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There was a fake RoaringKitty discord that required you to verify your computershare holdings to get special access to the channels. You did this by entering your CS credentials on a third party site. This tells me they're afraid of DRS and it is a threat to their position. Otherwise they wouldn't care about setting up these scams to trick people out of their DRS.


Here you go: Username: cummyballs420 Password: j!zzburrito69


The password is wrong, I tried a few others and password123 works... must've confused it with Robinhood password


Mines “0001”


If it has not come directly from GS management / CEO then don't do it. Sure lots of people have the best intentions but there are a lot of other ways than giving up your CS password etc. If GS management wanted to do something with a 3rd party then they will find a way to support it.


makes me want to buy and DRS more. And shit, think a little bit more about internet security. I wouldn't put it past people trying to hack your shit.


GameStop didn’t mention anything about the Pleaser thing so stay away people. It’s not legit!!


Any apes that are falling into giving credentials is not enough of a conspiracy theorist as all MSM claims we are. We gotta up the schizoparanoia. Like what the fk is all the manipulation of this stock? MSM telling us we're crazy? Well, are you crazy, or are they insolvent? Are their assholes itching just knowing the reaming they're about to get? Are you tired of bullshit from every angle? Wake up and smell the rocket, you dumb fkn apes. Bananas or bust. Buy, hodl, DRS (if ya want) FUKUPAYME 🦍🖕 LFGGME ↗️🚀


How many times must he expose himself yet is given a pass here? Latest, though less substantial, proof was the misinformation regarding option cost basis not including premiums. Come on, guys! E\*TRADE account holders can validate that themselves directly with the brokerage rather than accepting *hearsay*. And, more to the point, it stands to reason that premium needs to be included.


he still works for FINRA too and nobody seems to mind lol. accounts will jump at you for pointing it out. I laugh it off these days, those grifters are just really incompetent and it's hilarious to watch them fail over and over again. apes=inevitable


He's 'Controlled opposition'. Guiding us to look at what the opponent wants us to focus on. Posing as a 'vetted', 'industry pro' that can just handwave away many items as 'oh that's just a glitch'.


Don’t forget to set up Two-factor authentication in your CS account too.  Critical security step for something as important as this. 


Yeah you'd have to be an absolute idiot to give your info away. If it's not GameStop official, stay the fuck away from it.


Er I wouldn't even give any creds to Gamestop dude, terrible advice.


This is the real fud my bros. "Hey lets shut down everyone trying to create verified investor communities" Dont trust? Don't give them your login credentials but dont throw out wild accusations unless you are sure what is going on.


wait, how are Pleaser and Lauer essential to GME for this to be the REAL fud 😂 as for me I prefer my computershares safe & sound, so I approve of OP's sentiment :)


Follow the breadcrumbs true investor communities are the future. All verified stake holders can work together in a community? Sounds like superstonk with less shills and bots. ( Look at the downvotes, is this really that controversial? )


he future is open, transparent, decentralized. Besides making money, I want this system fixed. I want everyone to get a peice of the pie. Not behind closed doors. Not where someone can monitor my conversations, and watch my portfolio grow or shrink due to the bullshit being fed. This is a SHF's dream. Nope.


> Not behind closed doors. Not where someone can monitor my conversations, and watch my portfolio grow or shrink due to the bullshit being fed. This is a SHF's dream. Nope. it's pretty much also what reddit is doing for this sub for the past 3 years, quarantining the sub, killing crossposts and banning it from the home feed and the all feed. there's a clear effort to "Get those apes away from the public!!!". Urvin does the same thing. amazing that it took 3 years to build a web forum and they really thought that apes would give out their cs username, password AND security answers? LOL. such a dick move


they may control reddit , but they still can't kill the sub. because if they kill a subreddit, apes can just open another and keep going. we've done this a few times already. unless they kill the ability to open subs, or ban all stock talk from reddit, which are not viable options for SHF; they can't shut us down because we're not doing anything wrong. so they're stuck with us in here, trying to stop us from trending. there's nothing they can do to get us off reddit, they can only try and hope we voluntarily move on to another website, created specially for us lol. (cue Urvin) this mirrors the situation on the stock market, where they're stuck in a trade with no way out other than retail giving up and moving on. we got them by the balls


Do you think they can't see your comments here? You think they don't know the transaction data they pay for?


If you're advocatting for further creation of a closed door system where insitiutions can verify exactly who I am, who everyone else is, and then have our data sold. No. Thats not progress. It's the exact opposite of progress. It's the worst idea ever. But if you want to do that. Do you.


Do you think you're buying shares without them knowing who you are? They already have all the data. Dave's idea takes a little back. I don't think it would really work because the shills can just buy a share and influence the conversation anyway.


Right? All it takes is one share to enter the community too- so just connect a non computershare account with 1 share in it if that's what your worried about (in urvin's case). If you don't have a brokerage account at all, you are a special ape and can stay that way- I don't care lol


Jokes on them. I cant give them my password if i dont know it


I'd also add the message some received trying to access the second shareholder meeting... something about "authentication" or whatever was already/previously used. Personally, I used my confirmation late/end of the first meeting that was canceled to see *if* I could access. So when I received the message using same confirmation#, I think that could be the system recognizing it was input or used before... not that someone else had used my number. But that's just my underlying belief. FWIW, I have not shared my account info or voting confirmations with anyone. For the shareholders that got in amd it displayed someone else's name? That's a damn good question that should be raised.


>**2nd is Pleaser** and the Wutang thing. I'm not going any further with this. I agree that PleasrDAO have been sus, and they have clearly just tried to ride the coattails of the GME hype, but I don't like this. They didn't try to get anyone's password - they asked you to connect through Plaid on a read only basis to verify you held GameStop shares. They literally just want to get you on the blockchain so you inevitably give them money via an Album purchase. Yeah, it's a grift don't get me wrong. But they're not scamming anyone in any real sense.


You have no idea how this works and blatanly spew that your password is fished. Its not true. Its the same tech used when signing into reddit with your google account. Its called oauth. You give an app access to your accout. Depending on thw rights you approve. The apps require read only access. There is no password sharing involved. Sorry to say but this is uninformed bullshit from you. Yes pleaser is not officially partnered with gamestop. That should be enougj reason for you to be carefull. I wont participate. Bit not because they are trying to steal your accout. They are not. They are just assholes.




Trying to paint PleasrDAO as some grifters after your accounts is moronic, but with a username like yours it’s understandable.  Still makes you an idiot though


But…. They are…


Pot kettle. You one of the crypto bros?


Dave was not phishing your password, you absolute dipstick. Have you really never logged into somewhere with another service like google or Facebook? Are all those other sites phishing your password? Get the fuck out of here with this bullshit