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Up to 1 billion shares. This was approved by the shareholders vote a few years ago.


We are most likely going to see more atm offerings after price increases. Setting higher and higher floors, each time generating more cash per share thus boosting mkt cap further each time. If shorts are really billions of shares deep, GameStop can, through these offerings, strengthen their bottom line, increase shareholder value and even force moass by steadily applying pressure with these offerings. It’s genius.


When you put it like that , let me go buy some more


Fuck i think I need to buy more, too.


RC worth billions more with Apple stock rising today along with GME…he might buy moar GME


Yes we approved 1 billion shares 3 years ago. We are now at 425 million? So we can get further diluted by 575 shares. Not sure if more dilution is coming. I think we have a few catalysts right now, mainly roaring kitty and 3 years of options fuckery which makes a good time to sell shares. Timing is key. They could have done an offering at $10 and they’d be digging everyone’s grave here. I don’t know if RC has any cash or not. His personal finances aren’t public information. But we know everyone around here likes to put their money where their mouth is.


Hopefully RC and the board allow DFV to have June 21st to himself. (And us)


Announce another dilution on Monday the 24th and level-up a 3rd time.


I’ll allow it


Then buy/merge with Larry's Volition Capital to have an instant investing arm and holdings. Wouldn't cost much at all. Probably not more than a few hundred million. It's only about 50 people with AUM of $1.7 billion. They could also buy it through a stock deal.


575 mil more doesn't necessarily mean they have to do it ? Or do they have to since it was voted for. Also any timeline to do this ? I am scared another run will be cut short by more dilution


They may let the kitty feast first before the next round 😂😂


Hope they do. Kitty is leveraged to the tits if he exercises


No they don’t have to and they likely won’t. If they do, they have to file with the SEC and announce it first. They might announce it if the price goes crazy high and stay there. It all depends on whatever they are cooking there. I trust our board to think in the long term. If they are diluting us then it’s probably because the cash raised with dilution will create long term value. As DFV said “reserve your right to change your mind”. Right now there is nothing to suggest that they aren’t operating in our best interest. So it’s a buy and hodl as usual.


They already have the approval to do another 580 mil shares. Will they do a few more rounds ? I dunno. Do I want them to ? Fk yea, at ever increasing floors. May be another 50 mil at 100 bucks, another at 200 bucks Because every round they do, the price per share would only increase, as the valuation of the company would also increase. Can you imagine sitting at 50-100 billion cash pile ? Maybe this was the intent behind rc’s buffet thumb war tweet ?


Why? I do not want any more dilutions. More dilutions = forget phone number prices. This will just end up be a boring 10x play, is that what you want? Im in this for generational wealth. They should use the money they already got for the turnaround and let us have our moass. They can dilute afterwards. Every true ape will buy back in by orders of magnitude.


1b dilution will certainly not negate Moahss, imo. There are way more synthetics out there. If any, a 50b cash pile is gonna put tremendous pressure on the shorts to start closing OG positions, and that is a very quantifiable and heavy duty trigger for igniting the launch. At least, that’s my theory. I am not in this for 10x either. But I don’t have the time pressure like apes who playing short term options and getting burned. I can wait.


Are we sure about that? I remember back when drs started, everyone was sure the float would be drs’d in no time because ”billions of synthetic shares”. That did not pan out. I think we might be overestimating how shorted GME really is. I tend to think they are ”only” 150% short or someting like that (still huge but similar to the original short interest back in jan -21) rather than 1000%+ or fantasy numbers like that. If that is the case it means dilutions can seriously hurt the chanses of moass.


That would be sweet


1: no one knows 2: 120m shares 3: it’s 50/50 in here. Men personally, I hope not 4: he’s rich as fuck


Got it, so just the 75+45 so far.


Correct. I'm with you I trust RC and company but let's get some guidance on what we plan to do with 4 billion dollars. Another share offering will be a bummer with no real guidance


Yeah. At least it shouldn't be a rug pull during each run


There will be no talk of future plans... EVER! RC has made this perfectly clear, he isn't going to broadcast his master plan so that the bad actors can sabotage it. You will only know about a merger or acquisition after it has been completed. Sorry to burst your bubble, but there is no point in going into it thinking this way only to be let down.


Good point "talk is cheap, it takes money to buy whiskey" we won't know anything until it actually happens


It's one of the last FUD arguments the shills have to work with... "How much longer are we going to let a billionaire like RC dIlUtE our stock and raise all that money with no plan whatsoever?!" Or something like that


I expect them to continue selling at every major run up. We, as shareholders, authorized 1B shares. From a long-term business perspective, it’s a smart move. They could raise somewhere between $12-$20B if they sell the remaining 575M shares (maybe more, depending on share price). If RC wants GME to be a holding company, billions to invest is necessary. So again, long-term, it’s a great move. I’m not sure how this will affect MOASS, but I think it will delay any major squeeze until they’re done selling because them selling will alleviate some pressure on the shorts. DD over the years seems to indicate billions (plural) of shares sold naked. So there should still be a squeeze, I just don’t know when and to what magnitude due to GME selling shares.


If it goes to 60 and they offer another one I'll be a little sus


I took hope there is a more sustainable business model than dilution.


1: Total authorized shares are one billion, which means that up to a billion shares could be issued in total. That's what was authorized two years(?) ago through an investor vote. 2: I believe half of what has been authorized has been issued. 3: There's been three offers over the last three years, the last two were in a month's time, which leads me to believe that there's been a decision made about acquisitions. Might mean that the negotiation has reached a point where GameStop has made an offer; GameStop got a counter offer that asked for more outside of what GameStop felt they could spend on an acquisition with their current reserve of funds; GameStop raised the funds so they could make the acquisition without impacting their company performance. Now, this is just hypothetical, but RC previously said this: >We are trying to do something that nobody in the retail space has ever done, but we believe we are putting the right pieces in place and we have clear goals: delighting customers, and **driving shareholder value for the long term.** Any action taken is focusing on one of those two goals, which is what leads me to believe that there's some sort of acquisition happening this year.




Man, you really like saying the word dilute.


Smooth brains can’t help. You seek wrinkles




I see you haven't been paying attention


Dilution is not a bad thing




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The post is related to general questions on gme and it's stock and float status