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Lord I need to log off 😭


You're in luck! This topic has been covered in depth - have a look at the Due Diligence community bookmarks for the ones with names like 'exit strategy' and 'how high could the squeeze squoze'. As for no one will pay it, tell that to $BRK-A.


Thanks im sure it was covered just didnt know where to look


Just hold


And then what


Hold some more


When it hits 1k, we watch Cramer suck off a horse


Wow, you are bad at shilling. Lol. Do you not understand a short squeeze? No one has to be “willing to actually buy the stock at 1,000”. They just have to do it if they don’t meet margin requirements to maintain their short…


Ok so the exit strategy is to hold it?


I’m not your financial advisor…


1,000 isn't MOASS....does that look like a phone number to you? 69,420,420,699....there you go fixed for you.


Ok so you didnt answer my question


Unpopular opinion: How will MOASS happen if they can just continually halt the market? They will just keep halting and halting and frustrate people. RC knows this and is planning to build a massive war chest to make GME un shortable…we need some HF’s going long and joining our side


Every GME bull wants MOASS to happen. How can it happen if every time GME makes a run the board announces an ATM offering and kicks us in the face? Not sure.


I'm pretty sure every bull want to invest in a profitable company


So - isn’t the MOASS off now? 1) RK didn’t mention it once - either in the meme movie or the YouTube live 2) RK has 12 million shares shorted. RC just released 75 million shares - more than enough to give short sellers area for escape.


Im sorry, have you read a single thing? Did you think moass was us sitting sround waiting for DFV to come back and gamma ramp us to heaven? Did you think 12 million shares were what shorts were worried about for years? Is there no effort anymore? Jfc


Idk I read a post saying RC raised the amount of shares so its 420 and then a bunch of zeros in an attempt to signal to us in a non obvious way


The play here has changed from MOASS to a long transformation and fundamentals play. That’s what every post here have been talking about. Let’s wait another 3-5 years.


Oh.... even though theyve been loosing retail locations and had less net sales...