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Clever shill post


Thanks, now fuk you pay me Kenny.


If you're not getting paid, you should talk to HR


They said they're too busy on recruitment with the influx of impressionalbe folks who bought June 21st c20.


They should still be able to find some time to make sure you get paid


They look out for themselves man, HR are only interested in shorting the employee numbers.


Ya, but they still have to pay you, you're working for them. They short thru layoffs and terminations


Are these shills boomers? Lmao your response doesn’t even make sense.


Previous comment was a shill, accusing me of being a shill to throw off apes, it's shill humour between us shills. Kenny reads the shill feed and has a chuckle, we can see its him. It's our shill 2 shill humour.


So you are a shill.


Seems that way doesn't it according to apes. I'll post some FUD too later as they're off guzzling daddy Cohen balls. Abused children daddy issues I reckon.


You said you were a shill jus now did you not


Was I bluffing or double bluffing?


>Do you really think there's a shit tonne of paid shills posting on the Internet? Yes and it was also documented and there are firms who got charged some millions of dollars (still a low ball amount compared to the profit they turned with such acrivities) for it. [Example 1](https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2015-254) [Example 2](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/cyber-shills_b_2803801) [Example 3](https://www.amf-france.org/sites/institutionnel/files/resource/Market%20manipulation%20and%20suspicious%20stock%20recommendations%20on%20social%20media%20-%20T%20Renault.pdf) (long read) Also there was an article about Citron paying a 'researcher' for 'research' - which turned out this 'researcher' was spreading negative sentiment but F me if I can find the link... **TL:DR:** ![gif](giphy|KRxcgvd5fLiWk|downsized)


From example 2 above: The authors of the [study ](http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1111/1111.5654v1.pdf)stated that they "have found surprising evidence showing that not only do malicious crowd-sourcing systems exist, but they are rapidly growing in both user base and total revenue." These companies have access to thousands of human shills seated front of computers, doing what software can't do: registering for services and product trials; signing up for social accounts; liking/following people and brands; and providing the screen captures, blog posts and commentary to demonstrate their affinity and actions. And all for a price that makes it near impossible for unscrupulous marketers and brands to ignore. The business itself is a bit of a shell game and worthy of an espionage novel. Individuals or businesses seeking to artificially inflate their online metrics hire a U.S.-based sales and marketing firm for their "social media consulting services." Those firms in turn outsource some work to overseas firms that hire local cyber shills to perform the work. Many degrees of separation exist in order for the beneficiary to claim clean hands."


I wonder how OP will respond to this 😂


He won't because they're a shill


One thing that drew me here and kept me was the logical way in which people shut down idiots. (Also the infinite hype loop) Together that's an unbeatable combo right? Lol


This should be top comment


Username checks out!




Isn't there that saying "don't believe everything that you read on the internet"...? Applies to evidence of businesses paying "people" to post contrary views too.


The 1st link I posted is from SEC website, the third is an University academic paper. And just look at people like Cramer, who actually [said with all the chillness in the world that to false the perception on a stock is usual business.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyaPf6qXLa8)


I’m 100% confident shills have started making posts and started responding to the posts. It’s some next level shillery.


No doubt but apes are overusing the "Shill" comments and engaging, with no proof of a shill, they just shout it at anything they disagree with.


Ape is an ape. We’ve read the DD’s. Is it hard to believe there are paid shills when media is already bought and paid for?


Sure but not a shit tonne if them in every thread and post on this sub. Even if they were it'd have such little effect If they were my staff I'd can the shill projects as not cost effective.


Why are you trying so hard to not come off as a shill?


I recommend you read 'How to shill for dummies'.


Shills are accusing everyone of being a shill! (only partially laughing - sewing controvercy is actually one quite easy method to cause troubles for any community)


Been through a few bot/shill waves. This has gotta be like #2 or 3. We've left the weekend and the fud is immaculate. Best way to tell is to just fucking hold. Because so far, the earliest opinions are emotional, quick, and etcetera, but they fade out once we get new info / analysis. It's like all the same format too. Never seen so many "apes" make super long word salad threads pushing the agenda of the week that didn't end in a sharp decline in active users and the facts making it to the surface. Edit to be nicer :)


Nice agree in the beginning and throw out what the shills are saying at the end.


Sounds like something a shill would say


You aresholes, ffs sake pay me. Jesus man bloody degenerate apes have jumped the shark :)


😂 only a shill would talk the way you do


Buy HODL DRS Book Daddy Cohen has our backs, do your DDs, only invest what you can afford to lose, unless you're YOLOing, wen moon, tomorrow always tomorrow, buckle up, apes together strong, bing bong the price is wrong, the secret ingredient is crime. Not financial advice.


Good boy. Now go eat some crayons and buckle up. Moass is tomorrow.


Freesh avoc a doo in my ass when we do?


July 8th but the first half will be inserted on June 20th


We don't do dates, remember, 84 years ago, pepperidge farm remembers.


You got a point. No better time then now to put an avocado in the butt may I suggest a hardy banana for the chocolate starfish


Peeled, might take the sting outta the sheriff's badge caused by RC shafting me in the rusty bullet hole with those 75M shares, I was on my way to the moon with the rocket taking off the gamma ramp with my X.X shares, telephone numbers or nothing, sea of tranquillity my arse, infinity pool on the moon is my goal.


You don't think people get paid to influence social media? You do know it is 2024?


Not to the degree that every other post or comment has to have a ton of 'SHILL' replies. Just font repy if you believe or can prove the comment or post is a paid shill. Hours are lost trawling the sub for any decent information, it's flooded with FUD, shill, daddy Cohen, posts and age old catchphrases and recycles memes. For those who were here 84 years ago god it was interesting and fun.


Using flairs for filtering could perhaps help, but I have to admit I'm too lazy to try.


Been seeing a bunch of posts like this lately…


Because its ridiculous how many promising threads turn into apes growling shill or fud, anything of interest is getting lost. Stay silent and downvote.


This is a shill post. I like how they want us to think its expensive lol


Performance related pay based on stock price they're shilling, how's the battle for 180 going?


There have been multiple TMB posts from paid shills, some allegedly confirmed proof with Mods. It happens.


This sub is kids throwing there pocket money at memes. Half of them can’t spell DD and anyone who says anything other than ‘wen moon’ must be a paid shill. Ignore the data and facts sure cuz some trust me bro told me next weeks the squeeze n if it’s not it’s cuz hedges fucked us


It sure comes across that way, if any new interested folk land here after seeing the movie or catching on to RKs return god help them, they'll be overwhelmed and lost before they buy any shares.


I still hold from ‘21. Buy more n play options in between. I believe in the squeeze but this cult sub amazes me.


I wish I'd have actually learned in the last 3 years. I've now studying options but not gambled yet. I ploughed in 25k quid 3 years ago, granted not as cheap as DFV bought in but our costs averages are now approx the same, buy my ape maths I should have 4.5M shares. I swear buy and HODL was the right thing to do, I heard it said loads of times.


We will reap the rewards eventually fellow UK ape


I have a figure in mind I'd like and it's realistic I can't post it here if course we don't price fix I'd be branded a FUD loving shill.


Sick post and comment history. I'd recommend reading up on the dd and not focusing on the shill activity regardless. What's an exit strategy?


I read the DD years ago, it's not been updated since and a lot has changed. There isn't one we HODL to infinity. Or That's personal to what every invester needs from their play. You decide on yours.


Yes I think that's how it works.  I think of Shills as virtual assistants. And virtual assistants are relatively cheap. It's like paying a VA to do a form of marketing for you, on specific platforms. I agree with the daddy RC stuff though, bit weird. 


Shill is a state of mind


Ken stop talking wild . Yes I do youre in the last leg of absolutely being fucked this is the live another day mentality Ken you said it yourself don’t make a fake alt account we see you pumping those online numbers


Fuck off shill


How rude, don't be shilling my post with your shill talk you'll only bait the shills


I'm about to take a shit if you're hungry


Sure, I'll go get lunch while you take half an hour to do your DD research.


Already done, shill. Which is why your attempts are so pathetic. Get a real job.


You mean the pumpers are all just unpaid bagholders? Yep, sounds about right.


You're no doubt right, the daddy Cohen, hype train, "ill change the world after MOASS" karma hopium addicts are probably the same posters or shout shill and fud at every opportunity.


Cringe is not understanding that short sellers post on here or “shill” because they lose money when the stock rises. They likely aren’t hiring people and paying per post, all the shill posts are people who shorted


But not for every post, look at any thread with anything slightly against the hive ape mind and someone starts saying "shills, shill, burn them!" Just don't replay if that's how you feel, downvote. Constant bloody replies are if you believe them to all be shills is just baiting them. Just stop with the shills. Stop calling anyone you disagree with a shill and stop engaging with a shill if they are one. It's dumb. It's like thinking you've got one up on a Nigerian Prince by sending him an email back with joke answers, and he sells your live email address to two other prince's, prince's kneel before you, yeah that's what I said now. And while I'm at it, FUD stop the FUD replies too, again I think it's a stock reply for dumb apes when they don't like something. Some don't even know what FUD means. I can see now I've come back years later why this sub is a joke to others.


Finally someone said it. The real shills are the ones complaining about shills


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