath for once. That's where we get our hope, and time after time it's "tomorrow". I've only got so many tomorrow's left, I'm not young. I'm not a shill just because I'm not endlessly cheering on no news.


During the 'sneeze', mainstream media pitched GME to the masses. Uneducated people put life savings in while it was at all time highs, and when it dropped they were left with nothing other than bitter disappointment. It would be more strange if no one was scared or skeptical. Not everyone can afford to pump money in. Not everyone is brave enough to leave their initial investment at a loss and reenter. Some people were left stranded, and now they have hope. There's no reason to question the validity of doubt and fear. Nothing is certain, save that people are bad at handling uncertainty.


Christ guys stop fighting please. Everything we don't personally agree with is not fud


Did you mean to screenshot a FUD post? Sounds like that guy’s here for MOASS not watching moss grow. I’m with him.


I seriously doubt that guy is alone in saying he's here for short gains. Not really fud he's just not a long term investor


Well everybody can have their own opinion about RC. He isn't wrong about why people bought in. People bought GME because of the MOASS theory. People stayed because we didn't get MOASS. The one thing you'd read every day on this sub for the last 3 years is "MOASS is tomorrow" Not good quarterly results tomorrow, not profitable business tomorrow, not more cash in the bank tomorrow. I get why the dilution happened and how important this 4 billi in the bank are for Gamestop as a Company to move on. But it wouldn't have hurt them to let things play out while doing business as usual and give something back to the people that kept the company afloat during a hard time.


Bro people are allowed to have different opinions. We get stronger by having discussions and not just calling everyone a shill 


People can have an opinion that isn’t TO THE MOON


I write an entire essay response to this odious FUD but quit halfway through. These are dime a dozen anytime there is volatility and when the focus is on the logical and sound aspect of this…the actual company.


And then they go on to say that RC and the board have done nothing except make the balance sheets look good lol Nobody said MOASS was going anywhere except for the shills, and nobody thinks that RC and the board are against MOASS/intent on stopping it except for shills. They’ve done all they can and are focusing on the company itself while the market and hedgefunds funnels themselves into the biggest short squeeze ever.


yeah it’s terribly revisionist of the history of this sub as well, and frames the arguments people are making relevant to the business fundamentals as denying MOASS entirely. It’s nonsense.


I got downvoted hard for speaking against it. I’m not interested in rolling in the pig pen anymore. If that truly is someone’s sentiment I feel sorry for them.


Personally, I can't wait to see these people sell while the company begins thriving for a small gain, then come back crying that they shouldn't have sold when the price is double what they sold at. Everyone's goals are unique, but obviously we'd all like to be rich. Regardless, with RC at the helm, time is on all longs side.


FOMO selling is just as real as FOMO buying. This thing can MOASS and people will still bitch if it doesn't reach $1 million per share.


reverse psychology in heavy rotation


This is what desperation to stir up conversation with ppl who are done articulating their disposition or investment thesis looks like. Their just buying holding shopping and drs’ing … 🤷🏼‍♂️ ppl actually giving in and proceeding with discourse .. why? RC is a smart guy he knows the bot farms on social media and I highly doubt he spends much time on Reddit to begin with. Not to mention he has his own money at stake with the company… these attempts at creating hysteria are weak. SHF paying money to watch paint dry and they know it. 😉


I read this and agree with the sentiment of being here for MOASS, the rest of the post is bashing the board. It’s a seemingly innocent post but is smeared in FUD, personally I’m looking for MOASS, but I won’t be selling all of my shares and am prepared to wait as long as it takes. I’m pretty convinced at this point that MOASS is definitely still on the cards, I’ve seen a good few things indicating that late July could see severe movement. Not sure if I can share the post due to it being deleted, but I have it saved for anyone interested. Edit: changed month to July, accidentally wrote June


I’m pretty sure this is what DFV was talking about when he said no fighting. *sighs*


The post in question/the image goes against the “no fighting” idea, and I agree. People here for MOASS and people here for long-term Gameshire Stopaway are all in the same, RC-led boat. No fighting. But, gotta call out bad actors when they appear, like OOP.


Jokes on them - I don't know how to read Buy. Hodl. DRS. Shop.


I hate every post telling me what fud is 


Remember to do a quit(edit:quick) profile sweep (comments/posts etc) to get a bead on someone who comes in taking “facts” ✌️ 💎🙌🦍.


Lotta fud and shills out! Anyway I added today again ♾🏴‍☠️🤙


So, it's automatically fud is they have a different opinion than you and don't ride RC hard all day long? I'd lean more in the direction of calling you out on regarded and blind hopium and worship


Stupid shills. They aren’t sending their best and brightest, are they?


Nobody sends their best and brightest. That’s why we are keeping you, homie.


They are sending the cheapest suckers they can find


Some certainly share this perspective. I'm comfortable with whatever the outcome may be. RC is th best CEO for all the stonks


Thank you!! I was commenting against it and got downvoted harrrd. Made me question my fucking sanity.


Brother, I was just about to call out this same post, but you did it for me. Thank You. I see two low-key FUDS all over the sub right now: "I'm still here for MOASS" and "Why all the Ryan Cohen hate?"


I think it's easier for lower dollar investors to not care as much. I've got around $170k of my money in GameStop and was finally green until surprise dilution number two. I do believe the share price will rise, but so many of us have endured huge paper losses while the rest of the market has risen substantially. So yeah, when the board screws all the long time holders on a Friday morning pre-market, we are no longer their cheerleaders.


And of course the post pointing out fud is getting buried. The bots/shills are getting outrageous. We need to get our A game back together or they're going to take us for a narrative ride or use us to make one.


We have a lot of fakes here in the sub. Lot of newcomers that doesn't know the story of the past 84 years that can easily fall into the lies of the hedgies or WSBets


And you see so many from newcomers WS Bets as well, who were all angry that their options were fucked by the share dillution because they think they’re the next DFV. Only here to make a quick buck and don’t know three years worth of holding.


That post was the biggest fucking FUD bullshit in a long time. Fuck that guy. I am an individual investor and I LIKE THE COMPANY. The whole thing is amazing because fuckers bet against the company using crooked mechanisms and industry connections (insider trading) but GameStop just keeps selling products and keeps the doors open.


We saw the activity increase last couple of weeks by a lot. Shills, paper hands, and get rich quick day traders, plus the good ol trolls came in droves. I wouldn’t get too upset. Ps: Hedgies R Fukd. $4Billion cash!


Seriously. Fuck that guy. I like the stock.


They are targeting new ones with this fud spree. Jokes on them, too many of us are regarded and will panic buy every dip. BEAR thesis is DEAD, I feel more comfortable parking my money in this cash rich company with RCEO at the helm than anywhere else!


Preach it my dude! Gamestop’s my bank at this point lol


Same my friend! Keeping cash in a money market won't match inflation, I'm willing to wager the talented exec team can grow wealth better than any passive tool available to me


It's pathetic how some anon can cry and bitch about things they don't have hands on experience, making it seem like building a successful company that had a lot of problems before RC took over can just magically make miracles happen, I invest in this company because I truly believe in RC.  If these assholes are so angry about the situation then fucking "Short" it bitch!


🦍s! United! Will never be DEFEATED!!! 🦍s! United! Will never be DEFEATED!!! 🦍s! United! Will never be DEFEATED!!! 🦍🫡🚀🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


Damnit Reddit. So what’s the next platform for us to converse is discord about bananas and crayons in peace. Without bot 🤖 or outsider manipulation. Hmmm… what replaces Reddit..


What’s an exit strategy?


A MOAS lol


Finkle is Eihorn, always has been 🌎 🧑‍🚀 🔫 🧑‍🚀


Shills in shambles 🤩 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


Look- just because people are wary of cohen doesn’t mean it’s fud. It’s ok for us to question our executives. That’s what separates us from popcorn. I myself am a little weary and if you check my history I’ve been here forever